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Egyptian Armed Forces


Egypt, Greece, and military-grade satellite TOT


Egypt is reported to be in talks with Greece for cooperation and transfer of technology (TOT) agreements to produce a military-grade satellite system.What will the agreement include?What specs will th ...

I didn't know about this,man! Yala!
Doubt getting them honestly the EFT.
Even if the deal falls flat, rafale numbers will be doubled, if the typhoons go through it'll be in the eafs advantage for utilizing the same components, weaponry, gadgets etc. Thus logistics will be better due to the relatedness of the 2 platforms
Even if the deal falls flat, rafale numbers will be doubled, if the typhoons go through it'll be in the eafs advantage for utilizing the same components, weaponry, gadgets etc. Thus logistics will be better due to the relatedness of the 2 platforms
Honestly getting Meteors in large quantity for the 54 Rafales. I would be pleased. Who knows maybe we can buy the Astra missile to work with Rafales.
Bro you just brightened my long day ahead after showing all of these news. I didnt watch the vid with the foreign base, where is it??? My guess is either lybia or somewhere in the gulf. Second guess probs is greece or Cyprus.

Also aren't we just making specific parts for the k2?

I still can't tell you how much I lit up after the meteor being officially with the EAF
The base is in Djibouti..
The whole tank in cooperation.. but gradually.. same as with the Abrams but much more ToT in the start and faster development..

Yes very good news .. I've never doubted it
Honestly getting Meteors in large quantity for the 54 Rafales. I would be pleased. Who knows maybe we can buy the Astra missile to work with Rafales.
Well looks like they're gonna bring it up to 100. I seriously hope they do so, the more the better. We gotta start reeling in those mrtts and subs soon to join the rafale force.
As far as other aircrafts are concerned, tejas is only valuable for its platform and the experience it'll give the eaf to produce its own aircraft in the future.
With the meteors and scalps, no doubt they're gonna upgrade them to the f4 standard in the future.

Also on a side note, I haven't seen @Gomig-21 in a while.
Well looks like they're gonna bring it up to 100. I seriously hope they do so, the more the better. We gotta start reeling in those mrtts and subs soon to join the rafale force.
As far as other aircrafts are concerned, tejas is only valuable for its platform and the experience it'll give the eaf to produce its own aircraft in the future.
With the meteors and scalps, no doubt they're gonna upgrade them to the f4 standard in the future.

Also on a side note, I haven't seen @Gomig-21 in a while.
I doubt about building an indigenous aircraft. It would also a JV with licence production. The problem of Meteors and Scalps are the numbers avaible in our inventory. Ya3ni if we got only 100 Meteors, it would be like we didn't buy them. As far as I remember, the Rafales can carry like between 4 to 9 Meteors, we have 54 Rafales so they can carry 504 Meteors so we need more on our reserve so the stock doesn't finish early.
The Egyptian army, military industrialization, a huge Russian factory, and the development of oil fields
Interesting post,whatever it means. There are many countries collaborating with each other,we could do that too.

Ya3ni if we got only 100 Meteors, it would be like we didn't buy them.
La la,100 meteors is a good number,at least for a start. Remember,I think it's 1 million dollars per missile. Then you have the Soviet/Chinese BVR missiles for the Mig-29s and you're good.

As far as I remember, the Rafales can carry like between 4 to 9 Meteors, we have 54 Rafales so they can carry 504 Meteors so we need more on our reserve so the stock doesn't finish early.
A Rafale with 2 meteor and 4 MICA is a great combination.
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