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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

@muse If you really wan'na defeat Islamists in Pakistan then seculars have to came out from their homes which Pakistani Seculars are not capable of neither they are enough brave, Infact Every political party is filled with Islamists including MQM and ANP . So first of all you need purify these secular parties and make them enough stronger to topple Islamists(PTI , J.I & PML N) in Pakistan :lol: . Just don't let them live in Peace . I'm sure i can trust your enthusiasm.
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no any a sensible comment from any member yet..
Two MB goverment?..which was the oher one.. i didnt remember now?

AKP gov. successfully got over the western backed protests..now it iss the winner side..we have a deep experinces of 105 years of parliamentary elections, internal confilicts, millitary coups and external interventions..No one can so easily break our national common sense.

bro, let me elaborate a little that,

1- i know KSA is one of the key external actor of toppling MB..But every external actors have different goals and plana about Egypt. Some foreign actors desire Egypt constantly to be in turmoil. events arent under control of a single actor or side.

2-MB is the largest politic front of Egypt..Excluding or without convincing MB you may not manage to provide stability in Egypt..lets excluding MB..but how will you get comprimisng between numerous other politic circles to establish an joint front againist MB?

3-What is your plan B if next election MB win again ?? did you take it into account well?

4- and one of the main reason that makes me too anxious is TIMING. Timing of toppling MB is terrible for the FSA and other opponents that fighting againist Assad regime..That military coup could break morale of FSA ..as you know in syria also the largest oppotion group is MB...Salafis party didnt support MB againist protests and m.coup in Egypt...So that may cause some resentment between MB and Salafi group in Syria..
You are the only smartest user in here when discussions about this and the ME. May Allah swt help the AKP against the Western backed protesters and secular oppositions.
The rapes makes the protests ineligible? it's not about being anti Muslim - it's about religion being the basis for ruling a country - may it be any religion.
Islam is the bases and will remain so no body can stop it brother hood would be back soon and by the way for your information one religious group remained quite by now they would soon come out too and they are the salafists mr

@muse If you really wan'na defeat Islamists in Pakistan then seculars have to came out from their homes which Pakistani Seculars are not capable of neither they are enough brave, Infact Every political party is filled with Islamists including MQM and ANP . So first of all you need purify these secular parties and make them enough stronger to topple Islamists(PTI , J.I & PML N) in Pakistan :lol: . Just don't let them live in Peace . I'm sure i can trust your enthusiasm.
Brother only @muse like person can think this action has defeated the islamists in Egypt yes they are for this battle but war is not over yet Sir brother hood is fighting this war for past 60 years their several leaders killed and jailed for several years Sir still they are their with many cities still under their control and they would be back soon and by the way Salafis are quite by this time and they are combined second biggest political power and this could benefit them a lot
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@Zarvan Morsi was thrown due to Will of Allah, do you agree?

Will off ALLAH is involved in everything but this can be due to major sins of Egyptian people which led to the ouster of a good man and don't worry soon Islamists would be back if not brother hood than the salafists in Egypt but seculars life would be soon turned into living hell
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A politically and morally correct statement by Turkey.

Double standard much...plus AKP is MB...

How? :cheesy: Btw how is your assad doing. Funny how facist are criticizing AKP here.

they support overthrowing of other government and support terrorism just to get rid of governments... thus it is called double standard...

Scum should have been long gone. But I hope its the syrian people who oust this maggot and not some foreign army.

The only difference between AKP and MB is that, AKP has been extremely smart . AKP slowly took over the police force and the Turkish Army.

Do you know how many Turkish military officers are in prison right now for attempted coup??

SO what else do U expect from a gov? Not rein in control over the army? They did what they were meant and mandated to do.

They have been persecuted for attempted coup and justifiably so. Any other country and these officers would have been hanged.
please keep these rants to yourself you are now avoiding reply your own post

forget it

mayn nay pehlay b tumhari baten boot suni hayn

mujay na baatao kia kehna hay kia nae samhjahy

everyone know who is the rant corp here

This sends a message that playing by the rules of democracy does not work and mob action is the way to go.

In my opinion the democratic process is flawed from the start in countries like Egypt,other middle eastern countries,some asian or even european countries like Romania,Bulgaria or Turkey where we still have large numbers of rural areas filled with unneducated people.For years i've been advocating that in my country we should have a rule:only people with a minimum highschool education should vote.How can you have a say in your country's future when you're an illiterate individual,these guys are just sheep for the parties entrenched in those areas,susceptible to cheap propaganda and unable to take rational decisions.One man one vote works for western countries where the vast majority of people have a basic education but not for the countries i've mentioned.Until basic education is spread to the masses,cohorts of illiterate peasants shouldn't decide a country's future.
This is sad, a democrate president who barely controlled the country for a year and now toppled by the general shows that democracy failed in Egypt.
no any a sensible comment from any member yet..
Two MB goverment?..which was the oher one.. i didnt remember now?

There are plenty of intelligent comments on this thread by both those who support this move and those who appose it.

AKP gov. successfully got over the western backed protests..now it iss the winner side..we have a deep experinces of 105 years of parliamentary elections, internal confilicts, millitary coups and external interventions..No one can so easily break our national common sense.

Egypt has also been through the series of military coups and has a long constitutional and judicial history in addition to a parliamentary and party history (until Nasser, that is). Every nation is different and that may be condemned by one nation can be welcomed by another. AKP mainly condemned the armed forces fearing the same could happen to them, as you know there are many military generals and officers rotting in jail.

1- i know KSA is one of the key external actor of toppling MB..But every external actors have different goals and plana about Egypt. Some foreign actors desire Egypt constantly to be in turmoil. events arent under control of a single actor or side.
So, a single actor inspired over 17 million people to protest (which is their democratic and constitutional right) and sign a grass roots petition calling for presidential elections?

2-MB is the largest politic front of Egypt..Excluding or without convincing MB you may not manage to provide stability in Egypt..lets excluding MB..but how will you get comprimisng between numerous other politic circles to establish an joint front againist MB?

The MB were invited to participate by the military in the transitional phase and they refused the offer. They are destroying their own image themselves, to ordinary Egyptians by seeking a confrontation with a military that in many circles symbolizes Egyptian nationalism is a further blow to any sympathy they may have had for the MB and its affiliates.

The military has tried to conduct reconciliation talks with both the MB and the opposition, the presidency refused and as a result the opposition decided to boycott these talks. In addition to that the military before the first communique called for reconciliation talks between the opposition and the presidency, guess what the presidency refused and Morsi released a 3 hour long speech which was insulting to the institution and the nation. This wasn't a surprise event.

3-What is your plan B if next election MB win again ?? did you take it into account well?

A constitution with adequate checks and balances limiting presidential authority and providing a clear constitutional process by which said president can be held to account if he oversteps his mandate.

4- and one of the main reason that makes me too anxious is TIMING. Timing of toppling MB is terrible for the FSA and other opponents that fighting againist Assad regime..That military coup could break morale of FSA ..as you know in syria also the largest oppotion group is MB...Salafis party didnt support MB againist protests and m.coup in Egypt...So that may cause some resentment between MB and Salafi group in Syria..

The only instance in which Egypt should be involved in Syria is welcoming refugees and providing them a safe and dignified life within Egypt no matter their political or religious affiliations as long as they respect and abide by Egyptian law.

The Salafi Alnour party underwent a process of maturity in which it realised without support and consent from the opposition to carry out their mandate (even if begrudgingly ) then they would have no chances of survival (If elected),
Will off ALLAH is involved in everything but this can be due to major sins of Egyptian people which led to the ouster of a good man and don't worry soon Islamists would be back if not brother hood than the salafists in Egypt but seculars life would be soon turned into living hell
We will burn in hell
only people with a minimum highschool education should vote

It's not feasible unless the state can guarantee equal education opportunities to all citizens, which is not true in many poorer countries. There are also economic factors where poorer people might switch to trade or business rather than finishing school. Even in western countries, most people don't have the time or interest to research anything; they vote along ideological lines or by recommendations. The few who follow politics tend to have predefined views and are looking more for affirmation than to switch sides.

Also educated people are manipulated by emotional slogans just as easily as uneducated ones are.

The important thing is that the choice should be free from coercion.
In my opinion the democratic process is flawed from the start in countries like Egypt,other middle eastern countries,some asian or even european countries like Romania,Bulgaria or Turkey where we still have large numbers of rural areas filled with unneducated people.For years i've been advocating that in my country we should have a rule:only people with a minimum highschool education should vote.How can you have a say in your country's future when you're an illiterate individual,these guys are just sheep for the parties entrenched in those areas,susceptible to cheap propaganda and unable to take rational decisions.One man one vote works for western countries where the vast majority of people have a basic education but not for the countries i've mentioned.Until basic education is spread to the masses,cohorts of illiterate peasants shouldn't decide a country's future.

In some cases those with high school education or Uni degrees are ignorant to the political processes by which they are governed and the simple principles of democracy. I would advocate teaching gov and politics from primary school (mainly focusing on democratic principles).

I have a friend who will hopefully get into Queen Mary University here in the UK to study physics yet doesn't know what the cabinet is or which house provides the legislation by which he is governed in this country.
what did she mean by not being pakistan?

I believe the message is loud and clear we will not fight each other for sectarian reasons and destroy our country like pakistan.Instead of looking at this and asking your self what have we done you go on to insult her for speaking the truth.
I believe the message is loud and clear we will not fight each other for sectarian reasons and destroy our country like pakistan.Instead of looking at this and asking your self what have we done you go on to insult her for speaking the truth.

what has the sectarian thing got to do with hilary clinton?
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