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Egyptian Armed Forces

@The SC and @Alphinaud @Hydration @Ghostkiller @Foinikas and all others, of course, check out these SUPER RARE and SUPER FANTASTIC pics of one of the 17 downed Israeli jets that thought they could just fly over Al Mansoura & Tanta air base on the 14th of October in 1973 and have their way like they did in that sneak attack in 1967, only to be met with a barrage of MiG-21s that raked down 17 Israeli jets to 3 EAF losses (shot down) and 3 that ran out of fuel. This battle, which has turned into Air Force Day in Egypt is essentially the reason why the deadly advanced air to air missiles are kept away from Egypt. This battle marked the turning point of air warfare between the Jews and Egyptian pilots. This is just one of the A-4 Skyhawks that met its final fate that day at the hands of an Egyptian pilot defending his land and his raking 30mm cannon!




BTW, if you look back at the first post I posted with the pictures of the MiG-21 chasing and shooting an Israeli mirage in Sinai, take another look because I forgot to mention in that first pic with the MiG-21's pitot tube in the picture and the mirage headed down towards the runway before it goes straight up, the Mirage is actually chasing another EAF MiG-21 which you can see in that pic! The great part about this is that...

EAF pilots spoke a lot about previous engagements from 1967 through 1970 and the war of attrition on how the Jews would pull these tactics on them. They would send in 2 mirages to get the Egyptian MiGs scrambled to chase them, then another 4 or 6 Mirages flying low under radar coverage would immediately pounce on them from behind and chase them away from the first 2 mirages and most of the time since they would outnumber the MiGs, they would end up shooting down the EAF jets. Sometimes the EAF MiGs did escape and return to base but that tactic really pissed off the EAF pilots and so they practiced using the same, deceptive tactic and that is exactly what happened in that situation and that pic. First MiG-21 was bait, pulled the Mirage to carelessly chase it only to find another EAF MiG-21 on its own 6 o'clock hunting it down. Obviously, the Israeli pilot had no clue how to evade that same tactic they would use lol since he went straight up into a steep climb only to be easily chased and raked by the EAF MiG-21. That's what is great about that picture that almost goes unnoticed.

As far as pics of Al Mansoura & Tanta, I hope that more will show up like the ones above to squash the denying claim by the Jews. They don't like to admit they took a solid beating by Egyptian MiG-21s! How could that happen! lol
Egypt is putting the final touches on the Typhoon deal and its armament system, and Korea offers to manufacture the FA 50 in Egypt..

Egypt is putting the final touches on the Typhoon deal and its armament system

Let's hope so. We knew of the news that the Egyptian Air Force delegation was meeting with MBDA about possible armament procurement and that was when the picture of the EAF Chief of Staff sitting in the Typhoon simulator checking out the widespread multi-function display & touch screen surfaced, but they never issued any details as to what the negotiations were about.

This guy says it's new news that they're meeting to discuss the certain armament that would come with the Typhoon but doesn't mention where this news came from. If true, it sounds promising and let's hope they do insist on the meteor which it does sound like they are. You also wonder how that would impact the Rafales getting the missiles also, it should certainly help.

Showing the brimstones is fine, I don't think those would really be a huge issue, but the storm shadow would seem to be a practical impossibility let alone the joint strike missile. This is exciting, though, and I hope it's all true and does come to fruition.
Let's hope so. We knew of the news that the Egyptian Air Force delegation was meeting with MBDA about possible armament procurement and that was when the picture of the EAF Chief of Staff sitting in the Typhoon simulator checking out the widespread multi-function display & touch screen surfaced, but they never issued any details as to what the negotiations were about.

This guy says it's new news that they're meeting to discuss the certain armament that would come with the Typhoon but doesn't mention where this news came from. If true, it sounds promising and let's hope they do insist on the meteor which it does sound like they are. You also wonder how that would impact the Rafales getting the missiles also, it should certainly help.

Showing the brimstones is fine, I don't think those would really be a huge issue, but the storm shadow would seem to be a practical impossibility let alone the joint strike missile. This is exciting, though, and I hope it's all true and does come to fruition.
Isnt the Storm shadow the SCALP EG? I dont think the brimstone will come unless America is okay with it
Isnt the Storm shadow the SCALP EG? I dont think the brimstone will come unless America is okay with it
I think Storm Shadow is british version of the SCALP EG. If the rumors is true about what Takareer Shamla said that Egypt is acquiring a missile from Serbia that can be launched from a MIG-29. Then it can replace Brimstone.
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Indian sources say that Egypt is interested in the Tejas fighter, the two-seater version
We think that Egypt is placing the Tejas along with the South Korean plane FA-50 in the tender for advanced training aircraft to obtain a number that may reach 100 planes..
@The SC @Gomig-21 @Hydration your opinion about the post? I think Tejas will give us ToT but in terms of technolgy and avionics FA-50 will be far superior. In return, maybe India will give us more weapons like Astra, anti radiation missile etc...

@The SC you know what kind of weapons does SK produce for the FA-50 and T-50 aircrafts. Because must be enter the equation.
@The SC @Gomig-21 @Hydration your opinion about the post? I think Tejas will give us ToT but in terms of technolgy and avionics FA-50 will be far superior. In return, maybe India will give us more weapons like Astra, anti radiation missile etc...

@The SC you know what kind of weapons does SK produce for the FA-50 and T-50 aircrafts. Because must be enter the equation.
Astra and BrahMos are based on Russian R-77-1 and Onyx.
Why does Egypt need so many jets and weapon?
Isnt the Storm shadow the SCALP EG? I dont think the brimstone will come unless America is okay with it

Storm Shadow is the British/US version of the SCALP-EG which is the French version of the cruise missile, the commonality of the allies working together creating the same, sort of interchangeable weapons but with each's own freedoms of production and usage, so to speak. That's how the French were able to take out the main US parts in the SCAPL-EG to sell it to Egypt while leaving other non-essential US-made parts in it that the US didn't care about which were standard parts anyway, and nothing to worry about as far as getting in the hands of 3rd parties or enemies.

The problem with the Eurofighter is that the designated cruise missile for that aircraft is the Storm Shadow. So if they make a deal with Leonardo to get the jet, what happens with the cruise missile? The Brimstone I believe is mostly British and that might even be an issue, but they might get outvoted for the sale from the majority of the consortium on the Brimstones. But the Storm Shadow will be interesting to see, as will the meteor, of course.

And speaking of the Eurofighter, let's hope this is the radar that the EAF is negotiating for.

World’s most powerfull radar system will be installed in the Eurofighter Typhoon. Compared to US APG-81, how excellent is it?​


The ECRS Mk2 is an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar with high capabilities in electronic warfare, the new radar is part of an effort to improve the capabilities of the RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft estimated to be worth 2.35 billion Pounds.

The Royal Air Force (RAF) Eurofighter Typhoon fighters will be equipped with what military experts say is the “world’s most powerful radar” called the European Common Radar System Mk2 (ECRS Mk2).

The ECRS Mk2 is an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar with high capabilities in electronic warfare.


European Common Radar System Mk2 (ECRS Mk2).
The installation of the ECRS Mk2 radar system is part of an effort to increase the capability of the RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft estimated to be worth 2.35 billion Pounds.
The British Ministry of Defense said that with the ECRS Mk2 radar, the Typhoon aircraft will be able to control the airspace more effectively.

The radar system will bring the latest electronic warfare capabilities with the RAF as it will allow the Typhoon aircraft to detect, identify and track various air and ground targets simultaneously.

RAF Air Force Commander Sir Mike Wigston said the ECRS Mk2 radar is a transformation to the country’s Typhoon planes.

“It will ensure that Typhoon aircrafts are always combat ready and able to protect our airspace and our allies from all forms of threats that are now changing rapidly,” he said.

The new radar system will allow the Typhoon pilots to destroy enemy air defense systems using high-performance electronic interception and engage targets from a safe position.

The ECRS Mk2 radar was developed by Leonardo UK in Edinburgh and Luton and integrated into the Typhoon aircraft by BAE Systems in Warton.

The Royal Air Force plans to equip all 40 Typhoon Tranche 3 aircraft with ECRS Mk2 radars and it is possible that Typhoon Tranche 2 aircraft will also be equipped with the highly capable AESA radar system.

Efforts to improve the capability of the RAF’s Typhoon aircraft will create around 1,300 jobs in Britain.

Typhoon aircraft are a key asset to the RAF for its Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) missions in the United Kingdom as well as on the Falklands Islands, protecting airspace from all forms of threat.

ECRS MK 2 compared to the AN/APG 81​

The Leonardo ECRS MK 2 and the Northrop Grumman AN/APG 81 both claim to be the best active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars in the world. The same can be said for the Eurofighter Typhoon and F-35 Lightning-II where these two radars will live. The An/APG 81 has been in the F-35 since 2009 and the ECRS MK 2 will soon be available in the Eurofighter.

ECRS Mk2, also known as Radar Two, is developed from the ARTS and Bright Adder demonstrators, and from the Gripen E’s ES-05 Raven radar. Italy (Leonardo) has joined the UK’s development of the new European Common Radar System for the Eurofighter.


Eurofighter will be able to find and blind the enemy before the enemy can get close enough to obtain a radar lock. The ECRS Mk 2 is a multi-functional radar system that includes an electronic warfare capability, including wide band electronic attack. It has the ability to locate, identify and suppress enemy air defenses using high-powered jamming within a contested and congested environment. It can engage targets beyond the reach of threats even when looking in another direction and operate inside the range of opposing air defenses, remaining fully protected throughout. It also enables the Eurofighter to link up with future data-driven weapons to combat rapidly evolving air defenses.

AN/APG 81 is the successor radar to the F-22’s AN/APG-77. Over three thousand AN/APG-81 AESA radars are expected to be ordered for the F-35, with production to run beyond 2035.


The F-35 is able to find and blind the enemy before the enemy can get close enough to obtain a radar lock. It has long-range active and passive air-to-air and air-to-ground modes that support a full range of air-to-air and air-to-surface missions complemented by stealth features. The AN/APG-81 can operate as an EW aperture utilizing the multi-function array. It can suppress and destroy the most advanced enemy air defenses.

Both radars are very advanced and capable. The ECRS Mk 2 is newer and still in development and testing. The An/APG 81 has undergone extensive development and testing and is operational today. Specific details of each radar are classified.


Wouldn't this be something in the hands of the EAF with meteors, MICAs and MICA NG, IRIST's, R-73/74. R-77 possibly R-27AE and R37M in the future as well as whatever indigenous and other missiles they're working on. With the Rafale and these Typhoons and the MiG-29M/M2 and possibly more MiG-35s and/or the Su-35SEs, there won't be another air force that will be able to touch the EAF except for the USAF & USN.
@The SC @Gomig-21 @Hydration your opinion about the post? I think Tejas will give us ToT but in terms of technolgy and avionics FA-50 will be far superior. In return, maybe India will give us more weapons like Astra, anti radiation missile etc...

@The SC you know what kind of weapons does SK produce for the FA-50 and T-50 aircrafts. Because must be enter the equation.





Astra and BrahMos are based on Russian R-77-1 and Onyx.
Why does Egypt need so many jets and weapon?
Because first Egypt need to replace old F-16 Mig-21 J-7 Alpha Jet K8 Mirage 2K/5. Totally Egypt needs a new LIFT aircraft (either Tejas or FA/T-50 aircrafts). Eurofighter will replace Mirage 2K role etc.. So that's why Egypt is buying a lot jets

And for the weapons, Egypt is modernizing her equipments because our previous president Mubarak neglected the Armed Forces, so we used old soviets american equipments till 2014. Due QME and American policies, a lot of equimpents were restricted so we couldn't buy advanced weapons so we bought from China France Russia Italy etc...
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