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ECP finds PTI guilty of accepting prohibited funds

The decision was aimed at providing cover to the Drone Strike conducted in Afghanistan. It diverted media's attention from the sellouts sitting in GHQ. Pakistan's airspace was used without any explanation from the property dealers.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

This guys is abusing and blaming Imran khan is corrupted



What a sad excuse of a country Pakistan is.. maybe we were better off with India. Atleast we would have some form of self pride then
Yes, the late Rajvi Gandhi would have been behind bars if his foreign wife Sonia Gandhi provide funds..Foreign funding from foreign wife ....
Here's a good twitter thread that breaks down several poorly thought out justifications used by the ECP.

This case appears to have been dragged out by the Establishment to maintain some sort of leverage over the PTI, and at the end, any independent an objective review of this decision by the ECP will result in the majority of the findings being thrown out.

The PMLN/PPP Corrupt mafia alliance has been begging their masters (General Kanjar Bajwa) to save them after their demolition at the hands of the PTI in elections in Punjab, and this is the best the traitor Bajwa could offer.

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These are party funds, not his personal account.Plus he signed the certificate / to the best of his knowledge, which is provided by his accountant, it's not under oath related issue.
I don't see how any reasonable adjudication of this issue would result in a judgment that would require the party head to essentially validate every single donation out of millions before signing off on them.

At the most, the courts should call for legislation that drives implementation of more stringent accounting standards as well as clarifies the inconsistencies flagged in the ECP decision, such as whether joint accounts where one account owner has Pakistani citizenship and the other does no should be considered 'prohibited'. Any such requirement would place an undue burden on couples where one spouse has Pakistani citizenship and the other does not - should they be forced to create separate bank accounts merely to donate money to their preferred political party?

This all stinks of attempts to undermine the overseas Pakistani vote and ability of overseas Pakistanis to fund their preferred political party (which currently is overwhelmingly the PTI).
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