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Egyptian Armed Forces

Very interesting picture of that group at top of post MICA mate!

I wish it was like those Facebook pics and we had the units and postings of all those chaps
as the mix-match is impressive. I count at least four and up to six nationalities in there!

Could you find a legend for it or at least torture an informant so we know more? :butcher: :p:

Thanks in any case, have a great day, Tay.

because i don't know what you meant by "Could you find a legend for it or at least torture an informant so we know more"

i will just tell you briefly what was told by our spox

the Ex.concluded managing Air to air combats , Naval live firing , ِAerial and naval reconnaissance , close air support , interception planes which took part { Rafale , F-16 , Alpha jet , E2C}

1st photo includes Rafale , Block 52 and their fighter pilots ofc as well as ground crew and our trust worthy french badass guys :yahoo:
OK @MICA @Frogman et al.


There was one huge surprise at Dassault's official 2015 Results press conference!
Forget my estimates from standard line deliveries a few posts back, you're in for a shock!

Only 8 planes were delivered in 2015 including the first 3 for you guys!
Egypt is not getting any more planes this year! France is getting the remaining 6 as only 9 will be out.
So 9 for 2016. Why two years below the 11 standard output? Answer : planes were pulled aside to
prepare the Qatari order which will sport a non-regular standard and need a different finishing line.
And it will be stranger yet in 2017 as Egypt will get another 3 Rafales and France a single one for 4 total!

Why? Because Dassault has anticipated the coming orders and begun to elevate production
but at the same time slacked French deliveries to fit with the planned spread out spending/acquisition.
The second explains the lesser output and that in turn was selected to hasten the up tempo production.

Egyptian Rafales are thus on a steady 3 per year as probably found in contract so far. Yours is the mature
contract of the lot if you will.
Barring development hiccups, pulling Qatari ACs now allows lead-on time to the specific integrations they
required and likely means a more compact delivery format of 3-4 years versus 5-6 years for Misr.
All of which clears the deck for the quickening of the uphill / long-term sourced parts production to start
almost anew in 2018 with it's new found rhythm. French deliveries were the adjustment variable.

2018 will be one weird year judging by Trappier's words.
We can sort of expect two different segments at the very least for that period with a minimum of 3 planes
for Egypt that will be out in any case and then possibly after a short pause a shift to high output with at
the very least 2 planes per month, 2.x morphing to 3 afterwards ( ff. months ) being likely if not certain.

I'm as glad to bring you this correct version as I'm sorry to have mislead you with high hopes honestly.
The ref. is found here :
2015 annual results - Questions/Answers
Thanks go to Pic-delamirandoil for the English version he posted in the Indian Rafale 1001 Nights thread.
I was working from the French original but you guys can source directly from the dubbed one he found.

Have a great day yet, Tay.
OK @MICA @Frogman et al.


There was one huge surprise at Dassault's official 2015 Results press conference!
Forget my estimates from standard line deliveries a few posts back, you're in for a shock!

Only 8 planes were delivered in 2015 including the first 3 for you guys!
Egypt is not getting any more planes this year! France is getting the remaining 6 as only 9 will be out.
So 9 for 2016. Why two years below the 11 standard output? Answer : planes were pulled aside to
prepare the Qatari order which will sport a non-regular standard and need a different finishing line.
And it will be stranger yet in 2017 as Egypt will get another 3 Rafales and France a single one for 4 total!

Why? Because Dassault has anticipated the coming orders and begun to elevate production
but at the same time slacked French deliveries to fit with the planned spread out spending/acquisition.
The second explains the lesser output and that in turn was selected to hasten the up tempo production.

Egyptian Rafales are thus on a steady 3 per year as probably found in contract so far. Yours is the mature
contract of the lot if you will.
Barring development hiccups, pulling Qatari ACs now allows lead-on time to the specific integrations they
required and likely means a more compact delivery format of 3-4 years versus 5-6 years for Misr.
All of which clears the deck for the quickening of the uphill / long-term sourced parts production to start
almost anew in 2018 with it's new found rhythm. French deliveries were the adjustment variable.

2018 will be one weird year judging by Trappier's words.
We can sort of expect two different segments at the very least for that period with a minimum of 3 planes
for Egypt that will be out in any case and then possibly after a short pause a shift to high output with at
the very least 2 planes per month, 2.x morphing to 3 afterwards ( ff. months ) being likely if not certain.

I'm as glad to bring you this correct version as I'm sorry to have mislead you with high hopes honestly.
The ref. is found here :
2015 annual results - Questions/Answers
Thanks go to Pic-delamirandoil for the English version he posted in the Indian Rafale 1001 Nights thread.
I was working from the French original but you guys can source directly from the dubbed one he found.

Have a great day yet, Tay.

i am lost to be honest :cheesy:

so Qatar wants a specific specs for it's rafale ?
Egypt took delivery of 3 birds then another 3 in 2017 and then in 2018 what is going to happen ? our last delivery should be early 2019

what about the F3R and Meteor ?
OK reverse order answer :

F3R includes Meteor but is not included on the Production line redraw.
Because it was already planned and because it is mostly IT based.
In other words, it should be fairly transparent delivery-wise.

Egypt wise : 3 in 2015- 3 in 2016 and 3 in 2017 is confirmed and 3 in 2018 is also certain.
Depending on India and/or UAE, 2018 will see an increase to 2 planes per month minimum
and up to 3 per.
If only the former only that means if the line re-opens in the second quarter ( after 3 min. for Misr ),
it will churn out 16 that year and 22 the next ( 38 ).
If the latter occurs, the same second quarter re-start could reach 3 by year's end and thus we
would get 16 + 33 for 2018-2019 or 49 jets.
Out of these 38 to 49 planes, those pulled aside from 2015-16&17 for Qatar may emerge and mean
thar deliveries will naturally be above standard line production.
Wild guess? 9 in 2018 including the certified 3 and remaining in 2019 or 6 if you prefer.

Yes, Qatar has a different standard in part due to things like Sniper as a choice of pod. The UAE too!

Take care my friend, Tay.
Joint Egyptian French Ex Ramses 2016

Continued from post #2677 page 179

Joint Egyptian French Ex Ramses 2016

Continued from post #2677 page 179

Joint Egyptian French Ex Ramses 2016


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