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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egypt could likely overwhelm Israeli systems with barrages of a Polonez or similar system but they need air cover to operate likely Tor, Buk, etc.

10 launch vehicles equipped with 8 rockets each is a total of 80 rockets heading towards target in a very close manner.

I assume you could pack way more rockets in decoy system without a warhead considering you wouldn't need as much propellant or weight. Iron dome would be overwhelmed quickly when combining decoys+reloads.
If the Egyptian Air Force gets into the project, it will be a qualitative leap for Egypt, not only in terms of military capabilities, but because it will get an advanced fifth-generation fighter that will allow introducing advanced combat aircraft industry for the first time..


Jee whiz, that would be beyond unreal if they got some form of ToT. The only problem is that this is the only 4-5 gen without weapons bays. They should wait until the Koreans start their next one with enclosed weapons bays and just concentrate on the Su-57 for now. But too much US involvement in this is a big problem. Unless Sisi has made a deal with the US on getting all the armament previously denied such as your post on the AIM-120 and in return end all procurement of Russian stuff. I would hate to see that and would much prefer Sisi toughen up big time against Biden and even give him the middle finger and if they want Egypt to do all that, then ask for the world in return like 50 F-35s and 100 F-15EXs etc. Then it might be worth it although the F-35 doesn't really do it for me compared to the Su-57. But still, in order to give up Russia, we need the world of US armament in return, period! Nothing less.
Jee whiz, that would be beyond unreal if they got some form of ToT. The only problem is that this is the only 4-5 gen without weapons bays. They should wait until the Koreans start their next one with enclosed weapons bays and just concentrate on the Su-57 for now. But too much US involvement in this is a big problem. Unless Sisi has made a deal with the US on getting all the armament previously denied such as your post on the AIM-120 and in return end all procurement of Russian stuff. I would hate to see that and would much prefer Sisi toughen up big time against Biden and even give him the middle finger and if they want Egypt to do all that, then ask for the world in return like 50 F-35s and 100 F-15EXs etc. Then it might be worth it although the F-35 doesn't really do it for me compared to the Su-57. But still, in order to give up Russia, we need the world of US armament in return, period! Nothing less.
That is true..

I find this part..most interesting:

"Besides prototype development, DAPA is developing core technologies such as: AESA radar, IRST (infrared search and tracking equipment), EOTGP (electronic optical target tracking equipment), EW package for electronic warfare and mission computers."
That is true..

I find this part..most interesting:

"Besides prototype development, DAPA is developing core technologies such as: AESA radar, IRST (infrared search and tracking equipment), EOTGP (electronic optical target tracking equipment), EW package for electronic warfare and mission computers."

And why is it most interesting to you, my brother? Is it because these are the things that would end up being ToT'd into Egyptian hands? The AESA radar alone would be great but we've already inspected the RBE2 in the Rafale right down to the exact number, size and make-up of the modules which is what helped us develop the RCS2 system. Before you know it, I bet you'll see indegenously built AESA radars of all types in the Egyptian military inventory at the rate they're going with how many radars types they're building every year. It's truly remarkable but I'm with you on this aircraft. This would be a GREAT start and let's hope the US keeps its nose out of it and doesn't try to control the South Koreans in what they should or shouldn't give us. But you and I know dang well that they most certainly will stick their stinky nose into this.

But like I said, if they want us to give up Russian stuff (which honestly I would HATE to see and hope that never happens), we would need to strike a MAJOR deal with the US that would make the one with the UAE look like child's play. 50 F-35s and all the munition that goes with them, 4 or better yet, 5 simulators and right off the bat, 100 F-15EX also with all the associated munitions including of course the AIM-120C-7 and 9X as well as the complete Viper upgrade on at least 150 of the EAF's F-16s in inventory. New mission computers and of course the newly developed crazy radar they have for that upgrade that would help the long range munitions reach their maximum BVR capabilities and of course, Link-16 especially but 9 and 11 and the others that NATO also uses with its Navy. Yes I know I sound like I'm nuts and expect way too much, but if people stop for a second and see how much of our relationship with Russia has blossomed in terms of state of the art equipment we've purchased from them in just the last 10 years, giving all of that up HAS TO BE a super costly deal that the US will have to absorb. We can't give up that major option for nothing or for scraps like the US has been used to treating us?! Right? Then on top of that, they'll still have to put a clause that will allow us to keep purchasing all the munitions and parts for all the new Russian jets and SAMs we've recently purchased otherwise they will eventually run out and be worthless and we cannot and will not, never never never ever ever ever ever allow that to happen to us. Everyone with me on this or not? @ARCH٤R ? What say you? Of course Billip the great and Titanium, Joker and our great new Pakistani member Battalion and I'd also like to hear from the legendary @LeGenD !!!
And why is it most interesting to you, my brother? Is it because these are the things that would end up being ToT'd into Egyptian hands? The AESA radar alone would be great but we've already inspected the RBE2 in the Rafale right down to the exact number, size and make-up of the modules which is what helped us develop the RCS2 system. Before you know it, I bet you'll see indegenously built AESA radars of all types in the Egyptian military inventory at the rate they're going with how many radars types they're building every year. It's truly remarkable but I'm with you on this aircraft. This would be a GREAT start and let's hope the US keeps its nose out of it and doesn't try to control the South Koreans in what they should or shouldn't give us. But you and I know dang well that they most certainly will stick their stinky nose into this.

But like I said, if they want us to give up Russian stuff (which honestly I would HATE to see and hope that never happens), we would need to strike a MAJOR deal with the US that would make the one with the UAE look like child's play. 50 F-35s and all the munition that goes with them, 4 or better yet, 5 simulators and right off the bat, 100 F-15EX also with all the associated munitions including of course the AIM-120C-7 and 9X as well as the complete Viper upgrade on at least 150 of the EAF's F-16s in inventory. New mission computers and of course the newly developed crazy radar they have for that upgrade that would help the long range munitions reach their maximum BVR capabilities and of course, Link-16 especially but 9 and 11 and the others that NATO also uses with its Navy. Yes I know I sound like I'm nuts and expect way too much, but if people stop for a second and see how much of our relationship with Russia has blossomed in terms of state of the art equipment we've purchased from them in just the last 10 years, giving all of that up HAS TO BE a super costly deal that the US will have to absorb. We can't give up that major option for nothing or for scraps like the US has been used to treating us?! Right? Then on top of that, they'll still have to put a clause that will allow us to keep purchasing all the munitions and parts for all the new Russian jets and SAMs we've recently purchased otherwise they will eventually run out and be worthless and we cannot and will not, never never never ever ever ever ever allow that to happen to us. Everyone with me on this or not? @ARCH٤R ? What say you? Of course Billip the great and Titanium, Joker and our great new Pakistani member Battalion and I'd also like to hear from the legendary @LeGenD !!!
I'm with you on that .. but without giving up anything Russian..HaHa..Diversification is key..

Well..core avionics technologies such as: AESA radar, IRST (infrared search and tracking equipment), EOTGP (electronic optical target tracking equipment), EW package for electronic warfare and mission computers are very interesting in the way you can have their source codes and implement them to any locally manufactured fighter plane.. wich will allow to integrate any weapons on the platform.. beside gaining advanced technologies TOT..

This photo shows Defense Minister Suh Wook (L) with Egypt's defense industry minister Mohamed Ahmed Morsi during a two-day visit to the Middle Eastern country on Monday. (Defense Ministry )

Minister Suh said that South Korea's defense capabilities can contribute to the Egyptian defense modernization project, calling on Minister Morsi to pay special attention to the ongoing discussions between the two countries on defense issues in order to make progress in this regard.

The meeting took place Monday after Suh arrived in Egypt for a two-day visit at the invitation of the country's defense chief Mohamed Ahmed Zaki Mohamed. He is South Korea's first defense minister to visit the Middle Eastern nation.
In turn, Minister Morsi praised South Korea's defense capabilities and expressed his expectations for further expansion of defense cooperation with South Korea, according to the ministry.

The two ministers agreed to expand defense cooperation to various fields, including military education, military training and military exchanges. The two ministers also agreed to search for ways of cooperation, especially in the field of defense science and technology.

They also agreed to enhance high-level contacts between the two countries so that cooperation in the defense industry and other areas between the two countries can create synergies in the future.

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Nothing was abandoned, so the proportions of weapons to the air are equal, whether the American, the Russian, or the Western French
As for the navy, it has become a Western par excellence without heading to the east in anything, and the air defense is only Russian and some Western systems, so you need everyone, even the Pentagon knows well that, the hawks have another opinion And I think in 2013 the Pentagon had a relationship with the leaders, despite the fluctuation of foreign policy, America would agree to arm the Egyptian army, not from fear or even blackmail, but to maintain a share in the Egyptian arms market and the way it deals with them. And transport helicopters and marine parts MMSC after the end of the problem of instability of the engine at a speed of 40 knots, and the US Bahrain wants to sell it to Egypt, Greece and Taiwan
Egypt is about to establish new teams in the Egyptian army, stationed in mobile bases, and team Farid’s visit to Russia has shown parachute systems in the yard of the Ministry of Defense and the appearance of the Bok 3 and Ante 4000 systems in Egyptian camouflage. The upcoming deals and the knowledge of the number 34 Su35 of who is left for Egypt, Algeria or Turkey The Typhoon deal has become from the past and it may not take place, so we just wait for the next year to know the direction of the army in the deals because this is what determines the future of foreign relations
The upcoming deals and the knowledge of the number 34 Su35 of who is left for Egypt, Algeria or Turkey

I doubt it's going to either of the last two!
I also was reading today the talks of arming the Mistrals in Russia. If true, which sounds like it is, it's good news and about dam time!

Bright Star begins tomorrow. Hopefully we get some great footage and some nice pics.

One of the two beauties on a nose down attitude landing.

Bright Star 2021.. With the participation of 21 countries

The most important characteristic of the Bright Star exercises is the participation of the various branches of the naval, air and air defense forces, along with infantry, armored vehicles, electronic warfare and other various weapons, which achieve the highest benefit from the exercises.

UAE is getting a couple Gowind-2500s and hopefully getting a couple FREMM sized ships in the future.

Hope for more naval exercises between the two brotherly countries.

Indeed. I remember a few months ago the order they put in for the 2 Gowinds and there was talk about possibly a FREMM as well, but wiki has no info on any FREMM ordered by the UAE for some reason. The French model is very nice and I'm sure quite capable especially with all the available MICA missiles as well and the MICA NG etc. But those Beghaminis are just so sweet with their own incredible systems, especially the AESA radar that can switch to PESA instantaneously along with other system comms. That mast and just size and appearance is superb and I can see why the EN is using it a lot more than the French FREMM it seems. Not only that, but ordering quite a few more is only an indication they prefer the Italian one over the French one quite a bit more as well as there was talk that the French FREMM is considerably more extensive and costly to maintain. That seems a bit strange but it is what it is, I guess.

One of the neat things I've noticed about the EN is their superb navigation abilities and especially their speed at being able to quickly begin operating all these new and incredible ships they've bought on their own. How we heard nothing from outsiders except for negative criticism about the usual "logistical nightmare" stuff looool and now we've seen the EN's captains and crews commanding and cruising those ships with the utmost proficiency and mastery it's just impressive as heck and suggestive that not only did they take advantage of their training with the French and Italians, but they seem to have innate abilities to command such ships from the storied tradition of the Egyptian Navy. Their selection of crew and of course captains is very strict and we see the results. As a recreational boater, I know how difficult it is to dock a simple 30 footer lol and I see how these fellas in the EN bring these massive ships so close to the docks before letting the tugs finish the last push-ins is really something. And they don't even use any tugs with the Mistrals because of its propulsion system makes it easy to dock without any tug help which is just incredibly impressive.

I have been exploring the concept of firing the HAS-250 from a truck parked on the Mistrals like the HIMARS on American ships.

That would be quite something. They'll have to reinforce the deck at the areas where they would be firing these missiles is my guess, just looking at that brutal rocket flaming and pressure from your picture that it would cause some serious damage to the current deck the way it's constituted. Just assuming that they might need to double-plate and harden that area to protect it. But it's a great idea by you. Add that offensive capability to the possible naval Pantsir CIWS that they seem to be currently contracting and those big ships should be ready to receive the Katrans and be fully operational!

Some new pics of the EAF Rafales refueling with the French A330 MRTTs from a few weeks ago. @Lord Of Gondor , those EAF Rafales are so sweet-looking I bet you guys get the same feeling when you see the Indian ones, ey?




Interesting we occasionally see one or two empty backseater.


UAE Gowinds have 16 ESSMs which are arguably better than the MICAs on the Egyptian Gowinds although the MICA NG should be much closer to the capabilities of the ESSM.

It also has LOGIRs licensed by Halcon for anti missile boat duties.
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