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Egypt Golden Parade: Lessons for Pakistan

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.
The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-coloured, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5km (three miles) away.
With tight security arrangements befitting their royal blood and status as national treasures, the mummies were relocated to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in what is called The Pharaohs' Golden Parade.
They were transported with great fanfare in chronological order of their reigns - from the 17th Dynasty ruler, Seqenenre Taa II, to Ramses IX, who reigned in the 12th Century BC.
Egypt experienced a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections a year ago, but following a decline in the number of cases and deaths, restrictions on open-air gatherings were later lifted.

Now coming to Pakistan. Why dont we own people who were true heroes of Land???? We discard them because they had different religion??? Because they were Hindus or Budhists ?

On one hand Pakistan claims to be remains of great Indus Valley civilisation. on the other hand disown people who were part of that civilisation.

Like Ashoka or Chanakya ?? Why dont we celebrate Mir Chakar? Why are our heroes Ahmad Shah Abdali ( Afghan) or Mehmood Ghaznwai ( Persian) ?
What do you suggest? Dig up the Bhutto's and Zia and parade them around?
Also the pharaohs became culturally relevant again after Europeans raided thier tombs and stole the bodies as exotic trophies. Today the Egyptians make money from these cursed people and hence thier so called relevance.

I don't know any of those randoms mentioned, nor care that much. Ancient history is just that - history.

If you cannot find value in a nation based around those souls who exist in it right now, you might as well give up. If you want to devote yourself to anyone other than Allah, then devote yourself to his creation. Edhi saab built our nation more than any history ever will. Make him your model for nation building.
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Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.
The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-coloured, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5km (three miles) away.
With tight security arrangements befitting their royal blood and status as national treasures, the mummies were relocated to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in what is called The Pharaohs' Golden Parade.
They were transported with great fanfare in chronological order of their reigns - from the 17th Dynasty ruler, Seqenenre Taa II, to Ramses IX, who reigned in the 12th Century BC.
Egypt experienced a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections a year ago, but following a decline in the number of cases and deaths, restrictions on open-air gatherings were later lifted.

Now coming to Pakistan. Why dont we own people who were true heroes of Land???? We discard them because they had different religion??? Because they were Hindus or Budhists ?

On one hand Pakistan claims to be remains of great Indus Valley civilisation. on the other hand disown people who were part of that civilisation.

Like Ashoka or Chanakya ?? Why dont we celebrate Mir Chakar? Why are our heroes Ahmad Shah Abdali ( Afghan) or Mehmood Ghaznwai ( Persian) ?
Egypt has good reason to own and celebrate the Pharaohs. they are a big attraction and source of revenue from tourism and show business.
we Pakistanis have Taliban mindset.
we would rather destroy things instead of using them for tourism and learning ( see as a smart *** will quote this bit telling me there is nothing to learn from kafir idol).
we are more Arabs , Turks , Persians and anything else but people of this soil.

mullah and land mafia has destroyed the heritage of this country while the ignorance and indifference of population has ensured that we will continue to degrade selves
Yes egypt is celebrating the pharoahs who committed shirk... By all means if u feel you should follow.

But know that anyone who follows the pharoahs in deed will also follow him in fate...

The Egyptians aren't crazy. They use the pyramids and pharaohs to promote their country, culture and nation. The Egyptians survive on tourism.
Pakistanis consider Islam is the founding of their country only few that care about the Indus Valley civilization

The prophet was proud of his grandfather and great grandfather who also committed shirk

Who says the number is few for those that care about Indus Valley civilisation?
The Egyptians aren't crazy. They use the pyramids and pharaohs to promote their country, culture and nation. The Egyptians survive on tourism.

Who says the number is few for those that care about Indus Valley civilisation?
I see most Pakistanis neglect their pre Islamic history
Like Ashoka or Chanakya ?? Why dont we celebrate Mir Chakar? Why are our heroes Ahmad Shah Abdali ( Afghan) or Mehmood Ghaznwai ( Persian) ?

Why do you want to appropriate other people's history? Granted Ashoka wasn't black like modern Indians and had more Indo-Aryan blood in him, but his people resided in North India not Pakistan.

Also half of Pakistan was part of the original Afghanistan that Abdali's dynasty created, so he seems very relevant to the history of the Iranic part of your country.
Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.
The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-coloured, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5km (three miles) away.
With tight security arrangements befitting their royal blood and status as national treasures, the mummies were relocated to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in what is called The Pharaohs' Golden Parade.
They were transported with great fanfare in chronological order of their reigns - from the 17th Dynasty ruler, Seqenenre Taa II, to Ramses IX, who reigned in the 12th Century BC.
Egypt experienced a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections a year ago, but following a decline in the number of cases and deaths, restrictions on open-air gatherings were later lifted.

Now coming to Pakistan. Why dont we own people who were true heroes of Land???? We discard them because they had different religion??? Because they were Hindus or Budhists ?

On one hand Pakistan claims to be remains of great Indus Valley civilisation. on the other hand disown people who were part of that civilisation.

Like Ashoka or Chanakya ?? Why dont we celebrate Mir Chakar? Why are our heroes Ahmad Shah Abdali ( Afghan) or Mehmood Ghaznwai ( Persian) ?
simple.... We dont associate ourselves with indus valley civilization........ We believe in آ اِلَهَ اِ لّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ
Why do you want to appropriate other people's history? Granted Ashoka wasn't black like modern Indians and had more Indo-Aryan blood in him, but his people resided in North India not Pakistan.

Also half of Pakistan was part of the original Afghanistan that Abdali's dynasty created, so he seems very relevant to the history of the Iranic part of your country.
you got a point. by the way Raja Porous was from Jehlum area. I thought I mention him as well who faced Alexander but sadly lost.
Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.
The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-coloured, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5km (three miles) away.
With tight security arrangements befitting their royal blood and status as national treasures, the mummies were relocated to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in what is called The Pharaohs' Golden Parade.
They were transported with great fanfare in chronological order of their reigns - from the 17th Dynasty ruler, Seqenenre Taa II, to Ramses IX, who reigned in the 12th Century BC.
Egypt experienced a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections a year ago, but following a decline in the number of cases and deaths, restrictions on open-air gatherings were later lifted.

Now coming to Pakistan. Why dont we own people who were true heroes of Land???? We discard them because they had different religion??? Because they were Hindus or Budhists ?

On one hand Pakistan claims to be remains of great Indus Valley civilisation. on the other hand disown people who were part of that civilisation.

Like Ashoka or Chanakya ?? Why dont we celebrate Mir Chakar? Why are our heroes Ahmad Shah Abdali ( Afghan) or Mehmood Ghaznwai ( Persian) ?

I wonder what is wrong with people. This Egyptian parade is a symbol that the people regard these mushrik pharoahs as their legacy and leaders. Forgetting the fact what these pharoahs did with the people and with the messengers of Allah.
You can make chanakya ur hero, who stopped u but first get educated on ur own history. Why is abdali, ghauri and mehmood ghaznavi our hero??? Because we were part of their armies. We supported them, we came with them, we fought with them against hindus, we tookover the land and we ruled with them, we are the descendants of them and their army and the warriors and hence they are our heros. Yes religion plays a big role especially when the whole existence of our country is based on two nation theory.
What is it that makes u jealous of Egyptians? If anything it makes me laugh as look at the morons celebrating pharoahs when actually their forefathers played a role in destroying them. Its because they are slave to the west and making new associations with pharoahs.

I dont understand the term heros of the land?? The land is here since millions of years, what makes u the sole representative of anyone ever lived on this land? Going by that logic we or infact anyone doesn't belong to this land and have migrated or invaded. Even those chanakyas or other idol worshippers u mentioned also dont belong to the land and arrived here at some point from another area.
There is a concerted effort by liberals and leftists to somehow inject this dumb nationalism of land and make our ppl celebrate old idol worshippers and killers as "heros of the land". Forgetting the fact that it were our elders who removed those bloody killers. They r trying to divert history and make us move away from our ideology. We need to remove the O and A level education, producing western enslaved zombies. We need to properly educate our new generation abt their identity. Due to stupid corrupt govts, we have destroyed every aspect of our nation and society.
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