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Featured Egypt raises army readiness in anticipation of Libya showdown with Turkey


Aug 19, 2012
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United Kingdom
Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, has been present on the western border for about a month now.
CAIRO--The Egyptian army launched, on Thursday, a large-scale military exercise dubbed “Hasm 2020” in the western region near the border with Libya. Various types of advanced battle equipment were used and tested in preparation for what could be an imminent intervention in Libya.

This step reinforces expectations that the Egyptian army has decided on the military option in dealing with the Libyan crisis, after Turkey's interventions and threats have created a situation that is difficult to accept in a neighbouring country which represents a vital strategic depth for Egyptian national security.

Cairo used to give names to military operations and manoeuvres that have clear indications and implications for the tasks required. Two years ago, it dubbed its military campaign against terrorist groups in Sinai “The Comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018”, which in fact did wipe out the military capabilities of these groups.

The Egyptian leadership has intensified its military moves on the country’s western front to fill in the void that had been in place for decades, considering that this region did not represent a direct security threat, while the north-eastern front was considered the main source of security threats for decades.


Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, following exercise with members of army staff. (Egyptian Army on Twitter)
The Army’s latest military equipment turned out to be well-suited for the type and scale of the challenges created in the western region after Turkey’s deliberate moves to drown Libyan territory with thousands of terrorists, extremists and other mercenaries specifically dispatched from Syria for the purpose of creating chaos in Libya. This has posed an imminent threat to Egypt’s security, which has long suffered from the infiltration of such elements inside Egyptian lands.

Cairo began taking swift and resolute steps regarding the fast-evolving developments in Libya after it has become clear that Turkey was reinforcing its military presence there and claiming that it came to Libya to stay, which is unacceptable from the standpoint of Egypt’s national security in the western region.

Egypt’s largest military base in the western region is Muhammad Naguib Base, which was inaugurated three years ago. A naval base (Jarjour) is being prepared in the Mediterranean area adjacent to the Libyan border, and the pace of military manoeuvres has accelerated in anticipation of any surprises that may come from Libya.

The latest developments and transformations within the Egyptian military forces reflect recent changes in the Egyptian military doctrine and its reliance on advanced technology in securing Egyptian borders. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with officials of the Egyptian army's signal corps and the Minister of Communications a few days ago, to confirm technical readiness in the western region.


A file picture of Egyptian Rafale fighter jets flying above Cairo. (AFP)
Speaking at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry, said that the situation in Libya represents a serious threat to stability and security throughout the region, pointing out that the contradictory visions for Libya's future and aspirations of regional hegemony of certain foreign parties have complicated efforts to restore security and prosperity to Libya.

Major General Alaa Ezzedine, former director of the Centre for Strategic Studies of the Egyptian army, told The Arab Weekly that the Egyptian exercises and manoeuvres are continuing at all levels, from small units to field armies, ever since Ankara set its foot in Libya.

He explained that the military exercises were planned, and some of them were commissioned by senior leaders to raise the army’s preparedness and test the capabilities of the forces that may participate in operations inside or outside Egyptian borders.

He added that Turkey's continued mobilisation of militia forces near Sirte is pushing the Egyptian armed forces to raise the maximum readiness of the forces, and that defining the Sirte-Al-Jufra line as a red line by President Sisi on June 20 was not for local and regional consumption, as Turkey's continued violations in Libya are pushing for greater preparedness for any potential confrontation, in the event the country’s national security becomes directly threatened by crossing the line.


A file picture shows Egyptian Army's armoured vehicles on a highway to North Sinai. (AFP)
The threat to Egypt’s western borders with Libya emanates from inside the Libyan depth, and that imposes on the Egyptian armed forces the imperative of carrying out large-scale exercises involving all of its branches in order to test the efficiency and capabilities of the combat units.

Major General Ezzedine denied that the “Hasm 2020” exercises were in response to what was reported about Turkey's intention to carry out manoeuvres in the Mediterranean, saying that “the Egyptian army is moving according to its goals and plans that it sets to deal with any threat.”

The Arab Weekly has learned that the Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, had been present on the western border for about a month now to ensure the readiness of the forces for any possible military action outside the border, following the increasing threats from Turkey, and after receiving appeals from the Libyan army, the elected parliament, and various Libyan tribes for direct Egyptian military support.

Last Sunday, sophisticated aircraft launched nine critical strikes on air defence equipment and advanced radars installed by the Turks at al-Watiya base. The operation was a major blow to Turkish installations in Libya and a strong warning message to Ankara, which had doubled the numbers of its military experts and mercenaries in Libya.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy on Wednesday that prospective naval exercises will be held off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions. Each one of these operations will be named after famous medieval Turkish pirates and naval commanders, Barbarossa, Turgut Reis and Chaka Bey.

The newspaper Libyan Observatory said that Turkey’s choice to name the operations after pirates of the Ottoman Empire cannot be missed and reflects the nature of the military mission that Ankara intends to carry out.
It is expected that the Turkish naval exercises will take place in international waters with the participation of 17 warplanes and 8 naval vessels, to suggest Ankara’s ability to control the region from the air and sea.

Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak, close to the ruling Justice and Development Party, said that these exercises would take place soon, without revealing a specific timing for them, and that they were training exercises in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, and in order to face the escalating tensions in Libya.

Major General Ahmed al-Mismari, spokesman for the Libyan National Army, did not rule out, on Wednesday, the possibility of a Turkish and militia attack on Sirte at any time, noting that the Libyan army was constantly monitoring Turkish movements in the region of Sirte and al-Jafra.

Al-Mismari stressed that Turkey desperately wants to reach the Libyan Oil Crescent in order to control Libya, indicating that it is leading the mobilisation for the attack and will be leading the battle itself.
Might as well sit your arse on gun barrel and pull the trigger. Seriously what the hell is wrong with these Muslim countries nowadays fighting like bunch of Rabid dogs all over the place.
Meanwhile Turkish navy is operating 7 8 vassals non stop for 4 5 months out of Sirte.. :yu: Where is Egypt navy?
Meanwhile Turkish navy is operating 7 8 vassals non stop for 4 5 months out of Sirte.. :yu: Where is Egypt navy?
did you cross the red line ? no ?
so its oke ^^
Look mate there is more going on here than imaginary red lines floated first by Russians after they brought in migs and su's when Pantsir couldn't stop some drones. Sisi is just a pawn.. You know it. I know it. Let's cut the bullshit. Our objective was to keep the legitimate government alive and safe. That mission is done. What more can GNA get will see. Who is on the retreat asking for political solution? Haftar is. Farcry from let's bomb till I'm president haftar.
1) The US and Israel used their puppets S.Arabia and The Uae to find SISI to make military coup in Egypt to destroy alliance between Egypt and Turkiye who supported Palestine against Israel ...... now puppet SISI killing Palestinians for Israeli interests

2) now same senario in Libya .. the US,France,Israel use S.Arabia , The Uae and HAFTAR to make military coup in Libya to destroy alliance between Libya and Turkiye

The Uae and S.Arabia deployed tons of weapons in Libya via Egypt including PANTSIR Air Defense Systems and Wing Loong UCAVS also their terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan to kill Libyans and to destroy alliance between Libya and Turkiye for Israeli interests
also Russia deployed minimum 14 Fighter Jets MIG-29 and SU-24s in Libya and tons of weapons by cargo Planes and thousands of WAGNER mercenaries also pro-Russian Assadists from Syria to kill Libyans for stealing oil fields

Turkiye and the UN recognized legal Libyan government always will protect our Libyan brothers and sisters from being killed/slaughtered on the hands of the invading christian Russians , French and their puppet criminal war lord HAFTAR , Arab dictators in Egypt , S.Arabia and The Uae , also their terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan and pro-Russian Assadists from Syria

but in a war nobody can save puppet SISI .... even muslim Egyptians so hate criminal puppet dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for christian Copts and Israeli interests
did you cross the red line ? no ?
so its oke ^^
Dude your red like is only important to you, Turkey will do what it thinks its necessary when the time comes, the sable rattling from sisi is not relevant here, there is not much Egypt can do to stop Turkey to begin with.
and Turkiye doesnt care about pathetic and weak puppet dictators ASSAD and SISI
Turkiye fight with Russia in Syria and Libya

SIRTE is redline for Russia who wants to set up naval base in SIRTE and airbase in JUFRA
Puppet SISI is hidding behind of Russia and barking

but sooner or later SIRTE will be cleaned from terrorists and invaders

btw Egypt can not enter Libya ....

1) Egypt doesnt have right to enter Libya
2) Egyptian Armed Forces dont have large scale operation capability to fight the UN recognized legal Libyan government and Turkiye

SIRTE is 1.000 km away from Egypt and f... your so-called red line ..its Libyan territory
outdated Egyptian Navy can not operate in Sirte .... 7 of 16 Turkish Frigates are already in Libya .. and weak Egyptian Navy doesnt have even total of 7 Frigates

Egyptian Army can not reach SIRTE 1000km away from Egypt ... Turkish UCAVs and F-16s easly can destroy Egyptian Army Tanks

and if Egypt attack Turkish interests in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean ... then Turkiye will have right to destroy all air/naval bases in Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said , and Sidi Barrani Air Base , Jarjour Naval Base , Muhammad Naguib Base

maybe smart France-Israel-Russia wants to use pathetic SISI's Egypt as a pawn to fight Turkiye ... but only a few days will be enough for weak and outdated Egyptian Armed Forces as like 1967
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Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, has been present on the western border for about a month now.
CAIRO--The Egyptian army launched, on Thursday, a large-scale military exercise dubbed “Hasm 2020” in the western region near the border with Libya. Various types of advanced battle equipment were used and tested in preparation for what could be an imminent intervention in Libya.

This step reinforces expectations that the Egyptian army has decided on the military option in dealing with the Libyan crisis, after Turkey's interventions and threats have created a situation that is difficult to accept in a neighbouring country which represents a vital strategic depth for Egyptian national security.

Cairo used to give names to military operations and manoeuvres that have clear indications and implications for the tasks required. Two years ago, it dubbed its military campaign against terrorist groups in Sinai “The Comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018”, which in fact did wipe out the military capabilities of these groups.

The Egyptian leadership has intensified its military moves on the country’s western front to fill in the void that had been in place for decades, considering that this region did not represent a direct security threat, while the north-eastern front was considered the main source of security threats for decades.


Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, following exercise with members of army staff. (Egyptian Army on Twitter)
The Army’s latest military equipment turned out to be well-suited for the type and scale of the challenges created in the western region after Turkey’s deliberate moves to drown Libyan territory with thousands of terrorists, extremists and other mercenaries specifically dispatched from Syria for the purpose of creating chaos in Libya. This has posed an imminent threat to Egypt’s security, which has long suffered from the infiltration of such elements inside Egyptian lands.

Cairo began taking swift and resolute steps regarding the fast-evolving developments in Libya after it has become clear that Turkey was reinforcing its military presence there and claiming that it came to Libya to stay, which is unacceptable from the standpoint of Egypt’s national security in the western region.

Egypt’s largest military base in the western region is Muhammad Naguib Base, which was inaugurated three years ago. A naval base (Jarjour) is being prepared in the Mediterranean area adjacent to the Libyan border, and the pace of military manoeuvres has accelerated in anticipation of any surprises that may come from Libya.

The latest developments and transformations within the Egyptian military forces reflect recent changes in the Egyptian military doctrine and its reliance on advanced technology in securing Egyptian borders. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with officials of the Egyptian army's signal corps and the Minister of Communications a few days ago, to confirm technical readiness in the western region.


A file picture of Egyptian Rafale fighter jets flying above Cairo. (AFP)
Speaking at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry, said that the situation in Libya represents a serious threat to stability and security throughout the region, pointing out that the contradictory visions for Libya's future and aspirations of regional hegemony of certain foreign parties have complicated efforts to restore security and prosperity to Libya.

Major General Alaa Ezzedine, former director of the Centre for Strategic Studies of the Egyptian army, told The Arab Weekly that the Egyptian exercises and manoeuvres are continuing at all levels, from small units to field armies, ever since Ankara set its foot in Libya.

He explained that the military exercises were planned, and some of them were commissioned by senior leaders to raise the army’s preparedness and test the capabilities of the forces that may participate in operations inside or outside Egyptian borders.

He added that Turkey's continued mobilisation of militia forces near Sirte is pushing the Egyptian armed forces to raise the maximum readiness of the forces, and that defining the Sirte-Al-Jufra line as a red line by President Sisi on June 20 was not for local and regional consumption, as Turkey's continued violations in Libya are pushing for greater preparedness for any potential confrontation, in the event the country’s national security becomes directly threatened by crossing the line.


A file picture shows Egyptian Army's armoured vehicles on a highway to North Sinai. (AFP)
The threat to Egypt’s western borders with Libya emanates from inside the Libyan depth, and that imposes on the Egyptian armed forces the imperative of carrying out large-scale exercises involving all of its branches in order to test the efficiency and capabilities of the combat units.

Major General Ezzedine denied that the “Hasm 2020” exercises were in response to what was reported about Turkey's intention to carry out manoeuvres in the Mediterranean, saying that “the Egyptian army is moving according to its goals and plans that it sets to deal with any threat.”

The Arab Weekly has learned that the Egyptian Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, had been present on the western border for about a month now to ensure the readiness of the forces for any possible military action outside the border, following the increasing threats from Turkey, and after receiving appeals from the Libyan army, the elected parliament, and various Libyan tribes for direct Egyptian military support.

Last Sunday, sophisticated aircraft launched nine critical strikes on air defence equipment and advanced radars installed by the Turks at al-Watiya base. The operation was a major blow to Turkish installations in Libya and a strong warning message to Ankara, which had doubled the numbers of its military experts and mercenaries in Libya.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy on Wednesday that prospective naval exercises will be held off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions. Each one of these operations will be named after famous medieval Turkish pirates and naval commanders, Barbarossa, Turgut Reis and Chaka Bey.

The newspaper Libyan Observatory said that Turkey’s choice to name the operations after pirates of the Ottoman Empire cannot be missed and reflects the nature of the military mission that Ankara intends to carry out.
It is expected that the Turkish naval exercises will take place in international waters with the participation of 17 warplanes and 8 naval vessels, to suggest Ankara’s ability to control the region from the air and sea.

Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak, close to the ruling Justice and Development Party, said that these exercises would take place soon, without revealing a specific timing for them, and that they were training exercises in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, and in order to face the escalating tensions in Libya.

Major General Ahmed al-Mismari, spokesman for the Libyan National Army, did not rule out, on Wednesday, the possibility of a Turkish and militia attack on Sirte at any time, noting that the Libyan army was constantly monitoring Turkish movements in the region of Sirte and al-Jafra.

Al-Mismari stressed that Turkey desperately wants to reach the Libyan Oil Crescent in order to control Libya, indicating that it is leading the mobilisation for the attack and will be leading the battle itself.
The Arab weekly , Its mean the Arabs Gulfies are real happy to have bought an army lock, stock , barrel, country and a President...Egypt is no more ready to fight Turkey today as she was ready to fight Israel in her last 4 wars..But the Arabs are happy, that is the essential..and Sissi got himself a Presidency that will send Moubarek to coma.
Turkey, she is smart enough to know that no war will take in Lybia between her and Egypt..that the reason beside the Syrians militias, Turkey didn't send a single soldier...Now both Egypt and Turkey has to find who are these unknown planes that are keeping them awake...
Let the recent decision on the Aya Sofya be a harbinger for these scums! Even the Kemalist folks aren’t protesting that much!!! For the Turkish folks know what it implies to the Imperialists...

This time these Pyramids need to be purchased and turned into mosques...
It is quite easy to beat Turkey in Libya, take out every single airbase used by the GNA and they can't project very much. Emirates have the capabilities to do this, and most likely the Egyptians could as well.
It is quite easy to beat Turkey in Libya, take out every single airbase used by the GNA and they can't project very much. Emirates have the capabilities to do this, and most likely the Egyptians could as well.
It is not that...neither Turkey or Egypt will fight over Lybia..They are waiting for Lybia to split under the duress exerted by each side and each will get to play a role in the side that lean with them..Benghazi area to Egypt and Tripoli with Turkey..
It is not that...neither Turkey or Egypt will fight over Lybia..They are waiting for Lybia to split under the duress exerted by each side and each will get to play a role in the side that lean with them..Benghazi area to Egypt and Tripoli with Turkey..
And you think the Egyptians are bluffing about the red line?
Might as well sit your arse on gun barrel and pull the trigger. Seriously what the hell is wrong with these Muslim countries nowadays fighting like bunch of Rabid dogs all over the place.
What a lame excuse!
When did NATO give any thoughts about Muslims? Turkey is their pawn..so believe what you want ..but facts speak for themselves..
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