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Eight die as Rakhine militants clash with Myanmar army

Dhanyavadi itself can divided into 3 parts..
The First Dhanyawadi BC 3525 ~ BC 1489
The Second Dhanyawadi BC 2483 ~ BC 580
The Third Dhanyawadi BC 580 ~ AD 326
Gautama Buddha, Himself visited the Third Dhanyawadi and began the belief in Buddhism among the people of arakan...

I dont know about the current status but in 580 BC, Indic race used to live in that city and he visited them not the Rakhine people who used to live in trees.

I KNOW you won't. That's the point I am making. You are only serving an expansionist ideology. Taking in rohingyas does not fit into your role in your gang.

It is Burmese who are serving expasionist policy and trying to get rid of different race from the place it currently hold.
I dont know about the current status but in 580 BC, Indic race used to live in that city and he visited them not the Rakhine people who used to live in trees.

It is Burmese who are serving expasionist policy and trying to get rid of different race from the place it currently hold.

Yes of course. When have muslims followed expansionist policies that they will start now?

So when is Assam and North East joining BD?
Yes of course. When have muslims followed expansionist policies that they will start now?

So when is Assam and North East joining BD?

After they accept Islam and file the application to our parliament. Then we will decide.
then u can take them ur home.. We will sent free shipping....!!

Then Myanmar have to free Arakan for the rohiga muslims , We will give them free support. We dnt take free treatment from foe's.
Isn't that Bagan?
nope.. it's Myrouk - U ancient city , home of thousand ancient temples and second largest ancient monuments in Myanmar..

Then Myanmar have to free Arakan for the rohiga muslims , We will give them free support. We dnt take free treatment from foe's.
lol we dont want terrorists in our land.. arakan is not related with these terrorist nor BD... no chance..!! Land begger..!!
nope.. it's Myrouk - U ancient city , home of thousand ancient temples and second largest ancient monuments in Myanmar..

lol we dont want terrorists in our land.. arakan is not related with these terrorist nor BD... no chance..!! Land begger..!!

So when u ppl killed them , who was terrorist ? If u kill innocents 1st they will be killed but in the 3rd time they will take arms for saving themselves. And according to this definition, they are just saving themselves. What is totally right for them. And by force u ppl can't keep Arakan for a long time. Whatever that is military regime or not. U ppl making another Palestine inside of mayanmar . That will be good for mayanmar destruction.
nope.. it's Myrouk - U ancient city , home of thousand ancient temples and second largest ancient monuments in Myanmar..

lol we dont want terrorists in our land.. arakan is not related with these terrorist nor BD... no chance..!! Land begger..!!

Do you know the only Bangladeshi think tank here claims on this very forum that Myrouk-U was a Muslim empire named after Morocco (don't think even Moroccans then used that name).

I will forgive you for thinking I am joking. But muslims are known to re write history in ridiculous ways to justify their expansionism.
I dont know about the current status but in 580 BC, Indic race used to live in that city and he visited them not the Rakhine people who used to live in trees.

lol are u kidding me...?
yes.. Buddha visited to the ancestor of Rakhine people.. it does mean our Lord Buddha visited to Rakhine... :D

the short note about Rakhine People..
The Arakanese are predominantly Theravada buddhist and are one of the four main Buddhist ethnic groups of Burma They claim to be one of the first groups to become followers of Guatama Buddha in SEA. The Arakanese culture is similar to the dominant Burmese culture but with more Indian influence, likely due to its geographical isolation from the Burmese mainland divided by the Arakan Mountain and its closer proximity to SA. Traces of Indian influence remain in many aspects of Arakanese culture, including its literature, music, and cuisine.
and do u know where is ancient Dhanyawadi..?
Ancient Dhanyawadi lies west of the mountain ridge between the kaledan and le-mro rivers.. and just near today Sittwe... :D

Do you know the only Bangladeshi think tank here claims on this very forum that Myrouk-U was a Muslim empire named after Morocco (don't think even Moroccans then did not use
Yes.. they are outstanding in it. bro. some bangladeshi claim that even arakan kings who built thousand of temple and Buddha statue all over Arakan are muslims... :D
muslims are known to re write history in ridiculous ways to justify their expansionism.
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lol are u kidding me...?
yes.. Buddha visited to the ancestor of Rakhine people.. it does mean our Lord Buddha visited to Rakhine... :D

the short note about Rakhine People..
The Arakanese are predominantly Theravada buddhist and are one of the four main Buddhist ethnic groups of Burma They claim to be one of the first groups to become followers of Guatama Buddha in SEA. The Arakanese culture is similar to the dominant Burmese culture but with more Indian influence, likely due to its geographical isolation from the Burmese mainland divided by the Arakan Mountain and its closer proximity to SA. Traces of Indian influence remain in many aspects of Arakanese culture, including its literature, music, and cuisine.
and do u know where is ancient Dhanyawadi..?
Ancient Dhanyawadi lies west of the mountain ridge between the kaledan and le-mro rivers.. and just near today Sittwe... :D

Yes.. they are outstanding in it.. some bangladeshi claim that even arakan kings who built thousand of temple and Buddha statue all over Arakan are muslims... :D

The site is approximately 180 miles north by north east of Sittwe, and lies between the Kaladan River and Thare Chaung (Thare Stream)

Looks like he visited the Rohingya people. And how did he reach there? By air (Myanmar airlines)?
Exclusive: 'Strong evidence' of genocide in Myanmar
Al Jazeera investigation reveals government triggered deadly communal violence for political gain.

Al Jazeera Investigative Unit | |

More to this story
Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit has uncovered what amounts to "strong evidence" of a genocide coordinated by the Myanmar government against the Rohingya people, according to an assessment by Yale University Law School.

The Lowenstein Clinic spent eight months assessing evidence from Myanmar, including documents and testimony provided by Al Jazeera and the advocacy group Fortify Rights.
More exclusive coverage by Al Jazeera investigating "strong evidence" of genocide in Myanmar can be found here: aljazeera.com/genocideagenda

"Given the scale of the atrocities and the way that politicians talk about the Rohingya, we think it's hard to avoid a conclusion that intent [to commit genocide] is present," concluded the clinic.
Exclusive evidence obtained by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit and Fortify Rights reveals the government has been triggering communal violence for political gain by inciting anti-Muslim riots, using hate speech to stoke fear among the Myanmarese about Muslims, and offering money to hardline Buddhist groups who threw their support behind the leadership.

As the first fully contested general election in 25 years approaches on November 8, eyewitness and confidential documentary evidence obtained by Al Jazeera reveals that the ruling, military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) has attempted to marginalise Muslims and target the Rohingya.

Al Jazeera has made several requests for comment to the Myanmar President's office and government spokespeople but has not received any response.

Genocide Agenda

The investigation, presented in a new documentary, Genocide Agenda, consults legal and diplomatic experts on whether the government's campaign amounts to systematic extermination.

The University of London's Professor Penny Green, director of the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) said: "President Thein Sein [of USDP] is prepared to use hate speech for the government's own ends, and that is to marginalise, segregate, diminish the Muslim population inside Burma.

"It's part of a genocidal process."

An independent report by the ISCI concluded that riots in 2012, which saw conflicts between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims erupt, were preplanned. The violence saw scores killed, and tens of thousands of people displaced after several thousand homes were burned.

"It wasn't communal violence," said Green. "It was planned violence. Express buses were organised" to bring Rakhine Buddhists from outlying areas to take part in the aggression.

"Refreshments, meals were provided," she said. "It had to be paid by somebody. All of this suggests that it was very carefully planned."

What Genocide Agenda reveals
• Evidence that Myanmar government agents have been involved in triggering anti-Muslim riots

• An official military document that uses hate speech and claims the Myanmarese are in danger of being 'devoured' by Muslims

• A confidential document warning of "nationwide communal riots" was deliberately sent to local townships to incite anti-Muslim fears

• A report by Yale Law School that concludes there is "strong evidence" genocide is taking place in Myanmar

• A former United Nations Rapporteur on Myanmar who says President Thein Sein should now be investigated for genocide

• Evidence that monks involved in the 2007 Saffron Revolution in that challenged military rule were offered money to join anti-Muslim, pro-government groups

• A report by the International State Crime Initiative at London University, which confirms that genocide is taking place. The team gathered independent evidence that riots in 2012 that left hundreds of Rohingya dead and over a hundred thousand homeless were preplanned

Former United Nations Rapporteur on Myanmar Tomas Ojea Quintana, meanwhile, called for President Thein Sein of the USDP and the ministers of home affairs and immigration to be investigated for genocide.

Stirring hatred

Genocide Agenda presents evidence that Myanmar government agents were involved in sparking anti-Muslim riots.

An official military document, a copy of which has been obtained by Al Jazeera, shows the use of hate speech, claiming the Myanmarese are in danger of being "devoured" by Muslims.

Al Jazeera is releasing the documents with translations alongside the documentary.

The investigation also reveals how the government uses hired thugs to stir hatred.

A former member of Myanmar's feared Military Intelligence service described how she witnessed agent provocateurs from the army provoke problems with Muslims.

"The army controlled these events from behind the scenes. They were not directly involved," she said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "They paid money to people from outside."

Among other findings is a confidential document warning of 'nationwide communal riots' that was deliberately sent to local townships to incite anti-Muslim fears.

Further evidence from and sources within the Sangha, or monkhood, reveals that monks who challenged military rule in the 2007 Saffron Revolution were offered money to join anti-Muslim, pro-government groups.

While there has been evidence that Myanmar's military rulers deliberately provoked communal unrest during the years of dictatorship, until now there has been no evidence that this continued after the transition towards a partial democracy.

Matt Smith, founder of the advocacy group Fortify Rights, said that taken as a whole, the evidence indicates this trend is resurfacing.

"In the case of the Rohingya, in the case of Rakhine State, that could amount to the crime of genocide," Smith said. "Several of the most powerful people in the country should reasonably be the subject of an international investigation into this situation of Rakhine State."

Disenfranchised Muslims

In the November general election, the USDP is running against numerous ethnic and other parties, but primarily against the National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Aung Sang Suu Kyi.

The vote is seen as a crucial next stage in steps towards full democracy.

Reform in Myanmar has been under way since 2010 when military rule was replaced by a military-backed civilian government.

But since the military junta stepped aside in 2011, hardline Buddhist groups have taken advantage of liberalisation to gain influence in the country's politics.

Muslim candidates have been largely excluded from the upcoming election, in what also appears to be an attempt to assuage hardliners.

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims were disenfranchised earlier this year when the government withdrew the temporary citizenship cards that allowed them to vote.

Source: Al Jazeera
Myanmar govt. becoming a snake.

Rohingya Muslims news 16/11/16/10am- firing Rohingya home in Arakan.

This Myanmar army's there firing Rohingya Muslims in arakan 13/11/16 ,3pm

Aung San Suu Kyi‘s government continued act of Terror on unarmed Rohingya civilians
By Dr. Anita Schug, The Stateless (TSR) Article

Burma, a country of more than 135 ethnicities has been very repressive towards its people. Countless grave human atrocities take place on daily basis especially against it minority groups. Unfortunately, the Rohingya, a different ethno-religious group, being very distinct from rest of Burma, has been hit ...


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Aung San Suu Kyi‘s government continued act of Terror on unarmed Rohingya civilians
By Dr. Anita Schug, The Stateless (TSR) Article Burma, a country of more than 135 ethnicities has been very repressive towards its people. Countless grave human…

মেজর ডালিম added 6 new photos.
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বার্মায় মুসলমানদের উপর চলছে ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে নির্মম হত্যাকাণ্ড ।

বার্মায় চলছে মুসলিম গনহত্যার উৎসব । গত কয়েকদিনে ক্ষমতাসীন বৌদ্ধ সরকার আকাশে হেলিকপ্টার গানশীপ ও সমতলে সামরিক সাঁজোয়া যান ব্যবহার করে গন হারে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিমদের হত্যা করছে l বনে-জঙ্গলে, জমিতে, রাস্তায় মুসলমানদের লাশ পড়ে আছে l নাফ নদীর ওপারে ভাসছে শত শত অভাগা মুসলিম নারী, পুরুষ ও শিশুদের দেহ ।
এ শ্রেফ গণহত্যা l

রোহিঙ্গাদের একটাই অপরাধ এরা মুসলিম তাই এদের উপর চলছে ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে নির্মম নির্যাতন । রামদা দিয়ে শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশ গরুর হাড়ের মতো কুপিয়ে কুপিয়ে হত্যা করা হচ্ছে । মাথা বিহীন লাশের মিছিল চলছে বার্মায় । শিশুদের খণ্ড বিখন্ড লাশ দেখে আঁতকে উঠবে যে কেউ ।

গতকাল আতঙ্কিত রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানরা বাংলাদেশ সীমান্ত পেরিয়ে বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করতে গেলে বিজিবি প্রায় শতাধিক রোহিঙ্গাকে আটক করে l এবং শত শত রোহিঙ্গাকে সীমান্তের ওপারে তাড়িয়ে দেয় l অথচ এই বিজিবিই প্রতিদিন ভারতের সীমান্ত দিয়ে চোরাচালান কারবারিতে জড়িত।
বাংলাদেশ ভারত সীমান্তে বাংলাদেশীদেরকে দিনের পর দিন গুলি খেয়ে কাঁটাতারে ঝুলে থাকতে হয় আর এই বিজিবিই লাশ গ্রহনের টেন্ডার নিয়ে হাসিমুখে সেলফি তুলে লাশ নিয়ে ঘরে ফেরে ।

মাননীয়া প্রধানমন্ত্রী, আপনি নিজেকে একজন খাটি মুসলিম দাবী করেন, প্রতিদিন মধ্যরাতে উঠে তাহাজ্জুদ নামাজ আদায় করেন, কুরআন শরীফ পড়ে সকাল শুরু করেন, মাঝে মাঝে ওমরাহ্‌ পালন করেন, কাবা শরীফের নিরাপত্তায় সৌদিতে সেনা পাঠান, পাকিস্তানের সাথে ভারতের যুদ্ধে সেনা পাঠান অথচ পার্শ্ববর্তী দেশ মিয়ানমারের নিরীহ ও নির্যাতিত মুসলমানদেরকে জীবন বাঁচাতে সীমান্ত দিয়ে প্রবেশ করতে দিলেন না ।

আপনি একজন ক্ষমতাধর প্রধানমন্ত্রী, আপনার ক্ষমতার ধার আমরা জানি, দয়া করে আরেকটা ক্ষমতা দেখান, বার্মার এই নির্যাতিত রোহিঙ্গাদের পাশে দাঁড়ান । বার্মার সরকারের সাথে আলোচনা করুন, বার্মার সাম্প্রদায়িক সরকারকে হুঁশিয়ারি দিন l বিশ্বদরবারে বার্মা কতৃক এই ঘৃণ্য গণহত্যার বিচার দাবী করুন l মুসলিম বিশ্বকে সজাগ করুন l বার্মার সাথে বাংলাদেশের সীমান্ত খুলে দিন কিছু সময়ের জন্যে যাতে করে নির্যাতিত রোহিঙ্গারা তাদের জীবন টা বাঁচাতে পারে ।

মুসলিম বিশ্বের একজন ক্ষমতাধর নেত্রী ও নিজে মুসলিম হিসেবে আপনি এই কাজটি করতেই পারেন । একজন সাধারন মুসলিম হিসেবে একজন ক্ষমতাধর মুসলিম নেত্রীর কাছে আমার আকুল আবেদন অন্তত এবারের মতো নির্যাতিত রোহিঙ্গাদের পাশে দাঁড়ান ।



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