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Eid al-Adha: a time for Iraq to remember its war dead


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Wassim Bassem
Contributor, Iraq Pulse

Wassim Bassem is an Iraqi journalist who tracks social phenomena through investigations and reports published in various media outlets, including Al-Esbuyia, Bab Nour and Elaph.


The Wadi al-Salaam cemetery in Najaf, south of Baghdad, is seen in this general view taken April 1, 2013. (photo by REUTERS/Haider Ala)​

NAJAF, Iraq — Umm Issam, 51, believes that her husband, who was killed during the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and was buried in the Wadi al-Salaam cemetery in Najaf, 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Baghdad, “expects” her every Eid. He would be sad if she were late to visit.

About two years ago, Umm Issam could not make it on time to weep and pray at his grave, and she saw his reproachful ghost in her dreams. Ever since, she has been visiting the cemetery regularly, especially on religious holidays.

Umm Issam’s case resembles that of thousands of widows who lost their husbands during the different wars in Iraq since the 1980s.

In the Wadi al-Salaam cemetery, dozens of cemetery counselors, undertakers and merchants selling flowers, perfume, water and juice prepare to welcome the families, friends and relatives of war victims during Eid al-Adha.

Undertaker Hassan Majid told Al-Monitor that in Najaf, “most visitors know where their relatives are buried. Others find that harder and need a guide.”

Majid trained five assistants to familiarize themselves with the cemetery and help with the needs of visitors. “The Wadi al-Salaam cemetery represents a source of living for dozens of families from Najaf,” he said.

Ali al-Yassiri, a young vendor who sells incense sticks, written prayers, flowers and candles, works late and wanders around the gravestones. “Holidays are a good source of income,” he told Al-Monitor.

“The victims of violence, armed operations and battles have not decreased since the 1980s. The division of the cemetery is the clearest proof, as there are masses of victims who died during the former regime’s wars, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the post-2003 acts of violence and strife,” he said.

A writer and researcher on Iraqi social affairs, Hussein al-Husseini told Al-Monitor in Babylon, “Under the cemetery’s soil, an entire Iraqi generation is buried due to the wars in this desert. Most of the deceased are innocent victims of pointless wars.”

Inside the cemetery, Abu Ali stands next to the grave of his son who was killed in 2006 in a blast in Baghdad. He told Al-Monitor that he “had to visit the grave before the Eid because he had to travel to Jordan for the [medical] treatment of his sick wife.”

In front of the grave stood the Quran reciter, reciting verses over the souls of the dead in return for symbolic rewards. He told Al-Monitor, “Visiting graves is a virtue encouraged by Sharia because it reminds people of Judgment Day and [thus] enriches their life on earth.”

Abu Ali burned incense sticks and fixed them in the sand. The sight of numerous adjacent graves is enough to give an idea of the size of the victim population, most of whom are youths who died throughout more than three decades of war.

Both Sunnis and Shiites consider visiting graves during holidays an inherited religious and social ritual that many individuals should follow, and which many feel guilty if they fail to practice.

While some prefer to visit cemeteries unaccompanied, others go in groups. In both cases, they have the same purpose, which is to visit their loved ones under the soil of Najaf, which is considered holy for Shiite Muslims.

Iraqi families insist on burying their relatives in a certain area so that it becomes reserved for them. Ihsan al-Hali told Al-Monitor in Babylon, “[My] fourth great-grandfather is buried in the family cemetery, which accommodates around 40 graves of dead people, including those who died during the Iraqi-Iranian war and their uncles, aunts, mothers and grandfathers.”

Hali rented a van that can fit around 20 passengers and prepared the meals, desserts, fruits and alms to distribute them to the needy. Families set out on the first morning of the Eid to the Wadi al-Salaam cemetery.

Researcher Makki al-Sultani, who is from Najaf and who passes by Wadi al-Salaam cemetery daily, told Al-Monitor, “The cemetery resembles a historical graveyard containing the lives of Iraqis, their path and its end, and celebrates the burial of hordes of Iraqis daily.”

Sultani said, “The cemetery, which dates back over 4,000 years, covers a wide surface area estimated at more than 15 square kilometers [6 square miles], and it is expanding gradually.”

He added, “Many horrible stories were buried in this cemetery, along with their victims. The former regime’s security guards used to accompany some of the victims in the funeral procession to avoid chaos and revolutionary acts.” That was his story, too, since many of his rebellious relatives were executed.

Sultani described the cemetery as “the memory of the ongoing Iraqi wars.”

Writer and scenarist Sabah Atwan, who has depicted social observations through dozens of plays, told Al-Monitor over the phone from Baghdad, “On Eid al-Adha, Iraqis commemorate the people whose blood was shed during the flaring periods of conflict. These wars left psychological damage that cannot be repaired with candles lit over the graves of the deceased.”

Read more: Eid al-Adha: a time for Iraq to remember its war dead - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

I think that Iraq has been the most unlucky country in the world (almost) for many decades now which is a shame for such an historic Arab and Semitic country that most sane Arabs want the best for unless they are unfortunately a victim of politics or sectarianism. Stability in Iraq is central for the Middle Eastern Arab world and even the ME as a whole. It is a shame because Iraq was once very well off in the 1960's and 1970's but also during the monarchy Iraq was better of than many ME states but of course there was poverty like many other places. I think that Iraq must leave the Kurds to themselves but they must not lose any Iraqi land such as Kirkuk etc. and then they should work for a better future once ISIS and other extremist militias ("Sunni" and "Shia) are removed.

I would like to visit the Wadi al-Salaam cemetery and also Karbala and Najaf.

The idiotic, incompetent and corrupt Iraqi politicians should listen to this old man.

Yes, we 1.7 Muslims and the 500 million Arabs (I talk for my people now) should leave our silly differences apart and work towards a common good. What we have witnessed in the region in the past 3 decades or so is enough. I know that the GCC has been spared from all that conflict by large and this is something that we should be grateful for but there is nothing that tells that this will continue for an eternity. Sooner rather than later the conflict will enter our doorsteps if it has not already!

We as Arabs have so much potential. Land the size of Russia, a population close to 500 million, the most natural resources on the planet of all kinds, a huge young population, a extremely strategic and central location, our Arab world is home to the oldest and some of the oldest civilizations on the planet, we have a glorious Islamic past. Basically we have been blessed with a lot but we have been very good at screwing up for the past many, many years. Creating silly divides, brother killing brother, idiotic leaderships, selfishness, corruption, mismanagement, wasted education systems (although it is FINALLY catching up now) etc.

We cannot live like this. Our people deserve much better and if we really try to strive for the right goals I am sure that we will once again be at a very powerful position.

I am sad to say this but nothing stops us apart from ourselves. We must take matters in our own hands. No more relying on others etc. We could be a superpower easily if we wanted to and changed for the better on those issues.

You live in Najaf it says on your profile. What do you say? You must have visited the Wadi al-Salaam cemetery. Tell us about it. We are here to discuss. I know that Shias from all over the Arab world want to be buried there.

@Malik Alashter

From your username you are a Maliki. Then you must be from the South. Have you visited? If yes, then tells us about it.


Have you visited? If yes, tell us about it here.
For a historian/genealogist this must be a wonderful place. Whole family histories and history is buried below the earth. It probably gets bigger and bigger each year as well!

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Wars results are nothing except bigger cemeteries and more orphans ... I hope finally one day Iraqies can live in peace.
Hud and Saleh (As) prophets and many Shie scholars and clergies have been buried there too such as Al-Hilli and Shaykh Tusi.
No peace insight at all as long as there is sunni in Iraq there is no peace as long as there is shea in Iraq there is no peace.

Peace achieved by power and willing to fight and kill. absolutely we shea have no desire of fighting the one enemy of us the sunni people.

shea clerics have the gut to declare war on any nation as long as that nation is not Muslim!!!!

our clerics get paralyzed the blood stop from running in their vain if that enemy is Muslim they just believe so.

tell them there are some innocents going to lose their life and they will stop every thing that may lead to the killing of an innocent person.

one day our big cleric said if they kill two third of the shea I will never make any jihad fatwa against them.

so with this kind of mentality this cemetery will get bigger and fatter.

I don't wont no war no harm to any one but if you think about what those people (the sunni I mean) did what kind of crimes they commited against the shea your mind wont believe it because it's a mere sabotage driven by hate and supported by regimes looking to trigger a civil war in that country.

with these kind of mentality you can't save lifes by hope since they are savages something like cave man afraid of fire.
No peace insight at all as long as there is sunni in Iraq there is no peace as long as there is shea in Iraq there is no peace.

Peace achieved by power and willing to fight and kill. absolutely we shea have no desire of fighting the one enemy of us the sunni people.

shea clerics have the gut to declare war on any nation as long as that nation is not Muslim!!!!

our clerics get paralyzed the blood stop from running in their vain if that enemy is Muslim they just believe so.

tell them there are some innocents going to lose their life and they will stop every thing that may lead to the killing of an innocent person.

one day our big cleric said if they kill two third of the shea I will never make any jihad fatwa against them.

so with this kind of mentality this cemetery will get bigger and fatter.

I don't wont no war no harm to any one but if you think about what those people (the sunni I mean) did what kind of crimes they commited against the shea your mind wont believe it because it's a mere sabotage driven by hate and supported by regimes looking to trigger a civil war in that country.

with these kind of mentality you can't save lifes by hope since they are savages something like cave man afraid of fire.

Look I write this to you as an fellow Muslim, Arab and Semite who is even partially Iraqi on my father's side and who still has relatives living in Iraq.

Your thought process has been damaged by the tragic events in Iraq since many decades ago and the senseless conflict between so-called Sunni and Shia Muslims. I understand your anger. But let me give you some information that you cannot dispute. There are 1.5 billion Sunnis out there and most of us have nothing against Shias and consider them Muslims otherwise Shias would not have existed anymore. Moreover you need to distinguish between what a tiny minority of private individuals endorse and what the regimes do.

Remember that ISIS are a tiny minority of wild animals that have nothing to do with Islam and they kill more Sunnis than Shias. They have destroyed the locals homeland in both Iraq and Syria. Same with the Shia terrorist groups/militias that have killed people etc. and committed horrible and un-Islamic acts. They both represent a tiny, tiny minority of misguided people. They are textbook Khawarij which most Sunni and Shia scholars agree with. This is not what Islam teaches or any sane human being.

How The Khawarij Came Into Existence | Polarization Around the Character of Ali ibn Abi Talib | Books on Islam and Muslims | Al-Islam.org

From what I can gather from your post you do not believe in the notion of "Iraq" anymore nor do you care about the suffering of your fellow Iraqis that happen to be Sunni Iraqi Arabs. The only difference between you is your sect which comes from the same religion (Islam) and maybe some tribal differences but you as I know that Arab tribes in Iraq have both Sunni and Shia Members. Let me mention the Bani Tamim, Bani Malik, Shammar, Jabour, Anizah etc.

Anyway most of those differences/killings are based on politics. Religion is just used as fuel. It's about power and rule.

So what is your idea of an future Iraq, Arab world etc.? You want Southern Iraq to separate?

If you want an serious discussion we can discuss on the "Arabic Coffee Shop" thread and even in Arabic if you prefer that.

Arabic Coffee shop | Page 264

Look I write this to you as an fellow Muslim, Arab and Semite who is even partially Iraqi on my father's side and who still has relatives living in Iraq.

Your thought process has been damaged by the tragic events in Iraq since many decades ago and the senseless conflict between so-called Sunni and Shia Muslims. I understand your anger. But let me give you some information that you cannot dispute. There are 1.5 billion Sunnis out there and most of us have nothing against Shias and consider them Muslims otherwise Shias would not have existed anymore. Moreover you need to distinguish between what a tiny minority of private individuals endorse and what the regimes do.

Remember that ISIS are a tiny minority of wild animals that have nothing to do with Islam and they kill more Sunnis than Shias. They have destroyed the locals homeland in both Iraq and Syria. Same with the Shia terrorist groups/militias that have killed people etc. and committed horrible and un-Islamic acts. They both represent a tiny, tiny minority of misguided people. They are textbook Khawarij which most Sunni and Shia scholars agree with. This is not what Islam teaches or any sane human being.

How The Khawarij Came Into Existence | Polarization Around the Character of Ali ibn Abi Talib | Books on Islam and Muslims | Al-Islam.org

From what I can gather from your post you do not believe in the notion of "Iraq" anymore nor do you care about the suffering of your fellow Iraqis that happen to be Sunni Iraqi Arabs. The only difference between you is your sect which comes from the same religion (Islam) and maybe some tribal differences but you as I know that Arab tribes in Iraq have both Sunni and Shia Members. Let me mention the Bani Tamim, Bani Malik, Shammar, Jabour, Anizah etc.

Anyway most of those differences/killings are based on politics. Religion is just used as fuel. It's about power and rule.

So what is your idea of an future Iraq, Arab world etc.? You want Southern Iraq to separate?

If you want an serious discussion we can discuss on the "Arabic Coffee Shop" thread and even in Arabic if you prefer that.

Arabic Coffee shop | Page 264

It' is not tiny as you try to prove for one reason which is the amount of fighters who carry guns against the shea in Iraq it's been ten years for ten years the car bombs the suicides the attackers against shea in Baghdad in mosul in anbar in diala almost every where.
if you hear the shaikhs in mosques if you hear the sunni politicians they all say one word the shea are evil devil either we rule or no peace one of them in Qatar now where threaten by saying every day bomb man what can I right its not tiny group it's a whole nation backed up by gcc regimes waging dirty war against us.

as I said the way for peace in Iraq is a real war against daesh and baath and their supporters bash them put the rest in jail for eternity just like when all the nation captures the criminals and lock them in jail to prevent them from further crime he may commit against the society that's the only solution other wise these people fed with hate keep them free is a wrong act the government do right now.

like now do you know the tribes help daesh fighting the IA they even give desh crucial info about the army movements size etc.
It' is not tiny as you try to prove for one reason which is the amount of fighters who carry guns against the shea in Iraq it's been ten years for ten years the car bombs the suicides the attackers against shea in Baghdad in mosul in anbar in diala almost every where.
if you hear the shaikhs in mosques if you hear the sunni politicians they all say one word the shea are evil devil either we rule or no peace one of them in Qatar now where threaten by saying every day bomb man what can I right its not tiny group it's a whole nation backed up by gcc regimes waging dirty war against us.

as I said the way for peace in Iraq is a real war against daesh and baath and their supporters bash them put the rest in jail for eternity just like when all the nation captures the criminals and lock them in jail to prevent them from further crime he may commit against the society that's the only solution other wise these people fed with hate keep them free is a wrong act the government do right now.

like now do you know the tribes help daesh fighting the IA they even give desh crucial info about the army movements size etc.

Compared to the 1.5 billion Sunnis it is. The number of ISIS men is at most 50.000 according to most sources? Most of them are local Syrians and Iraqis while the remaining ones are foreigners from all over the world.

But this sectarian conflict has also targeted Sunnis not only Shia. Many of the bombs are hitting Sunnis too. Bombs do not care who they target. Those people only want to spread chaos and death. They do not care about Islam. If so they would not be killing Muslims and almost no non-Muslims.

This is not true.

Yes, jail the criminals like in all other countries but then jail all criminals. So-called Sunni and Shia. Only a few of them but what can those tribes do when it is either that or bullet by ISIS in the head? ISIS killed hundreds members of the Arab Al-Sheitaat tribe if you remember.

Islamic State 'executes 700 members of Syrian al-Sheitaat tribe in just two weeks' | Daily Mail Online

Anyway the Arab world and Muslim world need peace and I hope that sane minds will prevail.

BTW are you from the Bani Malik tribe?

I am a proponent of Arab unity if you have not seen this. I do not care about sects. A Muslim is a Muslim.
Many of the bombs are hitting Sunnis too
I talk about Iraq. there is no bombs in the sunni areas stop manipulating Sunnis don't bomb them selfs they bomb us.

about the numbers they are more than 120k at least I say so the war the civil war on the door its coming that's what the sunnis want for sure.
I talk about Iraq. there is no bombs in the sunni areas stop manipulating Sunnis don't bomb them selfs they bomb us.

about the numbers they are more than 120k at least I say so the war the civil war on the door its coming that's what the sunnis want for sure.

What manipulation?

You are not being honest when you write such nonsense.


Sunnis are being hit just as much. Bombs do not make any differences.

Search on Youtube this:

مسجد سني تقتحمه ميليشا عصائب أهل الحق الشيعية وتقتل من فيه في العراق - تفاصيل

There have been quite a few suicide bombings in the Umm al-Qura mosque in Baghdad. Biggest Sunni mosque in Baghdad.

Suicide bomber kills at least 28 in Baghdad’s largest Sunni mosque - The Washington Post

There are hundreds upon hundreds of bombings, sectarian attacks, massacres etc. that have also targeted the Sunni Muslim community. Anyway I consider both extremists as misguided fools that want to destroy the Arab world but you seem to be too one-sided and only focus on 1 party instead of trying to find solutions. For instance what you have written here to me you know yourself that this is not fully correct.

I forgot that you cannot post graphic video/photos anymore so I cannot link directly.

What do you say to all this @1000 ? Do you agree with Malik.
What manipulation?

You are not being honest when you write such nonsense.

View attachment 124152

Sunnis are being hit just as much. Bombs do not make any differences.

Search on Youtube this:

مسجد سني تقتحمه ميليشا عصائب أهل الحق الشيعية وتقتل من فيه في العراق - تفاصيل

There have been quite a few suicide bombings in the Umm al-Qura mosque in Baghdad. Biggest Sunni mosque in Baghdad.

Suicide bomber kills at least 28 in Baghdad’s largest Sunni mosque - The Washington Post

There are hundreds upon hundreds of bombings, sectarian attacks, massacres etc. that have also targeted the Sunni Muslim community. Anyway I consider both extremists as misguided fools that want to destroy the Arab world but you seem to be too one-sided and only focus on 1 party instead of trying to find solutions. For instance what you have written here to me you know yourself that this is not fully correct.

I forgot that you cannot post graphic video/photos anymore so I cannot link directly.

What do you say to all this @1000 ? Do you agree with Malik.
My freind what happening is in my country I watch news every single hour see those figures you posted those for the shea who got killed in those areas mostly soldiers been haunted ambushed while they go home.
My freind what happening is in my country I watch news every single hour see those figures you posted those for the shea who got killed in those areas mostly soldiers been haunted ambushed while they go home.

Well, what is going on in Iraq is a big shame and I hope the responsible people both inside Iraq and outside will be punished in this life or in the hereafter. Most Arabs want to see a peaceful and strong Iraq like it once was. This time I just hope that it will be ruled by good rulers. But I am sure that Iraq will survive all this but I think that Iraq should still be 1 country otherwise if Iraq falls there is great risk of other Arab countries being divided and this will not be good I believe.

New regimes must also come to the Arab world but the ordinary man and woman cannot do much.
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