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Egyptian Armed Forces

MOPP suits of the chemical warfare corps
a wikipedia article i wrote about egypts navy rangers
Tohfa. Great article.


Egypt will establish two complexes for the manufacture of semiconductors

Mongi Badr, Minister Plenipotentiary of Trade at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in televised statements that Egypt will establish two complexes for the manufacture of semi-transportation, the first in Sinai and the second in the Eastern Desert, to exploit Egypt's great wealth of white sand, which is estimated at 200 billion tons.

A few days ago, unconfirmed information appeared that Egypt had received offers from several foreign companies to cooperate with Egypt in establishing two complexes of this kind in Egypt.
According to the news, each complex will include three factories, and each factory will have 2/4 production lines

The intervention of semi-conductors in the military electronic industry, including before the civil
We hope that Egypt will implement these complexes, which will make Egypt an unprecedented, major qualitative leap.

Same thing about the video but written
Our fucking secret intelligence is underrated. Imagine the unknown operations that we did but still classified. This operation might be a James Bond movie hahaha
from reconnaissance missions in israeli-held sinai, to subversion within israel.
from reconnaissance missions in israeli-held sinai, to subversion within israel.
Not only just that Rafaat El Hagan and I am sure other plenty of mission. Egyptian secret intilegence and Mossad is just Tom&Jerry game both trying to undermine the other.
from reconnaissance missions in israeli-held sinai, to subversion within israel.
Many MID infiltrations followed a predictable pattern of crossing into Israel, collecting intel on Israel's modus operandi, and then exiting into the Jordanian-held West Bank. Later, Egypt’s military attaché in Beirut received Lebanese permission to infiltrate Israel from southern Lebanon as well. Key MID players in these missions were Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Hafez in Gaza and Lieutenant Colonel Salah al-Din Mustafa, Egypt’s military attaché in Jordan. The Palestinian Arab Nationalist Movement helped them recruit Gazans for their newly-formed "Fedayin 141 Battalion'.
Many MID infiltrations followed a predictable pattern of crossing into Israel, collecting intel on Israel's modus operandi, and then exiting into the Jordanian-held West Bank. Later, Egypt’s military attaché in Beirut received Lebanese permission to infiltrate Israel from southern Lebanon as well. Key MID players in these missions were Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Hafez in Gaza and Lieutenant Colonel Salah al-Din Mustafa, Egypt’s military attaché in Jordan. The Palestinian Arab Nationalist Movement helped them recruit Gazans for their newly-formed "Fedayin 141 Battalion'.
Forgot to mention this was during the crucial period of 1955-1956.

Why you ghost a lot from this thread hahahaha.
laziness lol
Huge Egyptian and Saudi gains from the deal of the new 72 Rafale fighters with France

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