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eastern NATO members vote for missile umbrella against russia

Russia is a nation that retains an nuclear and bio arsenal that can decimate the entire west in less than 15 minutes and is laden with passive nuclear defense capabilities like massive underground civilian bunkers in thousands and underground military cities like Yamantau . That is a capability that China and India can only dream off and will not achieve for years .

Russia still is the second most powerful military in the world. EU - they are too burdened with debt and overdue for collapse. Right now -USA is numero uno though running out of steam slowily due to the consistent wars its waging. Russia is holding hard in its position. China is in the rapid rise.

lol please stick to your space magic and sto spreading such nonsense. My belly hurts from laughing.
I think Russia military might is overrated IMO
conventionally I mean.
they could only dream to do the shit the U.S military does.
I think Russia military might is overrated IMO
conventionally I mean.
they could only dream to do the shit the U.S military does.

Well they had heavy losses even against small georgia. They failed miserable in chechenya. Their equipment is rusting away and they dont develop new things.
LOOOL why are you going on about Nuclear/bio weapons that can decimate continents/countries?lolo_O
A country just need to have nuclear weapons and delivery system and thats it, no country will dare go to full out war conflict with them. Evene little North Korea hasnt been invaded by the U.S despiteall their provocations/killings against the south. and we all know why. we and France are both Nuclear powers as well, so do you think Russia will invade us?lol Its means MAD believe me. So thats irrelevant nowadays, apart from prestige it means nothing much. If nuclear weapons/underground military facilities were so crucial then why did your patron the Soviet Union collapse? o_O Afterall, they had hundreds of them, but look where they ended. What matters nowadays most and even more so in coming decades is your world economic,industrial, financial outreach/dominance. This is what will determine who dominates the world this coming decades.

So in this regard Russia is far from being the worlds second most powerful in the world.lol As i said apart from their natural resources and soviet era military industry they dont have much to offer to the world.

It collapsed due to corruption and overspending on military . This same thing is going to bring the west to collapse as Derivatives and Banker corruption is out of bounds and has dwarfed the GDP. ...
I think Russia military might is overrated IMO
conventionally I mean.
they could only dream to do the shit the U.S military does.
that's true, almost a David and Goliath even in many ways if one were to compare the militaries, Russian navy vs USN for example :sick: the USAF too, is quite a bit more advanced (only operational 5th gen/b2/etc) and have greater numbers when compared to the Russians but if hostilities were to break out, the Russians would be playing defence, dug in and waiting.. NATO/US are up to the logistical challenge but they'll be the expeditionary force again.. if Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Vietnam is anything to go by, I don't think NATO have a chance in hell of winning a land war :enjoy:

nukes wise, I think they have more..

but fvck MAD :tdown:
Well they had heavy losses even against small georgia. They failed miserable in chechenya. Their equipment is rusting away and they dont develop new things.

Heavy losses against Georgia ,lol , I would say low losses and a swift defeat of georgia..... Compare that with NATO campaign against Serbia which took months ....

@ptldM3 @Arzamas 16

lol please stick to your space magic and sto spreading such nonsense. My belly hurts from laughing.

Man, you sure are the comedian of this forum.

that's true, almost a David and Goliath even in many ways if one were to compare the militaries, Russian navy vs USN for example :sick: the USAF too, is quite a bit more advanced (only operational 5th gen/b2/etc) and have greater numbers when compared to the Russians but if hostilities were to break out, the Russians would be playing defence, dug in and waiting.. NATO/US are up to the logistical challenge but they'll be the expeditionary force again.. if Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Vietnam is anything to go by, I don't think NATO have a chance in hell of winning a land war :enjoy:

nukes wise, I think they have more..
View attachment 44920

but fvck MAD :tdown:

Bro on a conventional war between U.S and Russia(which will never happen anyway) Russia would be decimated. The U.S is just too far ahead of any country on the planet militarily. At least two decades ahead of anyone.
It collapsed due to corruption and overspending on military . This same thing is going to bring the west to collapse as Derivatives and Banker corruption is out of bounds and has dwarfed the GDP. ...

Bro the west won't collapse, neither will the U.S . We are still by far the most dominant power in the world in every aspect, financial,technological, economic,military, cultural, media etc. No country/block even comes close to be honest. Just look at the sanctions imposed against Russia where master card and Visa stopped their activities there, Russia has no equivalent and has to go to china and Japan for replacement, Even so, China and Japan(who im sure the U.S will prevent from aiding Russia) owns national card UNnionpay and JCB are still dwarfs compared to global card providers like Visa and mastercard, so they will still have to transact in dollars/euros subject to our permission. This is just one example.
So We might have an economic crisis which we are already recovering from, but there wont be any collapse. Even now there is still corruption and overspending by Russia on its military as well. For example China's economy is more than 4 times bigger than russia and growing. However China spends less than twice($122billion) as much as Russia($68billion) on its military. This shows Russia still overspends as well.

However, i admit China economy despite being 60 percent that of the U.S , the U.S still spends more than 4 times what china spends on its military. So yes i admit the U.S also overspends on its military. However, the U.S can afford to, since its already a developed country/world sole superpower and has global commitements/allies/responsibilities.So stop cheering for your Patron Russia too much, and lets be realistic bro.:cheers:.
Bro on a conventional war between U.S and Russia(which will never happen anyway) Russia would be decimated. The U.S is just too far ahead of any country on the planet militarily. At least two decades ahead of anyone.
wars aren't fought on paper

if the west attack Russia, which was the premise of my post.. they'll get their asses handed to them for sure

Russia attack US mainland ? no chance in hell, they'll be finished

conventional scenario of course.. like I said, they have more nukes otherwise:partay:
Bro the west won't collapse, neither will the U.S . We are still by far the most dominant power in the world in every aspect, financial,technological, economic,military, cultural, media etc. No country/block even comes close to be honest. Just look at the sanctions imposed against Russia where master card and Visa stopped their activities there, Russia has no equivalent and has to go to china and Japan for replacement, Even so, China and Japan(who im sure the U.S will prevent from aiding Russia) owns national card UNnionpay and JCB are still dwarfs compared to global card providers like Visa and mastercard, so they will still have to transact in dollars/euros subject to our permission. This is just one example.
So We might have an economic crisis which we are already recovering from, but there wont be any collapse. Even now there is still corruption and overspending by Russia on its military as well. For example China's economy is more than 4 times bigger than russia and growing. However China spends less than twice($122billion) as much as Russia($68billion) on its military. This shows Russia still overspends as well.

However, i admit China economy despite being 60 percent that of the U.S , the U.S still spends more than 4 times what china spends on its military. So yes i admit the U.S also overspends on its military. However, the U.S can afford to, since its already a developed country/world sole superpower and has global commitements/allies/responsibilities.So stop cheering for your Patron Russia too much, and lets be realistic bro.:cheers:.

The ultra aggressive behaviour of the west is the same that empires have in their dying stages.This was the behavior that Aurangzeb and mughal empire(which was richest at that time in world) exhibited and it ultimately collapsed .Corruption,ultra-aggressive behavior has blowbacks. Similiar patterns for Roman empire,Polish-lithunian commonwealth ,British empire ,Khazaria ,Russian empire, Soviet empire ,Qing Empire , Mongol Empire ....

This currency swap agreements are such blowbacks.

So We might have an economic crisis which we are already recovering from

Many of the independent financial analysts will disagree . Your debt to GDP ratio of West speaks otherwise. The level of stimuluses,austerities,QE's speak otherwise. And Russia spending is within budget ,hence its debt to GDP ratio is lowest .

ussia has no equivalent and has to go to china and Japan for replacement, Even so, China and Japan(who im sure the U.S will prevent from aiding Russia) owns national card UNnionpay and JCB are still dwarfs compared to global card providers like Visa and mastercard, so they will still have to transact in dollars/euros subject to our permission.

Currency swap agreements enable the bypass already.And Russia can effectively demand currencies or gold other than dollars and euros for its oil and gas. Already Presidential advisor Sergei Glazyev is advocating this as a diversification tool. Currency swap is one part . Alternate to SWIFT is being implemented.
The ultra aggressive behaviour of the west is the same that empires have in their dying stages.This was the behavior that Aurangzeb and mughal empire(which was richest at that time in world) exhibited and it ultimately collapsed .Corruption,ultra-aggressive behavior has blowbacks. Similiar patterns for Roman empire,Polish-lithunian commonwealth ,British empire ,Khazaria ,Russian empire, Soviet empire ,Qing Empire , Mongol Empire ....

This currency swap agreements are such blowbacks.

Many of the independent financial analysts will disagree . Your debt to GDP ratio of West speaks otherwise. The level of stimuluses,austerities,QE's speak otherwise. And Russia spending is within budget ,hence its debt to GDP ratio is lowest .

Currency swap agreements enable the bypass already.And Russia can effectively demand currencies or gold other than dollars and euros for its oil and gas. Already Presidential advisor Sergei Glazyev is advocating this as a diversification tool. Currency swap is one part . Alternate to SWIFT is being implemented.

lool talking of corruption, we are still far less corrupt than any region in the world. Do you even realise what you are talking about bro?
Russia, India, China and other emergin countries are way way more corrupt than what we could ever dream of in the west to be honest.lol Do you know many russians, Saudis, Indians , Chinese etc all send their children here for education,invest here, swindle their money in swiss accounts and emigrate here for a better life? You cant even compare the corruption level in your region to ours to be honest. Most of you billionaires, politicains, officials send their children to the west to live a better live/get better education, invest/buy properties here and keep their corrupt money they got from poor civilians here. while they sing the praises of how great their home country are. :disagree:
I personally know several Russian billionaires who buy luxury houses here and most of their money are not through legal sources. So talk of corruption, you cant even compare between us and your regions.:bounce:

Good thread mon ami
I feel with the recent developments in middle east, we are ignoring russia and they are becoming quite the problem in Ukraine. Being in Europe, how do you think we should deal with them as part of our long term strategic policy. In Canada, we have already expelled russian diplomats and have put sanctions on this state for it's gross violation of international laws. However they still are not having the impact that we expected so from your perspective, should we continue the sanction based diplomacy or try something else?

The west isn't even united. Here we got Germany and the US all at odds with each other. Pfffftt.


Good thread mon ami
I feel with the recent developments in middle east, we are ignoring russia and they are becoming quite the problem in Ukraine. Being in Europe, how do you think we should deal with them as part of our long term strategic policy. In Canada, we have already expelled russian diplomats and have put sanctions on this state for it's gross violation of international laws. However they still are not having the impact that we expected so from your perspective, should we continue the sanction based diplomacy or try something else?

Think of it this way. Russia is merely China's hat. Russia is merely a proxy of China. China has 10 times, I repeat 10 times, the population of Russia. Only if China can be brought down first can Russia be brought down. The SCO is really powerful at the moment.
lool talking of corruption, we are still far less corrupt than any region in the world. Do you even realise what you are talking about bro?
Russia, India, China and other emergin countries are way way more corrupt than what we could ever dream of in the west to be honest.lol Do you know many russians, Saudis, Indians , Chinese etc all send their children here for education,invest here, swindle their money in swiss accounts and emigrate here for a better life? You cant even compare the corruption level in your region to ours to be honest. Most of you billionaires, politicains, officials send their children to the west to live a better live/get better education, invest/buy properties here and keep their corrupt money they got from poor civilians here. while they sing the praises of how great their home country are. :disagree:
I personally know several Russian billionaires who buy luxury houses here and most of their money are not through legal sources. So talk of corruption, you cant even compare between us and your regions.:bounce:

Lol .Have you seen the libor corruption scandal whose magnitude is 350 trillion -500 trillion $ and it dwarfs the the entire western GDP? or the CDS scandal that bankrupted Greece and involved EU authorities,Goldman Sachs and the Greece govt?

Your entire western financial system is full of rot and corruption and that corruption has now dwarfed your GDP. Not a wonder that your debt to GDP of EU, USA ,Japan are at insane levels and USA ,EU are waging wars. You guys are trying to threaten creditors with your military power.

But then presidential advisor Sergei Glazyev has said that the coming transition with come through war . So be it.

ou may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that's trillion, with a "t") worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it "dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets."

That was bad enough, but now Libor may have a twin brother. Word has leaked out that the London-based firm ICAP, the world's largest broker of interest-rate swaps, is being investigated by American authorities for behavior that sounds eerily reminiscent of the Libor mess. Regulators are looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have worked with up to 15 of the world's largest banks to manipulate ISDAfix, a benchmark number used around the world to calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps.

Interest-rate swaps are a tool used by big cities, major corporations and sovereign governments to manage their debt, and the scale of their use is almost unimaginably massive. It's about a $379 trillion market, meaning that any manipulation would affect a pile of assets about 100 times the size of the United States federal budget.

Read more: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Rolling Stone

The Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve are both implicated, but they will skate until the end game. They control the prosecutors and the news networks. Few yet connect the LIBOR rigged prices to the important parts of the financial kingdom run by the harried banker elite. The supposedly informed experts point to the rigged low rates for adjustable rate mortgages, for credit cards, and for student loans. Only the ARM rate is important among these, since it kept and housing bubble going. If truth be told, the LIBOR anomalies have persisted since late 2008. The intrepid first class forensic bond analyst Rob Kirby linked the sordid trails and mismatched discrepancies of the LIBOR to the JPMorgan monster, the US Federal Reserve syndicate ring leader, and the USDept Treasury (haven for Goldman Sachs lieutenants). See his 2008 article on Financial Sense (CLICK HERE). Regulators have done nothing for four years. It was not fully appreciated at the time, like it might be today. The LIBOR should match the settled EuroDollar contract, but it has not for years. The evidence for price rig has been glaring for years. The big banks have skimmed the difference for profit for years. Imagine selling milk or concrete with a variation in price at the wholesale level, enabling vast profits from skimming. It has been permitted for the big banks, a grand blemish on an already scarred sector.

Libor Exposure Of Banker Corruption, Bank Of England And U.S. Fed Both Implicated :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Your corruption dwarfs your GDP and you people have that audacity to point fingers at others .

@Chinese-Dragon @vostok @iajj
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