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Egyptian Armed Forces

Getting ready to pound the Israeli pocket into smithereens in that pic. Operation Shamel if it went into effect would've put a severe hurting on the Israelis and they realized that which is why they tucked tail immediately after Sadat ordered that lineup and he never agreed to any of the ridiculous demands the Israelis were in no position to make anyway lol and they knew it! They only extended this whole phony surrounding because the longer they could keep it, the more they could sell it to the world that they were in control of things but they also needed desperately to capture Suez City which was critical as many of the journalists would ask them about it and tell them that it wasn't captured and it would be a launching point to supply the 3rd Army as well as give it safe harbor, which is why the enemy tried 4 times to enter the city and got clobbered and could never take it. They lost quite a few bodies and tanks and armored vehicles in their desperation-laden attempts. Then with the new and fresh army ready to bear down on them with thunder, they realized it was over and they withdrew halfway across the Sinai in shameful defeat.

And just to show the doubters about how that whole 3rd army surrounding saga was nothing but BS, here's a GREAT passage from Edgar O'Ballance's "No Victor No Vanquished" which I had read way back when it came out but then some very cool fella on Twitter posted the PDF file of that book and I got to skim through it and if this paragraph doesn't define the situation for the 3rd Army and the Israelis and how the situation didn't seem to be like it's described in Wikipedia LOL and how desperate they were and how the 3rd Army was just fine for the most part and it was a matter of time before the Israelis were going to run out of options at the 101 km tent marker and they did, while they were hoping the 3rd Army would run out of options first but that never happened!

Also check out the portion where he says the Americans had figured out for sure the Soviets had brought nuclear weapons to Port Said knowing quite well it could turn into a disaster! This is how tense the situation was and how the Israelis were so humiliated that they tried everything they could to create a surrender by the 3rd Army and also in Suez City AND Kabrit Fort where they got neither of the three. They even tried to do the same thing to the 2nd army LOLOL can you believe the drugs they must've been taking?! lol. They learnt their lesson very quickly in Ismailiya trying to go north that's for sure.

Out of all the books written about this great war, this is probably the most balanced because it took accounts from both sides and not just the Israeli side and he was also there to see things for himself which made for a much more realistic description of the war and the results than any of the other books which were predominantly taken from Israeli sources only. The best part is this line in the passage below:

The situation was as much a stalemate as a siege, although the Israelis did not like to see it that way.

If that isn't the perfect description of what occurred at the end of the war, I don't know what is. And that also shows you that as a result of that "stalemate".......and the eventual Israeli withdrawal halfway across the Sinai and the Egyptian Armed forces getting to keep all the land it had gained (including all 16 Barlev line forts & posts and the 20 kms in past the bank to the line of Separation Forces) is an indication of a full and complete victory for the Egyptian Armed Forces. Here's the PDF for one of the better reads on the war:

Egypt's second War of Attrition with Israel began on 1 November 1973 and lasted until 17 March 1974. During these months there were almost daily incidents of shelling, minor attacks, and patrol raids in the Third Army sector. There was frequent Israeli aircraft action against the besieged army, the Israelis trying desperately, for prestige reasons alone, to force it to surrender. (Hahaha!) For example, the Egyptians say there were over 1,500 such incidents from 1 November 1973 until 18 January 1974; they included four major clashes and eighty-nine others in November, 312 in December, and 133 in January. These are selective figures, perhaps, but they give an indication of how raw and abrasive the front was. Egyptian planes also intervened, and the first aerial dogfight took place over the Third Army on 6 December. (Wait wut? I thought the EAF was incapable of any sorties to help the 3rd army? Isn't that what most of the Israeli lies say? lol) The situation was as much a stalemate as a siege, although the Israelis did not like to see it that way. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I THOUGHT THE ISRAELIS HAD WON MILITARILY LMFAO) Some supplies were flown in at night to the Third Army by helicopter or brought across by boat, and water was obtained from the Ein Musa Springs. (Excuse me?! I thought the situation for the 3rd army was complete desperation and they were finished?! lol) On 1 November the 7th and 19th Infantry Divisions were unified under the command of Brigadier Ahmed Badawri and became known as Badr Force. Also, holding out on the east bank during this period was the besieged Kabrit Fort, which the Israelis also tried hard to force to surrender, subjecting it to constant artillery fire and bombing. (Hahaha, yet another failure by the Israelis that the haters ignore.) The water at this point was particularly full of debris, including human bodies, which floated in each direction twice in every twenty-four hours. Some of the defenders swam out at night and caught a floating motor launch and then three SP pontoons which they used to ferry supplies across the narrow neck of water. The west bank was only 2,500 to 3,000 yards from the fort. The first supply run was made on the moonless night of the third/fourth of November; in all thirty such runs were made, carrying some thirty tons of supplies, mainly on the darker nights. The Egyptians consider the defense of Kabrit Fort, "taken in thirty minutes and defended for three months," to be one of their war epics in which the water shortage was overcome by boiling and vaporizing salt water from the canal.

So as you can see, the situation was actually quite different than what many of the haters think it was and when we would tell them so, they would never believe it and the sad part is not because they were convinced that it wasn't that way, it's because they DON'T WANT it to be that way. I say shame on them again! The Israelis failed to take Ismailiya, Suez City, Kabrit Fort and never got the 3rd Army to surrender 1 man! All this while they played to the cameras and news to pretend they had some victory LOL and they tried so hard to negotiate a bunch of unrealistic crap to the point where Sadat gathered an entire division of SAMs, tanks, infantry and artillery and the EAF was on standby ready to carry out Operation Shamel and that's when the Israelis tucked their tails and ran back halfway across the Sinai. This is why it was an unequivocal victory for the Egyptian Armed Forces DESPITE all the mistakes the leadership made!

They're brand new and just delivered to the Italian Navy a short time ago, not sure when but I think about a year ago at the most. So they're really not 2nd hand by the normal definition of that. They're actually brand new ships that probably haven't even finished all their preliminary live testing.

Speaking of the Egyptian Navy, coming up soon is a rare exercise between the Russian Navy and the Egyptian Navy in the Black Sea. Looking forward to see the videos and photos and description of how that exercise went.

#Egyptian #Navy held a conference on the organization of the joint exercise "Bridge of friendship – 2020" in Novorossiysk https://eng.mil.ru/en/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12318199@egNews

Sharon himself said after the war about the 3rd army: " We don't know who was surrounding whom"..LOL
You're thinking of Sadat who told Ismail to tell Shazly to send orders to the 2nd and 3rd armies to make a run for the passes. Shazly was completely against it from the start, even during the planning stages a year before. He understood the military consequences of such a move and knew they didn't have enough SA-6's to take with them and had to rely on the range of the SA-2s which the passes were well beyond that. He could never understand why Sadat wanted to sacrifice all those poor soldiers and their tanks just to appease Hafez El Assad. That was the worst part of the war for Egypt followed by Sadat refusing to listen to Shazly about withdrawing a few sagger and infantry and tank units to the west bank before the Israelis reached the 1st bridge for the 3rd Army. Had Sadat listened to him, that would've changed the course of that war to a much more favorable ending. Of all the great things Sadat did, it's hard to give him all 100% of love because of those two terrible decisions he made.
That is why I always thought that the gap thing was a trap set by Sadat..bear with me here..it is very hard to believe that the Usraelis could slip between two full armies the 2nd and 3rd Egyptian armies.. without being noticed ..despite that talk about the US SR2 or not.. Russians were also sending satellite pics to the Egyptian HQs!.. Sadate played real chess of war.. and he had to make sacrifices in order to win the big deal which was the aim of liberating Sinai by all means.. and he paid the price for it with his life when he was assassinated by angry soldiers who did not accept that sacrifice.. but he was a very wise soldier and trapped the best of the Usraeli army on the west side of the canal and made them suffer from defeat while the Egyptian armed forces held their own on the east side of the canal..till the end of the war.. up till now .. Checkmate..
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Allow me summarize what I know about the disputes within the army:
Shazly and not that he was someone who wasn’t good enough when it comes to planning an air cover, was asked by Sadat to come up with a plan that would make the Egyptian and Israeli armies have no canal between so that negotiations would get serious (before that the Israelis were not accepting peace deals at all). Shazly had the plan to control the Eastern bank of the Canal north and south of the Great Bitter Lake, in his thoughts it would be wise to push the Israelis back now that they were low in numbers in the Sinai, having been defeated as they attempted to counter attack and having no arranged line of retreat (since the Israelis attack both armies with a large space in between the 2 offensives) but he was held back for ‘lack of air cover’ since the Israelis had lethal A-G loadouts and our MiGs had no range to fly and engage beyond 20 miles deep into the Sinai (also the reason why the Tu-16s were used to strike command and control centers using their missiles). Since then and because of the Deversoir Gap too the Egyptians and the Soviets learned to have mobile air defenses.
But in my opinion if the second Egyptian assault of Helicopters carrying commandos was granted air cover then they would have succeeded to secure Melize AB? If they were able to launch paratrooper assaults on Meliz and Sharm El Sheikh and a ground offensive under darkness (sigh, I’ve been to the Sinai and it wouldn’t have been that time consuming) they would have broke through the airbases (since the airbases weren’t secured significantly by then and since the Israelis had shortage in Hawk Missile sites for many were destroyed by the EAF) - the Egyptian helicopters had the range and were capable of carrying A-G rockets, with the Israelis lacking night vision like the Egyptians and not having significant air activity at night they would have had difficulties engaging any helicopters. Either way Shazly was not supported when it came to the idea but when the Syrians pressured Sadat he wanted Shazly to launch an offensive? On the 14th when the Israelis were now arranged in a good defensive position with higher grounds?
AFAIK the Israelis captured some documents of the Third Army in which it clarified that a mass offensive wasn’t launched but a mere offensive in which no more than 100 tanks or something were within the firing range of the Israelis but the Israelis, Egyptians and some sources claimed a massive battle in which 1-2 western sources (along with Israel) stated that over 200 Egyptian tanks were lost? But the Americans that day claimed that Egypt captured two airbases? And 1-2 western sources claimed that Egypt lost no more than 150 including damaged? And now we have Ex Egyptian high commanders explaining that they had to exaggerate the losses to make the Syrians believe that we put significant effort but failed (along with convincing the Soviets to send more arms since they weren’t keeping their own track of Egyptians ground losses for most were kicked out)? I mean, if there was 200 plus tanks littering the battlefield then how was there hundreds more capturing territories in the Sinai unharmed? *sigh* like Edgar says, many lips are zipped about this war.
Beautiful ship, EN needs to also get NH-90s/MH-60s for ASW/ASuW.
RSN just got the MH-60R,if EN gets them, it will mean more commonality and will definitely help in deterring any adversary submarine.

EN was very interested in the NH-90s for a while and kept trying to make deals but could never reach an agreement. But they weren't going to be used for ASW since they already operate a dozen or so Kaman SH-2G Seasprites all set up for anti-submarine warfare. So not sure the Seasprites are on the "upgrade" list ATM.





Jeeez I wonder if Sisi will get any credit for people returning to their towns and cities in some of the Sinai locations that have completely liberated by the Egyptian military (albeit at a very high and frankly unacceptable cost in soldiers' lives IMO and many others) but it is a success that since he takes a beating by everyone from the super Twitter wannabe journalists looool to the scuzbucket New York Times and their close affiliate 60 minutes when they did that program on him and never mentioned a single good thing he's done, just the difficulties of terrorism in the Sinai and how it hasn't been eradicated and we even hear it here on this crazyass forum from the haters and delinquents lol. Where are they now that there has been great success and the cretins have been wiped off the surface of the earth and these towns cleaned up for the residents to return safely? Anyone? :lol:

In the meantime...

I think they already crossed the Bospherous right? Anyone know if they're in the Black Sea already?
Where the Russian/Egyptian navy training is expected to take place and we're still not sure which elements of the Egyptian Navy is actually participating. Some online references are claiming no Mistral which would be a complete shame! Considering they're supposed to pack them with Ka-52 Katrans that would give the Russians a chance to fly the few they have in stock on and off the carrier along with other simulation training.




Where the Russian/Egyptian navy training is expected to take place and we're still not sure which elements of the Egyptian Navy is actually participating. Some online references are claiming no Mistral which would be a complete shame! Considering they're supposed to pack them with Ka-52 Katrans that would give the Russians a chance to fly the few they have in stock on and off the carrier along with other simulation training.




I like that Egypt work with all
Weapons of around the world and military knowledge of different countries with different field experiences
And I'm sure at least some one will write here:
This is logistics nightmare:lol:
I like that Egypt work with all
Weapons of around the world and military knowledge of different countries with different field experiences
And I'm sure at least some one will write here:
This is logistics nightmare:lol:

Wait till the Typhoons show up LOL! They'll really lose their minds. And I truly believe it will happen because of 2 reasons.

1) The French & Dassault, no matter how friendly they've become and want to fix things with Egypt because of Turkey, they're too hard to negotiate with and they gave us an incredible deal already for the 24 Rafales and all the naval equipment that I think they feel they didn't charge enough, so now they want a lot more money and we won't pay that kind of money. We just won't be able to make a deal for more Rafales because of that.

2) We need to up the numbers of the Euro-Canard platforms we have because 24 is simply not enough and I truly believe that they can incorporate the Typhoons in with the Rafales and unify them under one wing of 4 squadrons with a mix of 48 or 50 aircraft total. I also believe one of the big elements to these deals working or not working is the Meteor missile. I think the Italians will supply the EAF with the Meteor immediately when it is available for export. The French I think will hold the missile back because of their anger that a deal hasn't been made or maybe even because of Israeli pressure. But I really think the Italians will be more than happy to supply the Meteor with the Typhoons and maybe we can get enough to supply both types of aircraft with them? Then we'll have to see if the MICA NG will ever make it to Egypt.

But those are the two basic reasons why I think the Typhoon will end up in the EAF and there won't be any more Rafales from here on, unfortunately, because the French are juts too difficult. What do you think?

Hey, even the Indians and the IAF is thinking of ditching more Rafales for the F-15EX! @Lord Of Gondor , any truth to that rumor, bro?

Speaking of Rafales.




And can't wait to see these things! Loaded with the new R-77-1 and R-27ER and the ever so dangerous R-37M

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Wait till the Typhoons show up LOL! They'll really lose their minds. And I truly believe it will happen because of 2 reasons.

1) The French & Dassault, no matter how friendly they've become and want to fix things with Egypt because of Turkey, they're too hard to negotiate with and they gave us an incredible deal already for the 24 Rafales and all the naval equipment that I think they feel they didn't charge enough, so now they want a lot more money and we won't pay that kind of money. We just won't be able to make a deal for more Rafales because of that.

2) We need to up the numbers of the Euro-Canard platforms we have because 24 is simply not enough and I truly believe that they can incorporate the Typhoons in with the Rafales and unify them under one squadron of 48 or 50 aircraft as well as supply us with the Meteor immediately when it is available for export. The French I think will hold the missile back because of their anger that a deal hasn't been made or maybe even because of Israeli pressure. But I really think the Italians will be more than happy to supply the Meteor with the Typhoons and maybe we can get enough to supply both types of aircraft with them? Then we'll have to see if the MICA NG will ever make it to Egypt.

But those are the two basic reasons why I think the Typhoon will end up in the EAF and there won't be any ore Rafales from here on because the French are juts too difficult. What do you think?

Hey, even the Indians and the IAF is thinking of ditching more Rafales for the F-15EX! @Lord Of Gondor , any truth to that rumor, bro?
No, Boeing is yet to apply for a clearance for the F-15EX for a potential sale to India and the MoD here is yet to issue an "Acceptance of Necessity"(Step 1 in a long list of steps).
The strongest contender from the US is still the F-16.....errm F-21, because of the cost.

Regarding more Rafales, I think the EAF would probably be very clear on getting more.They probably have spent a lot of time training up manpower and developing core competencies to make the fleet fully ops.

(For IAF, example, the Rafale contract involves the training of 27 Pilots, 146 technicians and 2 engineers!)
No, Boeing is yet to apply for a clearance for the F-15EX for a potential sale to India and the MoD here is yet to issue an "Acceptance of Necessity"(Step 1 in a long list of steps).
The strongest contender from the US is still the F-16.....errm F-21, because of the cost.

LOL! Are they really calling it the "F-21" like they did at the end of that video? What is the offer and what does it come down to per aircraft? It's pretty much the F-16 Viper Block-70 from everything I've read so far. But then the F-15EX info just popped out of nowhere it seems.

Regarding more Rafales, I think the EAF would probably be very clear on getting more.They probably have spent a lot of time training up manpower and developing core competencies to make the fleet fully ops.

There's no question that the Rafale is #1 on the list. They love that aircraft and it's really the most advanced platform currently in the EAF. The problem is they can't even agree on the option for 12 more. The original contract was for 24 with an option for 12 more. We've all been screaming why didn't they just get all 36 at the time since you guys ordered the 36 and so did Qatar etc. The problem is that the EAF deal was not just the Rafales, it actually included the 2 Mistrals as well as the FREMM frigate and I believe the 4 Gowinds were also part of that and it was a $5.4 billion deal or something around those lines which is a lot of loot. So they had to keep the Rafale count down but they put the 12 on an option.

And you would think an option from an previous contract that has been fulfilled to the max would be easy to implement, right? It's been a disaster! It's been like traveling to Mars and back in a week. And why it's been so difficult? The money. I think the French think they gave us a super sweet deal in that big order with the LHDs and now they want to get what they think is the right figures they're charging which if anyone knows how insane those are, it would be you fellas in India! I mean, as sweet as the Rafale is and with SPECTRA making it that much of an obstacle to face the F-35 is just a great asset and we know for sure that the EAF loves it like no other and wants more. But if they just can't work it out, they're not gonna over-stretch themselves for sure.

(For IAF, example, the Rafale contract involves the training of 27 Pilots, 146 technicians and 2 engineers!)

Interesting. So why only 27 pilots and not all 36 of them?
The 146 technicians doesn't surprise me at all, including the 2 engineers. I believe the other interesting item in the EAF's contract was 2 simulators for training. I can only imagine what those must cost LOL. They built a whole new airbase with heavy, indoor shelters with blast-proof doors as well as open, sun-protectant hangers. They went all out.
LOL! Are they really calling it the "F-21" like they did at the end of that video? What is the offer and what does it come down to per aircraft? It's pretty much the F-16 Viper Block-70 from everything I've read so far.
Q: Lockheed Martin has been offering F-16V (rebadged as F-21) to India. However, the concern among some sections in Delhi is that the aircraft is, to put it in a poetic term, “old wine in a new bottle”. How would you address this concern?:D

A-F-21 is our offering for the 114 Multi Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) programme. We are confident that the F-21 is the best solution to meet or exceed Indian Air Force’s capability needs, provide Make in India industrial opportunities, and accelerate India-US cooperation on advanced technologies, including, but not limited to, fighter aircraft.

While the aircraft structure may look familiar, the differences between F-21 and F-16 become clear when looking at the unique capabilities of the F-21, including:

* An advanced APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, which has detection ranges nearly double that of previous mechanically scanned array radars and the ability to track and attack more targets with higher precision.

* Cockpit upgrades, including a new Large Area Display (LAD) which enhances pilot situational awareness.

* An Advanced Electronic Warfare (EW) System, developed uniquely for India, that provides enhanced survivability against ground and air threats.

* Long-Range Infrared Search & Track (IRST), enabling pilots to passively detect threats.

* Triple Missile Launcher Adapters (TMLAs) allowing the F-21 to carry 40% more air-to-air weapons than previous F-16 designs.

* A Dorsal Fairing enabling increased growth capacity and indigenous systems integration in the future.

The F-21 is also the only fighter in the world capable of both probe/drogue and boom aerial fuelling capability. This, along with Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs), delivers greater range penetration and loiter staying power to the Indian Air Force.

The F-21 also delivers an advanced single-engine, multi-role fighter at the most optimal Life Cycle Cost for the Indian Air Force with the longest service life of any competitor—12,000 flight hours.

The F-21, in concert with India’s Rafale and Tejas, will fill a critical operational gap for the Indian Air Force.

Simply put, the F-21 goes further, faster, and stays longer than the competition. Whether you are talking about battlefields or budgets, the F-21 is the clear choice for India.

But then the F-15EX info just popped out of nowhere it seems.
Thank Sukhoi for that. They pitched the Su-35 as there were no MTOW limits for the aircraft competing for the contract and Boeing (in as much words) said that the Su-35s are cute and offered the F-15EX.
IAF is looking at a force structure of Light+Medium+Heavy. Light is the Tejas, Medium are the Jags/M2K/Rafale/MiG29 and Heavies are the Su-30MKI.
So I doubt the F-15EX will fit the bill.

There's no question that the Rafale is #1 on the list. They love that aircraft and it's really the most advanced platform currently in the EAF. The problem is they can't even agree on the option for 12 more. The original contract was for 24 with an option for 12 more. We've all been screaming why didn't they just get all 36 at the time since you guys ordered the 36 and so did Qatar etc. The problem is that the EAF deal was not just the Rafales, it actually included the 2 Mistrals as well as the FREMM frigate and I believe the 4 Gowinds were also part of that and it was a $5.4 billion deal or something around those lines which is a lot of loot. So they had to keep the Rafale count down but they put the 12 on an option.

And you would think an option from an previous contract that has been fulfilled to the max would be easy to implement, right? It's been a disaster! It's been like traveling to Mars and back in a week. And why it's been so difficult? The money. I think the French think they gave us a super sweet deal in that big order with the LHDs and now they want to get what they think is the right figures they're charging which if anyone knows how insane those are, it would be you fellas in India! I mean, as sweet as the Rafale is and with SPECTRA making it that much of an obstacle to face the F-35 is just a great asset and we know for sure that the EAF loves it like no other and wants more. But if they just can't work it out, they're not gonna over-stretch themselves for sure.
Wow that is a saga. Well no harm in getting something with just a little bit more power :D

Interesting. So why only 27 pilots and not all 36 of them?
The 146 technicians doesn't surprise me at all, including the 2 engineers. I believe the other interesting item in the EAF's contract was 2 simulators for training. I can only imagine what those must cost LOL. They built a whole new airbase with heavy, indoor shelters with blast-proof doors as well as open, sun-protectant hangers. They went all out.
Not too sure about the choice of the numbers.
But agree with the rest, here as well the sims,the associated infra etc was very expensive.
Wait till the Typhoons show up LOL! They'll really lose their minds. And I truly believe it will happen because of 2 reasons.

1) The French & Dassault, no matter how friendly they've become and want to fix things with Egypt because of Turkey, they're too hard to negotiate with and they gave us an incredible deal already for the 24 Rafales and all the naval equipment that I think they feel they didn't charge enough, so now they want a lot more money and we won't pay that kind of money. We just won't be able to make a deal for more Rafales because of that.

2) We need to up the numbers of the Euro-Canard platforms we have because 24 is simply not enough and I truly believe that they can incorporate the Typhoons in with the Rafales and unify them under one wing of 4 squadrons with a mix of 48 or 50 aircraft total. I also believe one of the big elements to these deals working or not working is the Meteor missile. I think the Italians will supply the EAF with the Meteor immediately when it is available for export. The French I think will hold the missile back because of their anger that a deal hasn't been made or maybe even because of Israeli pressure. But I really think the Italians will be more than happy to supply the Meteor with the Typhoons and maybe we can get enough to supply both types of aircraft with them? Then we'll have to see if the MICA NG will ever make it to Egypt.

But those are the two basic reasons why I think the Typhoon will end up in the EAF and there won't be any more Rafales from here on, unfortunately, because the French are juts too difficult. What do you think?

Hey, even the Indians and the IAF is thinking of ditching more Rafales for the F-15EX! @Lord Of Gondor , any truth to that rumor, bro?

Speaking of Rafales.

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And can't wait to see these things! Loaded with the new R-77-1 and R-27ER and the ever so dangerous R-37M

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Yes France just want sale not like Germany and Nordic countries but I think we can push pressure on them by Italy and British cards
But are you sure Italy can fix problems of meteors German parts?
I think Germany make problems for typhoon deal in all phases
Korean weapons also are choices
I really love Japanese weapons but sadly Japan is limited and their toys are expensive
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