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Egyptian Armed Forces

More and more Caiman APCs, over 700 of these were passed on to the Egyptian army from the US' Iraq/Afghanistan surplus inventory. Looks like a RDF with an AK-103 and bayonet.

View attachment 880119
Noticed that the BAE Caimans have locally made turret and are equipped with old SGM (improved SG-43) machine gun, also made under license. They've been fitted to RG-33s as well.

@Buschlaid , check it out. Our old friend with the windscreen from Aqaba 3 exercise with the Jordanian SOF. This ATVs are strictly used by the Sa'aka from what we've seen of them so far, ey?

View attachment 880131
It seems to be the case, yes.
FN MAG, general-purpose machine gun. Egyptian license built version is called Helwan 920 (weirdly enough Beretta 92S is named the same way).

The Egyptian-made ST-500 armored vehicle, locally manufactured at the 200 Military Factory, in partnership between the Egyptian private company IMUT and the Ministry of Military Production, the Egyptian Land Forces contracted 100 armored vehicles as a first batch...
Cannot wait to finally see them in great numbers on display together with new Temsahs, just like any other vehicles are lined up during opening ceremonies of exercises. It's a really pretty MRAP!

By the way, am I the only one who is having trouble responding to multiple messages in just one message? The moment I click on another page to respond to another post, my answer to the previous post gets deleted. Thus I have to divide it into more parts ://
Noticed that the BAE Caimans have locally made turret and are equipped with old SGM (improved SG-43) machine gun, also made under license. They've been fitted to RG-33s as well.
View attachment 881559

It seems to be the case, yes.

FN MAG, general-purpose machine gun. Egyptian license built version is called Helwan 920 (weirdly enough Beretta 92S is named the same way).

Cannot wait to finally see them in great numbers on display, just like any other vehicles are lined up during opening ceremonies of exercises. It's a really pretty MRAP!

By the way, am I the only one who is having trouble responding to multiple messages in just one message? The moment I click on another page to respond to another post, my answer to the previous gets deleted so I have to divide it into more parts ://
Thank you for your contribution.

Egypt and India, the Helwan 300 fighter, is back in its new form, and the castle and Cleopatra maneuvers surprises

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kinda surprised it entered service since usually these saudi projects never get past the mockup stage
no intent of ridiculing the saudi army
True. But still some of their products aren't really indigenous due that they got missiles and weapons technologies from the south african firm Denel (which everybody does it). But in the future, KSA will have their own proper projects. Even Raad cruise missile (Pakistan), its origins comes from Denel. It is almost a finished projects but all they needed is funds and mass production which KSA did.

That's why we must either to work with Denel or to get ToT from KSA and UAE.

Like I said always, Astra ToT will change our Air Force immensely where we can put them on Rafales MIG-29. And maybe in the future an anti radiation missile.

Something for sure KSA and UAE are developing their AAM and Egypt ofc will buy from them.
@Gomig-21 @Buschlaid does Egypt still use Swingfire ATGMs or we retired them.

@Philip the Arab I just got an idea and it is to replace Swingfire ATGMs (if we still use them) with the ARQUM missile from Saudi Arabia. ARQUM is a modern ATGM mounted on vehicles.
They dont put their weapons to service they only show them off and then buy from the west later on. I'd be suprised if this is in service in acceptable numbers


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Egypt - Eurofighter Typhoon deal: Program timeline


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is committed to acquiring the Eurofighter Typhoon from Italy to further diversify and modernize the Egyptian Air Force (EAF), despite the recent procurement of Rafale jets. The Typhoon sale is part of a $12 billion arms mega-deal between Italy and Egypt, which also includes warships. While pursuing the deal, Cairo is anxiously trying to prevent the U.S. from sabotaging the Typhoon talks to maintain Israel's Qualitative Military Edge (QME). Egypt wants an “un-downgraded” Typhoon and the Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM).

Tactical Report has prepared a 1,616-word report as well as an infographic to provide a definitive overview of the deal and shed light on key events since 2019.

Our special report is structured as follows:
Key Judgements
Current Program Status
Program History
-2013-2019: U.S. sanctions push Egypt toward alternatives
-2019: Egyptian fighter options
-2020: Arms mega-deal with Italy
-2020-2021: Rafale vs Typhoon
-2022: U.S. involvement, Su-35 cancelation, and Typhoon deal inching closer
-September 2022: Typhoon talks advance

@Gomig-21 looks like TR is sure about that we are close to finish the deal. Here "“un-downgraded” Typhoon and the Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM).". So it does mean that we didn't get the Meteor on the new batch of Rafales?
kinda surprised it entered service since usually these saudi projects never get past the mockup stage
no intent of ridiculing the saudi army
Good intent.. but can you enlighten us about the Saudi projects that never got past the mockup stage..???
@Gomig-21 @The SC @Hydration @sami_1

Shaklena keda 90% done deal.

Ma3lesh o3zorni I haven't replied to the last couple of tags and questions you had.

I honestly don't think this MoU means they're close to a full contract with India and ToT of the Tejas and Dhruv helicopter TBH. I have nothing to back that up except just intuition alone.

The Tejas presents way too many obstacles from the engines to the armament to the avionics and more. The Dhruv needs to be evaluated as to whether it's a significant step up from the Gazelle (which we already produce and have been for a very long time) or if it's just a small step up?

Egypt has all the capabilities of building its own light attack helicopter from start to finish and the only difficulty is the metallurgy for the fuselage panels, be it titanium or composites but it can achieve the knowledge in a few years time especially with the recent steel and aluminum textile industry it has just announced it will be developing and exporting in huge quantities. So I think it should just go that way as far as helicopters are concerned. For a fighter program, I still think the MiG-29M/M2 or even a Sukhoi-30 or 35 assembly line like India agreed with Russia to do with their Su-30MKI would be the BEST solution for Egypt and its own fighter program.

Then it can take much of the European technologies it has been able to acquire and customize these Russo/Egypto airplanes and make them spectacular as well as dance their way around CAATSA. I just don't think Tejas is the right option because of the reasons I mentioned.

"I am confident that the MoU on Defence Cooperation will take our partnership to historic heights."
Lessa wakhed baly men this message. He said "take our partnership to historic heights" ya3ni there is something very big going to happen (production locally, JV between the two countries). Usually when someone sign a MoU, that isn't big, they will not say this.

@Gomig-21 what is your opinion about my statement?

Honestly, I think it's just the usual statements they always make when they sign on with a new ally. It's basically an understanding that they will cooperate together in mostly exercises, really, more so than technology transferring of any kind.

The tweets are ok to see when you're not a twitter subscriber, but for me it's much better to post the actual pictures to see them in full size and the story behind this aircraft is interesting but I would love to see the interior and how they've arranged the seating rooms, the meeting rooms, the coms room etc. How advanced is it and how technically built is it for the president of Egypt to be able to get into it in times of war or nuclear disasters and still be able to run the country etc. Just like the way the US' Air Force One operates which brings me to the name. The definitely need to name it something else other than Air Force One ya3ni a7a meten marra calling it the same thing is total bullshit. Must be much more original than that. Call it something like Air Tutankhamun or Air Pharoah One would be much better than the same name the US uses.

And this is the 7478I with the much larger 2nd floor area. This is one of the ridiculously large 747s almost as large as the ridiculously stupid and failed Airbus A380.


And one of the beauties of this thing is it has the new, revamped GE high powered engines with reverse thrust of course.



@Gomig-21 @Buschlaid does Egypt still use Swingfire ATGMs or we retired them.

They might still have them fitted on some of the very few T-62s they have in use with the Republican Guard, whether in Cairo or in Luxor etc. But most likely not since they have much more advanced ATGMs than those old British ones that they most likely put them away in storage.

Sinai patrol with a Nimr of the EGY Army leading a pair of RG-33 MRAPs in the Sinai.


The Egyptian Army has bought dozens of these fully equipped mobile EW jamming field trucks that is uses mostly in Sinai and used them extensively during operation Sinai 2018 when they cleansed the northeast Sinai of vermin and cretins and actually froze the entire norther sector as well as all of southern Israel's cell towers with these things. I forget the name of the SA company but these are some of quite a bit of South African equipment the EGY army uses.


Is this one of the greatest submarine pictures you've ever seen? What a great view of an Egyptian Navy (most likely a Romeo submarine) on the surface of the Mediterranean skimming across. Not sure who took the picture, but my guess is most likely a US aircraft of some kind.


From Cleopatra 2022 with the French Navy. We should be seeing a lot more great pics soon.


Captain Mustafa and admiral Jean-Pierre. :D


Looks like Egyptian Gowind flanking a French frigate in the process of fueling from a French navy replenishing ship to starboard flank.


ENS Alexandria in the Red Sea passing by a US unmanned sea drone.


Part of the new Naval Task Force which is responsible for enhancing maritime security in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb strait and the Gulf of Aden as part of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). The Egyptian Navy has taken the first command leadership role of the task force.


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