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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Disagree with you.

KSA has welcomed it. If you are a liberal, how can you support an undemocratic move?

No one can agree with the Brotherhood, but throwing their govt is just wrong. It would bring the gun back again.

Sad day for democracy in Egypt.

This kind of rigidity is - 22million Egyptians - ring ring 22 million
so they get ousted and the solution is blow up the people of that very country you are trying to save and protect and create fear,terrorism and death every where with suicide attacks. Rather then going down and rebuilding from square one and running again and winning and working towards a better egypt they make the decision of destroying that very country.
It seems their thinking is no different then the TTP. For their own selfish interest if they have to destroy egypt they will.
i talked to some arabs, few of them thinks that way.

Who are they?

Muslims don't call Muslims Kaffir, that's a very serious thing, however, there are groups who call themselves Muslims while they are not actually like Ahmadis and some others as they disbelieve in the basis of Islam. If everyone wants to get recognized as Muslims regardless of their beliefs and practices, then Islam will be messed up. However, Bangladesh is a Muslim state and it's people are Muslim just like other Muslims. Anyhow, this is of topic.
if it is so then tell us, what things MB sacrified from Egypt for the sake of Qatar?..Turkey also had credited Egypt about 2 billion$...
it is not like the money that baby killer get from iran...dont mix right things with wrong ones...

mosri became puppet of Qatar.. Egypt economy became under the mercy of Qatar... heck even Qatar tried to rent the pyramids...

and stay on topic... This is about terrorists from the MB threatening to destroy Egypt
The christians make up what 1% of the Egyptian population?
Just kill the weak.
Muslim radicals are the worst of all.
Maybe somebody needs to make a line chart giving the latest power equations in the middle-east. Who is against whom and who is with whom.. There seems to be utter confusion.. Shia Vs. Sunni, Wahabi Vs. political Islam, Turkey is Pro-political Islam but together in bed with Wahabis in Syria, Iran Vs. GCC. Saudi Vs. Qatari. Its not clear who is with and against Israel.
This map gives an idea, but is outdated and needs a little tweaking.
Who are they?

Muslims don't call Muslims Kaffir, that's a very serious thing, however, there are groups who call themselves Muslims while they are not actually like Ahmadis and some others as they disbelieve in the basis of Islam. If everyone wants to get recognized as Muslims regardless of their beliefs and practices, then Islam will be messed up. However, Bangladesh is a Muslim state and it's people are Muslim just like other Muslims. Anyhow, this is of topic.

1. some arab in general calls bangladeshi as kaffir because we separated us from Pakistan, anyway i do not bother about them.
2. Bangladesh is a secular state , we do not define bangladesh based on religion though we have muslim majority because we have other religious Patriot bangladeshi.

## yea lets stop this off-topic issue
1. some arab in general calls bangladeshi as kaffir because we separated us from Pakistan, anyway i do not bother about them.
Never heard about them. Actually, very few Arabs know this about Bangladesh.
2. Bangladesh is a secular state , we do not define bangladesh based on religion though we have muslim majority because we have other religious Patriot bangladeshi.

## yea lets stop this off-topic issue
Best of luck.
Al-Kofi videos :lol: what do you know.

Egypt security establishments as well as its armed forces are ultra professional to go after anyone left that can pose a threat, that's if and only if, that could be happen.

Pro-Morsi Vow to Suicide Bomb Everyone Opposed to Them & to Set Christians on Fire

This footage is taken from a pro-Morsi demonstration in Egypt after the Egyptian military intervened on behalf of the millions of Egyptians who demanded an end to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. While addressing Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian commander-in-chief, those who support Morsi vow to become suicide bombers that will target secularists, Christians, Shiites, and all other opposition forces. A lady covered in black vowed to burn her Christian compatriots.

I don't understand how this created a civil war between Shia and Sunnis?? it wasn't Shias who toppled Morsi, it wasn't Christians, the EGYPTIAN PEOPLE DID IT!

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This is days before Morsi got toppled.. he threatened that MB has booby trapped cars and other type of explosives to use if Morsi is toppled..

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look at his forehead!!!!!!
dajjal 1 eye !!!!!!!!! kill him

( salafi mode )
UAE and KSA are the first winners. Syria and Iran are also winners. US is also a winner. Losers are hamas, Qatar, erdoganists, and MB.

I don't think so Farag. I could understand why Qatar is a loser but remember that they Qatari's had their own Arab Spring, so I guess we can put Qatar in par with the GCC. The US ,on the other hand, as well as Iran, invested billions of dollars on the MB which is overthrown now, it was like a pie in the sky for them!

Anyway, Egypt is our friend and ally, what makes them happy makes us happy. The interim president lived here for sometime so he's our friend too. Don't worry, the first foreign representative our new friend is going to expel will be the Iranian.
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