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Egyptian Armed Forces

How much would this suck, fellas? Sadly I made this prediction a while back, ever since that statement about F-15s to Egypt, then the rumors about Iran taking them off of Russia's hands. I always hoped I was wrong and would be glad and more than happy to still be wrong but it's been dragging way too long that something like this is inevitably bound to be true.....:mad:

How much would this suck, fellas? Sadly I made this prediction a while back, ever since that statement about F-15s to Egypt, then the rumors about Iran taking them off of Russia's hands. I always hoped I was wrong and would be glad and more than happy to still be wrong but it's been dragging way too long that something like this is inevitably bound to be true.....:mad:

Wasn't Russia making another batch of 24 or so SU-35S..that we all thought it was for the EAF too?
Wasn't Russia making another batch of 24 or so SU-35S..that we all thought it was for the EAF too?

They were? I don't remember that TBH. Looking at that one pic of that Su-35 in that tweet and the covered up Egyptian flag is very visible in this one instance because of the angle of the sunlight & reflection etc.

BTW, this one picture more than any other ones of these Su-35s shows the Egyptian flag on the V-stabs the clearest. Not only can you make out the red, white and black stripes, but you can almost make out the golden eagle emblem in the center!


That Pyramids Air Show video was great. Those gazelles put on an interesting show. Don't remember ever seeing them perform anything like that.
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How much would this suck, fellas? Sadly I made this prediction a while back, ever since that statement about F-15s to Egypt, then the rumors about Iran taking them off of Russia's hands. I always hoped I was wrong and would be glad and more than happy to still be wrong but it's been dragging way too long that something like this is inevitably bound to be true.....:mad:

Iranian media is recycling news
Still the same 24 fighters
Still the same article that it came from since January
Dont take them seriously
There was a report by the Russian MoD about it with a picture of a huge screen explaining all the current and future projects of the air-force....I'll try to find it for you..
Oh yes, now I remember that. I think that was just the original order which actually displayed 29 Su-35s for Egypt.
Good read. They know the restrictions are very unfavorable to Egypt which is why they're not complaining much, as well as the fact that they don't want to poke the warming relations that have been developing. But the Israelis have never been known to shy down from bitching about anything, which makes it even more interesting. The bottom line is that even with the current deployment and 8 lousy hardened hangers for half a squadron of F-16s is nothing anyway. It's not even close to being able to mount a defense against an invasion (which is much more likely to happen than aggression from Egypt) let alone an offensive lol. You want to invade; you need to have 3 times the quantity of your enemy. So, this number of facilities and troops in the Sinai is really inconsequential.
He mentioned one of the 3 airbases
Thats ignoring the other old already airbases maybe we are looking 50-100 f16s in sinai as a whole?
Attention sadly I filmed it when I was in the car because in the media they said when it was but not time. So Mahmoud said that it would be at 10 and I arrived late .So I filmed mostly the Black Eagle but I got some shots of them.
You people having a fun time near the Pyramids huh. Its gonna be my turn to have fun taking photos of the Naval side of things in November in Alex
Sadly I wasn't that lucky to see all this magnificient manouvers hahaha. But Alhamdulillah i saw some
Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 10.17.27 PM.png

An easter egg for you hahaha. A T-50 Golden Eagle with the Egyptian carrying AGM-65 Maverick. So maybe we contracted them.
Most likely..since there is the Egyptian flag on it..
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