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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

i want you saudi to enjoy yourselfs while you can this situation will not last for ever then you will pay just like you want to destroy egypt we will destroy yours and we will send these salfais and abou ismail in body bags to your deserts you just wait
i dont agree to the iran part you dont know what has these wahabi ........done by funding salfis what an insult this days it is saudi who want to take countrol of egypt ?but i agree that i dont accept bringing relgion to poltics and useing the religon anyway dont worry most of the vots they got was a try and most of them regret it now

Looks like everyone is angry at the Saudis for interfering in their internal affairs.

What Egypt needs right now is a Nationalist government with a nationalist leader, someone who only looks after Egyptian interests.
Looks like everyone is angry at the Saudis for interfering in their internal affairs.

What Egypt needs right now is a Nationalist government with a nationalist leader, someone who only looks after Egyptian interests.
exactly untill now i cant belive how insulting this is
saudi trying to countrol egypt .........
i want you saudi to enjoy yourselfs while you can this situation will not last for ever then you will pay just like you want to destroy egypt we will destroy yours and we will send these salfais and abou ismail in body bags to your deserts you just wait

We want to destroy Egypt??? Who the hell is filling your head with these thoughts??
We want to destroy Egypt??? Who the hell is filling your head with these thoughts??
you want egypt to be a hell hole with these salfis in rule you fund them becouse you want to make sure that rgypt will never be strong just like abd el nasser days when you with the britsh and isreal and usa were fighting him in yemen war
and your king dont want the revelotion to succed becouse he is afriad this will encourge a revilotion in saudi
Look what true Egyptians did to this guy who was insulting Saudi Arabia epic:

you want egypt to be a hell hole with these salfis in rule you fund them becouse you want to make sure that rgypt will never be strong just like abd el nasser days when you with the britsh and isreal and usa were fighting him in yemen war
and your king dont want the revelotion to succed becouse he is afriad this will encourge a revilotion in saudi

Bring me one evidence saying KSA is supporting Salafis. Don't bring me conspiracy theory articles bring me real evidence a leaked diplomatic cable a hacked E-mail history of money transaction anything.

And what do we gain by "Making sure Egypt is not strong"?? You do realize Egypt's military is our closest military in the Middle East after GCC states right?? Oh and Egypt will Inshallah become a GCC state itself.

So Mahmoud right now I am going to a Qahwah to smoke some Shaisha Measel with my Egyptian friends. Drink Cold Ennab with it and maybe some Kushari tea. And as you can see our cultures are practically almost identical.
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you want egypt to be a hell hole with these salfis in rule you fund them becouse you want to make sure that rgypt will never be strong just like abd el nasser days when you with the britsh and isreal and usa were fighting him in yemen war
and your king dont want the revelotion to succed becouse he is afriad this will encourge a revilotion in saudi
Why are you blaming others for our problems ? We made our problems not Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Israel. Unless you realize that, we will never move forward. The Salafis are not Saudis, and Saudi Arabia as a country is suffering from the Salafi ideology, and their government realizes that. The support that they get is not from the GCC governments, its from regular people like me and you. They think it is Islamic to support the people who follow the same ideology as you. Also, what does the Muslims Brotherhood has to do with Saudi Arabia polices ? They are more foes than friends.
Why are you blaming others for our problems ? We made our problems not Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Israel. Unless you realize that, we will never move forward. The Salafis are not Saudis, and Saudi Arabia as a country is suffering from the Salafi ideology, and their government realizes that. The support that they get is not from the GCC governments, its from regular people like me and you. They think it is Islamic to support the people who follow the same ideology as you. Also, what does the Muslims Brotherhood has to do with Saudi Arabia polices ? They are more foes than friends.

Thank you. The voice of reason.
Bring me one evidence saying KSA is supporting Salafis. Don't bring me conspiracy theory articles bring me real evidence a leaked diplomatic cable a hacked E-mail history of money transaction anything.

And what do we gain by "Making sure Egypt is not strong"?? You do realize Egypt's military is our closest military in the Middle East after GCC states right?? Oh and Egypt will Inshallah become a GCC state itself.

So Mahmoud right now I am going to a Qahwah to smoke some Shaisha Measel with my Egyptian friends. Drink Cold Ennab with it and maybe some Kushari tea. And as you can see our cultures are practically almost identical.
egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country

Bring me one evidence saying KSA is supporting Salafis. Don't bring me conspiracy theory articles bring me real evidence a leaked diplomatic cable a hacked E-mail history of money transaction anything.

And what do we gain by "Making sure Egypt is not strong"?? You do realize Egypt's military is our closest military in the Middle East after GCC states right?? Oh and Egypt will Inshallah become a GCC state itself.

So Mahmoud right now I am going to a Qahwah to smoke some Shaisha Measel with my Egyptian friends. Drink Cold Ennab with it and maybe some Kushari tea. And as you can see our cultures are practically almost identical.
egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
أبو العزايم للسعودية: أوقفوا تمويل السلفيين
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country
egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
أبو العزايم للسعودية: أوقفوا تمويل السلفيين
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country

egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
أبو العزايم للسعودية: أوقفوا تمويل السلفيين
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country
Come on, you are making me laugh now. Why would they wanna destroy our country ? What good does it do to Saudi Arabia ? If you haven't noticed, Egypt is the one of the biggest Sunni country in the world, and the biggest in the region, it sounds crazy to think that Saudi Arabia wants to destroy Egypt.
egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
أبو العزايم للسعودية: أوقفوا تمويل السلفيين
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country

egypt will never become a GCC country if you look at the comments in any news site about this you will know
about funding the salfais
: 5
تورط السعوديون بتمويل السلفيين في تونس بعد مصر
أبو العزايم للسعودية: أوقفوا تمويل السلفيين
and this you will like

say hi to your egyptian friends and tell them sorry our governemnt is trying to destroy your country

Sufis, Christians and Shais are the ones who are making all those claims according to the news. And I love your first source a conspiracy theory blog entry. Yeah a lot of those guys can make these claims which is why as I said bring me real evidence not articles and baseless accusations please.
Also, what does the Muslims Brotherhood has to do with Saudi Arabia polices ? They are more foes than friends.
i dint say muslim brotherhood i sayed salfis
Come on, you are making me laugh now. Why would they wanna destroy our country ? What good does it do to Saudi Arabia ? If you haven't noticed,, it sounds crazy to think that Saudi Arabia wants to destroy Egypt.
and why did they do it after 1952 revlotion ? the same reasons
Egypt is the one of the biggest Sunni country in the world, and the biggest in the region
you think this is about relgion ? they take their ordors from isreal and the us
maybe you in the us dont realize it but i am here and i know what kind these salfis are and what will they do if they had the power
i dint say muslim brotherhood i sayed salfis
and why did they do it after 1952 revlotion ? the same reasons
you think this is about relgion ? they take their ordors from isreal and the us
maybe you in the us dont realize it but i am here and i know what kind these salfis are and what will they do if they had the power
I hate the Salfis more than you think, you can check my previous posts, and you will know. I am not a big fan of the Muslim Brotherhood either. I just think that you are blaming the wrong people for Egypt's problems. Egyptian Salafis are a result of bad education, bad economy, and bad religious education. Why isn't Al-azhar doing its job in a proper way so people won't follow such ignorant people ? We should fix our own problems, and stop blaming others. Wether its the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, ect..

Nasser wasn't perfect either, he wanted to overthrow the kings, althu he was a dictator himself. This kind hypocrisy won't give him my support, or any reasonable person support either.
exactly untill now i cant belive how insulting this is
saudi trying to countrol egypt .........

Egypt needs a nationalist country and stay away from Salafism, currently it is a good thing the Muslim Brotherhood won and it represents our people MB + Secular and Liberals will be very good, the Al Nour will cause trouble for Egypt.
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