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Egyptian Armed Forces


Green light to the sale of two Fincantieri Fremm military ships to Egypt

Fincantieri studies the supply of two military ships to Egypt: according to the rumors of Start Magazine , they are the Fremm
"Spartaco Schergat" and "Emilio Bianchi

The dossier was examined on Tuesday by the board of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (controlled by the Ministry of Economy and participated by banking foundations) for the granting of a guarantee of up to 500 million with the involvement of the subsidiary Sace, specialized in international insurance . Intesa Sanpaolo, Bnp Paribas and Santander are also involved in the operation.

There is no shortage in the Italian Navy for this decision that has had the political go-ahead from the Prime Minister.

Last Saturday Fincantieri launched the latest Frigate of the Fremm class at the Riva Riva Trigoso shipyard in Genoa, foreseen by the order of ten units to the Italian Navy, the " Emilio Bianchi ", destined for Egypt..


Egypt is preparing a war
In fact, recently news has emerged about Egypt's interest in launching a large naval program based on Fincantieri products which include the sale for 1.2 billion euros of the last 2 multi-role FREMM frigates launched for the Italian Navy (which it would receive in exchange new units soon to be built)

And a program with an estimated value of around ten billion euros for the acquisition of another 4 FREMMs and about twenty patrol boats to be produced also in Egyptian shipyards.

Last year the Egyptian Navy was interested in about twenty Leonardo AW149 helicopters (plus another 10 as option) to be used especially on board the two Mistral amphibious assault helicopter carriers, the Ghamal Abdel al-Nasser and the Anwar Sadat: an order never confirmed by Leonardo but of which there has also been much talk in France because Italian helicopters have been preferred to the NH-90 proposed by Paris.

On the negotiating table of the Italian-Egyptian military cooperation programs there would also be the interest of Egypt for the acquisition of 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter, as many M-346 trainers and at least one satellite, all produced by Leonardo.


Hence, The Egyptian navy will have 25 heavy warships; 19 frigates !! And 6 corvettes

7 Fremm
6 Miko 200
4 Berry class
2 Knox class
4 Gowind
2 Descubierta

Not only Drones...Several weapon systems also
The joint production of Egypt and Belarus has been officially announced through the video of this presidential tour..


Polonez-M MRL system


The Polonez heavy artillery system carries two pods with four 300 mm rockets each. It is most likely that the Polonez uses Chinese A200 artillery rockets. Each rocket is 7.26 m long and weights 750 kg. It has been reported that range of fire is up to 200 km. Rockets have a combined inertial and GPS guidance. The rockets are accurate to around 30 to 50 meters.
The Polonez is a modular system, that can also fire pods with rockets of other caliber. It is planned that the Polonez will be also capable of carrying and launching 2 containers with Chinese M20 short-range ballistic missiles. These were developed as an alternative to the Russian Iskander-E. The M20 missile has a 280 km range and can carry a 480 kg warhead. It was specially designed to be just short of the 300 km range and 500 kg payload export restrictions under the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

Buk-MB3K SAM system


the system has a self-propelled firing unit equipped with a newly developed S-range solid state phased array AESA radar capable of detecting air targets at ranges up to 130 km. The radar can perform automatic target detection and tracking, measuring the primary data of an aerial target, including azimuth and range, and the radial speed in both active and passive modes.
The system is capable of automatically classifying targets such as helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, cruise missiles, balloons, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and can produce bearing data on different jamming sources. The system uses its radar and electro-optic equipment to automatically carry out all-round air targets searches and classification.
The radar can effectively operate against active counter fire and intensive electronic counter-countermeasures. The system features an automated mobile command-and-control battle management station that is fully integrated within the air-defence network, ensuring communications and data sharing between the different components of the air-defence missile system and its control system and radar. It also features a control network that ensures reliable operation of all systems, as well as automatic diagnostics of equipment.

Adunok Remote-Controlled Weapon Station








Main aim of system application is the survivability of manpower by its placement in shelters and far from enemy fire means. Other types of armament can be installed if required.

Grach, a light multi-purpose unmanned aircraft system (UAS)


It is a multicopter capable of conducting reconnaissance missions with sensors or small-scale armed attacks against troops and other soft-skinned targets with free-fall ordnance. With a payload capacity of less than 10 pounds, the UAS can drop four hand grenades, a small incendiary bomb, or a PTAB-2.5 anti-tank bomb. It can approach as near as 20 meters (60 feet) to its target before its motor becomes audible.

* There are other capabilities such as the development / maintenance of various Russian platforms and weapons, as well as the production of other combat systems such as 155mm laser guided munitions "LUCH-2" with a range of 30 - 40 km and is unmanned combat ground vehicles, radar systems, various electro / optical monitoring equipment, and others.

The Italian deal includes the following:

6 Italian FREMM Carlo Bergamini ..first 2 Fast delivery from the Italian army and 4 to be manufactured in Italy


20 OPV boats will be manufactured in Alexandria Egyptian Shipyard


1 communications Satellite


24 Typhoon


24 modern M-346 training aircraft


The Italian deal includes the following:

6 Italian FREMM Carlo Bergamini ..first 2 Fast delivery from the Italian army and 4 to be manufactured in Italy


20 OPV boats will be manufactured in Alexandria Egyptian Shipyard


1 communications Satellite


24 Typhoon


24 modern M-346 training aircraft

Really? Another type of combat aircraft? Isn't that a little bit extra now?
You mean the typhoon?
It can be just pressure on the French.. or a long vision for procuring the Typhoon in good numbers in the future.. even if there is another deal of 12 or 24 Rafale.. it won't be enough to replace all the old F-16s..at least a hundred of them..
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