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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

"Free Army" terrorists assassinate a Syrian student in Cairo

Aug 01, 2013
Cairo, (SANA)- Three armed terrorists from the so-called "Free Syrian Army" assassinated a Syrian student inside his house in al-Maqtam area in the Egyptian capital Cairo.

The terrorists stabbed Wael Haitham Sheikh al-Ashra, 20 years old, three times, taking revenge against him because of his national stances in support of the homeland Syria.

Egyptian media outlets said the security forces arrested two of "the suspected" and that Director of Cairo Security Department, Osama al-Saghir, ordered for the arrestees to be referred to prosecution.

Sheikh al-Ashra was found lying dead on the floor of his bedroom with two stabs in the chest and another in his left side.

The killers were identified as Asan Marwan Naqash, Ammar Arafat and Mohammad Fuad.

The two arrested killers admitted to committing the crime with the participation of the fugitive. They also admitted to having participated in fighting within the ranks of the "Free Army".
Answer the questions...

Its been a month and Morsi hasn't returned. He will never return and while you wait and protest and shout and talk nonsense the numbers protesting are starting to dwindle (according to foreign journalists e.g Robert Fisk). Egypt isn't Algeria and what happened in Algeria isn't comparable to Egypt.

Its clear who has the majority backing, if it was the MB and Morsi then he would have been sitting pretty upon his throne. Talk of millions and numbers is pointless.

All bodies are transported from Rab3a field hospital to state morgues and hospitals. What do you think the state ambulances going in and out of Rab3a do. No one has provided any evidence to prove there was over 200 killed.

People cant protest indefinetly, people will need to get back to their families and jobs etc

But the protests will continue and every few months their will be massive ones, the fake regime in egypt will not get peace eithr within Egypt or from muslims around the world.
Gun battles and street fighting left at least four people dead and more than 200 injured as the anti-government insurrection called by Egypt’s opposition began to take hold.

In Cairo protesters torched the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group to which President Mohamed Morsi swears allegiance. Demonstrators exchanged gunfire with guards inside the flaming building. Clerics have warned of civil war and activists are steeling themselves for further violence – yet nobody in Egypt appears to know quite what forces have now been unleashed.

Last night’s deaths – which occurred south of Cairo in the towns of Beni Suef and Assiut – came as tens of thousands of protesters surrounded the palace of President Mohamed Morsi in the east of the capital. Meanwhile in Tahrir Square, the crucible of the 2011 revolt, an estimated 200,000 protesters gathered to chant for an end to Mr Morsi’s rule.

Many streets in Cairo were eerily calm as families stayed at home in anticipation of widespread chaos. Metalworkers, meanwhile, have seen a sharp increase in demand for home-made handguns.

“I don’t want Egypt to be the next Iran,” said 21-year-old Hussein Ahmad, among the sea of protesters outside Heliopolis Palace, Mr Morsi’s presidential seat. “That is what the Muslim Brotherhood wants.”


Yea, apparently the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt made more of an effort to impose strict(er) islamic laws rather than address the economic issues that got Mubarak ousted in the first place. Now they pay the price.

I would have hoped the Egyptian military being able to oust and contain the Muslim brotherhood with less violence however, and continue to hope the Egyptian military will use less lethal force and more watercannons (maybe with a bit of pepper spray mixed in).
The MB paraded orphans wearing or holding their shrouds, supplied to them by one of their "charity organizations", in Rabaa trying to move the Western countries by these pathetic pictures.

They have been made orphans by egypts kaffir military may God bless them, may they grow up and take their country back
“The Army Is on the Edge”

L.W.: Do you have to restore law and order?
M.E.B.: We have to restore law and order eventually. We are in a race against time. People are very angry. People are very angry with me because I am saying, "Let's take time, let's talk to them." The mood right now is, "Let's crush them, let's not talk to them." That would last for one week, and then they would come back. It would be a disaster everywhere, inside Egypt and outside Egypt. We need to get a long-range view based on restoring order and based on national consensus and reconciliation. I hope the Brotherhood understands that time is not on their side. I'm holding the fort, but I can't hold it for very long.

L.W.: Are you a single voice on this subject?
M.E.B.: No, I'm not a single voice at all. A lot of people understand that, but we are not the majority.

Mohamed ElBaradei interview: Egypt’s vice president on Gen. Sisi, Mohamed Morsi, and the chaos in the streets. - Slate Magazine
“The Army Is on the Edge”

L.W.: Do you have to restore law and order?
M.E.B.: We have to restore law and order eventually. We are in a race against time. People are very angry. People are very angry with me because I am saying, "Let's take time, let's talk to them." The mood right now is, "Let's crush them, let's not talk to them." That would last for one week, and then they would come back. It would be a disaster everywhere, inside Egypt and outside Egypt. We need to get a long-range view based on restoring order and based on national consensus and reconciliation. I hope the Brotherhood understands that time is not on their side. I'm holding the fort, but I can't hold it for very long.

L.W.: Are you a single voice on this subject?
M.E.B.: No, I'm not a single voice at all. A lot of people understand that, but we are not the majority.

Mohamed ElBaradei interview: Egypt’s vice president on Gen. Sisi, Mohamed Morsi, and the chaos in the streets. - Slate Magazine

Let the kaffir egyptian military come, did the Muslims back away at Badr

Let them spill Muslim blood in Ramadan on the streets of Egypt
The MB paraded orphans wearing or holding their shrouds, supplied to them by one of their "charity organizations", in Rabaa trying to move the Western countries by these pathetic pictures.


I thought Jihad was only for those who had gone through puberty....... Then again the MB dont understand their own religion do they.

People cant protest indefinetly, people will need to get back to their families and jobs etc

But the protests will continue and every few months their will be massive ones, the fake regime in egypt will not get peace eithr within Egypt or from muslims around the world.

The egyptian military may have the U.S and Israel behind them but the Muslims of Egypt have their faith in God

They will not back down to the likes of you
Democracy in the Muslim world is more important than Egypt

The Muslim brotherhood is fighting for all of us

If they get rid of the haramiis in the egyptian military then Muslims have a chance to get rid of all the other corrupt monsrchs kings and autocrats

This is why all those worthless SOB's were so happy the muslim brotherhood was overthrown
If they don't then it's another few decades trying to get rid of these kaffirs and trying to fix the Muslim world
Democracy in the Muslim world is more important than Egypt

The Muslim brotherhood is fighting for all of us

If they get rid of the haramiis in the egyptian military then Muslims have a chance to get rid of all the other corrupt monsrchs kings and autocrats

This is why all those worthless SOB's were so happy the muslim brotherhood was overthrown
If they don't then it's another few decades trying to get rid of these kaffirs and trying to fix the Muslim world

Its an Egyptian issue dude why are you getting so worked up on it?
Amnesty International Press release
Egypt: Evidence points to torture carried out by Morsi supporters

Evidence, including testimonies from survivors, indicates that supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi tortured individuals from a rival political camp, said Amnesty International.
Anti-Morsi protesters told Amnesty International how they were captured, beaten, subjected to electric shocks or stabbed by individuals loyal to the former President. Since mass rival rallies began in late June, as of 28 July, eight bodies have arrived at the morgue in Cairo bearing signs of torture. At least five of these were found near areas where pro-Morsi sit-ins were being held.
“Allegations that torture is being carried out by individuals are extremely serious and must be investigated as a matter of urgency,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.
“The apparent use of torture for reprisal attacks is unacceptable. People should not take the law into their own hands. Political leaders have a responsibility to condemn these criminal acts and call on their supporters to renounce such human rights abuses. The Egyptian government must not, however, use these crimes, carried out by few, as a pretext to collectively punish all pro-Morsi supporters or use excessive force to disperse their sit-ins.”
Mastour Mohamed Sayed, 21, told Amnesty International he and a group of 20 others were attacked by a group of Morsi supporters near the pro-Morsi sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya on 5 July. His assailants wore balaclavas and some were armed with knives or machine guns. Some escaped but Mastour Mohamed Sayed and a few others were captured.
“I felt terrorized by the guns pointed at me…They grabbed me...They called us ‘infidels’….We were then driven to the sit-in… I was dragged on the ground. We were eventually held under a podium…I was beaten with bars, and given electric shocks. I lost consciousness a few times,” he told Amnesty International.
While he was detained, Mastour Mohamed Sayed said he believed he heard a woman detainee being sexually assaulted and beaten.
“My hands were tied behind my back, and I was blindfolded, but I could see a bit from underneath the blindfold… I could hear the girl screaming when she was given electric shocks. I could also hear a woman ordering her to take off her clothes. At that stage, I said that this was haram (forbidden), and was hit on the head. I then saw two bearded men go into the room and heard the girl screaming more…”
Afterwards, Mastour Mohamed Sayed saw blood on the floor of the same room. He said his captors asked why he and other detainees supported General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. He was allowed to leave the Rabaa al-Adawiya sit-in the following morning, but his identity card was not returned to him.
Amnesty International has found that the capture and torture of suspected anti-Morsi protesters most frequently occurs during or in the immediate aftermath of violent clashes between the two camps.
Karam Hassan, a 48-year-old resident of Giza, was abducted and taken to an unknown location by armed Muslim Brotherhood protesters on 2 July. It followed clashes between residents of Giza and Muslim Brotherhood protestors in Nahda Square. His body was discovered by his mother in Zenhom Morgue on 10 July. It was covered in bruises and had burn marks on the chest, back, arms and both legs. He had also been stabbed in the chest and had a fractured skull.
Ahmed El Kelhy, Karam’s neighbour, who was with him when he was abducted said that armed Muslim Brotherhood supporters were shooting live rounds at the residents. He pointed at two bullet holes in buildings and a bullet-ridden pick-up truck.
Hassan Sabry, aged 20, said that he was dragged by armed assailants into Oumran Garden, near the pro-Morsi protests at Cairo University .
“They used plastic wires to handcuff me… They started to beat us with sticks all over the body. At least two of us were bleeding,” he said. He then watched a bloodied protester have his throat slit and another being stabbed to death.
“They then started to beat me on the head. I fell on the ground and pretended to be dead. I held my breath. They thought I died and held me and threw me to a place with the two bodies of the men killed.”
Shehab Eldeen Abdelrazek, 23, a journalist, was also dragged into a tent and beaten with wooden sticks on his head, back and legs in Rabaa Eladaweya Square on 3 July.
The Ministry of Interior said on 30 July that 11 bodies bearing signs of torture have been found since the outbreak of the crisis. A further 10 complaints regarding torture were made by survivors.
The Egyptian campaign group “I am Against Torture” told Amnesty International that it had independently verified that 11 people have died following torture at the hands of Morsi supporters since the beginning the crisis.
“Let’s be clear: capturing people because they hold different views and torturing them is a criminal act and those responsible must be held to account,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.
Torture or other ill-treatment at the hands of security forces in Egypt has continued under successive governments. Police and security forces continue to torture or otherwise ill-treat detainees with total impunity.
Amnesty International | Egypt: Evidence points to torture carried out by Morsi supporters
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