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Egyptian Armed Forces

You are relatively new here so your ignorance about me and my political ideology is forgivable.

No you simply implied at any given moment Turkey's "neighbors" will somehow come to your rescue. Why else are you here continuesly replying within the Egyptian thread lol.
I am Egyptian and I will reply to you
Erdogan and Turkey in general are like toilet paper
They are only used to the dirty work of their masters
If your imagination gives you to speak this way
If so, talk to me
The Turks are nothing but pragmatists. He wanted to win in many places and then receive slaps one after the other.
Did you imagine that Bashar Erdogan would meet at one table and sold the Syrian organizations?
And the recognition of President Bashar al-Syrian
After all the money spent came and waived
And he will concede more, he did not take the final slap yet, and Egypt is the one who will give it to him, God willing
I am Egyptian and I will reply to you
Erdogan and Turkey in general are like toilet paper
They are only used to the dirty work of their masters
If your imagination gives you to speak this way
If so, talk to me
The Turks are nothing but pragmatists. He wanted to win in many places and then receive slaps one after the other.
Did you imagine that Bashar Erdogan would meet at one table and sold the Syrian organizations?
And the recognition of President Bashar al-Syrian
After all the money spent came and waived
And he will concede more, he did not take the final slap yet, and Egypt is the one who will give it to him, God willing
Egypt couldn't slap together a basic apc if their life depended on it. You really are not much of a geopolitical threat so you can come down from lalaland and sit down. Your entire armed forces equipment is imported and consist of a Hodgepot of weapons from different countries. You are not only incredibly corrupt even when your country is on the first of near economic collapse, but have actively sold your own sovereign lands (TIran & Sanafir) for Saudi money because you were so incredibly broke. You are a kleptocracy that is begging for loans from the IMF every other year, why you think that you are comparable to Turkey is simply mind boggling.

I really despise Erdogan and some of his policies so you can gladly keep talking shit about him I dont mind.
Egypt couldn't slap together a basic apc if their life depended on it. You really are not much of a geopolitical threat so you can come down from lalaland and sit down. Your entire armed forces equipment is imported and consist of a Hodgepot of weapons from different countries. You are not only incredibly corrupt even when your country is on the first of near economic collapse, but have actively sold your own sovereign lands (TIran & Sanafir) for Saudi money because you were so incredibly broke. You are a kleptocracy that is begging for loans from the IMF every other year, why you think that you are comparable to Turkey is simply mind boggling.

I really despise Erdogan and some of his policies so you can gladly keep talking shit about him I dont mind.
Tiran and Sanafir are not Egyptian
And we took 3 strategic islands, including the Knights Island
Also, if you are talking about the economy and the International Monetary Fund, we will not talk about that because most countries do that. France wants 40 billion of them and is also begging
Military industries are on the right track now
Abrams made up to 80%
k8 up to 95%
Crocodile 1,2,3,4
st100, st500
Joined 3 pieces
Miko 1 piece
cc60 boats
Automated weapon systems Eagle 1,2
Maltoca and its derivatives
Drones Note, June 30, Mavic and Mavic Mini

You have an inferiority complex, discuss it away from Egypt. Egypt's economic renaissance is coming and increases every year
Exporting non-oil products only $45 billion
You will not tell you what Egypt makes so that you do not see what does not please you
Sinai 200
k9,10,11 in large proportions
On the way to transfer FA50 technology
You will see a lot more in the coming days
It seems that the gas causes you some sensitivity towards Egypt, but you will not resist the Egyptian-Greek punches constantly
But not in our hands, you have a stupid president who does not know how to deal with countries
He deals with militias and finished governments, so you have no weight or value. You return to your old origin. You deal like scattered caravans in the mountains.
Humble to get F16 from America
You have been kicked out of the f35 programme
You cringe to get a Type 23 from Britain and a worn-out Typhoon
If you manufacture, why take junk from Britain?
Egypt couldn't slap together a basic apc if their life depended on it. You really are not much of a geopolitical threat so you can come down from lalaland and sit down. Your entire armed forces equipment is imported and consist of a Hodgepot of weapons from different countries. You are not only incredibly corrupt even when your country is on the first of near economic collapse, but have actively sold your own sovereign lands (TIran & Sanafir) for Saudi money because you were so incredibly broke. You are a kleptocracy that is begging for loans from the IMF every other year, why you think that you are comparable to Turkey is simply mind boggling.

I really despise Erdogan and some of his policies so you can gladly keep talking shit about him I dont mind.
There is too much arrogance in your posts here.. not sure if it comes from ignorance or just the fact that you are seeking some importance for yourself..

First you should update your knowledge:

And this despite Turkey is a NATO member expected to cover and defend NATO's southern flank against Russia..hence all the tech transfer..

The second thing you should learn is that Egypt started its defense industry much before Turkey..

You can get a glimpse of the current on-goings here..

But most important, this analysis has excluded three critical and extremely expensive components of the Egyptian military industrial complex. These components are Egypt’s defense industry, its non-conventional weapons research and development programs, and its military intelligence network. Traditionally, these components are among the most expensive outlays of military expenditures. While it is not possible to obtain open source data on the cost of these components, a conservative estimate, given the size and magnitude of these programs, is $4 to $6 billion. This would put actual annual Egyptian military expenditures at between $15 and $17 billion.

And there is much more not covered in that thread.. Apart from Egypt being very secretive about its military developments..mostly in advanced and sophisticated Ballistic Missiles.. that you apparently know nothing of..

Egyptian intermediate range 2 stage ballistic missile Vector I and Vector II MIL
Status: Payload: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Maximum range: 1000 km.
Boost Propulsion: Solid rocket fuel. Initial Operational Capability: 2000.

There have been reports of a Vector III program that would have an increased range to some 1,500 km (930 mi) with the same payload as the Vector II




Egypt is dangerous to its enemies even if they are nuclear powers..

The Evolution of Chemical and Biological Weapons in Egypt


3rd.. Usrael was more arrogant than you.. and it got a very bitter lesson in the 1973 Ramadan war..

4th..Eventhough Egypt is very strong militarily and economically.. it is also backed by 500 million Arabs and their wealth and armies..

5th..you shouldn't be talking in the name of Turkey to spit your venom on Arabs.. Your politicians and military leaders know better than you..that is why they are less arrogant and more friendly now..
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There is too much arrogance in your posts here.. not sure if it comes from ignorance or just the fact that you are seeking some importance for yourself..

First you should update your knowledge:

And this despite Turkey is a NATO member expected to cover and defend NATO's southern flank against Russia..hence all the tech transfer..

The second thing you should learn is that Egypt started its defense industry much before Turkey..

You can get a glimpse of the current on-goings here..

But most important, this analysis has excluded three critical and extremely expensive components of the Egyptian military industrial complex. These components are Egypt’s defense industry, its non-conventional weapons research and development programs, and its military intelligence network. Traditionally, these components are among the most expensive outlays of military expenditures. While it is not possible to obtain open source data on the cost of these components, a conservative estimate, given the size and magnitude of these programs, is $4 to $6 billion. This would put actual annual Egyptian military expenditures at between $15 and $17 billion.

And there is much more not covered in that thread.. Apart from Egypt being very secretive about its military developments..mostly in advanced and sophisticated Ballistic Missiles.. that you apparently know nothing of..

Egyptian intermediate range 2 stage ballistic missile Vector I and Vector II MIL
Status: Payload: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Maximum range: 1000 km.
Boost Propulsion: Solid rocket fuel. Initial Operational Capability: 2000.

There have been reports of a Vector III program that would have an increased range to some 1,500 km (930 mi) with the same payload as the Vector II




Egypt is dangerous to its enemies even if they are nuclear powers..

The Evolution of Chemical and Biological Weapons in Egypt


3rd.. Usrael was more arrogant than you.. and it got a very bitter lesson in the 1973 Ramadan war..

4th..Eventhough Egypt is very strong militarily and economically.. it is also backed by 500 million Arabs and their wealth and armies..

5th..you shouldn't be talking in the name of Turkey to spit your venom on Arabs.. Your politicians and military leaders know better than you..that is why they are less arrogant and more friendly now..

There is no arrogance in my post at all, I am simply stated the straight unfiltered facts that most people were probably already aware of. Egypt exists not as a sovereign state but as an army occupying a piece of land it calls its own. No fundamental institution exists within the country capable and providing rights and protection against corrupting and red tapes imposed by a long gone policy of socialism. Having a few token projects that have not amounted to any actual mass production but are more akin to technological demonstrators is not in any way representative of the production capacity and capabilities of a country. Literally anyone can do that, in fact Turkey did ever since the inception of the Republic of Turkey and even before that. Having a token industry does not mean jack sh!t. Even now as we speak you are explicitly eyeing licensed production from other countries.

Egypt literally had to employ and import a foreign design for their apc family because they themselves lacked even the most basic companies and institution to properly design and employ local people in. That alone should be a massive red flag, since basic apc's are always considered the bare minimum and starting point for any defence industry. Even then god knows how many parts of it your are not actually locally producing but importing straight up. If the annual exports give any insights into Egyptian defence industry, its absolutely in any atrocious state barely being having working viable products let alone competitive. On top of that its literally one of the single biggest arms importer country in the world. Everything you wrote down is an oxymoron.

Anything else you said is not worth responding to.

Tiran and Sanafir are not Egyptian
And we took 3 strategic islands, including the Knights Island
Also, if you are talking about the economy and the International Monetary Fund, we will not talk about that because most countries do that. France wants 40 billion of them and is also begging
Military industries are on the right track now
Abrams made up to 80%
k8 up to 95%
Crocodile 1,2,3,4
st100, st500
Joined 3 pieces
Miko 1 piece
cc60 boats
Automated weapon systems Eagle 1,2
Maltoca and its derivatives
Drones Note, June 30, Mavic and Mavic Mini

You have an inferiority complex, discuss it away from Egypt. Egypt's economic renaissance is coming and increases every year
Exporting non-oil products only $45 billion
You will not tell you what Egypt makes so that you do not see what does not please you
Sinai 200
k9,10,11 in large proportions
On the way to transfer FA50 technology
You will see a lot more in the coming days
Are you using google translate lmao. I do not understand anything you said.
There is no arrogance in my post at all, I am simply stated the straight unfiltered facts that most people were probably already aware of. Egypt exists not as a sovereign state but as an army occupying a piece of land it calls its own. No fundamental institution exists within the country capable and providing rights and protection against corrupting and red tapes imposed by a long gone policy of socialism. Having a few token projects that have not amounted to any actual mass production but are more akin to technological demonstrators is not in any way representative of the production capacity and capabilities of a country. Literally anyone can do that, in fact Turkey did ever since the inception of the Republic of Turkey and even before that. Having a token industry does not mean jack sh!t. Even now as we speak you are explicitly eyeing licensed production from other countries.

Egypt literally had to employ and import a foreign design for their apc family because they themselves lacked even the most basic companies and institution to properly design and employ local people in. That alone should be a massive red flag, since basic apc's are always considered the bare minimum and starting point for any defence industry. Even then god knows how many parts of it your are not actually locally producing but importing straight up. If the annual exports give any insights into Egyptian defence industry, its absolutely in any atrocious state barely being having working viable products let alone competitive. On top of that its literally one of the single biggest arms importer country in the world. Everything you wrote down is an oxymoron.

Anything else you said is not worth responding to.

Are you using google translate lmao. I do not understand anything you said.
Are you still living in 50 years ago Egypt? You need to update your knowledge first..

Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates


What you call a foreign design was by an Egyptian owned company in South Africa.. you don't seem to have enough knowledge of the matters you are talking about.. so better further your knowledge before posting on these matters again..
There is no arrogance in my post at all, I am simply stated the straight unfiltered facts that most people were probably already aware of. Egypt exists not as a sovereign state but as an army occupying a piece of land it calls its own. No fundamental institution exists within the country capable and providing rights and protection against corrupting and red tapes imposed by a long gone policy of socialism. Having a few token projects that have not amounted to any actual mass production but are more akin to technological demonstrators is not in any way representative of the production capacity and capabilities of a country. Literally anyone can do that, in fact Turkey did ever since the inception of the Republic of Turkey and even before that. Having a token industry does not mean jack sh!t. Even now as we speak you are explicitly eyeing licensed production from other countries.

Egypt literally had to employ and import a foreign design for their apc family because they themselves lacked even the most basic companies and institution to properly design and employ local people in. That alone should be a massive red flag, since basic apc's are always considered the bare minimum and starting point for any defence industry. Even then god knows how many parts of it your are not actually locally producing but importing straight up. If the annual exports give any insights into Egyptian defence industry, its absolutely in any atrocious state barely being having working viable products let alone competitive. On top of that its literally one of the single biggest arms importer country in the world. Everything you wrote down is an oxymoron.

Anything else you said is not worth responding to.

Are you using google translate lmao. I do not understand anything you said.
Serious question, Could you tell me why Turkish people feel this huge hatred towards Egypt's regime ? Even though we have caused you no harm whatsoever.
There is no arrogance in my post at all, I am simply stated the straight unfiltered facts that most people were probably already aware of. Egypt exists not as a sovereign state but as an army occupying a piece of land it calls its own. No fundamental institution exists within the country capable and providing rights and protection against corrupting and red tapes imposed by a long gone policy of socialism. Having a few token projects that have not amounted to any actual mass production but are more akin to technological demonstrators is not in any way representative of the production capacity and capabilities of a country. Literally anyone can do that, in fact Turkey did ever since the inception of the Republic of Turkey and even before that. Having a token industry does not mean jack sh!t. Even now as we speak you are explicitly eyeing licensed production from other countries.

Egypt literally had to employ and import a foreign design for their apc family because they themselves lacked even the most basic companies and institution to properly design and employ local people in. That alone should be a massive red flag, since basic apc's are always considered the bare minimum and starting point for any defence industry. Even then god knows how many parts of it your are not actually locally producing but importing straight up. If the annual exports give any insights into Egyptian defence industry, its absolutely in any atrocious state barely being having working viable products let alone competitive. On top of that its literally one of the single biggest arms importer country in the world. Everything you wrote down is an oxymoron.

Anything else you said is not worth responding to.

Are you using google translate lmao. I do not understand anything you said.

It is clear that you are not talking about Egypt, but about Turkey

Turkey is a state without sovereignty. When NATO occupies it with 28 air bases, no Turk can enter it. Turkey becomes a country without sovereignty and power.
NATO uses the Turkish army as slaves and cheap human numbers, just as the Germans used the Turks after World War II to work in menial and lousy professions until Germany regains its strength
The same thing, the Turkish army, since 1952, has been receiving used weapons since and grants from America for free, and as a poor country, it has been serving NATO with its cheap soldiers, Gala Turk, obtaining free used weapons, F-5, F-4, F-104G, and M48 M60 tanks.

and the Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates
Currently, the Turks are seeking scrap British TYPE-23

Turkey is a failed state that has been fighting the Kurds for 40 years and has failed to control or suppress them

Turkey is living in a state of complete humiliation from Greece and the European Union, who are imposing a military and economic embargo on it
The European Union, which made Turkey and the Turkish industry when it entrusted them with menial work and simple industrial operations during the past 70 years to exploit cheap Turkish labor

The Turks are hated in Europe, not because they are Muslims, but because the Turks at the beginning of their possession of simple money built brothel houses and sold sex because one of the sources of Turkey's national income is a basic pillar of the Turkish tourism, which Erdogan sponsors prostitution himself and achieves 4 billion dollars in revenues from prostitution besides the Turks' sponsorship of homosexuals and homosexuals as a land for their masters The Europeans, so does Turkey have sovereignty while it abandoned its religion and honor for the sake of money?
You insult Turkey without intending to say that Egypt's army is weak, so how did Egypt impose its will and control the eastern Mediterranean and destroy the dreams of the Turks in the eastern Mediterranean and Libya?
How did Greece impose its will on Turkey in the economic zones?

How did Europe humiliate Turkey and its army with the 2023 Treaty?
And you are unable to change anything, how could you not steal the Libyan oil with your strong army, why the terror of the Egyptian army?

Your country has a dirty colonial history and you dream of repeating it. This is an illusion and we will not allow it
لا توجد غطرسة في رسالتي على الإطلاق ، لقد ذكرت ببساطة الحقائق المباشرة التي لم تتم تصفيتها والتي ربما كان معظم الناس على دراية بها بالفعل. مصر ليست دولة ذات سيادة ولكن كجيش يحتل قطعة من الأرض يسميها ملكه. لا توجد مؤسسة أساسية داخل الدولة قادرة على توفير الحقوق والحماية ضد الفساد والأشرطة الحمراء التي فرضتها سياسة الاشتراكية القديمة. إن وجود عدد قليل من المشاريع الرمزية التي لا ترقى إلى مستوى الإنتاج الضخم الفعلي ولكنها أقرب إلى المتظاهرين التكنولوجيين لا يمثل بأي حال من الأحوال القدرة الإنتاجية والقدرات لبلد ما. يمكن لأي شخص فعل ذلك حرفيًا ، في الواقع فعلته تركيا منذ إنشاء جمهورية تركيا وحتى قبل ذلك. إن امتلاك صناعة رمزية لا يعني أن Jack sh! t.

كان على مصر حرفيًا توظيف واستيراد تصميم أجنبي لعائلاتهم من الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة لأنهم أنفسهم يفتقرون حتى إلى أبسط الشركات والمؤسسات لتصميم وتوظيف السكان المحليين بشكل صحيح. يجب أن يكون هذا وحده بمثابة علامة حمراء ضخمة ، نظرًا لأن الشركات المصنعة الأساسية تُعتبر دائمًا الحد الأدنى ونقطة البداية لأي صناعة دفاعية. حتى مع ذلك ، يعرف الله عدد الأجزاء التي لا تنتجها محليًا في الواقع ولكنها تستوردها مباشرة. إذا أعطت الصادرات السنوية أي نظرة ثاقبة للصناعة الدفاعية المصرية ، فمن المؤكد أنها في أي حالة فظيعة بالكاد تمتلك منتجات قابلة للتطبيق ، ناهيك عن المنافسة. علاوة على ذلك ، فهي من أكبر الدول المستوردة للأسلحة في العالم. كل ما كتبته هو تناقض لفظي.

أي شيء آخر قلته لا يستحق الرد عليه.

هل تستخدم مترجم جوجل lmao. أنا لا أفهم أي شيء قلته.
استخدم ديك رومي

Serious question, Could you tell me why Turkish people feel this huge hatred towards Egypt's regime ? Even though we have caused you no harm whatsoever.
This is a long time ago
God forgive him Ibrahim Pasha Kasr
He broke their eye and made them seducers
Like sheep being castrated
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Are you using google translate lmao. I do not understand anything you said.
Is there anyone who understands you?
If the Turkish people understand, they will kill Erdogan
You are now in the herd stage
Serious question, Could you tell me why Turkish people feel this huge hatred towards Egypt's regime ? Even though we have caused you no harm whatsoever.
Lianahou yo7ebhoun el ikhwan el muslimeen. Of course not all and I'm surprised why BordoEnes,who I assume is a Kemalist Turkish patriot,is annoyed by Egypt. Or he could not be annoyed,but just believes Turkey is far better economically and militarily. What I'm tired of seeing in this forum (and I'm not talking about BordoEnes) is guys going like "Sissi puppet,Sissi puppet!". Sissi was the best thing that happened to Egypt the last...dunno how many years.
Serious question, Could you tell me why Turkish people feel this huge hatred towards Egypt's regime ? Even though we have caused you no harm whatsoever.

Most Turks are pretty positive towards Egyptian people and me as well. I simply refuse to sugarcoat how I see perceive Egypt's internal corruption and military junta. Why we hate the Egyptian government is rooted in our own history of military coup's and junta's who are at the root of many of our own problems. I don't support the Muslim Brotherhood either if that makes you feel better, in fact I absolutely despise them. We only recently also had an attempted coup 2016, you can image that image is still fresh in our minds.
Lianahou yo7ebhoun el ikhwan el muslimeen. Of course not all and I'm surprised why BordoEnes,who I assume is a Kemalist Turkish patriot,is annoyed by Egypt. Or he could not be annoyed,but just believes Turkey is far better economically and militarily. What I'm tired of seeing in this forum (and I'm not talking about BordoEnes) is guys going like "Sissi puppet,Sissi puppet!". Sissi was the best thing that happened to Egypt the last...dunno how many years.

He is not though, its just that most Leaders of Egypt have been absolutely atrocious corrupt POS that Sisi kind of looks better in comparison, but he himself is still extremely corrupt and came to power through a coup. I know this is a defence forum and its cool to talk about getting new toys for our armed forces and new capabilities and doctrines that come along with it, but the fundemental reality of the situation is that Egypt is throwing money like crazy on products it not only can't effectively afford to maintain but is stealing it from the Egyptian people amid a severe economic crisis. The average Egyptian does not have a good income and lives in extremely underdeveloped areas that lack even the most basic infrastructure. All the while he undergoes a pointless New Administrative Capital project that only benefits high to medium-high income class of people. I not only don't like him on a principle level, visa-a-vi coming to power through a coup, but his policies are so god awful that it reminds me of Erdogan himself. Just stupid useless megalomania projects that don't benefit anyone except his own stupid moronic prestige and self-image.
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