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Effigy of the French president beheaded (warning!)

Comeon it's an effigy which got destroyed by someone in front of kids. Warning for what? Burning effigy is a norm, there's no warning for that.
Jamia Hafsa, Islamabad

Even more disturbing is that an effigy of the French president is being beheaded by a teacher in front of children at Jamia Hafsa, a madrassa for girls run by ISIS-supporting hardliners in Islamabad.These kids are being brainwashed with a twisted ideology.
View attachment 684665

how these things are still allowed in Pakistan?

looks like we want to join FATF black list
They are a part of Lal-Masjid, have praised Daesh and refused to condemn APS attack. They have killed many of our soldiers during the siege and sent countless children to their deaths while their own head cleric fled in a Burka, who by the way, is still well and alive and continues to preach Khawarij ideology in the heart of Islamabad.

The fact that they are thriving today shows that gheirat is dead within us and we have no respect for our martyrs, there will be no progress as long as we continue to tolerate them.
This is horrific but what about the whites that beheaded Trump effigies in America? Who else remembers that lady carrying Trump's head on the front of a magazine cover?
Jamia Hafsa, Islamabad

Even more disturbing is that an effigy of the French president is being beheaded by a teacher in front of children at Jamia Hafsa, a madrassa for girls run by ISIS-supporting hardliners in Islamabad.These kids are being brainwashed with a twisted ideology.
View attachment 684665

how these things are still allowed in Pakistan?

looks like we want to join FATF black list
I don't agree with this.

But surely this is freedom of speech Nd expression???
This is an incitement of murder, not fos or foe. You want to beat them at their own game then make and circulate stupid cartoons of Macron or other French national icons. That falls under fos not whatever this is.
Charlie Hebdo engaged in defamation and libel.

See? Lots of laws exist against so called freedom of speech.

I wouldn't expect the likes you to understand.
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This is an incitement of murder, not fos or foe. You want to beat them at their own game then make and circulate stupid cartoons of Macron or other French national icons. That falls under fos not whatever this is.

People burn effigies/pictures/flags all over the world to protest, no one ever called that an incitement to murder.

no one ever called this an incitement to murder
A movement can be called a success when girls/women lead from the front.

More power to our Muslim sisters.
lal masjid / madrasa is HQ and nursury of terrorism in pakistan and near by . i wish someone bomb it again and again .
Sometimes such wishes are rebound. Take lesson from the general who ordered that attack. Being an ex president and ex army chief he lives in exile and now suffering the most painful ailment.
Sometimes such wishes are rebound. Take lesson from the general who ordered that attack. Being an ex president and ex army chief he lives in exile and now suffering the most painful ailment.
most of humans suffer sickness and weakness at the end of life span he is better then million of mullahs begging in this country .
Not really shocking , seen similar acts in rallies but children should not be exposed as they cant distinguish between a symbolic act and the consequences of actually carrying it out.
most of humans suffer sickness and weakness at the end of life span he is better then million of mullahs begging in this country .
Even then these mullahs live in Pakistan, not in exile.

Better or not better is not we or you to decide. The Creator of this universe will decide who is better and who is worst.
Even then these mullahs live in Pakistan, not in exile.

Better or not better is not we or you to decide. The Creator of this universe will decide who is better and who is worst.
i think UAE is better place to live and have better services then pakistan lets be honest here . we can not leave poisonous snakes between our kids and say god will decide .
i think UAE is better place to live and have better services then pakistan lets be honest here . we can not leave poisonous snakes between our kids and say god will decide .
If UAE is better than Pakistan, please go ahead and live there.

Who says "god" decides? Only one Allah, the creator of all heavens and earths decides.

Do not send your kids to those poisonous snakes and devils, send them to real Islamic scholars and teachers. I am sure you are sensible enough to differentiate between devils and the real Islamic teachers.
you cant suppress people's voices, freedom of speech for all

even in countries having more freedom of speech, thud kind of expression falls under criminal laws. At least I know it is the case in France.

Pakistan should take strong action against whoever call for death of anyone.
This hafsa jamia school is fabricating future wannabe terrorists.

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