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Egypt has placed order for Su-35s

US can be dealt with through KSA.

That can be expensive for Pakistan, unless MBS is generous and agree to pay the salaries of expensive Saudi liaisons.

Had the cash for more second hand RJAF F-16's. guess what happened?

All new machines can be circumvented at will. PAF may only go for new machines, if US get their man at top of PAF.
People who know technology, knows the possibilities. Only option left for buyers is blind trust and in this case it's US.
There are sensors and processors and AI. Machine decide itself, whom to kill and whom not.
Further more those parameters can be updated, as well remotely.
Israel dictates what can be gotten as military equipment in the area, especially for the one they have been at war with..Egypt is the main foe , even in peace, to Israel and Israel will do everything to make the Egyptian threat a minimum to her...Russian are no different from the the US or European..all of them march to the Israeli drum..
Well China doesn't give a crap about who they sell to for sure. They will be the same specs that China uses.
As for Saudi Arabia.....we are not opponent....we complement each other.....in this world now a days Clustering and gathering in larger groups is the right way to survive for medium sized countries like us in ME ,Africa and Asia, otherwise, superpowers will eat you alive.
Yes Egypt is not Saudi foe, but it's one of the wish list of major section of our society.
They are dreaming such stuff from long time... let them dream and just listen to their disappointments from past many decades.
Egypt should sell some of its decapitated F-16s to Pakistan which lack AMRAAMS. Use that money to purchase unrestricted, fully capable aircraft like Su-35 or Rafale.

And the US would approve such a sale?
Not sure that Egypt has total freedom here.

These MiGs are perhaps the only Russian equipment I've seen so far that don't look dirty or Rusty.
And the US would approve such a sale?
Not sure that Egypt has total freedom here.
As far i can guess, nor would Egypt sell those, neither Pakistan would buy them. US permission always depend on geopolitical situation of the region, particularly that of Afghanistan.

These MiGs are perhaps the only Russian equipment I've seen so far that don't look dirty or Rusty.
Unless India Su were not shot dead, we had plenty of fanboys of Su-MKI on defence.pk
Now is U turn time!
Unless India Su were not shot dead, we had plenty of fanboys of Su-MKI on defence.pk
Now is U turn time!
Su 30 is class apart. Indians cant exploit them doesn't mean they bad
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su-35 radar has ability to detect a target with 0.01sqm of RCS as far as 90km.
On paper specs yes, but like i said before, radar is not the only factor counted in taking on a stealth jet
Great news....
Now Egypt during the last 5 years MAIN deals:
24 SU 35
24 Rafales
50 MIGs
46 KA-52
12 Apaches
2 C-130 J
~ 20 Wing Loong 1&2
S-300 VM
IRIS-T MR Air Defense system
125 Abrams M1A1
500 T-90
4 Gowind Corvettes
1 Fremm Frigate
1 MiKO Frigate
2 Mistrals LHD
4 Type 209 1400 MOD Submarines

Also during the last 5 years Egypt revealed Gas & Oil discoveries that worth more than 500 Billions USD....and still many discoveries to go in The medetrenian and the Red Sea.
Also Countries like Libya , Syria and Iraq which are an ordinary supporters of Egypt are now struggling.....
Also the control of Suez Canal....(the most important/Fastest/Safest) water way between Europe and Asia.

That’s why Egypt needs to protect itself against any possible threats.
Looking at those purchases all I can think is what a logistical nightmare...

They don't need the manpower. They have the strongest air force, navy, and best land equipment among the Arab states. The U.S. wants them to lead it and so do most of the allies of the Arab states including the Europeans.
They lack the will and frankly ability. Some of the laziest people around.
if our defence Minister was not a charsi. they would have taken Jf17.
if our defence Minister was not a charsi. they would have taken Jf17.

Even if we had offered them JF-17 for free, they wouldn't have taken it. Sometimes prestige issues overtake your rational decisions.
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