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ECC meeting: Power consumers to pay for CPEC security

Nope couldn't find your 18% figure anywhere

In the Sahiwal Coal Power Project the Chinese demanded – and got – an internal rate of return
of 27 percent. To be certain, these are both awfully expensive propositions and the terms of the contract overwhelmingly favour the Chinese – not the Pakistanis.
This is about the Sahiwal project


Ever since CPEC has started this figure of 18 percent return is talked about in many articles

This is a Google search of " CPEC 18 Percent rate of return "

You can read AS MANY news reports as you want

https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN705IN705&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cpec 18 percent rate of return
SO this is in addition to the 18 percent return Already Promised to the CPEC projects

This makes the rate of return at 19 percent

The Sahiwal project is at 27 percent rate of return


27% ROI... Not bad investment. No wonder Chinese are pouring so much money. Things are getting clearer with every new detail coming out though. Good Job China.
the economy of pakistan has been effectively dismantled by by the latter part of musharaff regime through asif and nawaz's rule....agricultural production is at a standstill---cheap indian govet subsidized imports/smuggling from india [done by the crooks and scum passing for "politicians" in pakistan]--non payment of landlords and feudals to growers --oligopolies run by "businessmen" : sugar cement etc---even poultry farming----- industry has been crippled factories shifted to bangladesh, africa etc--power projects scammed off -----PIA, railways, pakistan steel all destroyed deliberates==steel to allow the scrap merchant sharifs to make money etc....education destroyed.......health destroyed....
For CPEC security we dont mind paying but all the other BS like the never ending Neelum Jhelum surcharge, circular debt and PTV fees needs to go. Plus tax should be added according to income level and bills and not like a flat bracket for everyone.

What does PTV fees stands for?
In the Sahiwal Coal Power Project the Chinese demanded – and got – an internal rate of return
of 27 percent. To be certain, these are both awfully expensive propositions and the terms of the contract overwhelmingly favour the Chinese – not the Pakistanis.
This is about the Sahiwal project


Ever since CPEC has started this figure of 18 percent return is talked about in many articles

This is a Google search of " CPEC 18 Percent rate of return "

You can read AS MANY news reports as you want

https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN705IN705&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cpec 18 percent rate of return
In case you conveniently missed it. I said the figure of 18% Where is that. There is no such thing on google nor any articles
Hope so. 2,000 years ago Buddhism travelled from Pakistan along the same route north into China. So if Maoism travelled south that might a be a good thing. Look what it did to China?
Some of teachings of Mao and Confucius are great and can be applied Pakistan and also similarly a lot of Islamic teaching are great should be applied to the Chinese society. When two societies interact, ideas get exchanged.
Yes.. Quite clever indeed.

Wonder if Maoism will also travel on the new roads being constructed. Now that higher mountains have been bored into and seas have been bridged over.

Maoism died a few decades ago, so no chance. CPEC will live and die by the same standard as all other economic projects: the bottom line.
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