Nothing can be more 'HISTORIC' than 99.992% vote for Nasser in 60s. A little less 'HISTORIC' was 99.98% for Hafez Assad in 1991. Hosni Mubarak was even less 'HISTORIC' at low 90s in %age. He even allowed his 'HISTORIC' vote to slide to a pathetic 88%. I mean what sort of self-respecting dictator allows his 'HISTORIC' %age to slide to 88%? That old horse set himself for failure. Clearly Egyptians detest dictators whose 'HISTORIC' voting %age falls below 90%. The Arab dictators live in fear of their 'HISTORIC' percentages slipping below 90%.
Its funny if you think about it. Poor old 1st & 2nd world politicians have to put up with very less and un-HISTORIC %ages. Some even have to make do with a little above 50%. How do these poor politicians live with themselves when they clearly are failures at being 'HISTORIC'? The pathetic old politicians like Mahatir Muhammad, Rouhani, Erdogan, Reagan, Hollande, and that dumpy old woman Angela Merkel all are failures at being HISTORIC. If the people of their countries were not so decent, educated & gutless, these poor sods would never survive. The people of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, USA, France, Germany, etc... need a good old Arab mind-set to get rid of pathetic politicians and get themselves a good old thoroughbred general so that these nations can become good at being 'HISTORIC'. I am not even talking about UK, Spain, & Italy, those fools have to put up with miserable, boring, and shockingly weak coalition governments. I think Egypt should export some of its generals to these poor countries so that some good and solid 'HISTORIC' figures can be created.
My Military Junta's propagandist friend, learn to differentiate between 'HISTORIC' and CREDIBLE. I would pick credible over HISTORIC any day. But then you are an Arab. You are programmed from early childhood to believe in ancient Arab superiority, glory of being an Arab, and to believe in destiny of being ruled over by military dictators. Good for you. Just do not expect the rest of the world to agree.