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Eight die as Rakhine militants clash with Myanmar army

London Muslims
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At least 60 killed as rockets rain down on Rohingyas, children thrown into fire in front of mothers

At least 60 killed as rockets rain down on Rohingyas, children thrown into fire in front of mothers
About Myanmar, Rakhine State and Rohingya
ROHINGYA NEWS 2 days ago
At least 60 killed as rockets rain down on Rohingyas, children thrown into fire in front of mothers

November 13, 2016

At least sixty people, including children and women are feared dead as Tatmadaw fired on entire village tracts with rockets, with the death toll likely to rise.

In the early morning hours of Sunday, Tatmadaw surrounded the village tracts of Sau Raw Gazi Bil and Bor Gazi Bil. At around 6.30am, they started firing from rocket launchers targeting the houses of Rohingya Muslims in the area. When the occupants of the village started fleeing, they continued firing from rockets and heavy machine guns, mowing down civilians indiscriminately.

Multiple members of the same family have been confirmed dead in the ongoing assault.

In some cases, when rockets missed a house, the Tatmadaw followed up with similar shots ensuring anything they targeted was hit. Multiple eyewitness told our correspondent that men, women and children fell as they ran from the hail of rocket fire. Many others had perished inside their houses.

Neighbours of a deceased man told our correspondent that one Shah Alam (s/o Syed Ahmed) was killed inside his house along with his wife and son when it was hit with a rocket. Four members died from the family of Abdu Shukur (s/o Abu Hossain) when they had run out of their houses and tried to escape along with other villagers, say his neighbours.

Many were also killed when military gunboats fired on fleeing civilians as they were trying to escape Sau Raw Gazi Bil.

The situation remains tense as helicopters circling overhead amid a huge Tatmadaw presence with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers.

Attacks have also continued in Sa Li Frang where earlier on Saturday, the Tatmadaw admitted to using helicopter gunships. We are unable at this moment to gather details on the situation in Sa Li Frang on Sunday. However, the earlier reported death toll of 12 killed from air strikes has increased. There are also reports that rockets have been fired into the area at around 10 am.

Fleeing villagers forced to return home before being killed, at least 22 died in overnight attack

Villagers from Sau Raw Gazi Bil say although they had escaped to the surrounding paddy villages the previous night, they were forced to return after soldiers opened fire on them there, killing at least 22 people. Following the incident, many Rohingyas returned home as the Tatmadaw had warned anyone found outside will be killed.

During the night raid, many Rohingyas tried to escape by jumping into the water but Tatmadaw made sure they were hit with gunfire. The actual death toll might be higher as many of the corpses could not be pulled out of the water.

Video clips from the site showed crying Rohingya mothers standing over the bodies of little children killed by the army.

However, the overnight warning was just a ploy by the Tatmadaw to gather civilians in their village tracts before levelling the area with rockets.

Earlier on Saturday afternoon, the Tatmadaw had fired from helicopters forcing villagers to leave their homes.

Two babies thrown into fire in Ra Bai La

Tatmadaw soldiers charged into Ra Bai La where they fell upon villagers who did not manage to flee the area. Arifa Begum (d/o Oli Hossain) told our sources her baby was thrown into the fire, as her house was burned. Our correspondent says at least one more infant child was thrown into the fire after being grabbed from the mother.

One source said a third child might also have been thrown into the fire.

Tatmadaw set fire on houses and looted valuables during the raid. The entire village tract is on the run. The southern areas of the village have been entirely destroyed in the fire.

Zun Bai Na razed to the ground

A huge part of Zun Bai Na has been destroyed after Tatmadaw hit Rohingya houses with rockets. The village tract has only a few hundred Rohingyas left, but Tatmadaw fired with rockets indiscriminately destroying around 25 houses in the area. Multiple casualties are feared.

Wabeik hit with rockets

Multiple casualties are feared in Wabeik after Tatmadaw fired on the restive neighbourhood in Kawa Bil on Sunday morning. Previous raids in the area have killed many civilians with Hlun Htein forcing thousands to evacuate the area.

Imminent crackdown in Bali Bazar

Soldiers intensified their presence in Bali Bazar from Sunday afternoon and began firing into the air. At around 2.30 pm, helicopters appeared in the air. Terror has pervaded the area as locals fear the army is preparing to attack the village.

Women sexually assaulted in Hainda para

Tatmadaw sexually assaulted Rohingya women after entering the restive village tract on Sunday by touching their private parts and passing lewd comments. The area has remained restive since army killed many people during the first week of the ongoing crackdown.

There are also reports of an army attack in Hayong Hali and Kuwa Bil.

Hits: 6568
Myanmar's Buddhist Appeals to Fellow People: End Genocide of Muslim Rohingyas
By Dr. Maung Zarni

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Government continues with the military's decades' old genocidal policies against the Rohingya. The predominantly Buddhist society need to intervene and end it lest they want to go down in history as a Buddhist Nazi Country.

Former U.N. chief ‘deeply concerned’ as Myanmar violence toll jumps
By Antoni Slodkowski, Reuters

"I wish to express my deep concern over the recent violence in northern Rakhine State, which is plunging the state into renewed instability and creating new displacement," said former UN Secretary General Annan in a statement.

...See more


Former U.N. chief ‘deeply concerned’ as Myanmar violence toll jumps
By Antoni Slodkowski, Reuters Up to 69 members of what Myanmar’s government has described as a Rohingya Muslim militant group and 17 members of the…

US urges Myanmar to prevent violence in Rakhine
70 Rohingya Muslims killed in past week in worst violence since 2012

Editör / Internet09:36 Kasım 16, 2016Anadolu Agency

Along with the Rohingya Muslims killed in the northern state during the past week, 10 policemen and seven soldiers were also killed in clashes, according to the army.

The bloodshed is considered the most serious since hundreds were killed in communal clashes in Rakhine in 2012.

For years, members of the minority have been using Thailand as a transit point to enter Muslim Malaysia and beyond.

A law passed in Myanmar in 1982 denied Rohingya -- many of whom have lived in Myanmar for generations -- citizenship, making them stateless, removing their freedom of movement, access to education and services, and allowing for arbitrary confiscation of property.


Myanmar: 'Credible' probe demanded into Rakhine deaths
Top diplomats and a United Nations official returning from Rakhine State have called for a credible probe into last month's fatal attacks in the area, along with allegations that Myanmar soldiers killed and raped Rohingya.Since armed individuals killed nine police officers Oct. 9, reporting on the deaths and a subsequent hunt for the attackers has been called into question, with accusations levelled that both pro-and anti-Rohingya groups are using the attacks for political gain. On Friday, Renata Lok-Dessallien, the U.N. Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Myanmar, told a press briefing in commercial capital Yangon that a probe independent of political pressure was needed.“We are not there to investigate," she said of a UN-led 10-member delegation, which has been visiting Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships -- two areas that have been under military lockdown since the attacks. "The visit is just the first step towards broader access. For a clear picture of the situation in the area, we urge the government to launch credible and independent investigations into the attacks and consequences."Lok-Dessallien added that authorities had assured that aid would resume in townships occupied predominantly by displaced Muslim Rohingya in “one or two days".Since the Oct. 9 attacks -- in which armed individuals also stole weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition from on targeted police station outposts -- a military operation in pursuit of culprits has seen at least 29 suspected attackers (including two women) killed along with five soldiers. On Monday, UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar Yanghee Lee said in a statement that even though a probe has been called for into the violence, the attacks continue.“State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has rightly called for proper investigations to be conducted and for no one to be accused until solid evidence is obtained," Lee said."Instead, we receive repeated allegations of arbitrary arrests as well as extrajudicial killings occurring within the context of the security operations conducted by the authorities in search of the alleged attackers."On Thursday evening -- around an hour after the diplomats (from the United States, United Kingdom, European Union and China) left the area -- a new attack was reported to have taken place on a police station outpost.“The death of 15 government troops is a big problem, and we are concerned about the attack yesterday," the EU ambassador to Myanmar, Roland Kobi, said FridayState-run newspapers reported that attackers on three motorcycles shot the two guards with small weapons fire.“One police officer died of his wounds and the other one was slightly injured," the report said. The UN Special Rapporteur has underlined that a major problem in ascertaining the true picture has been the lack of access for a proper assessment."The blanket security operations have restricted access for humanitarian actors with concerning consequences for communities' ability to secure food and conduct livelihood activities."On Tuesday, the Burma Human Rights Network reported that reports were emerging of soldiers raping Rohingya women."At least ten cases of rape against Rohingya women have been documented by civilians in Maungdaw since the army entered the city," Executive Director Kyaw Win said in a statement."These reports, while difficult to independently verify, contain strong evidence and beg for further investigation."On Thursday, a reporter at Myanmar Times was sacked for an article on the alleged rapes, citing Chris Lewa, director of the Arakan Project -- an NGO that monitors the plight of the Rohingya. The deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch suggested government involvement, calling the dismissal "a new low" in an email to Anadolu Agency on Friday."What are they trying to hide?" Phil Robertson asked."Rather than trying to shut down reports that it doesn't like, the government should respect press freedom and permit journalists to do their jobs by investigating what is really happening on the ground."
All this discussion is fluff at the end of the day. The will of Myanmar will prevail over all others.
This will only fuel the radicalization and militancy in Myanmar... If they still haven't understood the game, then seriously tough times ahead for the country...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We need to do this. We need to learn that. Or else this will happen then that will happen etc. etc. But it won't will it? We always prevail because in our country we write the rules - no one else. Especially not some backward slave monkeys two generations out from eating rats.
Well, there was certainly a reason why this country had been in chronic war for the lat 70 years.

Well, decades of isolation, as well as the totalitarian military rule, is taking its toll... Add to that the idiotic propaganda by those crazy monks... It will take a long time for the Burmese people to get rid of the rigid tribal mindset...

I actually had high expectations from Suu Kyi but she doesn't look to be that prudent as a leader... You don't need to go with populist views on such matters, no matter how big champion of democracy you are, for the sake of national interest...
Yes of course. When have muslims followed expansionist policies that they will start now?

So when is Assam and North East joining BD?
You are a little mistaken. BD will not go for Assam and NE. It seems to have taken a policy of taking time when the apple of Assam and NE ripe and falls on its lap. we can wait until then.
some bangladeshi claim that even arakan kings who built thousand of temple and Buddha statue all over Arakan are muslims
No, no one things like that. But, the Arakanese Buddhist Kings traditionally used to take Muslim names parallel to their Buddhist names since after an ousted King there was reinstated by the Gaur Muslim King in 1430. This was the first Muslim people in that region when Arakan was independent of Burma.

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