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eastern NATO members vote for missile umbrella against russia

the ABM was always to be used against Russia

NATO use this crisis to finally out their real intentions, it's in the open now, good

how would a missile shield in Europe stop a Russian nuclear attack?
-400+ ICBMs each with MIRVs and penetration aids
- Hundreds of nuclear armed cruise missiles, not sure how you would stop a mass wave of cruise missiles hugging the terrain
-SLBM which IMO can't be countered.

Russia knows it can't stop them
Hell it's a waste of $$
it's keeping $$ out of weapons program that really could be a pain for Russia..
Why should we manufacture nuclear weapons? There is no need for this since the EU already is nuclear armed through various arsenals. We concentrae to get nuclear fusion running and do research on the Higgs Boson.

Also your Virus is not was i was talking about. It does not change its hosts DNA in any way. I´m talking about genetic scissors technology. We can form you in a way we wish. And thats a level noone else can.

And what do you mean with we? India is part of the western sphere. It doesn´t matter if you like it or not.

And why you bring up germany again and again? I dont even feel connected to germany. I´m european and already told you before. You ride a dead horse.

Check your last post on GMO's .Second those 'scissors' are viruses themselves. Virus destroys/converts DNA in a cell and makes a cell a virus replicator factory . Essentially ,a natural nanobot factory.

That how Virus is. Unless you are talking about transmitting diseases electronically via electromagnetic spectrum which Russia achieved in 1950's again.
Check your last post on GMO's .Second those 'scissors' are viruses themselves. Virus destroys/converts DNA in a cell and makes a cell a virus replicator factory . Essentially ,a natural nanobot factory.

That how Virus is. Unless you are talking about transmitting diseases electronically via electromagnetic spectrum which Russia achieved in 1950's again.

That is not the goal. A genetic scissor changes the DNA in a way that we want. The virus only works as tool to do this task. It is not about diseases. If this technology gets more research it could make us live eternal. It would repair damaged DNA or even enhance it. It has great potential.

Btw, what do you like about us? I want understand why you hate us so this would give me the possiblity to see what you see positive about us. :)
That is not the goal. A genetic scissor changes the DNA in a way that we want. The virus only works as tool to do this task. It is not about diseases. If this technology gets more research it could make us live eternal. It would repair damaged DNA or even enhance it. It has great potential.

Btw, what do you like about us? I want understand why you hate us so this would give me the possiblity to see what you see positive about us. :)

Dislike is the right term,not hate.
not so sure your US masters will be willing to cough up all that money for their NATO/EU minions, lackeys, henchmen and yesmen.

The ABM, you see, isn't as simple as shifting around a few patriot missile batteries and pointing it at Russia. That's a massive program, and with all their sequestration cuts etc, very unlikely to get the go ahead from US lawmakers. Even if they do go ahead with it, Russia will develop something that can beat it and which will render your super expensive ABM program obsolete.

add the fact the the US is geographically isolated from Russia and that there's no threat of a Russian invasion to them, they're quite ok.. but I can see why you guys are scared silly and pissing your pants :cool:

I understand most Indians here still support Russia since Russia is still kind of a patron to India from the U.S.S.R days to now and India still gets almost all of its foregn weapons/arms from Russia.. However this shouldnt mean you people always have to support Russia on everything, even when they are not always right. I was even surprised to see Indians here favouring Russia over Japan on another thread on here.

Anyway, Eastern Europe is justifiably worried about the potential of a threat from Russia after the events in Ukraine. However, i dont think its necessary for the U.S to set a ABM as of now, considering the tensions in the region with Russia, simialr to what the U.S is trying to do in Asia against China. Hopefully cool heads will prevail, and a peaceful solution will be found in this conflict. For this Russia has to stop providing arms to its rebels/separatists in eastern Ukraine and the E.U has to also pressure the government in Kiev to seat down and talk/call seize fire. current situation doesnt suite any party.

Huh? Then what is proton and angara rockets? Show me how many people Germany has sent to space indigenously..... where is the German Glonass equivalent ,Galileo lol? Many cars,phones and container freight vehicles,ships,planes have GPS/Glonass trackers .... How many use Galileo?

I agree with you, Russia is still a space power. However, Germany dwarfs Russia in every economic/manufacturing field, Germnay can easilly be more powerful than Russia militarily if not for the fact that they are still constrained by their WWII past. In fact the Germans are quite resentful of anything military even when France and britain plead with them to be more engaged/intervene they refuse.lol I admire them alot. However dont understimate Germany. Afterall, they built the first rockets and many of their scientists were kignapped by the U.S, Russia and even Britain after the war to help them kick start/developed their space program/military. Even now Germany despite being less focus on military still exports lots of arms to Russia and the world, and they have one of the best quality weapons out there(better than even some american ones believe me.). So Germany if it really wants/set as objective to have Glonass equivalent then believe me they can do it(maybe even in a shorter span than it took Russia to do).
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I understand most Indians here still support Russia since Russia is still kind of a patron to India from the U.S.S.R days to now and India still gets almost all of its foregn weapons/arms from Russia.. However this shouldnt mean you people always have to support Russia on everything, even when they are not always right. I was even surprised to see Indians here favouring Russia over Japan on another thread on here.

Anyway, Eastern Europe is justifiably worried about the potential of a threat from Russia after the events in Ukraine. However, i dont think its necessary for the U.S to set a ABM as of now, considering the tensions in the region with Russia, simialr to what the U.S is trying to do in Asia against China. Hopefully cool heads will prevail, and a peaceful solution will be found in this conflict. For this Russia has to stop providing arms to its rebels/separatists in eastern Ukraine and the E.U has to also pressure the government in Kiev to seat down and talk/call seize fire. current situation doesnt suite any party.

I agree with you, Russia is still a space power. However, Germany dwarfs Russia in every economic/manufacturing field, Germnay can easilly be more powerful than Russia militarily if not for the fact that they are still constrained by their WWII past. In fact the Germans are quite resentful of anything military even when France and britain plead with them to be more engaged/intervene they refuse.lol I admire them alot. However dont understimate Germany. Afterall, they built the first rockets and many of their scientists were kignapped by the U.S, Russia and even Britain after the war to help them kick start/developed their space program/military. Even now Germany despite being less focus on military still exports lots of arms to Russia and the world, and they have one of the best quality weapons out there(better than even some american ones believe me.). So Germany if it really wants/set as objective to have Glonass equivalent then believe me they can do it(maybe even in a shorter span than it took Russia to do).

I will say this . IF Germany liked it could,if Russia liked it could. I don't believe. Facts on the ground ,Russia is a far more powerful nation than Germany,China,Britain or EU. The only one stronger than Russia is USA.
The EU is a super state and i actually identify myself with the EU

You are free to identify with the EU, but in no way is the EU a state. The EU does not have a central political system, economic system, military system, judicial system. The EU is a supranational organization, but it is not a state.

Actually, the EU is pretty stupid.

Entry to the EU 'would be vetoed' | Herald Scotland

That being said, the EU will soon break up. A lot of big European countries like Germany, France, Britain have pretty powerful anti EU nationalist parties by now, ones like National Front, UKIP.
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I will say this . IF Germany liked it could,if Russia liked it could. I don't believe. Facts on the ground ,Russia is a far more powerful nation than Germany,China,Britain or EU. The only one stronger than Russia is USA.

russia is an economic dwarf and even italy alone is more powerful than Russia. Russia simply lacks the money and infrastructure to compete. Russia is a big nothing. poverty stinks

You are free to identify with the EU, but in no way is the EU a state. The EU does not have a central political system, economic system, military system, judicial system. The EU is a supranational organization, but it is not a state.

Actually, the EU is pretty stupid.

Entry to the EU 'would be vetoed' | Herald Scotland

That being said, the EU will soon break up. A lot of big European countries like Germany, France, Britain have pretty powerful anti EU nationalist parties by now, ones like National Front, UKIP.

no it will not, because there is no alternative to the EU. But Canada wil break up. Quebec deserves its freedom.
russia is an economic dwarf and even italy alone is more powerful than Russia. Russia simply lacks the money and infrastructure to compete. Russia is a big nothing. poverty stinks.

Your fantasy is not reality. But keep believing it.

no it will not, because there is no alternative to the EU. But Canada wil break up. Quebec deserves its freedom

Really? Germany does pretty well on its own. So do France and Britain. Norway, Iceland, Switzerland are not part of the EU. Heck, every African country with the exception of Morroco is part of the AU.
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russia is an economic dwarf and even italy alone is more powerful than Russia. Russia simply lacks the money and infrastructure to compete. Russia is a big nothing. poverty stinks

no it will not, because there is no alternative to the EU. But Canada wil break up. Quebec deserves its freedom.

If you are thinking in terms of GDP (nominal) you are living a fantasy . The real indicator of economic solvency is debt to GDP ratio.

Russia simply lacks the money and infrastructure to compete.

De-dollarisation,De-euroistan and renegating the houston agreement will solve that.
I will say this . IF Germany liked it could,if Russia liked it could. I don't believe. Facts on the ground ,Russia is a far more powerful nation than Germany,China,Britain or EU. The only one stronger than Russia is USA.
I will say this . IF Germany liked it could,if Russia liked it could. I don't believe. Facts on the ground ,Russia is a far more powerful nation than Germany,China,Britain or EU. The only one stronger than Russia is USA.

ahahahahah, Russia is more powerful than E.U, China? Do you know that the E.U as a whole is even more powerful/bigger economically than the U.S?lol In fact forget about the E.U, even Italy is bigger than Russia economically, In fact even India will soon overtake Russia economically in less than 2 or 3 years from now. Forget about Germany, Britain, France or Japan who all dwarfs Russia by far. The only think Russia has as i said before is its resources i.e Oil and Gas plus its soviet era weapons/arms industry. Apart from that it doesnt has anything threathening to the west/U.S.
However, Russia is still a country nobody can ignore, due to its large landmass, and resources(oil and gas). so it will always be an important stake holder in the world, even when India and other emergin countries overtakes it in coming decades.However, Russia isnt a world threat to the West/U.S anymore like it was during the days of the U.S.S.R. Its mainly a regional threat in eastern europe to us and thats it. The real threat to the U.S/west now and coming decades is China mainly, and the U.S knows that. Russia is just a slide show. Tommorows competition will be mainly economic base, thats why the U.S rightly still sees China as its biggest threat despite all Russia aggressiveness/desire to be taken more seriously.

10 to 20 years from now Russias position will be even more minimal than it is today believe me. Not because Russia isnt trying or is in decline per say, But because other emerging countries will be/have risen even more faster economically. :bounce:
Your fantasy is not reality. But keep believing it.

Really? Germany does pretty well on its own. So do France and Britain. Norway, Iceland, Switzerland are not part of the EU. Heck, every African country with the exception of Morroco is part of the AU.

Germany alone would simply die since it generates its profits almost completly from EU. The time of small nation states is over. I want belong to an empire and not some shitty tiny country.

ahahahahah, Russia is more powerful than E.U, China? Do you know that the E.U as a whole is even more powerful/bigger economically than the U.S?lol In fact forget about the E.U, even Italy is bigger than Russia economically, In fact even India will soon overtake Russia economically in less than 2 or 3 years from now. Forget about Germany, Britain, France or Japan who all dwarfs Russia by far. The only think Russia has as i said before is its resources i.e Oil and Gas plus its soviet era weapons/arms industry. Apart from that it doesnt has anything threathening to the west/U.S.
However, Russia is still a country nobody can ignore, due to its large landmass, and resources(oil and gas). so it will always be an important stake holder in the world, even when India and other emergin countries overtakes it in coming decades.However, Russia isnt a world threat to the West/U.S anymore like it was during the days of the U.S.S.R. Its mainly a regional threat in eastern europe to us and thats it. The real threat to the U.S/west now and coming decades is China mainly, and the U.S knows that. Russia is just a slide show. Tommorows competition will be mainly economic base, thats why the U.S rightly still sees China as its biggest threat despite all Russia aggressiveness/desire to be taken more seriously.

10 to 20 years from now Russias position will be even more minimal than it is today believe me. Not because Russia isnt trying or is in decline per say, But because other emerging countries will be/have risen even more faster economically. :bounce:

Russia is a northern nigeria. It has oil and gas but nothing else to offer. Italy alone dwarfs russia economically. The EU as a whole can spit on russia.
ahahahahah, Russia is more powerful than E.U, China? Do you know that the E.U as a whole is even more powerful/bigger economically than the U.S?lol In fact forget about the E.U, even Italy is bigger than Russia economically, In fact even India will soon overtake Russia economically in less than 2 or 3 years from now. Forget about Germany, Britain, France or Japan who all dwarfs Russia by far. The only think Russia has as i said before is its resources i.e Oil and Gas plus its soviet era weapons/arms industry. Apart from that it doesnt has anything threathening to the west/U.S.
However, Russia is still a country nobody can ignore, due to its large landmass, and resources(oil and gas). so it will always be an important stake holder in the world, even when India and other emergin countries overtakes it in coming decades.However, Russia isnt a world threat to the West/U.S anymore like it was during the days of the U.S.S.R. Its mainly a regional threat in eastern europe to us and thats it. The real threat to the U.S/west now and coming decades is China mainly, and the U.S knows that. Russia is just a slide show. Tommorows competition will be mainly economic base, thats why the U.S rightly still sees China as its biggest threat despite all Russia aggressiveness/desire to be taken more seriously.

10 to 20 years from now Russias position will be even more minimal than it is today believe me. Not because Russia isnt trying or is in decline per say, But because other emerging countries will be/have risen even more faster economically. :bounce:

Russia is a nation that retains an nuclear and bio arsenal that can decimate the entire west in less than 15 minutes and is laden with passive nuclear defense capabilities like massive underground civilian bunkers in thousands and underground military cities like Yamantau . That is a capability that China and India can only dream off and will not achieve for years .

Russia still is the second most powerful military in the world. EU - they are too burdened with debt and overdue for collapse. Right now -USA is numero uno though running out of steam slowily due to the consistent wars its waging. Russia is holding hard in its position. China is in the rapid rise.
Russia is a nation that retains an nuclear and bio arsenal that can decimate the entire west in less than 15 minutes and is laden with passive nuclear defense capabilities like massive underground civilian bunkers in thousands and underground military cities like Yamantau . That is a capability that China and India can only dream off and will not achieve for years .

Russia still is the second most powerful military in the world. EU - they are too burdened with debt and overdue for collapse. Right now -USA is numero uno though running out of steam slowily due to the consistent wars its waging. Russia is holding hard in its position. China is in the rapid rise.

LOOOL why are you going on about Nuclear/bio weapons that can decimate continents/countries?lolo_O
A country just need to have nuclear weapons and delivery system and thats it, no country will dare go to full out war conflict with them. Evene little North Korea hasnt been invaded by the U.S despiteall their provocations/killings against the south. and we all know why. we and France are both Nuclear powers as well, so do you think Russia will invade us?lol Its means MAD believe me. So thats irrelevant nowadays, apart from prestige it means nothing much. If nuclear weapons/underground military facilities were so crucial then why did your patron the Soviet Union collapse? o_O Afterall, they had hundreds of them, but look where they ended. What matters nowadays most and even more so in coming decades is your world economic,industrial, financial outreach/dominance. This is what will determine who dominates the world this coming decades.

So in this regard Russia is far from being the worlds second most powerful in the world.lol As i said apart from their natural resources and soviet era military industry they dont have much to offer to the world.
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