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Egypt mulls JF-17 co-production


The basic configuration will be Chinese FC-1 but customers can opt for western configuration. Both Egypt and Azerbaijan have opted for latter.

This is interesting and confirms another theory that I have. Thank you for the input. It means that we will assemble the avionics on board in Pakistan, before sending it off to Egypt. It may mean more work for us and this bit of the profit coming our way.However, do we have permission to sell on the stuff that we will asemble, otherwise we may again run into problems.Knowing PAF , we have catered to this situation, but just to reiterate.
I am not that highly willing to agree with you. Since Pakistan is yet to show some capability in integrating Western avionics on JF-17, as so far China is the sole determiner of what could be best configured on JF-17. My disagreement steam from the fact that, Pakistan yet to choose any viable western option be it a Radar system, avionics or subsystems of any american or europen origion.

Unless Pakistan doesn't showcase similar capability by doing the same and successfully fielding JF-17 with something western till then I don't think Egypt would be hardly interested in having the same in its fleet. As they are already operating much advanced F-16 even with a string attached, at the same time they are facing highly superior airforce in neigbourhood in the form of Isreali Airforce, it will be highly immature of Egypt to take JF-17 in its fleet which still neither represent any technological jump as compared to what Isreali's have in their fleet.

Your thoughts are mere conjecture and contrary to the facts. PAF has a long history of upgrading the avionics of its fighters and most of our chinese fighters have had their avionics changed in kamra. This means PAF can and most likely, depending on the demand, will do the same again.
PAF officials had already said that we can work in double shift if required. Plz tell me about the Kamra's present production. I think so it is running only one shift???? Am I right?

So this means no problem for Kamra as far as Egyptian order is concerned. Egypt will be receiving first AC 2 years later if it give order today. Plenty of time!!!!!!!

1) Why do u think its a bad idea to sell the thunders with an Assembly line???

2) The 48 planes mentioned here are only the first batch. The total order for thunders by Egypt is estimated around 200-250 birds. Even If that figure is divided by half, they still deserve a production facility.

200-250 birds r u for real dam where did u get this info ????well this is great but not sure if it's true


Yes these figures are estimates by different sources. They have been in rumors on different Fora since long. If you surf a bit I am sure you can have an Idea about the potential customers and their needs.
However I am going to provide you a list of these potential customers and their estimated needs.
Bear in mind all these Figures are not official but also estimated by defense experts globally, on the basis of Current Inventory, Future Needs, Economic Conditions to predict the availability of necessary Finances, Political factors, Cost factors, Competitions, Rivalry among the States and above all Presence of Threat, and many more.

Given below is an abstract From an Article," A Light Sabre for the Third World: The FC-1 / JF-17 Thunder " by M. Hussain. I am only providing the market viability and potential aspect.

Market viability

As a MiG-21 and F-5 replacement, there is obviously a huge market, perhaps a lot larger than everyone realizes. The large number of lesser-known Third World airforces in the world could all chip in to make a significant order. It is my belief that the FC-1 final count could be closer to1500. Below is indicated potential sales count by country that the FC-1 could possibly expect over the next 2 decades.

Country Projected Sales

Albania 20
Argentina 50
Azerbaijan 6
Bangladesh 20
Bolivia 30
China 150
Congo 30
Egypt 150
Eritrea 12
Ethiopia 30
Indonesia 6
Iran 150
Lebanon 6
Malaysia 40
Morocco 20
Myanmar 30
Nigeria 30
North Korea 200
Pakistan 250
Sri Lanka 12
Sudan 20
Syria 50
Tanzania 6
Thailand 40
Venezuela 40
Zimbabwe 30

Hope answered your query.


Unless Pakistan doesn't showcase similar capability by doing the same and successfully fielding JF-17 with something western till then I don't think Egypt would be hardly interested in having the same in its fleet.

This may be one of the reasons for the delay in negotiations. The JF-17 is claimed to be plug-and-play; maybe the Egyptians just want it demonstrated. This should be no problem for PAF, since we plan to do it for our planes anyway.

As they are already operating much advanced F-16 even with a string attached, at the same time they are facing highly superior airforce in neigbourhood in the form of Isreali Airforce, it will be highly immature of Egypt to take JF-17 in its fleet which still neither represent any technological jump as compared to what Isreali's have in their fleet.

Different planes fill different roles, otherwise the USAF would fly nothing but F22s.

The JF-17 is an excellent, cost-competitive choice for its intended role.
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When you sell to third world you do it on long term loans or financing but where will Pakistan find local big banks for it but China has a lot of money to finance third world needs to buy on long term loan.

Poor countries have no hard cash to pay in advance even Pakistan took billion dollar loan from Chinese bank for Jf-17s.
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When you sell to third world you do it on long term loans or financing but where will Pakistan find local big banks for it but China has a lot of money to finance third world needs to buy on long term loan.

Poor countries have no hard cash to pay in advance even Pakistan took billion dollar loan from Chinese bank for Jf-17s.

this is another benefit of having the chinese as partners on this venture.
I am not that highly willing to agree with you. Since Pakistan is yet to show some capability in integrating Western avionics on JF-17, as so far China is the sole determiner of what could be best configured on JF-17.

You are wrong. As our esteemed member Araz has already explained that beautifully with reference to PAF History ,and needs no more explanation, but I would just want to add a little with an example. F-7 is Chinese product, so is F-7 PG, but what PAF has done to it, is that they have made at least 40 different integrations and changes of western origin. Like Griffo is an Italian radar and on board. basically F-7PG is a Chinese Airframe and Engine With westren Avionics.

If the show has been displayed in the past without an problem, so why would it be difficult to display in future. Lets not use Cannons to Kill Mosquitoes.

My disagreement steam from the fact that, Pakistan yet to choose any viable western option be it a Radar system, avionics or subsystems of any american or europen origion.

There was no American origin Radar under consideration, and for that matter any avionics package. Only European and Chinese Radars were in competition. It was reported that Chinese were working on Aesa radar to win the competition, but lets leave it here as not much is available about it. Amongst the European, Griffo, French RC 400, and Selex Vixen 1000 E Aesa radar were considered. Griffo the weakest of all was never a serious contender. Selex Vixen 1000 E would have been obviously the best choice, because its Aesa and not PD, and therefore a lot more capable. But its also out now, for possibly two reasons, 1.) cost factor 2.) It is also the Radar for Gripen NG, so possibly faced some resistance.

All in all, RC 400 seems to fit in perfectly, for many reasons

1) A very capable radar, meets all needs and parameters.
2) French being known as reliable partners, then rest of the
European lot.
3) Currently french are not getting any major orders and their Industry is in trouble for that matter. Rafael is a well known case, they are not even getting up grade orders for the mirages,e.g India and Taiwan etc. So naturally, they are more then willing to bend a little and we can negotiate /bargain with a better position.
4) For the same reason, It has been rumored that they are offering a miniaturized version of Spectra for the thunders as part of deal, which would be a very big plus if true.
5) Not only Radar and avionics but also weapons, specially MBDA MICA BVRAAM and also their integration are in the package gives it a big plus.

With all these goodies, its almost confirmed that French Avionics and Armament deal is almost finalized and will be soon signed. It has been in news since February that deal for the next batch of 50 is worth more then 1 Billion Euros i.e 1.4 billion dollars, with an option for 50 more on the same conditions.

This is a complete package, and with all these goodies, It will put JF-17 in the big guns league, Still at a portion of their price. These packages are not offered by the Chinese, nor they can acquire them. Only Pakistan is in a position to acquire, Integrate, test and offer them, and hence would cut the mustered.

Why would be the Egyptians not enticed with such an offer??? They to would like to have a more capable fighter. And keeping in mind that French too are very good business people, they don't have any problems with the Egyptians and would be more then willing to make a buck if possible through JF-17s way, seeing their potential.
So all green for me.

Lastly but more importantly, Pakistan is 50% partner in the project and thus has the marketing rights, but it doesn't mean china will be out of the game and sitting on the spectators bench. Of course it will be on board and play a very active part if the deal goes through. Most probably It will help Egypt in setting the Assembly line and provide Critical parts as Engines, some parts of the Airframe, Armaments, training to their staff etc. The bottom line is, China is still holding very important position, and the good point is there seems no disagreement as how to split the pie. Same will apply if China makes a deal.

Unless Pakistan doesn't showcase similar capability by doing the same and successfully fielding JF-17 with something western till then I don't think Egypt would be hardly interested in having the same in its fleet.

This part has been answered in the above para.

As they are already operating much advanced F-16 even with a string attached,

How??? What do you mean by much advanced??? their F-16s lacks BVR. The new block 52 ordered are only 20 in number, means just 1 Squadron. Even that order had to be cut short from 24 to 20.

at the same time they are facing highly superior airforce in neigbourhood in the form of Isreali Airforce, it will be highly immature of Egypt to take JF-17 in its fleet which still neither represent any technological jump as compared to what Isreali's have in their fleet.

Well for that you need to understand the basic meanings of defense and deterrence. You are right they surely will have to face a superior Israeli Air force, but that doesn't mean they have to face Israel with an equal force. Isn't Pakistan facing the same situation, with regards to much superior Indian air force, which has massive advantage in numbers as well as quality. It then wouldn't make sense either for Pakistan to acquire thunders. But we are acquiring and acquiring them in numbers, and we are not fools to do so.

This not as simple as you think, the whole point of having a fighter or any Arm for that matter by a country who is weaker, or just want to defend its borders and sovereignty and have no offensive desires is to have a minimum deterrence, that makes the aggressive party think twice, before making a misadventure. Giving them an early warning that, you would suffer also if you try inflict harm on us, and we simply wont let you run through us.

Every war/conflict is measured with respect to Cost-to-Benefit. The whole point of minimum deterrence is to increase that Cost to an extent where the benefit becomes insignificant.

This is where Jf-17 would provide the Egyptians the minimum deterrence they need against Israel. The same would it do for Pakistan against India.

Apart from that I need not to explain, the cost, numbers,political, ownership, and other aspects, which has been beaten to death and are well known.

So is there any reason left to show the significance of thunders???


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When you sell to third world you do it on long term loans or financing but where will Pakistan find local big banks for it but China has a lot of money to finance third world needs

Financing is a separate part of the business. There is no reason for local Pakistani banks to have to finance. Many Chinese banks will be in a position to take the financing part of the business. Also, in the case of Arab countries, Arab banks may be happy to finance the transaction. This is not a big issue.
3) Currently french are not getting any major orders and their Industry is in trouble for that matter.

If we play our cards right, this Egyptian deal could lower the cost of French avionics for our JF-17s. We would essentially become a value-added-reseller of French avionics and might be able to get a discount for our orders.
If we play our cards right, this Egyptian deal could lower the cost of French avionics for our JF-17s. We would essentially become a value-added-reseller of French avionics and might be able to get a discount for our orders.

yes great idea. Jane reported the story so it is reliable too. PAF must must must make this happen. This will also attract other nations.
welll egypt is not a country like that anyone should rely on they have this is their blood remember shamalsheikh in 2005 welll i hope pakistan should not ask about anything on any project ever country like egypt i personallly if dont like any country in the muslim world it is egypt even thir people use to be known has in UAE that u never rely on any egyptin that is the fact
welll egypt is not a country like that anyone should rely on they have this is their blood remember shamalsheikh in 2005 welll i hope pakistan should not ask about anything on any project ever country like egypt i personallly if dont like any country in the muslim world it is egypt even thir people use to be known has in UAE that u never rely on any egyptin that is the fact

There goes our Super Falcon with a daisy cutter;)


If we play our cards right, this Egyptian deal could lower the cost of French avionics for our JF-17s. We would essentially become a value-added-reseller of French avionics and might be able to get a discount for our orders.

Correct, the French knows that and that's why they are looking beyond Pakistan for the Thunders.

Its a win-win for all.
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