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Egyptians Vote on New Constitution in Referendum

@agentny17 @Mahmoud_EGY @Frogman

Guys, it will be a off-topic question but what is the perception of Turkey by Egyptians right now.

We were enjoying close relations a few years ago but Erdogan managed to destroy it. What is the situation now ?
not good but the anger is for erdogan and his party not the turkish people
Early results are showing HISTORIC turn out. The constitution will pass with a very high percentage for sure, everybody knows that especially since the people against it will not participate in the process. How many people turned out to vote is what we should be looking at.
not good but the anger is for erdogan and his party not the turkish people

What about perception of Iran? :)
Its my wishes that Iran and Egypt establish good relations again, like during Sadat and Pahlavi (even if I dont like any of those two leaders).
All Iranians admire Egypt and its rich ancient history. We also see Egypt as the most powerful Arab state, and we wish to have good relations.
Hey, if living with $hitty dictators rocks your boat, I have no problem. Arabs happily live under dictators, enjoy cribbing about being backward, and are glad to be butt of jokes cracked by those who live in more mature and advanced societies. Good to hear that you can come up with excuses to stay the way you are. I am happy for you. Just do not ever complain about Sisi, do not ever vote against him, do not ever grow a beard, and for your sake, I hope you never have to compare your mighty Arab republic with puny European ones.
What about perception of Iran? :)
Its my wishes that Iran and Egypt establish good relations again, like during Sadat and Pahlavi (even if I dont like any of those two leaders).
All Iranians admire Egypt and its rich ancient history. We also see Egypt as the most powerful Arab state, and we wish to have good relations.
Egyptians in general dont hate iranians iran history is well known one of the old civlizations like us and china but from what we hear your leaders supports the brotherhood after morsi was kicked out so this causes some problems
Egyptians in general dont hate iranians iran history is well known one of the old civlizations like us and china but from what we hear your leaders supports the brotherhood after morsi was kicked out so this causes some problems

I see. Well whatever happens, Iran must stop meddle in Egypt.
I see. Well whatever happens, Iran must stop meddle in Egypt.
Maybe Egypt (sophisticated people and culture) could be a bridge between Iran and these god damn Khaleejis, that hate our guts. lol
you know what i really wish for this rivaly between iran and gcc stops the real enemy is the superpowers who steal our money and make sure we cant produce our weapons and food to be always ahead of us most so called third world countries are the victims
you know what i really wish for this rivaly between iran and gcc stops the real enemy is the superpowers who steal our money and make sure we cant produce our weapons and food to be always ahead of us most so called third world countries are the victims

Yes, you are right. I wish so too.
But it appears GCC and Iran, are destined to curse and hate each other forever. lol :)
Yes, you are right. I wish so too.
But it appears GCC and Iran, are destined to curse and hate each other forever. lol :)

France and Germany once upon a time seemed to be eternal enemies as well. Once they got over their differences they helped make the European Union what it is today. Its never too late for the Iranians and Gulfis to solve their differences and one can only imagine what a different Middle East we would then see today.
Early results are showing HISTORIC turn out. The constitution will pass with a very high percentage for sure, everybody knows that especially since the people against it will not participate in the process. How many people turned out to vote is what we should be looking at.

Nothing can be more 'HISTORIC' than 99.992% vote for Nasser in 60s. A little less 'HISTORIC' was 99.98% for Hafez Assad in 1991. Hosni Mubarak was even less 'HISTORIC' at low 90s in %age. He even allowed his 'HISTORIC' vote to slide to a pathetic 88%. I mean what sort of self-respecting dictator allows his 'HISTORIC' %age to slide to 88%? That old horse set himself for failure. Clearly Egyptians detest dictators whose 'HISTORIC' voting %age falls below 90%. The Arab dictators live in fear of their 'HISTORIC' percentages slipping below 90%.

Its funny if you think about it. Poor old 1st & 2nd world politicians have to put up with very less and un-HISTORIC %ages. Some even have to make do with a little above 50%. How do these poor politicians live with themselves when they clearly are failures at being 'HISTORIC'? The pathetic old politicians like Mahatir Muhammad, Rouhani, Erdogan, Reagan, Hollande, and that dumpy old woman Angela Merkel all are failures at being HISTORIC. If the people of their countries were not so decent, educated & gutless, these poor sods would never survive. The people of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, USA, France, Germany, etc... need a good old Arab mind-set to get rid of pathetic politicians and get themselves a good old thoroughbred general so that these nations can become good at being 'HISTORIC'. I am not even talking about UK, Spain, & Italy, those fools have to put up with miserable, boring, and shockingly weak coalition governments. I think Egypt should export some of its generals to these poor countries so that some good and solid 'HISTORIC' figures can be created.

My Military Junta's propagandist friend, learn to differentiate between 'HISTORIC' and CREDIBLE. I would pick credible over HISTORIC any day. But then you are an Arab. You are programmed from early childhood to believe in ancient Arab superiority, glory of being an Arab, and to believe in destiny of being ruled over by military dictators. Good for you. Just do not expect the rest of the world to agree.
Nothing can be more 'HISTORIC' than 99.992% vote for Nasser in 60s. A little less 'HISTORIC' was 99.98% for Hafez Assad in 1991. Hosni Mubarak was even less 'HISTORIC' at low 90s in %age. He even allowed his 'HISTORIC' vote to slide to a pathetic 88%. I mean what sort of self-respecting dictator allows his 'HISTORIC' %age to slide to 88%? That old horse set himself for failure. Clearly Egyptians detest dictators whose 'HISTORIC' voting %age falls below 90%. The Arab dictators live in fear of their 'HISTORIC' percentages slipping below 90%.

Its funny if you think about it. Poor old 1st & 2nd world politicians have to put up with very less and un-HISTORIC %ages. Some even have to make do with a little above 50%. How do these poor politicians live with themselves when they clearly are failures at being 'HISTORIC'? The pathetic old politicians like Mahatir Muhammad, Rouhani, Erdogan, Reagan, Hollande, and that dumpy old woman Angela Merkel all are failures at being HISTORIC. If the people of their countries were not so decent, educated & gutless, these poor sods would never survive. The people of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, USA, France, Germany, etc... need a good old Arab mind-set to get rid of pathetic politicians and get themselves a good old thoroughbred general so that these nations can become good at being 'HISTORIC'. I am not even talking about UK, Spain, & Italy, those fools have to put up with miserable, boring, and shockingly weak coalition governments. I think Egypt should export some of its generals to these poor countries so that some good and solid 'HISTORIC' figures can be created.

My Military Junta's propagandist friend, learn to differentiate between 'HISTORIC' and CREDIBLE. I would pick credible over HISTORIC any day. But then you are an Arab. You are programmed from early childhood to believe in ancient Arab superiority, glory of being an Arab, and to believe in destiny of being ruled over by military dictators. Good for you. Just do not expect the rest of the world to agree.

Seriously, stick to your own country and mess you insufferable oaf.
Nothing can be more 'HISTORIC' than 99.992% vote for Nasser in 60s. A little less 'HISTORIC' was 99.98% for Hafez Assad in 1991. Hosni Mubarak was even less 'HISTORIC' at low 90s in %age. He even allowed his 'HISTORIC' vote to slide to a pathetic 88%. I mean what sort of self-respecting dictator allows his 'HISTORIC' %age to slide to 88%? That old horse set himself for failure. Clearly Egyptians detest dictators whose 'HISTORIC' voting %age falls below 90%. The Arab dictators live in fear of their 'HISTORIC' percentages slipping below 90%.

Its funny if you think about it. Poor old 1st & 2nd world politicians have to put up with very less and un-HISTORIC %ages. Some even have to make do with a little above 50%. How do these poor politicians live with themselves when they clearly are failures at being 'HISTORIC'? The pathetic old politicians like Mahatir Muhammad, Rouhani, Erdogan, Reagan, Hollande, and that dumpy old woman Angela Merkel all are failures at being HISTORIC. If the people of their countries were not so decent, educated & gutless, these poor sods would never survive. The people of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, USA, France, Germany, etc... need a good old Arab mind-set to get rid of pathetic politicians and get themselves a good old thoroughbred general so that these nations can become good at being 'HISTORIC'. I am not even talking about UK, Spain, & Italy, those fools have to put up with miserable, boring, and shockingly weak coalition governments. I think Egypt should export some of its generals to these poor countries so that some good and solid 'HISTORIC' figures can be created.

My Military Junta's propagandist friend, learn to differentiate between 'HISTORIC' and CREDIBLE. I would pick credible over HISTORIC any day. But then you are an Arab. You are programmed from early childhood to believe in ancient Arab superiority, glory of being an Arab, and to believe in destiny of being ruled over by military dictators. Good for you. Just do not expect the rest of the world to agree.
i will keep it simple so anyone can understand the brotherhood and their supporters did not take any part in the elections so all who went was going to say yes the people who refuse the constituon didnt go
and we dont care what the rest of the world think of us you think that the west who was friend of mubark for 30 years care about freedom or democracy
and i am sure if our presdient has a beard it would be ok with you it doesnt matter if he is good for egypt or will improve relations with your country you only care if he is islamist or not

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