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Egyptian Armed Forces

What do you expect in EDEX-2023? I heard it would be more specialized in precision munitions. We know that Egypt have Al Tariq guided bombs and even maybe produced locally.
Think we will, the factories needed to produce most of the parts of the missile are not difficult. It will be in the range of 10+ million which is not a huge investment.

CNC machines, coating machines, painting machines, PCB machines.

Rocket propellant factories, warhead factories, etc.
Think we will, the factories needed to produce most of the parts of the missile are not difficult.

CNC machines, coating machines, painting machines, PCB machines.

Rocket propellant factories, warhead factories, etc.
Egypt has the experience in a lot of things but i think the problem is the funds.
Look if Abu Ghazala (ex MoD) continued to be in his position, we could have been in another level but the fucking american pressure on our gov, Mubarak removed him because of this pressure. He is the one that infiltrated into american rocket facilities to give Egypt black carbon for stealth objects, we got BM projects like Condor-II/Badr 2000 BM project, got licence for Nodong missile.
It wasn't an easy landing for the pilot 😂 . I hope the pilot is safe.

@The SC @Gomig-21 your opinion?
It was said officially that it will mostly be about precision munition.. we can also see many new platforms and systems, like MLRS, 3D Radars, Medium range air defense, laser air defense all made fully or partially in Egypt.... But we should wait till after 2023 to see the start of the full Egyptian potential in arms manufacturing.. because the mother factory of the CNC machinery and the Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS)..A modern system of manufacturing that integrates the abilities of humans, machines, and processes.. will start then.. in 2023 that is..


Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) is a modern system of manufacturing that integrates the abilities of humans, machines, and processes to achieve the best possible manufacturing outcome. Manufacturing system refers to the entire process of gathering inputs, arranging, and transforming them into the desired output. IMS seeks to achieve optimal utilization of manufacturing resources, minimize wastage, and add value to the business.
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Egypt has the experience in a lot of things but i think the problem is the funds.
Look if Abu Ghazala (ex MoD) continued to be in his position, we could have been in another level but the fucking american pressure on our gov, Mubarak removed him because of this pressure. He is the one that infiltrated into american rocket facilities to give Egypt black carbon for stealth objects, we got BM projects like Condor-II/Badr 2000 BM project, got licence for Nodong missile.
Abu Ghazala did a good job already.. taking the Pershing BM design (the best MRBM at that time and Carbon-Carbon for reentry vehicles in space, their guidance systems and much more not known.. Imagine when Egypt shared this extremely important information and data with China and South Korea.. that helped them design their nuclear delivery BMs up to ICBMs .. what systems they must have given Egypt in return!? Just let's keep it a secret..

No regrets about Abu Ghazala.. he was the best in his time.. ranking only second to president Sissi now.. and who must have known him very well..
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Not a bad crash though.. only the landing gear is missing if not folded!

Agreed. These emergency belly landings are a lot more common than many think. I guess in this case is if the damage was too excessive and not worth the cost of repair, or, if they did repair it. I'm not sure of the rest of the story.

He also sent me these two pics which are amazing because the one flying was also photographed in the assembly factory right before delivery. Wait! The serial numbers don't match! lol, might be a different pic I'll have to go back and check.



BTW, remember the Buffalo cargo plane that the EAF used to operate? Check this video out if you haven't seen it before, they land it without the rear wheels which apparently failed to fold out. Terrific piloting skillzzz.

It wasn't an easy landing for the pilot 😂 . I hope the pilot is safe.

@The SC @Gomig-21 your opinion?

Agreed with Phillip and SC. I think we'll see a lot of the usual from last year with more emphasis on UAVs, radars, A LOT of small arms like the new Maadi Misr I think will be showcased like crazy to attract a lot of export contracts since Maadi AKs have a great reputation. A lot of the armored vehicles and Agusta Westland as well as Fincatierri will be well represented along with Thissenkrupp and the new domestic corvette will have a lot of exposure and we might even see Sukhoi as well as a big setup for Leonardo and the Eurofighter Typhoon if the deal is a go. Should be a lot of fun.
The conclusion of the joint Egyptian-Saudi air training activities "Faisal-12" in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The conclusion of the joint naval training activities (Red Wave - 5) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Agreed. These emergency belly landings are a lot more common than many think. I guess in this case is if the damage was too excessive and not worth the cost of repair, or, if they did repair it. I'm not sure of the rest of the story.

He also sent me these two pics which are amazing because the one flying was also photographed in the assembly factory right before delivery. Wait! The serial numbers don't match! lol, might be a different pic I'll have to go back and check.

View attachment 853548

View attachment 853549

BTW, remember the Buffalo cargo plane that the EAF used to operate? Check this video out if you haven't seen it before, they land it without the rear wheels which apparently failed to fold out. Terrific piloting skillzzz.

Agreed with Phillip and SC. I think we'll see a lot of the usual from last year with more emphasis on UAVs, radars, A LOT of small arms like the new Maadi Misr I think will be showcased like crazy to attract a lot of export contracts since Maadi AKs have a great reputation. A lot of the armored vehicles and Agusta Westland as well as Fincatierri will be well represented along with Thissenkrupp and the new domestic corvette will have a lot of exposure and we might even see Sukhoi as well as a big setup for Leonardo and the Eurofighter Typhoon if the deal is a go. Should be a lot of fun.
There is people who are saying that our Air Force doesn't have a good training. F*ck them.

I hope we will see new guided munitions, new maadi version (the standard polymer and the one with Black Cobra) etc.. For me the most important things will be the pgm for our drones, new missiles and a new atgm.

It was said officially that it will mostly be about precision munition.. we can also see many new platforms and systems, like MLRS, 3D Radars, Medium range air defense, laser air defense all made fully or partially in Egypt.... But we should wait till after 2023 to see the start of the full Egyptian potential in arms manufacturing.. because the mother factory of the CNC machinery and the Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS)..A modern system of manufacturing that integrates the abilities of humans, machines, and processes.. will start then.. in 2023 that is..
If we will showcased air defense systems it would be the Rheinmtall products but I don't think that we have an indigenous air defense system project.

Guys, you saw that the article that i sent about Brazil wanting to transform ASTROS II into a sort of air defense system?

Negotiations between Egypt and France’s Naval Group for the procurement of Scorpene 2000-class submarines, are reported to be progressing smoothly.

The Egyptian side is said to be optimistic that a deal might be soon concluded.

Tactical Report has prepared a 208-word report to shed more light on the deal’s updates and what it may further entail.

Considering that Brazil’s navy is getting a nuclear powered variant, could that be the case for Egypt as it co-operates with Brazil?

There is people who are saying that our Air Force doesn't have a good training. F*ck them.

I hope we will see new guided munitions, new maadi version (the standard polymer and the one with Black Cobra) etc.. For me the most important things will be the pgm for our drones, new missiles and a new atgm.

If we will showcased air defense systems it would be the Rheinmtall products but I don't think that we have an indigenous air defense system project.

Guys, you saw that the article that i sent about Brazil wanting to transform ASTROS II into a sort of air defense system?
There is one project with Bellarus:

Buk-MB3K Medium-range air defense missile system
It is a recent Belarusian air defense missile system that was proposed to Egypt..


The 9M318 is a new Belarusian surface-to-air missile with active radar guidance.
Active guidance means that once the missile is launched, the guidance channel becomes free. The launcher vehicle or command post can focus on other targets instead of directing the missile towards its target as with the older missiles with semi-active guidance. The prototype of the 9M318 was first revealed in 2019 and the missile was first tested in 2020. Its declared range is 70 km. This missile can reach targets at an altitude of 25 km. The missile weights 815 kg.
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There is one project with Bellarus:

Buk-MB3K Medium-range air defense missile system
It is a recent Belarusian air defense missile system that was proposed to Egypt..

View attachment 853685
The 9M318 is a new Belarusian surface-to-air missile with active radar guidance.
Active guidance means that once the missile is launched, the guidance channel becomes free. The launcher vehicle or command post can focus on other targets instead of directing the missile towards its target as with the older missiles with semi-active guidance. The prototype of the 9M318 was first revealed in 2019 and the missile was first tested in 2020. Its declared range is 70 km. This missile can reach targets at an altitude of 25 km. The missile weights 815 kg.
Honestly I don't think that Belarus will give ToT for this. Maybe we can buy for them for large quantity. Ofc I hope we can build them locally in Egypt, it will give a lot of experience.
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