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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Right...The CIA's role was small enough that it should be forgotten. But then again, when it comes to the CIA or the Jews, no exaggerations too small...


Another lame attempt to play the anti-Semitism victim card.

The CIA's role in toppling Mossadeq is well known.
this is not a pakistani thread why bring some news about pakistan here?

You have a Pakistani member here using sectarian language in a threatening manner towards Shia Muslims. I didn't bring in Pakistan , I only brought in the news about Sunnis killing Sunnis! to prove that Sunnis are doing a great job at killing each other we don't even have to lift a finger..:omghaha:
It was wrong to bring a elected president down, dont know why people who believe in democracy should rejoice this..

Because some people are such slaves to their prejudices, they can't see beyond the word "Islamist".

It's A-OK to subvert democracy, suspend constitution or kill civilians, just as long as you invoke the magic word "Islamist".
You have a Pakistani member here using sectarian language in a threatening manner towards Shia Muslims. I didn't bring in Pakistan , I only brought in the news about Sunnis killing Sunnis! to prove that Sunnis are doing a great job at killing each other we don't even have to lift a finger..:omghaha:

sorry but you/iranians are interfering officially in egyptian matter since day one, so a pakistani member is discussing about iranian intrusion in matters related to egypt, syria

there is no point in bringing pakistan here
Its a blow to nascent democracy of Egypt . you cannot tell some one successful or failure in just one year . what will the mursees opponent wil do if in the next election brotherhood again win with considerable majority will you again start start protesting for any excuse and demand early election and afterward support a military coup. its very disappointing for arab democracy and ''so revolution .
Egypt's slave mentality zionist dalal army has ruined egypt again. Ousting a democratically elected pres. and toeing the line of shameless facist mentality secular and copts will ruin egypt. Muslims and MB supporters can not be blamed now if they retaliate against these facist seculars. Hence proved again that seculars are the greatest problem in the muslim world designed to destroy states from inside. Decades of dictatorial control has given them prominence in the institutions such a military and bureaucracy and most importantly media. They are tech savvy and having control of the media they know how to get their puny voice amplified and heard. A sad day for egypt and a victory for US and israel security service.

On a side note, MB also made serious mistakes. They should not have gone for complete power and shouldn't have gone for the presidency if they knew they don't have the institutional and media muscle to fend off against such sudden obstacles. U need to be able to defend and consolidate power once in power , otherwise its the same as not having any power at all. MB lacked strength in the army , bureaucracy and media and hence such a unfortunate fate engulfed them and egypt. They should have allowed seculars to sort out the mess of post-mubarak egypt and keep themselves out with a significant no. opposition seats and build up the strength in prominent institutions and media. They should learn from these mistakes and come back hard. 100 years of secularsim couldn't destroy them and neither should this small hiccup just like how 70 years of kelamist ***** couldn't destory political Islam in turkey.
NINETY-ONE women protesters raped and sexually abused in Tahrir Square in just four days
At least 23 killed in overnight clashes in Cairo and 200 more injured
The Al-Ahram newspaper reports that the army could step in today
Anti-Morsi demonstrations have become the largest since the 2011 Arab Spring uprising as they enter the third day of protests
Deadline set by military for resolution fast approaches before it will intervene
U.S. and UK have urged citizens to cancel travel plans to or within Egypt
Protests caused Egyptian shares to reach three-week high as oil prices soar
PUBLISHED: 07:52 GMT, 3 July 2013 | UPDATED: 09:25 GMT, 4 July 2013

Read more: Egypt protests 2013: Sex attacks and rapes against women protesters in Tahir Square hit 91 in four days as Egypt's army moves into state TV offices | Mail Online
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SO these rapists will now bring "freedom" to egypt eh? :lol: Just hope egypt doesn't become another algeria and muslim egyptians & MB supporters play it smartly.
1. MUSRSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who was elected president of Egypt.
2. MURSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who wanted to make Egypt as an Islamic State.
3.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who is the hafiz of holy Quran
4.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who live in a house which is only one apartment flat not only that which is rent house.
5. MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who denied to hang his picture in the office.
It was wrong to bring a elected president down, dont know why people who believe in democracy should rejoice this..

A "83 year" existence of hard core Islamist values just disappears? they were brought in by the people as a "change" into power but could not perform appreciably.
sorry but you/iranians are interfering officially in egyptian matter since day one, so a pakistani member is discussing about iranian intrusion in matters related to egypt, syria

there is no point in bringing pakistan here

Iranian influence in Egypt is just above 0.
1. MUSRSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who was elected president of Egypt.
2. MURSI was ONLY ARAB LEADER who wanted to make Egypt as an Islamic State.
3.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who is the hafiz of holy Quran
4.MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who live in a house which is only one apartment flat not only that which is rent house.
5. MURSI IS ONLY ARAB LEADER who denied to hang his picture in the office.

MURSI IS THE ONLY ARAB LEADER to be deposed by the will of the people he governed after one year of catastrophic failures and insulting the image and being of Islam
A "83 year" existence of hard core Islamist values just disappears? they were brought in by the people as a "change" into power but could not perform appreciably.

MB is opportunist, and its a good thing in politics. You try to assimilate such people to mainstream not push them away. Given a few years, they would have compromised. By throwing them out, you will just give rise to frustrated hard core islamist entities.
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