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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

It's ugly: appeasing terrorists.

The Obama administration has urged the Egyptian military to stop using heavy-handed tactics against the Muslim Brotherhood, according to two U.S. officials who asked not to be identified commenting on private communications. They said the U.S. is concerned that some in the military may want to provoke the Islamists to violence and provide a rationale for crushing the movement once and for all.
Such a move would fail and probably prompt a shift to al-Qaeda type terrorist tactics by extremists in the Islamist movement in Egypt and elsewhere, the U.S. officials said.

In other words, Obama's afraid that if he doesn't support M-B then fanatics might try blowing people up here in the U.S. Muslims do not have a monopoly when it comes to appeasing terrorists. That probably also suffices to explain half of Obama's Israel and Turkey policies.

Well, thanks heavens General Sisi is not paying attentions to any advises from the US administration. This is one opportunity to end the Muslim Brotherhood for good, and any LEADER would be stupid to waste it!!
Well, thanks heavens General Sisi is not paying attentions to any advises from the US administration. This is one opportunity to end the Muslim Brotherhood for good, and any LEADER would be stupid to waste it!!
Hopefully the next U.S. president will be more like GWB was.

For Egypt the critical political crisis is yet to come: the contest between the military and the pro-democracy forces. The surest way to hold such a conflict to a minimum, I guess, is for activists to spread democratic values through both the military and the populace. Do not ignore this task. That's what pro-democracy activists did from 2007 to 2012. You've got to swing the majority onto your side and it's going to be very difficult without the U.S. and with the Saudis and Emiratis tempted to bribe Egypt's military to build a dictatorship under their influence rather than a functioning republic.
Better late than never!! These guys the state department get paid a lot of money, and it seems the i know about the situation more than them!!

Secretary of State Kerry says Egyptian military restored democracy, didn't take over Egypt

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/0...ored-democracy-didnt-take-over/#ixzz2akXQjoLY

Thank you, come again :D

Illegally shoot the son of witches :coffee:

Hopefully the next U.S. president will be more like GWB was.

For Egypt the critical political crisis is yet to come: the contest between the military and the pro-democracy forces. The surest way to hold such a conflict to a minimum, I guess, is for activists to spread democratic values through both the military and the populace. Do not ignore this task. That's what pro-democracy activists did from 2007 to 2012. You've got to swing the majority onto your side and it's going to be very difficult without the U.S. and with the Saudis and Emiratis tempted to bribe Egypt's military to build a dictatorship under their influence rather than a functioning republic.

KSA aid package was announced nearly a year and something ago, I hardly think that Al-Sisi is a man who could be bribed, he's a man of honor.
Such argument is sound and legitimate, but I suspect that the Obama's administration didn't do much out of fear from some radical elements that MAY reside in the US.

What I'm saying is that the Obama's administration was bidding on the MB to rule Egypt, they were financed and backed by Obama, even to this day the US appears to be a bit reluctant to address what they have in mind.

It goes as simple as this, the US didn't want to kill a one-year-old democracy "fetus", even if it was built by such group as the MB.
It's ugly: appeasing terrorists.

The Obama administration has urged the Egyptian military to stop using heavy-handed tactics against the Muslim Brotherhood, according to two U.S. officials who asked not to be identified commenting on private communications. They said the U.S. is concerned that some in the military may want to provoke the Islamists to violence and provide a rationale for crushing the movement once and for all.
Such a move would fail and probably prompt a shift to al-Qaeda type terrorist tactics by extremists in the Islamist movement in Egypt and elsewhere, the U.S. officials said.

In other words, Obama's afraid that if he doesn't support M-B then fanatics might try blowing people up here in the U.S. Muslims do not have a monopoly when it comes to appeasing terrorists. That probably also suffices to explain half of Obama's Israel and Turkey policies.

I don't think they would really bother about what might happen if Morsi is still in power for the next three years.
The second worse than Mubarak govt's ordered to crush down the protesters (tonight), ban fajr prayer, cut down electricity supply to the masjed"s", Pissi's miniter Youssef Hossain said Salah'din was an insult to Egypt, Hayah Derdary said don't let your children go to mosque or they'll turn like Ikhwan" and they even arrested scholars while infidels(coptics) publicity enjoyed bloodshed. Just like Mustafa Ataturk, incase if you don't know what he did, please read what he banned. Either a civil war, kick out Gen Pissi or live under the kemalist ultra secular dictatorship who destroyed Islam in Turkey, no Muslims want that in Egypt except munafiqs and infidels.
The second worse than Mubarak gov'ts ordered to crush down the protesters (tonight), ban fajr prayer, cut down electricity supply to the masjed and Salah'din was an insult to Egypt, they even arrested scholars. Did you know who did this all in 1925 in Turkey? Mustafa Ataturk. Either a civil war, kick out Gen Pissi or live under the kemalist ultra secularist dictatorship who destroyed Islam in Turkey, we don't want that in Egypt.

I would rather have a dictatorship that uses its security forces to control the population than a dictatorship that uses religion to maintain its rule.

Notice, there's only one side who are talking about a civil war...

1. There have been no orders to crush protesters. If there were Rab3a would have been removed from day one.
2. There has been no ban on Fajr prayers throughout the country except for the one mosque in Alexandria as it was a crime scene after several clashes and deaths.
3. Which Masjid? You do realise that you cant specifically target a buildings electricity supply form a power station right. Power is cut from entire districts.
4. Sala'din was a Kurdish slave who rose the ranks and hasn't been mentioned in all of this....
5. There are 'scholars' then there are scholars.
6. The Turkey which you and your kin rave about as the model for the future was founded by Ataturk. If Erdogan releases a statement saying Turkey is an Islamic nation he would probably have a revolution on his plate.
7. Sisi is not going anywhere nor is Morsi returning. Your delusions are starting to make people sympathetic because of your sheer stupidity.
8. "Whoever worshipped Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, then Allah is Alive and shall never die". Islam started with the prophet but it didnt end with him and Islam was in Egypt centuries before Morsi and will not end with his ousting nor did it come as a result of his election. Islam is not an ideology.
9. Your addition of the Manufiqeen and infidels is absolutely hilarious. Those so called infidels have the same right to voice their opinion or act as they wish in Egypt according to the law and the constitution which grants them the power to do so as they are by birth Egyptian citizens and so should be granted the rights that every other Egyptian is guaranteed to have. Their religious views should have no bearing on the matter. Plus who the hell told you this was a matter of religion?

Whats ironic is that the same laws that are being applied to Alnahda and Rab3a are those which Morsi and his cabinet forged and are constitutionally legal as the result of his actions.
Keep going muslim brotherhood, the muslims of the world are with you.

Do not give the fake state and fake military controlled stooges any legitimacy whatsoever, keep fighting
Freedom and Dignity, anti coup. Click CC for Sub.

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Freedom and Dignity, anti coup. Click CC for Sub.

official figures.
Republican Guard event: 51 dead.
Elemenassa event:70+ dead.

The role of media is highlighted clearly in this video but this begs the question, why were those killed in the events left to rot while organizers brought hoards of photographers to take pictures as they pleased?

Why did the official FJP page post pictures of Syrian children killed by the Assad regime on their page?
Why the constant inflation of numbers(dead and protesters)?
Why do they think those who supported the ouster of Morsi are being deceived when they themselves are subject to deception by their leadership?

Most importantly, shouldn't this be in Arabic or is the MB's target audience elsewhere?
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@Frogman look. you heard what the interim said. The people shouldn't be afraid of the government, it is the government who should be afraid of the people. Did you know the country is divided, did you know both side have million followers and did you know the 2 followers can always end up fighting each other? Had you not heard what happened before the Algerian civil war started?? no one knows what will happen, give it a month since people had been outside since the coup, chanting 'million march to martyr' and the security forces/army committed massacre twice, they will do it again tonight (Aus time). It will lead to economic problem if more chaos that's why Gen Pissi wanted this to be stopped.

P.S don't believe officials or ministers when adding death tolls, witnesses is the best way. Also, you're an athiest so you don't look at trusted Islamic sources happening and you don't trust them.
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@Frogman look. you heard what the interim said. The people shouldn't be afraid of the government, it is the government who should be afraid of the people. Did you know the country is divided, did you know both side have million followers and did you know the 2 followers can always end up fighting each other? Had you not heard what happened before the Algerian civil war started?? no one knows what will happen, give it a month since people had been outside since the coup, chanting 'million march to martyr'.

Answer the questions...

Its been a month and Morsi hasn't returned. He will never return and while you wait and protest and shout and talk nonsense the numbers protesting are starting to dwindle (according to foreign journalists e.g Robert Fisk). Egypt isn't Algeria and what happened in Algeria isn't comparable to Egypt.

Its clear who has the majority backing, if it was the MB and Morsi then he would have been sitting pretty upon his throne. Talk of millions and numbers is pointless.

P.S don't believe officials or ministers when adding death tolls, witnesses is the best way.

All bodies are transported from Rab3a field hospital to state morgues and hospitals. What do you think the state ambulances going in and out of Rab3a do. No one has provided any evidence to prove there was over 200 killed.
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@Frogman look. you heard what the interim said. The people shouldn't be afraid of the government, it is the government who should be afraid of the people. Did you know the country is divided, did you know both side have million followers and did you know the 2 followers can always end up fighting each other? Had you not heard what happened before the Algerian civil war started?? no one knows what will happen, give it a month since people had been outside since the coup, chanting 'million march to martyr' and the security forces/army committed massacre twice, they will do it again tonight (Aus time). It will lead to economic problem if more chaos that's why Gen Pissi wanted this to be stopped.

P.S don't believe officials or ministers when adding death tolls, witnesses is the best way.
you live in an imaginary world keep saying that until you believe it but the fact is morsi is out and the brotherhood is very close to be completely destroyed and we will have a new constitution parliament president in months
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