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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egypt is in exercises everywhere and with almost everyone.. you can count more than 10 exercises just in 2021 so far..

They are currently doing exercises with the UAE.. Egypt should officially join the Peninsula shield even tho they are already part of it.. Jordan and Sudan being the two other entities who are defacto part of it but they should join officially.. Morocco is also an option but shouldn't be accepted until they come into an agreement with Algeria and let them join at the same time being mindful of not upsetting one of them at the cost of the other.. The Maghreeb is one hell'va weird region
The only country in the Middle East other than Turkey that has a big and strong navy.
Russia announces Egypt as one of the customers of the fifth generation stealth fighter Sukhoi 57

This is one of the best videos about the SU-57 capabilities..just stunning..

Come on, bro! Who was it that said immediately after the tender for the MiG-35 that eventually the EAF will be putting in a sizeable offer for the Su-57? Come on, SC, give us some love, ma man! I called it then and I even reiterated the point much more strongly after the order for the 30 Su-35SEs went through. This is wonderful news and in the hands of the EAF with the MiG-29M/M2/35, the vaunted Su-35SE with it's plethora of weapons including the hypersonic R-37M AWACs killer and of course the LO composite addition to the aircraft as well as the 5 radar antennas including the most powerful PESA in the world in the IRBIS-E 400km range and 3 L-band AESA radars as well as the 200km IRST, these things are going to deal a heavy blow to whomever dares to mess with Egypt. Just frigging bring it and we'll bring the unforgettable HURT! lol :lol: 👍

The other thing to do is to not even wait for the Izdelieye 30 to be ready. Just contract it under terms for the current AL-41F1S and make it part of the contract that when the Izd-30 is fully ready, each of the engines will be changed to the new ones with the serrated nozzles and fully integrated to the jets while keeping the Al-41FS for future overhaul or additional spare engines to the Su-35SEs since it is the same engine that belongs to that aircraft. And, if the new AESA NO36 Byelka radar that is going into the Su-57 ends up being an upgrade for the Su-35SE, then a switch to those would be in order without a question since the EAF will never settle for just 30 Su-35SEs. They'll eventually want to raise that number to at least 54 possibly 72 to 100 if they end up being ultra happy with them which I don't see why they wouldn't.

The other question will be if the EAF will be interested in the Su-75 or Checkmate. That's a hard one to predict to be perfectly honest. I think if they end up being very happy with the Su-57 and they can order more MiG-35 and Su-35S and end up with the long range hypersonic missiles as well as the RVV-SD and not the AE as well as the R-74M amongst other new heavy and potent Russian missiles such as DEFINITELY THE R-27ER (if I don't see that missile on any of the MiGs or Su-35SE I will NEVER BE A FAN OF THEM ANYMORE as they should've certainly been on the MiG-35s already!!!), then they shouldn't have any need for a single engine Russian competition to the F-35 since its inventory will be more than capable of dealing with an enemy that has that aircraft.

who ever thinks that a helicopter a kind of tank must be a moron, a tank can survive with multiple hits but a heli is more like a defenseless baby who cant survive with a soft hit

He's not talking about the Ka-52M being like a tank. Even though it is heavily armored around the cockpit to protect the pilots and is the only attack helo not only equipped with an ejection system for the pilots, but it automatically comes with the President S system which unless you aren't familiar with that system, it's a superb EW system capable of thwarting and faking incoming missiles to see multiple images of the helo and help divert it towards a phantom image instead of the real one. This has been successfully tried on several occasions and the beauty of it is that it is a modular system capable of being installed on all sorts of Russian helos and has already been successfully tested on the Mi-24, 35, 28, 17 Hip as well as the both attack variants of the Ka-53 in the Alligator as well as the Katran naval version.

But the "armored tub" is a very well known additional armored package that wraps around the entire cockpit to protect the pilots against small arms fire and that is what they mean by "like a tank."

@ARCH٤R , this is your pic, isn't it? I don't want to steal it without your permission but why didn't you post it and are you ok with me stealing it and posting it? lol. Let me know if you would rather I didn't so that I won't when I see your posts on that other social media account and I won't do it.

Interesting pic of an Egyptian EAF Gazelle helicopter with some neat camera and sensors as well as a rocket pod.

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EAF and the UAEAF exercise is very important to increase interoperability and training for both countries. UAE can also train EAF on platforms like the A-330 which the EAF may acquire in the future.

Hope in the future there will be joint missile projects preferably a cruise missile and BVR/WVR project.

Its likely Halcon could take over A-Darter production from Denel Dynamics for a sum of money considering its chances of being purchased are very bleak.

Incomar, which works with Halcon in development acquired many engineers involved with developing radar seeker technology from the 100km range Marlin missile.
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EAF and the UAEAF exercise is very important to increase interoperability and training for both countries.

Hope in the future there will be joint missile projects preferably a cruise missile and BVR/WVR project.

And this is honestly Egypt's last hope to upgrade at least 145 of its F-16s to a super potent BVR-capable aircraft if it hasn't been able to get even the lousy AIM-120B the Turks have as well as the AESA (I believe it's the SARS radar that Bahrain was going to get with its Block 70 upgrade) radar capable of guiding the AIM-120C-7 to its maximum range, then it should ask the US for the full package of the Viper upgrade which not only would include the AIM-120C-7, but it can also become capable of being armed with a range of air-to-air missiles (AAMs), including AIM-9 Sidewinder, Magic II (imaging that on the F-16 as the EAF has an abundance of that from all the Mirages and Rafales and ASRAAM short-range AAMs, as well as AIM-7 (which the EAF already has, Sky Flash, and AIM-120 medium-range AAMs which is the big one. Of course it also will be able to fire the high off-bore-sight, infrared AAMs, such as AIM-9X, AIM-132 ASRAAM, and IRIS-T. The Viper also includes the Pythion V but who the F cares about the Israeli crap we have NO NEED for any of their shit.

The issue is that someone smart needs to sit down with the US officials and tell them listen, we're gonna go with the UAE and we want to induct all this stuff in our F-16s with your permission since we're going to get the equivalent in the Russian systems and if you deny us, not only are we going to have to do a lot of this crap in secrecy, but it's going to sour our relationship deeply and we don't want that. We're just fed up with you treating us like scum of the earth and enough is enough. So either provide it for us or we'll start the procedure of moving as far away from anything US that we can possibly do and you will regret losing a HUGE strategic partner in the MENA and main Middle East area.

Egypt needs to really toughen its stance with the US and force them to offer much more than even just the viper upgrade and associated weapons. And if the threat comes with the UAE in the background, the US might think twice about saying no this time around. At the same time, the EAF needs to parade the Su-35s as fast and as many as possible while announcing all Russian renders and contracts to push the deal and leverage the US as much as possible. It's time to take the kids gloves off.

The aircraft supports the integration of AGM-119/AGM-84/AGM-65G anti-ship missiles and AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground tactical missile, as well as Paveway laser-guided bombs, GBU-15 bombs, and wind corrected munitions dispenser weapons as well as the upgraded and other beneficial upgrades such as programmable displays generator, a Link-16 theatre data link, identification friend or foe (IFF) and HF/UHF/VHF radio communications and a few other little neat tidbits that would also help the EAF perform missions with the US. A lot of those Paveway and GBU bombs are already in EAF inventory so what the heck is their problem?

Also the single, high-performance, modular mission computer (MMC) on the F-16V is a replacement of the three original computers would be part of it which provides higher computing power to the avionics and weapon systems, while offering improved situational awareness, air-to-air strike performances, accurate targeting, and information capabilities.

Incomar, which works with Halcon in development acquired many engineers involved with developing radar seeker technology from the 100km range Marlin missile.

Then get really involved with the UAE with all that and put even more pressure on the US.

On a separate note:

Russian Helicopters continue work on the creation of the Ka-52K helicopter for the Russian Navy, a contract with the Ministry of Defense has been signed. This was announced by the general director of the holding, Andrei Boginsky.

The Russian military department and "Russian Helicopters" signed a contract to continue the development work on the creation of a "sea" version of the Ka-52K helicopter. At the moment, work is underway to unify the marine version with the land one. The creation of the new helicopter should be completed by 2023.

Russian Helicopters holding continued work on the creation of the Ka-52K Katran helicopter (topwar.ru)

So maybe by 2024 we should start seeing the naval version of the Ka-52 Katran on the Egyptian Navy Mistrals ISA.
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Russian Helicopters continue work on the creation of the Ka-52K helicopter for the Russian Navy, a contract with the Ministry of Defense has been signed. This was announced by the general director of the holding, Andrei Boginsky.

The Russian military department and "Russian Helicopters" signed a contract to continue the development work on the creation of a "sea" version of the Ka-52K helicopter. At the moment, work is underway to unify the marine version with the land one. The creation of the new helicopter should be completed by 2023.

Russian Helicopters holding continued work on the creation of the Ka-52K Katran helicopter (topwar.ru)

So maybe by 2024 we should start seeing the naval version of the Ka-52 Katran on the Egyptian Navy Mistrals ISA.
Do you think that the current KA-52s would be relegated to being used on land if Egypt acquires the Katrans?
Do you think that the current KA-52s would be relegated to being used on land if Egypt acquires the Katrans?

Yes, for sure. There would be no reason to have them on the ships in the salt environment especially if they didn't get the wing-folding modification on them and only the rotor one for a temporary fit. Plus the Katran has an entire naval design for it's composite construction and anti-corrosive paint as well as being able to carry one of the biggest and heaviest anti-ship weapons.

Speaking of helos, Egypt signed a contract for the purchase of (32) AW149 & AW189 helicopters, which was followed by another unspecified additional contract. The AW149 is an adjustable platform which has multi-military roles as SAR/CAS/SOPs/ISR/MEDEVAC/C2/Troops transportation.

So it should come in several color platforms between the two models.

We've seen this one which actually flew during Qader exercise off the Mistral:

And these were already in the EAF in one or two models but it's clear they're ordering a large amount of these SAR helos and we should be seeing many of them delivered rather soon and operating on many of the new ships.



[QUOTE = "Gomig-21 ، النشر: 13262542 ، العضو: 180140"]
بالتأكيد نعم. لن يكون هناك سبب لوجودهم على متن السفن في البيئة الملحية خاصةً إذا لم يحصلوا على تعديل طي الجناح عليها وتعديل الدوار فقط لتركيب مؤقت. بالإضافة إلى أن كاتران لديها تصميم بحري كامل لتركيبها المركب وطلائها المضاد للتآكل بالإضافة إلى قدرتها على حمل أحد أكبر وأثقل الأسلحة المضادة للسفن.

وبالحديث عن helos ، وقعت مصر عقدًا لشراء (32) مروحية AW149 و AW189 ، تلاه عقد إضافي آخر غير محدد. AW149 عبارة عن منصة قابلة للتعديل لها أدوار متعددة العسكرية مثل نقل SAR / CAS / SOPs / ISR / MEDEVAC / C2 / القوات.

لذلك يجب أن يأتي بعدة أنظمة ألوان بين النموذجين.

لقد تم إطلاق سراحه بنجاح.
[إرفاق = ممتلئ] 767912 [/ إرفاق]

موجودة موجودة بالفعل في EAF في نموذج واحد أو اثنين ، لكن من المطلوب منك أن تطلب منك الكمية الكبيرة من طائرات الهليكوبتر SAR هذه ويجب أن نشهد هبوطها في نموذج كامل من السفن الجديدة.

[إرفاق = ممتلئ] 767913 [/ إرفاق]

[إرفاق = ممتلئ] 767915 [/ إرفاق]

[إرفاق = ممتلئ] 767914 [/ إرفاق]
[/ اقتبس]
[ATTACH = ممتلئ] 768000 [/ إرفاق] [إرفاق = ممتلئ] 768000 [/ إرفاق] [/ QUOTE]
Joker habibi, ana fahem enta askad eh w'btoul eh, bas lazem tekteq bel engeleezy because it is policy. Eshtah ya basha! 3andak haq BTW.
Do you think that the current KA-52s would be relegated to being used on land if Egypt acquires the Katrans?
Even if just for land..it will be a very unique and potent attack helicopter when it will get the new 100 km guided munition or cruise missile "product 305"..
KA-52 needs a SPIKE-NLOS type missile in my opinion

Another thought I had in mind is about the F-16s and how to pressure the US is to tell them that if Italy agrees to provide the EAF with at east 100 Eurofigther Typhoons WITH the METEOR missile since the Germans just successfully tested and recently integrated that missile on their aircraft that we would want to sell 100 F-16 so that we can purchase the EFTs (most likely from Italy not Germany) and see what they say? This was part of the smart negotiating I was talking about that needs to be done by pressuring the US to stop the Israeli QME while every other Arab country with the exception of Iraq has BVR missiles. It's just getting way too old but I would also hate to give up any of the 196 active EAF F-16, especially when their pilots are some of the best in the country.

But something needs to be done. That's one way I wouldn't mind losing the F-16s, is to a very potent EUROFITHER Typhoon with IRST short range missiles and the Meteor which would be interchangeable with the Rafales. It's a no-brainer but pressure needs to be put on the US like really hard to end this crazy stupid lack of BVR.

I would get rid of every single F-16 for EFTs with GBUs, IRSTs and Meteors. Would you?
What AIM-120 is Jordan using on its F-16s?
C-7s which are quite good.

You see that, bro? That was why I asked you. Jordan which is closer to that pain in the region Israel and made peace with Israel way after Egypt and has less economical and political dealing with Israel than Egypt is given the BEST export AIM-120, yet Egypt is denied!? Someone please explain the logic of that to me because I don't understand it. Anyone?

It could be used everywhere all tho will be good on top of an heli-carrier

The whole idea for the purchase of the 50 Ka-52 Nile Crocodiles was to supplement the EAF's 46 Apache attack helicopters for the war of terror in Sinai and the western border as well as the southern one. The 46 Apaches are not nearly enough to take care of any border infiltration and they wanted at least 100 super attack helicopters and they have two of the best in the world ATM. The US will try to help increase that number but there is just too much gaddam red tape with those friggin people that the EAF should just order another 100 land attack Ka-52s as well as 46 Ka-k2K Katran specifically for the Mistrals and there would be a few more for use on the Gowinds or FREMMs if need be once the 36 are used up for the Mistrals.

While the Gazelle makes for a very decent light attack helo, it is nothing compared to the Apache or certainly the Ka-52 which I think the latter (Russian Helo) is much better and more versatile and powerful than the Apache. So screw any more Apache orders that are diluted without the Longbow radar which is now old technology and STILL NOT OFFERED! lol, ridiculous and frustrating beyond belief.
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