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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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What else can we expect from NOORA.
For the sake of their personal interest they are putting Pakistan in other WAR. :(
It's a painful fact that Irani brothers have opposed Pak despite mojority of Pak Sunnis also like Iran. Even there r writtenfacts that Gen Zia helped them against Iraq. Yet Pak has got nothing frm Iran after Shah era.
The ideal statement would have been , "Pakistan supports Yemeni elected government, with out any military support to the ongoing war !"

Not sure there is an elected government. It's been a clusterfuck for the last few years with people coming in and out of power.
I don't understand if our leadership is just plain stupid or is actively working to undermine the state of Pakistan.
Begging bowl mentality does this to people.
the best decision of this dacade.it will repair our image from being beggers to friends.
Not sure there is an elected government. It's been a clusterfuck for the last few years with people coming in and out of power.

Then replace the elected govt. with democracy, simple !
I won't be going, they don't need people with my skills. They need Infantry. Also, the Arabs view us with contempt, to them, we are children of a lesser god, we are the sons of heathens, to think that we will be given much respect in KSA, much rather a 'princess' as you say, is a far off prospect.

So whats the 'pro-intervention' camp arguing about ? I'm sure financial incentives aren't really at the top of the list because our high command can't really be oblivious to what happened the last few times we helped the Arabs out and no amount of money can offset the potential mess that we had to clear up (and we're still doing); namely a never ending and utterly needless rivalry with Israel (Arab-Israeli wars) and the Iranian Ayatollahs and the Saudi Clerics sparring with each other while using their Pakistani bearded baboons of choice who's Qiblahs are either towards Tehran or towards Riyadh.

So essentially whats the top 2-3 reasons as to why we're taking this step ?
One noob thought.

If this coalition of 10 states inc Pakistan and Turkey starts to function and evolves into a regional NATO, keeping that in mind, Pakistan must seek assurances that when India looks into Pakistan, the coalition must look back. It will solve our conventional disparity dillema with India when these states would stand by us in the time of need.

Another thought is that if Iran becomes the regional bulldog as the US recedes, its chances of aligning with Pakistan vs India must be weighed. Let me remind you that during the stand off with India in early 2000's, Pr Rafsanjani chose to be the chief guest at India's republic day parade.

Whatever we do, we must make sure this budding coalitiin returns the favor to Pakistan when we need it. Our contribution ought to be in lights of such commitments.

This idea of an OIC 'NATO' gained a lot of traction last summer when the IS was on a roll and its momentum seemed unceasing however, it soon became apparent that muslim states shared nothing except the illusion of a single ummah. Everything from interests to command and control was different and in many case, incompatible.
If an alliance of this sort is conceived, it will have an inward looking objective rather than an outward one, so it will hardly be any good for establishing military parity with India.
As far as the question of Iran goes, they're a tenacious country that likes to defy odds, however, they are prepared to leave us alone. I think we must reciprocate that gesture if it comes to the scenario that you have envisioned. If we cannot enjoy friendly relations, we should at least try not to intertwine our regional and political aspirations.
Yet another brilliant decision by our leadership, both civilian and military.

We need a PM and Army Chief who strongly believes in Isolationism because that is what our country needs right now. We have hundreds of thousands of troops engaged in a war yet we continue to expose ourselves to new fronts and risks that come with it.

I don't understand if our leadership is just plain stupid or is actively working to undermine the state of Pakistan.
That'll make us even more isolated because neither side seem to want a democracy if it threatens their influence.

That is the right approach, you need both the countries !

One is your neighbour and the other is your financier, Since Houthis are labelled as armed rebels the statement fits correctly.
well to me , our soldiers are very important , they are our soil's son , fighting for other, in a stupid war , is not acceptable for me , we already have a fight in our homes , TTP , BLA and etc ....and now we have Armed drones we can station a Sq there ..
i really Admire Gen Shareef and i am still thinking that how he accept something like this ? and maybe this is not what we are thinking ? maybe its just assistance , but not boots on ground ..

I too am hoping that we assume an observer role, that would be ideal. I am not prepared to agree to throwing my men into a foreign conflict in a foreign land.

Of course. Houthis are their co-religionists.

There is a difference between the Zaidi Shia and the mainstream 'Twelver' Shia. So that is only partially true for the Houthis.
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