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Egyptian Armed Forces

Meanwhile, there is talk that the Pentagon has informed the Egyptian negotiating team that the Biden administration will not agree to the sale until a number of preconditions are met at the geopolitical level..

While we all know what the conditions are and will be (humanitarian crap) while ignoring all the other vital humanitarian things Sisi and co. have done to improve the lives of LAW ABIDING citizens not MB terrorists and cretins who deserve to be locked up, so it doesn't look like any AIM-whatever will ever make it to Egypt and there should be the end of any Egyptian US military relationship just as an answer to the despicable gall to put humanitarian preconditions on Egypt while 10s of other Arab and Muslim countries have 15 times WORST humanitarian records than lowly Egypt that has been gripped by this BS from the US for DECADES!!!! My goodness, when is enough is enough. Take your preconditions and stick them where the sun don't shine, in other words, in the stinkhole!!!!! I say give them the middle finger and see what happens after that.

Egypt issued a tender to manufacture heavy armed drones

To advance its national defense industry plans, Egypt has launched a new tender for armed dron.. With a major transfer of technology components.. And it is looking for suppliers from the United States, China and Italy to supply it with advanced drones..

Several countries have made attractive offers to Cairo, most notably China with the Ch-5 plane and the United States with the MQ-9 Reaper.. Italy offers to localize sensitive electronic systems in Egypt..




MQ-9 Reaper


Italy is offering sensitive electronic systems ToT :

  • Ground Control Station (GCS)
  • Ground Data Terminal (GDT)
  • Ground Support Equipment (GSE)


While the MQ-9 Reaper is most likely the best option as far as lethality and compatibility with existing platforms in the EAF, it's still American after all and coming after the UAE just got final approval for the F-35 and the Reapers it wanted after succumbing to the vast conditions of cozying up to the Zionists (which we've had a peace treaty with before the UAE ever became any country vital to the world and was nothing but merely sand, no offense,) and yet we're treated with this stupid stick that should be broken in half and smashed on someone's head! lol.

Let's go full Italian all the way!!!!!!!! Look at what they're offering and screw the F-16 now and use them until they're no good for nothing while slowly replacing them with Eurofighter Typhoons from Italy which has a MUCH BETTER way of dealing with Egypt with deserved respect, unlike the disrespectful BS and insulting garbage coming from the US. Screw them ten times over and I hope Egypt has the guts to cut as much ties as it can with the US and go Russian, Italian and Chinese and teach that bully a lesson that will hurt for a while.

That Italian option is MUCH more attractive than the BS that does and doesn't come with the Reaper. Kuss omen omohom el Amrican wlad el 3ars!!! I've had it. Start the new order for the MiG-35s, Su-35SE double the count and get a contract on the Su-57 immediately. Wait on the Checkmate a bit too early for that but make a move on the Typhoon immediately and start shifting the F-16 pilots from them to the EFT. while storing the leftover ones until we see what the dogs start saying.
While we all know what the conditions are and will be (humanitarian crap) while ignoring all the other vital humanitarian things Sisi and co. have done to improve the lives of LAW ABIDING citizens not MB terrorists and cretins who deserve to be locked up, so it doesn't look like any AIM-whatever will ever make it to Egypt and there should be the end of any Egyptian US military relationship just as an answer to the despicable gall to put humanitarian preconditions on Egypt while 10s of other Arab and Muslim countries have 15 times WORST humanitarian records than lowly Egypt that has been gripped by this BS from the US for DECADES!!!! My goodness, when is enough is enough. Take your preconditions and stick them where the sun don't shine, in other words, in the stinkhole!!!!! I say give them the middle finger and see what happens after that.

While the MQ-9 Reaper is most likely the best option as far as lethality and compatibility with existing platforms in the EAF, it's still American after all and coming after the UAE just got final approval for the F-35 and the Reapers it wanted after succumbing to the vast conditions of cozying up to the Zionists (which we've had a peace treaty with before the UAE ever became any country vital to the world and was nothing but merely sand, no offense,) and yet we're treated with this stupid stick that should be broken in half and smashed on someone's head! lol.

Let's go full Italian all the way!!!!!!!! Look at what they're offering and screw the F-16 now and use them until they're no good for nothing while slowly replacing them with Eurofighter Typhoons from Italy which has a MUCH BETTER way of dealing with Egypt with deserved respect, unlike the disrespectful BS and insulting garbage coming from the US. Screw them ten times over and I hope Egypt has the guts to cut as much ties as it can with the US and go Russian, Italian and Chinese and teach that bully a lesson that will hurt for a while.

That Italian option is MUCH more attractive than the BS that does and doesn't come with the Reaper. Kuss omen omohom el Amrican wlad el 3ars!!! I've had it. Start the new order for the MiG-35s, Su-35SE double the count and get a contract on the Su-57 immediately. Wait on the Checkmate a bit too early for that but make a move on the Typhoon immediately and start shifting the F-16 pilots from them to the EFT. while storing the leftover ones until we see what the dogs start saying.
- It is not bad to ask the US for something you know it won't be coming..just like the F-35..
This only means that there are big deals with Russia coming soon..HaHa..

- Yes the Italian offer seems a very good deal.. but maybe the Chinese offer can be even better.. if there is ToT of the missiles as wel.. The US will not provide missiles ToT and much less ToT of the entire system.. So most likely it wll be between the Italian and Chinese offers for sure.. with the Chinese offer maybe a bit ahead..and why not the Chinese system and armament with the Italian sophisticated electronic systems!!! ..
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- It is not bad to ask the US for something you know it won't be coming..just like the F-35..
This only means that there are big deals with Russia coming soon..HaHa..

That's fine, but just like the incompetent Biden administration that has clearly botched the evac procedure from Afghanistan with the latest blunder of losing US servicemen not to mention the disastrous and chaotic withdrawal that was totally unorganized by this same admin that wants to put preconditions on one of its best allies that was the FIRST to open the peace road with those land grabbing thieves in the zionists and tell them that we're not listening to a single insulting preconditions because you and I know exactly what they are, humanitarian bs as well as democratically elected procedures which none of that stuff is any of their business. Have they told the UAE or Saudiya to end their monarchies and institute elections before supplying them with hundreds of F-15s and Patriots and now F-35s? lol. Hypocrites can take it up the bumbum as far as I'm concerned and I'm sure Sisi will do just that. I wouldn't even ask for it TBPH with you bro and if they have a problem with it, then we'll hold the cards.

- It is not bad to ask the US for something you know it won't be coming..just like the F-35..
This only means that there are big deals with Russia coming soon..HaHa..

- Yes the Italian offer seems a very good deal.. but maybe the Chinese offer can be even better.. if there is ToT of the missiles as wel.. The US will not provide missiles ToT and much less ToT of the entire system.. So most likely it wll be between the Italian and Chinese offers for sure.. with the Chinese offer maybe a bit ahead..and why not the Chinese system and armament with the Italian sophisticated electronic systems!!! ..

I say go for the Italian deal since it also comes with massive ToT and we have the mega deal going on as well as all the warships coming and we have GREAT relations with them and most of all, start the process of replacing the F-16s with Typhoons which is the biggest draw IMO.
I knew about a lot of change in the armament of the Egyptian army from America, and I know what is being negotiated, and there is no aid in this deal since the beginning of this year. Many in large sums, most of them are spare parts for these deals from aid and the purchase of weapons by paying a term of cash $$ I know what will be signed some of them and many things will equal parity and also make the army dominant and protector of the eastern Mediterranean and exit with convoys securing pirate areas, whether Bab al-Mandab or the Gulf of Guinea
That's fine, but just like the incompetent Biden administration that has clearly botched the evac procedure from Afghanistan with the latest blunder of losing US servicemen not to mention the disastrous and chaotic withdrawal that was totally unorganized by this same admin that wants to put preconditions on one of its best allies that was the FIRST to open the peace road with those land grabbing thieves in the zionists and tell them that we're not listening to a single insulting preconditions because you and I know exactly what they are, humanitarian bs as well as democratically elected procedures which none of that stuff is any of their business. Have they told the UAE or Saudiya to end their monarchies and institute elections before supplying them with hundreds of F-15s and Patriots and now F-35s? lol. Hypocrites can take it up the bumbum as far as I'm concerned and I'm sure Sisi will do just that. I wouldn't even ask for it TBPH with you bro and if they have a problem with it, then we'll hold the cards.

I say go for the Italian deal since it also comes with massive ToT and we have the mega deal going on as well as all the warships coming and we have GREAT relations with them and most of all, start the process of replacing the F-16s with Typhoons which is the biggest draw IMO.
Yes the Italian offer is very attractive.. the only problem is that Italy does not make combat drones ..only surveillance ones..That is why I thought a combination of the Chinese offer with the Italian sensitive tech.. where you will get the best of both worlds.. an armed combat Drone with some of the most advanced Western components from Italy..
Several Russian sources indicated that Egypt obtained the Kh-59MK2 stealth missile with Sukhoi-35 and MiG-29 fighters..

I'm not surprised at all TBH. I bet there are several other goodies that we don't have full confirmation of unless some Russian sources come out with them or we end up seeing them eventually. Since I'm a stickler for A2A munitions, I hope to see the R-37M but like Phillip said, MTCR will be an issue with that particular munition but maybe they'll either limit them to that or find ways around it. Let's hope when they decide to order another 50 MiG-35s now and there is no question that they are MiG-35s like they claim these photos are, that they are equipped with the Zhuk-AE AESA radar or if it's another name that another company built other than Phazatron and that they're equipped with 4 pylons on each wing and loaded!!!


Haha, Amou you are into A2A munitions while I think proactively with A2G weapons.

Why fight them in the sky when you can destroy them on the ground right?
G2G is even better and more secure.. just wait for the Ukrainian MLRS Vilkha and Belarus Polonez with its 300 km missiles.. and likely Iskander too..



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G2G is even better and more secure.. just wait for the Ukrainian MLRS Vilkha and Belarus Polonez with its 300 km missiles.. and likely Iskander too..

Wait a minute ya habib alby ya gameel awy awy awy enta!!!! 😁 What is Billip talking about when he said "Amou"? Having a tough time figuring it out TBH. I know it's a flattering name or noun but does he mean 3amo? Like uncle or something else? Help me out that Basha and you too ya Billip. I'm only using the B on your name for obvious reasons as we Arabs (mostly Egyptians) don't have the P in our alphabet and don't know how to pronounce it and instead, use the B instead lmao.

Haha, Amou you are into A2A munitions while I think proactively with A2G weapons.

Why fight them in the sky when you can destroy them on the ground right?

That's if you can get to their runways and destroy them before they take off or better yet, destroy their aircraft completely. Not an easy task depending on the enemy and the one who did it to us is bound to be sure it never happens to them, especially when they're surrounded by enemies who hate them with a passion. Hence most of the fighting will more certainly be in the air and sea and then land.

Also, the EAD is quite well equipped with A2G munitions especially with the new Russian and French aircraft, not to mention the plethora of F-16s. So that's not as huge a priority as having unmatched BVR capabilities.
Wait a minute ya habib alby ya gameel awy awy awy enta!!!! 😁 What is Billip talking about when he said "Amou"? Having a tough time figuring it out TBH. I know it's a flattering name or noun but does he mean 3amo? Like uncle or something else? Help me out that Basha and you too ya Billip. I'm only using the B on your name for obvious reasons as we Arabs (mostly Egyptians) don't have the P in our alphabet and don't know how to pronounce it and instead, use the B instead lmao.

That's if you can get to their runways and destroy them before they take off or better yet, destroy their aircraft completely. Not an easy task depending on the enemy and the one who did it to us is bound to be sure it never happens to them, especially when they're surrounded by enemies who hate them with a passion. Hence most of the fighting will more certainly be in the air and sea and then land.
Yes probably Amou means my uncle or just uncle..

Well ..they have to get on the runway anyways.. if you have satellites or AWACS watching, the data can be transmitted in real time.. that is where the Iskander and the Polonez can enter into action.. since the adversary will certainly have a good air-defense..but it will be less effective against tactical BMs that change course at will..
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The South Korean Defense Minister is visiting Egypt for several days, during which he will meet with President Sisi to discuss ways of joint cooperation in defense systems..

It is worth noting that the Minister of the South Korean Defense Procurement Administration Program visited Egypt for several days, accompanied by an accompanying delegation, two months ago, during which he met with a number of officials.

South Korea is one of the advanced countries in the military industries in various branches..

In the air, it has an advanced training aircraft and light combat, and recently it started the project of the local fighter that we talked about before from the 4++ generation and in the future it will be a version of the fifth generation and programs for unmanned aircraft and a multi-mission helicopter.

In the maritime industry, it has technologies that compete with the most powerful Western countries.

Besides prototype development, DAPA is developing core technologies such as: AESA radar, IRST (infrared search and tracking equipment), EOTGP (electronic optical target tracking equipment), EW package for electronic warfare and mission computers.

If the Egyptian Air Force gets into the project, it will be a qualitative leap for Egypt, not only in terms of military capabilities, but because it will get an advanced fifth-generation fighter that will allow introducing advanced combat aircraft industry for the first time..


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Russia is equipping a foreign military ship believed to be Egyptian with an air defense system

On the sidelines of the Army-2021 exhibition, Russia announced the equipping of a foreign military ship with the Palma short-range air defense system, which is a class of short-range self-defense systems CIWS.

روسيا تجهز سفينة عسكرية أجنبية يعتقد أنها مصرية بمنظومة دفاع جوي

The Palm is equipped with a television monitoring system and laser range-finding, a channel for guidance and control of missiles with laser beams, a thermal imaging channel, and a system for determining weather conditions in a radius of a maximum of 20 km.

The system was liked by Egypt in 2015 and is one of the candidate systems to work on the Mistral.
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