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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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they are supporting houthis ,they fear houthi rebellion will cause unrest in their eastern province thus creating chaos inside the Kingdom
and by looking at the track record of both nations its bound to happen

Both nations should stop their decades long proxy war and fight openly.
Honestly... what's Pakistan doing there??? Houthis are not a threat to KSA's security... Kingdom's security can be taken care of by themselves as of now... Pakistanis meddling in this issue for some gifts from KSA only going to affect pakistan's internal security... Seems Pakistan has not learned its lessons...don't wage wars for others
Pakistan never learns from its past mistakes. Emblem of Pakistan :D
@Icarus how much chances are there..tht our role will be limited to training / observer status only or our troops /airforce being actively engaged in this conflict? Which scenario is more probable..(as u have been part of discussions)u think? Only if Saudi Arabia is attacked..then for its defence..i say ..our troops should be actively engaged..othwerise in offensive roleim yemen, as is the case , right now..our troops shouldnt be engaged..but rather be limited to training / observer status

For now, nothing has been mapped out, the exact dynamics will be worked out when the delegation completes their visit of Saudi Arabia. In the end, we might even decide to initiate a 'ghost' mobilization for deterrence value but like I said, at this point, it is too premature to say. The chances of committing boots on ground are slim but then again, when I woke up today, I never thought we would be ratifying the Saudi's position in the evening.
So essentially whats the top 2-3 reasons as to why we're taking this step ?
indebted to them, dependant on them, and this can bring back relative calm in the region... Stop proxies and bring things into the open come what may
Not a wonder that a Pakistani shia scholar was singing Indian national anthem....
Saudia Has our Holy Places Mecca and Medina. Any threat to Saudia is a threat to our Holy Places and we should stand by them.
For now, we are taking no step and there are no agendas. At this moment, we have only decided that we support the Saudi standing on the issue and will not assume a position of neutrality, as I would have preferred. I cannot divulge the exact reasons and the people behind them but most are of a strategic nature, aimed at preempting and containing a potential sectarian conflict that has all tendency to spread, especially in nations that have already been a flash point for sectarian violence.

In that case we ought to limit/conceal our role as much as possible.
For now, we are taking no step and there are no agendas. At this moment, we have only decided that we support the Saudi standing on the issue and will not assume a position of neutrality, as I would have preferred. I cannot divulge the exact reasons and the people behind them but most are of a strategic nature, aimed at preempting and containing a potential sectarian conflict that has all tendency to spread, especially in nations that have already been a flash point for sectarian violence.

As long as Pakistan's 'self-interest' is the prime reason why we're even contemplating to set aside our neutrality and do something about this - I have no qualms if we do so. Furthermore if it is truly believed that the sectarian BS perpetrated by both these camps has a propensity for creating a flash-point in Pakistan once more or increasingly so - I'd say its good if we can preempt this.
But Iran is openly condemning this Sunni-allied invasion of Yemen! Of course they care about Houthis.

Indeed they do care, I'm merely suggesting that they might not spare the same effort to them as Hezbollah as many seem to think.
Saudia Has our Holy Places Mecca and Medina. Any threat to Saudia is a threat to our Holy Places and we should stand by them.
LOL! If so, they should be able to defend these holy places with their enormous oil wealth! Not by begging other states to help them :D
Let them fight. Why you guys want to get involved. You are fighting 15 years long war with Taliban. So much blood has been spilled. You are broke. Do you require more bloodshed.

Like I said, we have good fighters, its our biggest blessing and curse at the same time.
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