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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Me neither ! :undecided:

At any rate they - the Egyptians - seem to be doing what we - Pakistanis - did so many times over our 65 year history; something that even our Chief of Army Staff alluded to when he talked about the game of hide & seek played in Pakistan between Military Takeovers & Democracy - Didn't work out too well for us ! The Institutions never got built, the democratic process never had the time to mature in terms of creating grass-root level awareness & most certainly the inherent inflexibility of Military Regimes never helped but instead ended up politicizing our Army (which we've paid with dearly !).

At any rate - I wouldn't presume to tell a sovereign country what they should or should not do; its their call - their risks & their rewards !

I remember actually we kicked out the last leader of Hong Kong, an annoying guy called Tung Chee Hwa.

After his many failures, Hu Jintao flew over to scold him in public, and then Tung Chee Hwa ended up resigning.

Though of course, nowhere near as dramatic as the Egyptian one. I don't think it was even a big story in the international news at the time. :smart:
He is a fanatic, every one has noticed it... have you ever seen any sensible thing coming out of his mouth other than hate?

He has used word wahabi twice in his every sentence... clearly he is angry and is blabbering instead of making any sense.

Perhaps, you will feel, he's sick, but still he has title of TT... because unfortunately, in Pakistan Iran dictates the rules upon shias.

Iran runs a very organized hate culture & schools in Pakistan, you can't reverse the damage of weekly/daily hate sessions, continued for years.

Have you noticed, his hate towards Pakistan and its army.... and any one who challenge him is wahabi!

Every time he comes... he bad mouth and blame his virtual wahabis.... who are creating problems in whole world, at least in his words.

Today is the morning day for him, because.... after too many success of toppling stable Islamic regimes.... he got a reverse blow... i expect him to cry for long time.

Now is time to sit back and :cheers:

I know that he is angry and frustrated. it's obvious. That's what the KSA is for, to keep them in check wherever they exist. Am I right @Yzd Khalifa ;)

Here is Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Arabs and Islam, it's glorious people were chosen by Allah to spread Islam all over the place. Damned those who hate them and blessed those who love them.

Keep us proud

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If a government becomes unpopular then the best way is to go through electoral process otherwise it will always lead to disaster. In short americans finally got what they wanted, another civil war.
MB is the most deep-seated, the oldest and most well organized party of Egypt..They have their own cause accordince with soul and nature of Egypt..They are real Egyptians

No West, neither iran nor Suudis could buy MB by their money...This is why west, israel, iran, KSA and his allies all together acclaim toppling Mursi by military coup of juntas..All other opponents could be easly bought with money by west, iran and KSA like the goods on the bench..

Now, all each these countries will pour millions of dollar into Egyptian politic bazaar to set their own puppets and proxies..KSA and west laready have some proxies..now it is the turn of iran.

im very anxious about Egypt could be turn into battlfield of regional and global powers like Pakistan..
that ominous coup will open the door of many new destructive problems
MB is the most deep-seated, the oldest and most well organized party of Egypt..They have their own cause accordince with soul and nature of Egypt..They are real Egyptians

No West, neither iran nor Suudis could buy MB by their money...This is why west, israel, iran, KSA and his allies all together acclaim toppling Mursi by military coup of juntas..All other opponents could be easly bought with money by west, iran and KSA like the goods on the bench..

Now, all each these countries will pour millions of dollar into Egyptian politic bazaar to set their own puppets and proxies..KSA and west laready have some proxies..now it is the turn of iran.

im very anxious about Egypt could be turn into battlfield of regional and global powers like Pakistan..
that ominous coup will open the door of many new destructive problems

morsi and his party was bought by Qatar... for about $8 Billion ...
I expect haters to be on fire at least for while... Armstrong and patriots like him :tdown: will keep dragging Pak army in every discussion.

Afterall, this is the whole object of this show.

They shall also not assume there propaganda against Pak army will be go unchecked.

Pakistan need rational people like him, not the people who always work on his nerve. My father used to tell me that Pak army is fool not because of 1971 war but because of 1965 war. Pak army chief said to attack indian part without protecting Lahore. His immediate subordinate told him it was not good to leave lahore unprotected and attack india which is another direction, the chief said that lahore is not disputed area so nothing to worry. when Pakistan attacked India, India said war is war and then attacked Lahore (i forget the story, remember little. I will ask my father again about it)
No, they don't believe in nationalism! and people of different faith including your own countrymen are kufir non-believers.

Since when Bangalis are Kafir? BTW @BDforever is a Muslim, so don't confuse him with your ilk.
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Double standards as to what? ...Condemning a military coup or kicking out a democratically elected govt?

Do not put so much trust in democracy.... armed forces is essential pillar of a state.

Army warned Mursi and opposition to settle down... it was one year of catastroph in Egypt... life and business had been paralyzed, now the same poor and uneducated class, which voted for Mursi cheered for his fall as they suffered the most.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday described as "unacceptable" the army's ousting of Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, an intervention he labelled a "military coup".

"Only can you be removed from duty through elections, that is, the will of the people. It is unacceptable for a government, which has come to power through democratic elections, to be toppled through illicit means and even more, a military coup," Davutoglu told reporters.

Turkey says Mohamed Mursi's removal in Egypt an unacceptable 'coup' - World - DNA

Indian news....! what can you expect.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday described as "unacceptable" the army's ousting of Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, an intervention he labelled a "military coup".

"Only can you be removed from duty through elections, that is, the will of the people. It is unacceptable for a government, which has come to power through democratic elections, to be toppled through illicit means and even more, a military coup," Davutoglu told reporters.

Turkey says Mohamed Mursi's removal in Egypt an unacceptable 'coup' - World - DNA
They just feeling the heat.

The only difference between AKP and MB is that, AKP has been extremely smart . AKP slowly took over the police force and the Turkish Army.

Do you know how many Turkish military officers are in prison right now for attempted coup??

Turkish court sentences 322 military officers to jail | Reuters

Turkish court sentences ex-generals to 20 years for attempted coup | World news | guardian.co.uk

One in Five Turkish Generals Now in Prison « Commentary Magazine
Yes and because they have the armed force,there can never be a coup in Turkey.
They feel safe,lets see how long.
Taliban sends suicide bombers to schools to blow up little girls ! What makes you think these people are "Muslims"?

You are the very last people on earth to decide who is Muslim and who is not. I don't want to see this again. And plz spare us from your Shia-Sunni crap.

its ok, she is talking about what arab thinks about us.

Arabs think that Bangalis are Kaffir? where? when? how? and why? :girl_wacko:
morsi and his party was bought by Qatar... for about $8 Billion ...

if it is so then tell us, what things MB sacrified from Egypt for the sake of Qatar?..Turkey also had credited Egypt about 2 billion$...
it is not like the money that baby killer get from iran...dont mix right things with wrong ones...
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