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Egypt: Talks with France over €5bn submarine deal amid country’s dire economic crisis


Jul 10, 2017
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Egypt: Talks with France over €5bn submarine deal amid country’s dire economic crisis​

September 9, 2022 MEO Staff Egypt Latest News

The Egyptian government is on talks over purchase of €5bn worth of Naval Group Barracuda-class submarines from France​

Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-Sisi wants to buy up to six Barracuda-class submarines from Naval Group, the European naval defence leader of which the French state owns 62%.
However, France is dragging its heels on what would be a more than €5bn contract, according to Africa Intelligence.
Rassd News Network on its Twitter account published a tweet speaking about “Details of the French submarine deal that Sisi seeks to buy worth 5 billion euros. Rassd News Network attached a videograph explaining details of the deal, as follows:

Despite the economic crisis in Egypt, the Sisi regime is seeking to buy submarines loaded with cruise missiles worth billions of euros from French companies.
According to the Africa Intelligence website, negotiations began in February 2022, and that the Egyptian navy wanted to equip the submarines with cruise missiles for an additional one billion euros.
However, France is stalling on the deal due to several concerns, most notably:
– The reactions of neighboring countries, as the French Defense Minister opposes the deal because of his fear that it will contribute to destabilizing the Mediterranean basin, which is witnessing strong regional tensions and is already saturated with dozens of submarines of the Italian, Greek, Turkish and Russian Navy.
– Also, the export of cruise missiles to Egypt would worry Israel, something that France does not desire.
– Concerns about Egypt’s debts, as the French Ministry of Finance fears that Egypt will not be able to pay the price of the exorbitant deal due to the huge debts that the country suffers from, as it approaches $400 billion, and that Paris may have to pay the value of contracts signed with French companies in If Egypt fails to pay the price of the deal.
It is noteworthy that Sisi concluded several arms deals with French companies worth billions of euros, most notably:
– 24 Rafale planes, a frigate and two Mistral ships, for 1 billion euros in 2015
– 30 Rafale planes for 4 billion euros in 2021.
French Barracuda-class nuclear-powered submarines are being built by shipbuilding company Naval Group. The company was chosen by the Australian Government on 26 April 2016 to build twelve submarines under a AU$50 billion (US$35.8 billion) contract.
However, On 16 September 2021, Australia cancelled the project and entered into a partnership with the US and UK, known as AUKUS pact, to obtain nuclear submarine technology.
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Dont worry... More kick back and all the concern will disappeared.
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AL Mamlakah ALʿArabīyah AL Misrriyyah AL Ḫilāfa AL Fātimiyyah Establishment Authority Defense Industries are having Enriched Uranium Reactor Engine Programme !!!

Why would Egypt buy submarines? It has no big enemies whatsoever, especially those with a navy. Their one "kind of" enemy - Eithopia is a poor landlocked country with no naval force. I guess submarines could be used to blockade dijibouti and thus supplies to Eithopia, but that would be overkill. This Sisi guy has gone crazy and way too paranoid, buying all sorts of big ticket equipment for no reason at all. Submarines won't even help him crush a rebellion.
Why would Egypt buy submarines?

AL Mamlakah ALʿArabīyah AL Misrriyyah AL Ḫilāfa AL Fātimiyyah Establishment Authority Defense Industries do produce Submarines in Joint Collaboration with Union of India - Establishment Authority Defense Industries !!!

It has no big enemies whatsoever, especially those with a navy. Their one "kind of" enemy - Eithopia is a poor landlocked country with no naval force. I guess submarines could be used to blockade dijibouti and thus supplies to Eithopia, but that would be overkill.

ALH Abash do have the best relations with AL Mamlakah ALʿArabīyah AL Misrriyyah AL Ḫilāfa AL Fātimiyyah Establishment Authority !!! Att Eh Az Ibun - Na EL - ALan Nubain !!!

Best Spear Formation of ALQ anatiyyah !!!

This Sisi guy has gone crazy and way too paranoid, buying all sorts of big ticket equipment for no reason at all. Submarines won't even help him crush a rebellion.

Field Marshal EL Sayyid Policies had made many paranoid in every big way !!!

Yew Pagans are Colonizers , doesn't comes under Rebels !!!
Why would Egypt buy submarines? It has no big enemies whatsoever, especially those with a navy. Their one "kind of" enemy - Eithopia is a poor landlocked country with no naval force. I guess submarines could be used to blockade dijibouti and thus supplies to Eithopia, but that would be overkill. This Sisi guy has gone crazy and way too paranoid, buying all sorts of big ticket equipment for no reason at all. Submarines won't even help him crush a rebellion.
In the 80s peace with Israel was established after half a century of war nothing was on the agenda and peace would fall on the middle east and we slept on our right cheek and called it a day. Today the middle east is a fire with uprisings wars and Foreign countries intervening in the middle east. Syria and Iraq were weak which prompted Turkey Iran Israel to intervene no international treaties hold any of them guilty although the countless crimes committed.

According to hilary clinton's diary the 5th American fleet got close to the suez to occupy it if the Egyptian military falls during the uprising in 2011. They were met with mirages mig 21s submarines and frigates and were warned twice to leave the area immeadietly before being fired upon so they complied.

Turkey did not wait and intervened in multiple countries because their military institution was either completely fallen or became weak. They came to secure resources and influence and even Land under false pretexts and cooperating with trecherous goverments supported by the democrats and the MI6 like the muslim brotherhood to control said countries and flood their markets with only Turkish products in civillian and military affairs. Turkey tried to threaten Egyptian national security by trying to drill in Egyptian EEZ which was met by detterence and supporting their proxies of ISIS and others in Libya by building airbases and military bases for them which the important ones were destroyed by "Unknown Aircraft" and Egyptian special forces at one instance captured 22 including leader of ISIS in North africa and killed 150 other ISIS personal and destroyed a military base compared with 3 cassulties which one was KIA on the Egyptian side the operation was done by 30 SOF.

Israel sticked to the shadows and the mossad did all the work indirectly Funding ISIS in Libya and sinai and the GIS caught a Mossad agent in Libya which was affliated with ISIS his location and state is unkown today. In 2012 there were protests in Cairo around military insitutions organized by MB groups which these protesters had also Al-Qaeda flags. Israeli troops were mobilized on the border but when the protests were drawn away some of the mobilized Israelis were called back.

Iran tried to threaten the suez canal by moving proxies (houthis) and pulling somali pirate moves on Bab Al mandab until the Egyptian navy presented itself there and is now building a naval base in dijibouti to keep a foothold in that area more effectively. Also MB revelotionary guard was going to get founded by qassem solimani himself until the GIS apparently scared him way off Egypt in 2012. Blackmailing? Maybe.

If Egypt's military was weak or its Intelligence services were weak these regional countries which are controlled by Israel for the most part and their international supporters will not hesitate to invade Egypt. Syria is weak Iraq is Weak Libya is weak and now they are all invaded and destroyed. Camp David is a peice of paper no international law holds them accountable and they wont hesitate to Invade Egypt under any pretext if Egypt's Military is weak and that was the first thing the Mb tried to do with Iran's help.
Pakistani establishment needs to learn from Egyptian establishment.

Learn what? Cripple the national economy while continuing an arms race. It's definitely on the correct track.

According to hilary clinton's diary the 5th American fleet got close to the suez to occupy it if the Egyptian military falls during the uprising in 2011.

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