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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

anyways its for you egyptians to decide ......i wont debate this matter .....................................but its my personal opinion that removing MB from the democratic process wont help egypts cause ..........it will only make MB political martyrs and pave the way for them to come to power in the future................

Agreed. I am no MB supporter, nor an Islamist but I have reservations over what the army has done in Egypt. There are two reasons for this:
1) Egypt as the biggest Arab country wields a great influence over the rest of the arab world. The idea that one can overthrow democracitally elected governments especially with the aid of the generals due to the actions of the government rather than waiting 4 years and then voting them out in the next elections sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the region.

2) By driving the Islamists to the edge rather than incorporating them into the mainstream political system, Egypt runs the risk of turning the Islamists into extremists. The feeling that will exist amongst them is that they will not be able to hold any political influence in the country via the democratic route and so will hence resort to violence to full their political ambitions. Further by continuing to use violence and not letting them protest, the state will make them martyrs. Since the MB were voted into power a year ago by the Egyptian people, this means that a large portion of Egyptian society does have some sympathies for them. Making the MB into martyrs can have dangerous consequences for the future of this country hence.

This is just my take on what has happened in Egypt. I wish for the best for the country and hope peace returns fast to the land of the Nile. After all there is only one country in the region and one neighbour of Egypt that is benefiting from a weak Egypt.
persecuting Morsi for his links with Hamas ? while declaring Mohammed Barad'i as vice president after his short visit to israel ?
persecuting Morsi for his links with Hamas ? while declaring Mohammed Barad'i as vice president after his short visit to israel ?

Firstly, theres no proof that Elbaradei visited Israel. Israel also doesn't like Elbaradei due to his position on the Iranian nuclear program.

Secondly, Dr.Morsi is being investigated for his involvement with Hamas in raiding Egyptian prisons in which officers, conscripts and inmates were killed. During these raids Dr.Morsi escaped WadyAlnatroon prison along with members of the MB and its affiliates.
A Muslim can implement and spread islam anywhere in the world

Red carpet, already laid for you...start your madrassa

You have destroyed democracy in Egypt and stolen power through the use of the mob and force

It is vital that the Muslims of the world boycott Egypt and put it under immense pressure, governing Egypt must be made impossible via internal and external pressure so that the government breaks

It is vital that the Muslim brotherhood rejects the fake and illegitimate political process as to keep the pressure on the government


@Ceylal French media are saying that the assassination in Tunisia was the act of salafis : one arrested is French-Tunisian salafi
they really want to create troubles everywhere :(
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Red carpet, already laid for you...start your madrassa

You have destroyed democracy in Egypt and stolen power through the use of the mob and force


Isn't Abo-Qutada in making better than being a Berber? :undecided:
Muslims can and are supposed to implement and spread islam everywhere they are, their are plenty of islamic organisations, school, mosques and even madrassas here

And yes, a coup by any other name is Still a coup

This is the deep state
This is all a military plot, planned in collusion with the liberal and elite mubarak era clowns

If we tolerate and accept it, it will encourage the same type of military and strong man intervention in other Muslim countries

We need stability, to accept and support the democratic mandate given vua free and fair elections, and to keep repeating the democratic process until you have balance in society

Nothing like this happened, the plan to cause chaos and remove the democratic government was implemented right from the start

It's important that the Muslim brothers utterly rejects the fake process and stand in the way of its legitimacy

It's equally important that the Muslims of the world stand United in the face of this constant weight around our necks that are military strong men, dictators and monarchs

Change takes time
Change brings chaos

Both the change and chaos are vital for the Muslim world

We are a sleeping giant in reality
@agentny17 @Mahmoud_EGY

So guys, when we were going through the same experience by MB, you two were gloating, No?


Shall I gloat now?:lol:

I'm not actually, just a reminder.. Next time think before talking.;)
I have to admit i used to think that gulf countries fund and support MB and salfis i was wrong and there is no shame in saying that and like i said before who ever support Egypt after morsi is our friend and whoever support terrorists will be forever Egypt enemy
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The liberal slime are attacking and besieging a mosque in Alexandria


Look at the calibre of the people supporting the coup in Egypt
I have to admit i used to think that gulf countries fund and support MB and salfis i was wrong and there is no shame in saying that and like i said before who ever support Egypt after morsi is our friend and whoever support terrorists will be forever Egypt enemy

You have always been wrong my friend about everything, from your support to Bashar and Iran, to enmity to GCC and FSA.
I have to admit i used to think that gulf countries fund and support MB and salfis i was wrong and there is no shame in saying that and like i said before who ever support Egypt after morsi is our friend and whoever support terrorists will be forever Egypt enemy

bro don't be fooled because of some money GCC gave you now, they will destroy your country, plus salfis are supported by Saudi "Arabia"... don't let the money buy your country...
You have always been wrong my friend about everything, from your support to Bashar and Iran, to enmity to GCC and FSA.
what i care about is my country Egypt this is all i see in the world there is one thing i am sure of i am Egyptian and i support my country by any way i can
bro don't be fooled because of some money GCC gave you now, they will destroy your country, plus salfis are supported by Saudi "Arabia"... don't let the money buy your country...
their actions are until now are good we wont need money anymore without salfis and the brotherhood Egypt will get back up soon
the salfis wont have any future in Egypt without the brotherhood they are nothing
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