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Egypt Unrest: Mubarak Steps Down!

"First they ignore you, then they make fun of you, then they fight you, and then you win!"

Remind me brothers and sisters not to engage much with him the next time... Or do you all agree I spanked him well??


You win Solomon2... As long as you are happy you know
Remind me brothers and sisters not to engage much with him the next time... Or do you all agree I spanked him well??


You win Solomon2... As long as you are happy you know

Real Peroh was not Mubarak but his godfathers sitting in Israel and WDC LOL
This fat-as$ Mubarak won't go peacefully. He has been sucking the blood of Egyptians for 30 years. This will get ugly.

World News Australia - At least 1,000 arrested in Egypt

finaly mabrook with out mubarak congrats to the you & the people of egypt man that was impressive egypt is a place where pharon was drowned & today mubark along with his fat a$$ was sank
mubarak just fled to sharm-el-sheikh & in less then 24 hours after yesterday's stubbornly defiant speech he lost ! man this guy mubarak has been humiliated which was long over due
There are many things to be done to complete this uprising. amendment in constitution and getting a free/fair election.
I have to say I am rather pleasantly surprised by @Solomon2 and people like NY Times' Tom Friedman coming out strongly in support of the Egyptian people. I have always thought of them as 'Israel Firsters'--and there is no other place in the world currently where the support for democracy in Egypt is as low as in Israel. May be it is: Why be on the losing side? May be it is genuine? Kudos nonetheless.
US is flexing covert soft power that has tipped the scale. Not only are the responsible in pressuring Pres. Zardari in firing FM Qureshi, but also overthrowing the Mubarak regime. Pres. Obama and his administration put tremendous pressure on Mubarak that within 24hrs of Mubarak's live speech to Egypt and World, and tried to be defiant and stay in power, he at the last minute was forced to resign by the Egyptian Army High Command (let's not forget Mubarak himself served as an Officer in the Egyptian Air Force). Egyptian Army being heavily dependent on US aid, made the decision to have Mubarak resign otherwise there aid from the Pentagon/US would cease. Several, Egyptian Generals have strong ties with the Pentagon and receive the orders from Pentagon officials to have Mubarak resign.

The Protesters, could not have succeeded in overthrowing Mubarak alone, it was pressure from US/Pentagon/CIA that made the final act. It is actually quite scary when you realize, behind the parade, behind the patriotic crowds, a dark powerful hand engineered the event.
Libya is relatively rich thanks to oil they will hold. Syrian regime is way too brutal no one will dare to go against it.

True, Syria is actually more of a "police state" than Egypt.
apparantly switzarland have frozen mubarak's accounts/assests.

I've heard the news, seriously why does Switzerland even bother? They claim to be neutral but they freeze accounts/assets of foreign leaders the West doesn't like. So much for neutrality. If Mubarak is a customer of Swiss Bank and his account is NOW being frozen, what's the point? Why freeze it now, he's had a Swiss Bank account for decades, what has he done different that got his account frozen?

Swiss Bank, smh.
Egyptians have been fooled.

The decision of Mubarak's resignation did not happen in Cairo it happened in Washington D.C.
One important point I keep bringing up in this Forum is the role of democracy in the progress of a nation. Pakistanis--especially of the blogspace--are so enamored with military rule that they are willing to kick out elected governments within weeks of taking office and welcome the military. And then inevitably turn against the military rulers--all four Generals have seen that fate.
Democracy provides a way for people to participate in running a country. However feeble that input may be, the elected representatives are the voice of the people. They know they have to perform or will perish next. A General is not answerable to the people. That is inherently dangerous for a nation.
We hear arguments like 'non-corrupt' General Musharraf or a 'War Hero' Musharraf. Well, Hosni Mubarak also took part in the war(s) against Israel, risking his life. So he too can be termed a 'patriot'. But he, like Musharraf, was a dictator. A one man show. Under Mubarak Egypt's GDP doubled (reportedly) and so he, like Musharraf, has some economy-success as well. But a country is not a military barrack or a corporate bank. A lot of pressures and push/pulls are at play. Something which a tunnel-visioned dictatorship cannot provide. I think Pakistan is blessed to have the current setup where most major political parties are involved in decision making on various levels. It is not perfect at all. But a step in the right direction.
PS. PPP got about 10 million votes or 30% of direct votes in 2008. Add in the coalition partners it is fair to say that the govt. is an elected one. Low voter turn out cannot negate that. Don't like PPP then vote for someone else. Stayed home on election day? Then don't complain!
His last speech was edited.

As per some experts two speeches were pre-recorded, probably one speech to stay in power and carry on and the second to step down. The purpose was to use the right speech when the time arises. However, the speech that was aired ( the last speech in media for Husni Mubarak) was edited in the sense it was from 2 different speeches.

Have a look at the video (some Arabic knowledge will be required to get the idea of the signs that reveal it was edited)

Mubarak's speech was useless, disappointed 80,000,000 Egyptians. Mubarak's Live speech should be streamed at 8::30 then it was postponed to 9::30 then it was postponed to 10 and it was streamed at 11::00 pm. Some wired gestures and video editing was found in his speech which was a recorded speech and not live. Thus, this video is my own reveal to it.

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Egypt | Hosni Mubarak's rush to hide billions of dollars

CAIRO: Hosni Mubarak used the 18 days it took for protesters to topple him to shift his fortune into untraceable accounts, Western intelligence sources said.

The former Egyptian president is accused of amassing as much as $64 billion during his 30 years in power. It is believed his wealth was tied up in foreign banks, investments, bullion and properties in London, New York, Paris and Beverly Hills.

In another move, Egypt's chief prosecutor banned the sacked prime minister Ahmed Nazif from leaving the country the day after Mr Mubarak was overthrown.

The prosecutor also banned the widely despised former interior minister Habib al-Adly from travelling and froze his assets on Saturday, the state news agency MENA said.

In the knowledge that his downfall was imminent, Mr Mubarak was understood to have attempted to place his assets out of reach of potential investigators. On Friday night, Swiss authorities announced they were freezing any assets Mr Mubarak and his family may hold in the country's banks, while pressure was growing for Britain to do the same.

A senior Western intelligence source said Mr Mubarak had begun moving his fortune in recent weeks. ''We're aware of some urgent conversations within the Mubarak family about how to save these assets. We think their financial advisers have moved some of the money around. If he had real money in Zurich, it may be gone by now,'' the source said.

Demands were growing among protesters in Cairo on Saturday night for Mr Mubarak, who was at his family villa in the resort town of Sharm El Sheikh, to be put on trial for corruption.

There were unconfirmed reports that he was effectively under house arrest, as the focus of protesters moved from toppling the hated ruler to seizing his fortune, although the army's ruling council said Mr Mubarak was being treated with respect.

During the protests last week, Ibrahim Yousri, a former deputy foreign minister, and 20 lawyers petitioned Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, the prosecutor-general, to put Mr Mubarak and his family on trial for stealing state wealth.

''There's no doubt there will have been some frantic financial activity behind the scenes,'' a US official said.

''They can lose the homes and some of the bank accounts, but they will have wanted to get the gold bars and other investments to safe quarters.''

The Mubaraks are understood to have wanted to shift assets to Gulf states where they already have considerable investments.

The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have frequently been mentioned as likely destinations for Mr Mubarak and possibly his family.

Reports from Egypt suggest Mr Mubarak had accounts with the Swiss bank UBS as well as with HBOS, now part of Lloyds Banking Group, which is 41 per cent owned by the British government.

But it is understood Lloyds officials have so far found no evidence that Mr Mubarak had secret accounts with them.

Quite how much he has stashed away - and where it is hidden - is open to speculation.

His wife Suzanne is half-Welsh, while it is thought the couple's two sons, Gamal and Alaa, may even have British passports.

1975 Appointed vice president by President Anwar El Sadat.

1979 Involved in negotiations as Egypt and Israel sign the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country.

October 14, 1981 Becomes president after the assassination of Sadat by Islamist army officers.

1990 Iraq invades Kuwait. Mr Mubarak joins US-led forces in the first Gulf War.

1987, 1993 and 1999 Re-elected to second, third and fourth terms.

September 2005 Overwhelmingly re-elected to fifth term in first election with multiple candidates.

Telegraph, London, Agence France-Presse

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