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Eight die as Rakhine militants clash with Myanmar army

I will say , It is prob for india and indian govt. have to make policy to do work validly. It is not about voluntary types of work. India govt. also corrupt as usual ours or this territory .
It says, one picture is equal to one thousands words.Then one video must be worth to million words.Look at these video to see which people are short,black,ugly and filthy.These are the average streets in your most modern city Yangon.

Looks a hundred times better than the average street in BD....the gutter swamp of the world.


India 'the world's largest open air toilet'
India is the world's largest open air lavatory with three fifths of the world's people forced to do their ablutions outside, the country's rural development minister said.....

Jairam Ramesh said spending on basic sanitation should match India's vast defence spending and that the country's best scientific minds should be deployed to make sure every Indian had access to an inside lavatory.

"Nearly 60 per cent of the people in the world who defecate in the open belong to India. Even countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan have better records. We should be ashamed of this."

Check my link again.

Reference to Ghazi Allah's warrior has been given.

How can Hindu Sikh or Christian be ghazi?

Stop sucking up to secularism or quit stupid taqiyyah.

It's not your forte.

And i gave refrence to the role of our armed forces in Constitution so just suck it up.

A person doesnt have to be serial blow job secular like you or a nut job extremist to prove his position. Talking about fotr is rich coming from you lot who kill hungry people just bcz they eat meat. Indeed you are a shinning beacon of secularrism. May be that is why an extremist hindu managed to become you very secular PM.
Only on sunday 1 officer and a soldier got killed. Anyways, i am not counting the Jihadist. Its the mainstream Rohingyas who already cleansed Maungdaw and Budhidange from savage Rakhinese. They are doing great job there. BD should help them out in trade and commerce and make this two places prosperous. Rakhine and Burmese could only burn by getting deprived of the wealth coming in the Maungdaw. BD should make another Kalinigrad in Arakan.

Kamans are Muslim and they will side with Rohingyas anyday of the year. They also share the blood with Bengalis They are the one along with rohingyas who killed your great monkey general right :)... LOL
well.. every one who follow the terrorist way will be destoryed like any other country.. no doubt..!! even if all these bangali want to follow , we will let them made their future in their own way.. :D we dont need to find a third country to send... :D

Kamans are Muslim and they will side with Rohingyas anyday of the year. They also share the blood with Bengalis They are the one along with rohingyas who killed your great monkey general right :)... LOL
keep dreaming..!! dude.. kaman will be stand with this bangali just because of same religion...? lol tell me why BD fav India over Pakistan..? India is also Islamic country..? what a funny..!! :laugh:

Just read again.. what Kaman Party Leader said...

Kaman (Muslim) National Development Party (KNDP) has made their stand clear regarding the term (Rohingya) through a statement issued to the media on March 18 last.

U Thein Pe, a central committee member of the party disclosed that his party opposes the name of Rohingya to be used in the census as it (Rohingya) is not included in the list of ethnic nationalities of Burma.

The southeast Asian country recognizes 135 ethnic nationalities as its indigenous residents. Kaman Muslim is also a recognized ethnic nationality of Burma.
“It would be unfair and injustice if the name of Rohingya is used in the census. Because Rohingya is not recognized as a community or nationality in our country,” asserted U Thein Pe.

BD people always want a good relationship with Burma. But, the Burmese forum members always ill mouth us and call us blacks when they themselves are a race who look very near to monkey. BD forum members are just responding to their bad mouthing at an opportune time.
every action have reaction... :D dont expect good while u're doing bad... :D

Muslims in Myanmar is heartbreaking life !!!. This is the tip of the iceberg, because for years the Rohingya people, persecuted is Muslim, abused and killed.De Rohingya Muslims live in the Rakhine area.
then u can take them ur home.. We will sent free shipping....!!

Rakhine was an independent Islamic state which is attacked by Burmese Buddhists in 1742 and annexed.
LOL Yes.. Rakhine was an independent islamic state and people built thousand of Mosques all over arakan state :laughcry:
see many mosques...



Most of these temple were built over 600 to 1000 year ago... such a brain-washed BDshi..!!:laugh::laugh:
well.. every one who follow the terrorist way will be destoryed like any other country.. no doubt..!! even if all these bangali want to follow , we will let them made their future in their own way.. :D we dont need to find a third country to send... :D

No chance. Maungdaw and Budhidang are already cleansed of monkeys.

keep dreaming..!! dude.. kaman will be stand with this bangali just because of same religion...? lol tell me why BD fav India over Pakistan..? India is also Islamic country..? what a funny..!! :laugh:

Just read again.. what Kaman Party Leader said...

Kaman (Muslim) National Development Party (KNDP) has made their stand clear regarding the term (Rohingya) through a statement issued to the media on March 18 last.

U Thein Pe, a central committee member of the party disclosed that his party opposes the name of Rohingya to be used in the census as it (Rohingya) is not included in the list of ethnic nationalities of Burma.

The southeast Asian country recognizes 135 ethnic nationalities as its indigenous residents. Kaman Muslim is also a recognized ethnic nationality of Burma.
“It would be unfair and injustice if the name of Rohingya is used in the census. Because Rohingya is not recognized as a community or nationality in our country,” asserted U Thein Pe.
Dont be a retard and come back with circular logic.
every action have reaction... :D dont expect good while u're doing bad... :D

then u can take them ur home.. We will sent free shipping....!!
Your savage policy towards a group of people earned you the name of animals with no civilization. Rohingyas are there to stay and they will stay. They are muslim. If those people were hindus or buddhist they would had relinquished those land and ran away. Arakan will be eventually converted to Islam. Buremese will be kicked out from illegal occupation in this strip of land.

LOL Yes.. Rakhine was an independent islamic state and people built thousand of Mosques all over arakan state :laughcry:
see many mosques...

View attachment 352365

View attachment 352368
Most of these temple were built over 600 to 1000 year ago... such a brain-washed BDshi..!!:laugh::laugh:

Thousands of years ago it is the bengali who brought Buddhism to Arakan. You think some tree dwelling monkey rakhine has the know how to build those temples? Then you are wet dreaming.

Islam is a fairly new religion for Bengal as well. And the mosques in Arakan are as old as what Bengal got.




No chance. Maungdaw and Budhidang are already cleansed of monkeys.
OOps..!! nope..!! there are several monkeys aka illegal bangladeshi.... :D

Rohingyas are there to stay and they will stay. They are muslim.
who care..!! they are muslim or not... if they involved in attacks , sure..!! they will get destoryed.. whoever muslim ,+ hindu or buddhists.... :D

Arakan will be eventually converted to Islam.
:D ha ha keep dreaming..!! :D

Buremese will be kicked out from illegal occupation in this strip of land.
now who is kicking these terrorist banglali ***...? :D sry.. u dreams will be never happened.. :D

Thousands of years ago it is the bengali who brought Buddhism to Arakan. You think some tree dwelling monkey rakhine has the know how to build those temples? Then you are wet dreaming.
LOL shameless..!!
even at Age of The Third Dhanyawadi ( BC 580 ~ AD 326 ) , Gautama Buddha, Himself, visited Dhanyawadi and the Great Image of Mahamuni was cast, and Buddhism began professing in Rakhine. there is no bangali in these process... :no::no:

You think some tree dwelling monkey rakhine has the know how to build those temples?
yes.. surely they know...!! and u can come and see how they built... :D why do Rakhine need to learn from monkey..? :D
It is the most Indianized of the four Arakanese Kingdoms to emerge. Although local legend and folklore claim that the Kingdom of Dhanyawadi existed before the time of the Buddha ( before 6th Century BC), most archaeological evidence points to a period between the 4th and the 6th Century AD.

yes.. surely they know...!! and u can come and see how they built... :D why do Rakhine need to learn from monkey..? :D

Ya Dhanyawadi.

It is the most Indianized of the four Arakanese Kingdoms to emerge. Although local legend and folklore claim that the Kingdom of Dhanyawadi existed before the time of the Buddha ( before 6th Century BC), most archaeological evidence points to a period between the 4th and the 6th Century AD.


This is what wiki says about the city, and probably the last Indic city currently bordering BD he visited.
t is the most Indianized of the four Arakanese Kingdoms to emerge. Although local legend and folklore claim that the Kingdom of Dhanyawadi existed before the time of the Buddha ( before 6th Century BC), most archaeological evidence points to a period between the 4th and the 6th Century AD.
Dhanyavadi itself can divided into 3 parts..
The First Dhanyawadi BC 3525 ~ BC 1489
The Second Dhanyawadi BC 2483 ~ BC 580
The Third Dhanyawadi BC 580 ~ AD 326
Gautama Buddha, Himself visited the Third Dhanyawadi and began the belief in Buddhism among the people of arakan...
Pakistan should take in stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh and Bangladesh should take in the stranded Bangladeshis in Burma.

But that will not happen. For a certain religion, it is not about their people. Their people are just pawns to be used for claiming victim hood and then using that to invade using them as pawns again. It is about land and expansionism.

I say this not lightly or out of ill will for rohingyas. I have seen most BD posters here claiming victim hood against india all the time, yet at the same time expressing wishes to take over indian land like Assam and North East. Or how muslims have never taken in non muslim refugees in serious numbers but Islamists claim influx of Muslims in benevolent Europe as a strategic victory. It's about land and expansion. And feeling sorry for rohingyas would be just the kind of weakness Islamists exploit against non muslims. Fact is if muslims cared for Muslims, there would not be stranded Pakistanis in BD and rohingyas would find a home in over 50 countries.
..Bangladesh should take in the stranded Bangladeshis in Burma..

STRANDED? Are you fukcin brain dead?!

We never held Arakanese lands to being with. How can they be stranded?!

We won't hand out free citizenship to every other Arakanese just because they are persecuted.
STRANDED? Are you fukcin brain dead?!

We never held Arakanese lands to being with. How can they be stranded?!

We won't hand out free citizenship to every other Arakanese just because they are persecuted.

I KNOW you won't. That's the point I am making. You are only serving an expansionist ideology. Taking in rohingyas does not fit into your role in your gang.

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