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Effigy of the French president beheaded (warning!)

even in countries having more freedom of speech, thud kind of expression falls under criminal laws. At least I know it is the case in France.

Pakistan should take strong action against whoever call for death of anyone.
This hafsa jamia school is fabricating future wannabe terrorists.
No one will forget what these Frenches did in Algeria and many other countries in 19th century and kept the skulls of slain fighters in their museum till 2016.

Will France repatriate its collection of 19th century Algerian skulls?
Issued on: 28/09/2016 - 15:55

Today we report on a little-known chapter of the French conquest of Algeria: the Algerian fighters shot and beheaded in the mid-19th century for resisting French colonialism. More than 150 years after their deaths, the skulls of these resistance fighters still sit in the vaults of the French National Museum of Natural History in Paris. How did they get there? Will they ever be repatriated to the land they fought and died for? Our team went to find out more.
First of all we must realize that past and present leadership of most of western countries including US are no less cruel and insane than current Hindutva regime in India.

We talk about human rights, civilize diplomacy and peace. But in fact these words and concepts were never applied in the west. Take the example of two nuclear bombs dropped on two Japanese cities, knowingly what type of disaster, the humanity will face in these two cities. Million were wiped out in matter of seconds. It was not a revenge of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it was a slaughter of humanity. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor to reduce the US naval war capability, which they achieved. But dropping nuke right in the middle of thickly populated cities is called insanity and madness of the leadership.

Similarly, French and Britishers were no less insane when they occupied foreign land including America ans Australia. The natives of these two continents were literally hunted and killed as game.

Now we the east must take lesson of humanity from these insane and mad leadership of these nations. What a ridiculous joke.
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No one will forget what these Frenches did in Algeria and many other countries in 19th century and kept the skulls of slain fighters in their museum till 2016.

Will France repatriate its collection of 19th century Algerian skulls?
Issued on: 28/09/2016 - 15:55

Today we report on a little-known chapter of the French conquest of Algeria: the Algerian fighters shot and beheaded in the mid-19th century for resisting French colonialism. More than 150 years after their deaths, the skulls of these resistance fighters still sit in the vaults of the French National Museum of Natural History in Paris. How did they get there? Will they ever be repatriated to the land they fought and died for? Our team went to find out more.
First of all we must realize that past and present leadership of most of western countries including US are no less cruel and insane than current Hindutva regime in India.

We talk about human rights, civilize diplomacy and peace. But in fact these words and concepts were never applied in the west. Take the example of two nuclear bombs dropped on two Japanese cities, knowingly what type of disaster, the humanity will face in these two cities. Million were wiped out in matter of seconds. It was not a revenge of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it was a slaughter of humanity. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor to reduce the US naval war capability, which they achieved. But dropping nuke right in the middle of thickly populated cities is called insanity and madness of the leadership.

Similarly, French and Britishers were no less insane when they occupied foreign land including America ans Australia. The natives of these two continents were literally hunted and killed as game.

Now we the east must take lesson of humanity from these insane and mad leadership of these nations. What a ridiculous joke.

And easterners were more sane probably.

yes they made atrocities, yes they didn’t used those values in the past, yes they dropped atomic bombs on civilians, yes they talk about human rights etc....

but have a look at all thoses events, facts....

Who never committed atrocities in the past ? Wars were atroces.... from the west to the east, from the north to the south.

remember terrorists who beheaded our jawans and played football with their head ?

is it a reason to not learn from whoever from wherever ? Should we cancel our nuke program ? Should we stop to produce missiles and jets ? Should we stop AZM project ? Should you stop to use computer and internet ?

Now I’m not saying that you or anyone should accept anything from anyone but do you accept that everyone could kill everyone in Pakistan ? do you accept terror in Pakistan? Are you happy that we 70 000 people due to terror ?
The fact that they shown it in a school to (I suppose it) children doesn’t matter for you ?
Would you agree that such events happen in schools where go your children ?
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And easterners were more sane probably.

yes they made atrocities, yes they didn’t used those values in the past, yes they dropped atomic bombs on civilians, yes they talk about human rights etc....

but have a look at all thoses events, facts....

Who never committed atrocities in the past ? Wars were atroces.... from the west to the east, from the north to the south.

remember terrorists who beheaded our jawans and played football with their head ?

is it a reason to not learn from whoever from wherever ? Should we cancel our nuke program ? Should we stop to produce missiles and jets ? Should we stop AZM project ? Should you stop to use computer and internet ?

Now I’m not saying that you or anyone should accept anything from anyone but do you accept that everyone could kill everyone in Pakistan ? do you accept terror in Pakistan? Are you happy that we 70 000 people due to terror ?
The fact that they shown it in a school to (I suppose it) children doesn’t matter for you ?
Would you agree that such events happen in schools where go your children ?
We as nations of Islamic world must realize who are our real enemies and what they have done in the past. US and its allies in Europe are old enemies of Islamic world. There is a history of rift which started in mid 7th century and still continuing.

Look at the following tweet. West, the so called protector of women rights!!!!!

They are no better than us and we do not need to be ashamed of.

Under normal circumstances, these extreme reactions by some Muslims may look too cruel and insane, but if you appreciate the state of mind these some odd Muslims undergoing due to official display of obscene cartoons of their beloved Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu Wasalam, then their act of extreme behavior could be understood.

Let us assume a sane and a good non-Muslim person undergo a similar state of mind such as his beloved wife or daughter or sister or mother being raped or brutally beaten by someone and no one coming for aid, what could be his or her response. That person will do anything to save the beloved ones, may even kill and behead the culprit under extreme anger state.

This is human nature. In anger you lose the sense of reasoning.

The real problem is not the behavior of the oppressed one, but the real cause. So please focus on the real cause of this behavior and address it more rationally.

West for their own interest are isolating the Islamic world by blaming the Muslims as extremists and terrorists. A term "radical" Islam was created to isolate those who resist to leave the actual teachings of Quran and Holy Prophet SalAllahu wassalam.

They fear of Muslim state converting into real Islamic state - the Islamic society governed by Islamic Laws (Shariah), where fair justice is provided to every being regardless of cast and creed, where peace exist for Muslims and non Muslims, men and women, old and young generations, rich and poor. They fear that if such state is created then it will replicate the State of Madinah.

You are talking about terrorists. Terrorist were created and trained by the West and their money was used feed and arm them. Every problem must be addressed by realizing the real cause. If the cause is eliminated, the problem always vanishes.

Our schools whether Islamic or otherwise must undergo extensive overhaul. Islamic scholars of all schools, concerned Government leadership, highly qualified educationists and citizen representatives must join together and form up a committee to put a precise policy, SOPs, rules and regulations to operate such educational institutes for immediate implementation and monitoring.
The usual inferiority complex ridden suspects defending French actions but condemning Pakistani rights to freedom of protest and speech. Pathetic.....if there was ever a people with such vulnerable sense of mind, it would be some Pakistanis commenting in this thread. Then you wonder why no one respects Pakistan and its sovereignty.

If this was being done in France, some of the thread commenters would be chanting "it's their right!" "their country their rules!". Truly pathetic mindset. Even normal frenchies hate Macron. Anyone defending him should reexamine their mind.
Can we expect that this glorious lesson will be put in practice in places like say French Embassy in Pakistan?
So is it disturbing for you? What about those effigies that are burnt in so-called modern countries? Aren't they brainwashed & aggressive too?

Exactly - death by burning is also a murder - slow and painful which usually people think is a right.
Nothing more than double standards.
lal masjid / madrasa is HQ and nursury of terrorism in pakistan and near by . i wish someone bomb it again and again .
Extremism ......
Jamia Hafsa, Islamabad

Even more disturbing is that an effigy of the French president is being beheaded by a teacher in front of children at Jamia Hafsa, a madrassa for girls run by ISIS-supporting hardliners in Islamabad.These kids are being brainwashed with a twisted ideology.
View attachment 684665

how these things are still allowed in Pakistan?

looks like we want to join FATF black list
Freedom of expression
We as nations of Islamic world must realize who are our real enemies and what they have done in the past. US and its allies in Europe are old enemies of Islamic world. There is a history of rift which started in mid 7th century and still continuing.

Enemies are just exploiting our own weaknesses. Rifts existing among our own ranks. Aren’t they ? They are exploiting our own jahiliat ? Arent they ?

Look at the following tweet. West, the so called protector of women rights!!!!!

First of all you should ask how blacks, arabs etc are behaving ? I’m witnessing everyday that... At least in France.

They are no better than us and we do not need to be ashamed of.

Nobody is better than other. Fully agreed with that. But.... have a look at their development and ours.

The wise man would not be ashamed to adopt what is working well for others

Under normal circumstances, these extreme reactions by some Muslims may look too cruel and insane, but if you appreciate the state of mind these some odd Muslims undergoing due to official display of obscene cartoons of their beloved Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu Wasalam, then their act of extreme behavior could be understood.

Understanding or not, their act bring more insult on our prophet. Was it wise ?
Now they (the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states...) know very well how to provoke Muslims more in the future. Was it wise ? And there are many many more points which ask the question about the wisdom

Let us assume a sane and a good non-Muslim person undergo a similar state of mind such as his beloved wife or daughter or sister or mother being raped or brutally beaten by someone and no one coming for aid, what could be his or her response. That person will do anything to save the beloved ones, may even kill and behead the culprit under extreme anger state.

This is human nature. In anger you lose the sense of reasoning.

if there is an immediate danger threatening life, you have to act in legitimate defense.
But will this legitimate defense be valid in case of insult ?

The real problem is not the behavior of the oppressed one, but the real cause. So please focus on the real cause of this behavior and address it more rationally.

I’m ok that the real problem is what is the real cause and should be focused with rationally. You could focus on as much you want, it’s not in Muslim country, so you have to understand that such murders will not help at all. It will only worsen the situation.
So we have to focus on Muslims behaviour first. We should be clean as much as possible and not let

West for their own interest are isolating the Islamic world by blaming the Muslims as extremists and terrorists. A term "radical" Islam was created to isolate those who resist to leave the actual teachings of Quran and Holy Prophet SalAllahu wassalam.

whatever is their aim, their plan, we are, with our own stupidity, Helping them... we are

They fear of Muslim state converting into real Islamic state - the Islamic society governed by Islamic Laws (Shariah), where fair justice is provided to every being regardless of cast and creed, where peace exist for Muslims and non Muslims, men and women, old and young generations, rich and poor. They fear that if such state is created then it will replicate the State of Madinah.

You have to define who is “they”.

You are talking about terrorists. Terrorist were created and trained by the West and their money was used feed and arm them. Every problem must be addressed by realizing the real cause. If the cause is eliminated, the problem always vanishes.

refer to what I have said earlier about using and abusing our own weaknesses.
Whatever investments are done and whoever did it, the end products are made with our own “materials”.

Our schools whether Islamic or otherwise must undergo extensive overhaul. Islamic scholars of all schools, concerned Government leadership, highly qualified educationists and citizen representatives must join together and form up a committee to put a precise policy, SOPs, rules and regulations to operate such educational institutes for immediate implementation and monitoring.

Agreed. That’s why in others thread I’m calling for critical thinking on our own side.
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Enemies are just exploiting our own weaknesses. Rifts existing among our own ranks. Aren’t they ? They are exploiting our own jahiliat ? Arent
refer to what I have said earlier about using and abusing our own weaknesses.
Whatever investments are done and whoever did it, the end products are made with our own “materials”.

Rifts among Muslims were also created by enemies of Islam.
Only realization of these exploitation by all Muslims will put out the fire between them. We have to identify and neutralize the black sheep among us, who are being paid to exploit various Islamic groups to pitch against each other. Our common populace must be educated about this exploitation. We have to do some action instead of just pointing out the problems. Causes must be identified and eliminated. How? Of course, civilize and peaceful approach is the best option.

First of all you should ask how blacks, arabs etc are behaving ? I’m witnessing everyday that... At least in France.
Address the cause. That is the only answer to overcome this behavior. These Arabs were peaceful before. All incidents were linked with the disrespect of Holy Prophet salAllahu wassalam displayed by the French cartoonist under the protection of "freedom of expression".

Do not ask them to silently accept this insanity. Obviously, there will be retaliation. As I said before, this is human nature.

Nobody is better than other. Fully agreed with that. But.... have a look at their development and ours.

The wise man would not be ashamed to adopt what is working well for others
What development? This is all cyclic. At present they appear to be dominating the world, but who knows what happens after some years. There is no such thing as permanent status.

Furthermore, what good is the worldly development, if you are challenging the Creator of this world by indirectly supporting those who are caricaturing His beloved Prophet.

In my opinion, a wise man is the one who is with Allah subhanahu wa taala and His beloved prophet Muhammad salAllahu wassalam instead joining those who are the enemies of Islam for the sake of worldly development.

If Muslims realize the power of being true Muslims and become a part of true Islamic state, then nothing on this earth can dominate this nation except Allah subhanahu wa taala.

Understanding or not, their act bring more insult on our prophet. Was it wise ?
Now they (the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states...) know very well how to provoke Muslims more in the future. Was it wise ? And there are many many more points which ask the question about the wisdom

So, in short you say that we Muslims should submit ourselves to your lord - (the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states...) otherwise they will further provoke Muslims in future.

This is not going to happen, whether you understand or otherwise. If they continuously provoke Muslims, they will be committing the biggest mistake by bringing 1.9 b Muslim together under one cause regardless of cast, creed, sect, ethnicity and status.

In my opinion, the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states... must realize that if such nation is born, due to their continues unjust provocation, which comprises of true believers of Allah then these true believers will ensure the following command of Alllah subhanahu wa taala.

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter". Al Quran 5:33

May Alllah bless you with His divine wisdom so that you realize the true path instead of following western mirage.

if there is an immediate danger threatening life, you have to act in legitimate defense.
But will this defense be valid in case of insult ?

The insult to Prophet salAllahu wassalam is more painful for Muslims than life threat to oneself or beloved ones.

"Surely the Prophet has a greater claim over the believers than they have over each other" Al Quran 33:6 (translation of beginning part of verse 6)

Not realizing this bond between Muslims and their Prophet and continuously arguing that the act of caricaturing of Holy prophet is lesser crime shows you are too far off.

I am repeating again, address the cause, rest will just vanish away.

I’m ok that the real problem is what is the real cause and should be focused with rationally. You could focus on as much you want, it’s not in Muslim country, so you have to understand that such murders will not help at all. It will only worsen the situation.
So we have to focus on Muslims behaviour first. We should be clean as much as possible and not let

For Muslims every piece of land belongs to Allah, and it is the duty of every true Muslim to bring peace and fair justice to all regardless of cast, creed and religion.

These Muslims are not murdering or showing aggressive agitation against innocents but only those who are continuously provoking. Again I will repeat address the cause, such incidents will just vanish away.

whatever is their aim, their plan, we are, with our own stupidity, Helping them... we are

Yes I agree. We should blame ourselves for forgetting our true path and following the mirage shown by the west.

You have to define who is “they”.
Of course, "they" are enemies of Allah, His prophet salAllahu wassalam and the true believers.

refer to what I have said earlier about using and abusing our own weaknesses.
Whatever investments are done and whoever did it, the end products are made with our own “materials”.

Then same west including you divert the blame on Pakistan, instead of investigating the root cause, the media and you people seek multiple reasons to blame Pakistan.

If funds were blocked, these materials will die down on its own. But no, CIA, RAW and western agencies all joined together to arm them to teeth.

We must realize that TTP and BLA were not created by Pakistan. They were creations of RAW, CIA, MOSSAD and Iranian intelligence. They exploited the locals of particular region by providing money and arms to rise against state of Pakistan.

Agreed. That’s why in others thread I’m calling for critical thinking on our own side.

Our education system needs remodeling such that both modern and Islamic teachings are fused together.
Selection criteria and procedure of teachers must be well defined, monitored and transparent for all.
Minimum requirement of school facilities must be well defined for all private schools and inspected regularly by parents and relevant Government authorities.

Critical thinking is always part of human inquisitive attribute. Gaining knowledge, combined with critical thinking always help to draw correct conclusions.
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Rifts among Muslims were also created by enemies of Islam.
Only realization of these exploitation by all Muslims will put out the fire between them. We have to identify and neutralize the black sheep among us, who are being paid to exploit various Islamic groups to pitch against each other. Our common populace must be educated about this exploitation. We have to do some action instead of just pointing out the problems. Causes must be identified and eliminated. How? Of course, civilize and peaceful approach is the beast option.

They were able to create those rifts because we were weak enough to fell in their traps. And there are still such people.

Of course, civilize and peaceful approach is the beast option.

Everywhere, every time, whoever’s could it be, civilised and peaceful approch is not only the best, but also the one to be chosen.

Address the cause. That is the only answer to overcome this behavior. These Arabs were peaceful before. All incidents were linked with the disrespect of Holy Prophet salAllahu wassalam displayed by the French cartoonist under the protection of "freedom of expression".

Do not ask them to silently accept this insanity. Obviously, there will be retaliation. As I said before, this is human nature.

No all the the arabs and Africans werent peaceful Before. Not only not peaceful, but also very naughty. I’m talking about the ones we have in France. I don’t know about in others countries. Most extremists we have in France have already been in jails several time for robberies and murders
Those Africans and arabs are making the most noise everywhere on media, and most importantly in cities. As they are Muslims, all Muslims are seen like thoses africa

What development? This is all cyclic. At present they appear to be dominating the world, but who knows what happens after some years. There is no such thing as permanent status.

Furthermore, what good is the worldly development, if you are challenging the Creator of this world by indirectly supporting those who are caricaturing His beloved Prophet.

In my opinion, a wise man is the one who is with Allah subhanahu wa taala and His beloved prophet Muhammad salAllahu wassalam instead joining those who are the enemies of Islam for the sake of worldly development.

I’m talking about, among others, the device you are using, the technology to connect it with pdf forum, the scientific development, etc etc.... the wise man go for knowledge wherever it is... it doesn’t mean you become miscreant... For sure they have shortcomings but most of their setup is quite compatible with Islam. And few points are not but it’s due to their own journey in the History.
Wise man will try, and try, and try again by reasoning to respect and not insult men and women. They don’t like the word “prophet” so don’t use this word because of what happened with clergy in past centuries. Wise man will use their own concepts to talk to them and get the respect we want. It’s up to us to be this wise man.

So, in short you say that we Muslims should submit ourselves to your lord - (the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states...) otherwise they will further provoke Muslims in future.

This is not going to happen, whether you understand or otherwise. If they continuously provoke Muslims, they will be committing the biggest mistake by bringing 1.9 b Muslim together under one cause regardless of cast, creed, sect, ethnicity and status.

In my opinion, the far right, the communities at the power, the deep states... must realize that if such nation is born, due to their continues unjust provocation, which comprises of true believers of Allah then these true believers will ensure the following command of Alllah subhanahu wa taala.

My Lord is the Creator of everything : Allah.
I’m not calling you to submit ourselves to them, but use some psychology. Like a wise man.

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter". Al Quran 5:33

May Alllah bless you with His divine wisdom so that you realize the true path instead of following western mirage.

Remember all prophets were called Messengers. And our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last. Isn’t it our role to transmit his message to others now ?
Remember when people were throwing trash and stone on him, did he told Sahabah to kill those people ?

The insult to Prophet salAllahu wassalam is more painful for Muslims than life threat to oneself or beloved ones.

"Surely the Prophet has a greater claim over the believers than they have over each other" Al Quran 33:6 (translation of beginning part of verse 6)

Did Allah send him to kill or to transmit the Message ?

I am repeating again, address the cause, rest will just vanish away.

Adress it wisely

For Muslims every piece of land belongs to Allah, and it is the duty of every true Muslim to bring peace and fair justice to all regardless of cast, creed and religion.

These Muslims are not murdering or showing aggressive agitation against innocents but only those who are continuously provoking. Again I will repeat address the cause, such incidents will just vanish away.

Remember how our Prophet did. When war, then right to self defense.
You and I want they stop to insult.
mit will take time, what a victory it will be if we won it wisely. But for that we have to grow and understand the world in which we are living.

Yes I agree. We should blame ourselves for forgetting our true path and following the mirage shown by the west.

No. It’s just because we forgot how to understand and being not able to speak to others anymore.

Of course, "they" are enemies of Allah, His prophet salAllahu wassalam and the true believers.

The enemies seems more ourselves, we are not helping others to understand the message he gave us through the last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).

Then same west including you divert the blame on Pakistan, instead of investigating the root cause, the media and you people seek multiple reasons to blame Pakistan.

If funds were blocked, these materials will die down on its own. But no, CIA, RAW and western agencies all joined together to arm them to teeth.

We must realize that TTP and BLA were not created by Pakistan. They were creations of RAW, CIA, MOSSAD and Iranian intelligence. They exploited the locals of particular region by providing money and arms to rise against state of Pakistan.

In others you admit our own failures.

Our education system needs remodeling such that both modern and Islamic teachings are fused together.
Selection criteria and procedure of teachers must be well defined, monitored and transparent for all.
Minimum requirement of school facilities must be well defined for all private schools and inspected regularly by parents and relevant Government authorities.

Critical thinking is always part of human inquisitive attribute. Gaining knowledge, combined with critical thinking always help to draw correct conclusions.

That’s exactly what I’m advocating.

Wise men will think

Don’t forget Allah is merciful, his forgiveness is unlimited, let’s people to understand their mistakes and let them repent. It could take them whole life

I will end this discussion here as it is against rules of forum as we are off-topic.[/QUOTE]
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