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ECP finds PTI guilty of accepting prohibited funds

بیٹا کچھ بھی کر لو الیکشن تو کروانا ہی پڑے گا اور عمران خان کا مقابلہ تو کرنا ہی پڑے گا ایسے نہیں ہوگا کہ عمران کو باہر کر دو گے اور ملک حکومت کی مدت پانچ سال باجوا سے بڑھوا لو گے
namanzoor.com raised 40 crores in 1 day for fund raising. You have no idea.
For fund raising but not able to improve the economy? I'd question the source of donation. Where do the money come from? That is the question hence the investigation.
For fund raising but not able to improve the economy? I'd question the source of donation. Where do the money come from? That is the question hence the investigation.
Overseas Pakistanis fund PTI from their own income
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