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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

I know that my bro, you can find a mole in every country. You and me know Egyptians point of views in Arabic forums.

You and me are exposed to a larger number of Egyptians which allows for a more clearer case study, however in this forum other members who are not will get the wrong impression. I can safely say that these days and soon with the fall of the criminal Assad the Arab world will be more united than it has ever been in its history. Only that criminal Bashar now remains in the other camp and depriving us of the embrace of our brothers in unity in service to his HaKham's.
I know that my bro, you can find a mole in every country. You and me know Egyptians point of views in Arabic forums.
again ? i can post the links one more time easy
You needed Jordan but Jordan never needed you. Jordan won in Alkaramah batte ALONE, and it was the first Arab victory. we don't need your rusty f-16 or third class Abrams tanks. As you know, Jordan has the best trained army among Arab contries and we manufacture most of our army equipments, PS we are #17 in terms of exporting arms. Anyway, I know hundreds of Egytias in Arab forums who have a tttaly different view than yours. So its really ridiculous when you talk in the name of 80 million people.
your army is like one big counter terrerism unit our army has alarge ground forces alarge air force and navy good luck with your army
Egypt needs us and we have never needed it in any way ever.
then it will be better if everyone go on his own

I know you have a deep seated hatred for my country however I also implore you to think outside of ultra-nationalistic view. It is not about controlling Egypt it is about keeping Egypt as an ally.
keeping egypt as ally ?supporting mubark funding salfis promising aid and never give it look at who we egyptians were treated in the holy land after the revlotion
again ? i can post the links one more time easy
your army is like one big counter terrerism unit our army has alarge ground forces alarge air force and navy good luck with your army
then it will be better if everyone go on his own

keeping egypt as ally ?supporting mubark funding salfis promising aid and never give it look at who we egyptians were treated in the holy land after the revlotion

Which link?:blink:
160000 is a counter terrorist unit? :lol: we have quality over quantity my friend ;). for the navy thing, you know Jordan has only 25 km by water.
keeping egypt as ally ?supporting mubark funding salfis promising aid and never give it look at who we egyptians were treated in the holy land after the revlotion

I see which way you are coming from.

Well here is your answer to everything:
1- Saudi Arabia to honor $3.75bn Egypt aid pledge - Arab News
2- Saudi official: My country doesn't support Mubarak | Egypt Independent
3- You are talking about Saudi airlines the worst airlines in the world it has nothing to do with the revolution hell Saudi shows and newspapers criticizes that peice of shyt airline on a daily basis. It was not aimed at Egyptians at all this stupid airline treats everyone this way.

Which link?:blink:
160000 is a counter terrorist unit? :lol: we have quality over quantity my friend ;). for the navy thing, you know Jordan has only 25 km by water.
And pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase leave us alone, we could at least borrow people who are at least grateful.

Keep your damn emotions and nationalistic feelings down. We are trying to make a bridges between our people both figuratively and literally. These cursed emotions will only come in the way.

Oh and by the way محمود you know which medias were the ones to first report of KSA supporting Mubarak??

These are:
PressTV - Saudi king vows support for Mubarak
'Saudi Arabia: We'll support Egypt if US c... JPost - Middle East

So you can see who has most to gain in dividing us.
I see which way you are coming from.

Well here is your answer to everything:
1- Saudi Arabia to honor $3.75bn Egypt aid pledge - Arab News
2- Saudi official: My country doesn't support Mubarak | Egypt Independent
3- You are talking about Saudi airlines the worst airlines in the world it has nothing to do with the revolution hell Saudi shows and newspapers criticizes that peice of shyt airline on a daily basis. It was not aimed at Egyptians at all this stupid airline treats everyone this way.

Keep your damn emotions and nationalistic feelings down. We are trying to make a bridges between our people both figuratively and literally. These cursed emotions will only come in the way.

Oh and by the way محمود you know which medias were the ones to first report of KSA supporting Mubarak??

These are:
PressTV - Saudi king vows support for Mubarak
'Saudi Arabia: We'll support Egypt if US c... JPost - Middle East

So you can see who has most to gain in dividing us.

As you like...:no:
I see which way you are coming from.

Well here is your answer to everything:
1- Saudi Arabia to honor $3.75bn Egypt aid pledge - Arab News
2- Saudi official: My country doesn't support Mubarak | Egypt Independent
3- You are talking about Saudi airlines the worst airlines in the world it has nothing to do with the revolution hell Saudi shows and newspapers criticizes that peice of shyt airline on a daily basis. It was not aimed at Egyptians at all this stupid airline treats everyone this way.

Keep your damn emotions and nationalistic feelings down. We are trying to make a bridges between our people both figuratively and literally. These cursed emotions will only come in the way.

Oh and by the way محمود you know which medias were the ones to first report of KSA supporting Mubarak??

These are:
PressTV - Saudi king vows support for Mubarak
'Saudi Arabia: We'll support Egypt if US c... JPost - Middle East

So you can see who has most to gain in dividing us.
you seem like a good man too bad your king and alot saudis are not like this
anyway we are all muslims and i hope the best for all muslim countrys

I see which way you are coming from.

Well here is your answer to everything:
1- Saudi Arabia to honor $3.75bn Egypt aid pledge - Arab News
2- Saudi official: My country doesn't support Mubarak | Egypt Independent
3- You are talking about Saudi airlines the worst airlines in the world it has nothing to do with the revolution hell Saudi shows and newspapers criticizes that peice of shyt airline on a daily basis. It was not aimed at Egyptians at all this stupid airline treats everyone this way.

Keep your damn emotions and nationalistic feelings down. We are trying to make a bridges between our people both figuratively and literally. These cursed emotions will only come in the way.

Oh and by the way محمود you know which medias were the ones to first report of KSA supporting Mubarak??

These are:
PressTV - Saudi king vows support for Mubarak
'Saudi Arabia: We'll support Egypt if US c... JPost - Middle East

So you can see who has most to gain in dividing us.
you seem like a good man too bad your king and alot saudis are not like this
anyway we are all muslims and i hope the best for all muslim countrys
we can be better and we will as long as we stay away from this fake arab unity and of course i speak about egypt becouse i am egyptian born in egypt just like my father and grand father and probably will die serving my country just like every egyptian willing to give his life for egypt i will not open this GCC and oil topic again becouse cuting the oil for days cant be comparied with scrafising our army our econmy and alot of civalian lives
all i can say is you better be ready for any war becouse we wont be there the next time and like i said EGYPTIAN ARMY IS FOR EGYPTIANS ONLY

the salafis are funded by ksa maybe you dont support them but your king does
about iran i know who i am and no country in the world can countrol egypt the us couldnt after 40 years of peace and close realtions with us i am sure no one could
Do you have proof the Saudi Arabia is funding the salafis?
The only people who we are funding is your GOVERNMENT by wasting billions$ of OUR money to you ungrateful Egyptians.
Plus, the only war you fought for "others" was 48, 67 Israel attacked, and 73 for Sina. You gave nothing for the "Arab cause" you just took from it.
Also, who the **** asked for your worthless army, we are more than capable of defending ourselves.
The funny thing about the West's concept of Democracy is it is a great institution if your favorite party or candidate wins. However, if the other guy or party wins they have no use for Democracy. This the Hypocrisy that comes out of West and Israel. So much for their Democratic ROOTS.

I wish the Muslim Brotherhood the best of luck. If that is what the Egyptian people want then more power to the Muslim Brotherhood.
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