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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

In some cases those with high school education or Uni degrees are ignorant to the political processes by which they are governed and the simple principles of democracy. I would advocate teaching gov and politics from primary school (mainly focusing on democratic principles).

I have a friend who will hopefully get into Queen Mary University here in the UK to study physics yet doesn't know what the cabinet is or which house provides the legislation by which he is governed in this country.

This is a solution to,but i'm tired of my future beeing decided by scores of villagers who vote en masse for a party since 1990(fall of comunism).The difference between city voters and those guys is enormous,we then see television crews going there and interviewing those guys and you see some pour souls who can't pronounce a decent phrase saying ;"we voted because they gave us tuica(home made romanian alcohol similar to vodca)","we voted this way because the priest said God wants that guy to win" or "we voted because the mayor said so" ,when asked about if they know what political agenda they voted :"I don't know son,i voted for things to get better" and that's that.I'm tired of these people deciding for me,i'm freaking tired!!
Typical mullah art of BS...after deciding the fate of Pakistani's now you want to decide for Egyptians as well.....years of indoctrination, brain washing and enforcement can cause permanent brain damage.

Now some reality shock:



Egypt will never be Pakistan!!!! How much more shame must we suffer for the dream of strategic depth. Muslim armies mostly excel in overthrowing their own govts, when was the last time any Muslim army won a war with Non-Muslims?

Congratulations Pak Army you have found a good friend in General Sissy.
4- and one of the main reason that makes me too anxious is TIMING. Timing of toppling MB is terrible for the FSA and other opponents that fighting againist Assad regime..That military coup could break morale of FSA ..as you know in syria also the largest oppotion group is MB...Salafis party didnt support MB againist protests and m.coup in Egypt...So that may cause some resentment between MB and Salafi group in Syria..


and that is exactly why Syria and Iran are celebrating!:cheers:


I'm reading a lot of comments from Muslims on social media, and they are pissed off MB was overthrown. They think it's a US/Israeli conspiracy against Muslims!!!!!:devil:
so its american conspiracy to have sectarian problem? sorry bro but its our fault not america's

Its not a conspiracy its tried tested and true policy. Egyptians message shouldn't be taken as insult their message should be received as eye opener.
and that is exactly why Syria and Iran are celebrating!:cheers:


I'm reading a lot of comments from non-Egyptians on social media, and they are pissed off MB was overthrown. They think it's a US/Israeli conspiracy against Muslims!!!!![/

Muslims have a thing for beards..... They support anybody with a beard just for the fun of it, i call it a beard fetish!!
Well the common factor seems to be USA. Egyptian say MB is playing foul and helped by US, where as some Pakistani friends blame US and the Army for the mess...GOD knows whats wrong.

Its mostly Army :coffee:

I believe the message is loud and clear we will not fight each other for sectarian reasons and destroy our country like pakistan.Instead of looking at this and asking your self what have we done you go on to insult her for speaking the truth.

As far as I know, Iran was the first party which started the sectarian strife in Pakistan, Saudia followed suit when Afghan Jehad stated. You have a very skewed understanding of events.
Its mostly Army :coffee:

As far as I know, Iran was the first party which started the sectarian strife in Pakistan, Saudia followed suit when Afghan Jehad stated. You have a very skewed understanding of events.

Thank you for proving Egyptians message about pakistan right :tup:
Thank you for proving Egyptians message about pakistan right :tup:

Perish the thought, you will always be welcome. Lets forget that Irani Mullah's backed a walayat e Faqih revolution in a Sunni majority country and the innocent sounding Tehreek Nifaz e Fiqh Jaafria :coffee:.

"Truth got to be said, Dr Muhammed Morsi (ex-Egyptian president) is:

1) The first elected Arab president.

2) first civil president

3) first Arab president that memorised the whole Quran of by heart.

4) first Arab president thats from an Islamic party.

5) first Arab president that allows people to criticise him, theres over 30 channels in Egypt that insults him day and night.

6) first president that shakes hand with his previous prison guard.

7) first Arab president that forbids putting up his pictures in government buildings. first Arab president that lives in a rented apartment and receives a normal wage just like any other Egyptian.

9) first Arab president that takes his family out on holidays on his own costs.

History will judge for Morsi, whether he had mistakes or not, he is by far the best Arab leader in our time, compare him to any other leader and you will know for your self. Its not like as if he stole the peoples money and put it in his pocket."
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