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eastern NATO members vote for missile umbrella against russia


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Its a EU rocket . Not pure bred german or italian rocket.Call me when Germany or Italy make a pure bred rocket ,not a mongrel multi-national one that is 'jointly' developed.
Wrong.Interplanetary missions do not generate profit. If it was profitable ,there would have been space colonies by now. Look up the number of satellites below Van Allen Belts . thousands of them . Why ? Its pretty profitable. Who launches the majority? Roskosmos from Baikonur Cosmodrome.

SpaceX rocket explodes after lift off(lol):
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket explodes after liftoff | www.ajc.com

Actually it did nothing.The only place where business is below van allen belts . And Russia launches majority of them. Like your interplanetary probe Venus Express launched on a Reliable Soyuz Rocket instead of the ariane rocket lol. Speaks volumes.

The wild life and plant growth in Chernobyl ,Fukushima prove otherwise. Mutations,diseases yes. But still Food will grow.

As i said, you hae no clue about science and human prospect. Interplanetary missions open new doors for humanity. With your way of thinking we would still live in slums...well...

We have different cultures. We explore and conquer and want push always forward. Thats the reason why you use english here and western inventions. Why we conquered india and so on various times.

Your comment about SpaceX shows that you have no clue about tests, development and so on. You argument like a women. You bring up one failure to dismiss a gigantic program. Thats lack of rationalism. We are the gods of this planet. You live in our shadow and thats ok. We open new doors and you follow...later. Thats also the reason why we have the LHC at CERN. And you? Well what do you guys actually have?

Our place is in space and not on earth. We must push forward since nothing on earth guarantees our long time survival as a species.

Its a EU rocket . Not pure bred german or italian rocket.Call me when Germany or Italy make a pure bred rocket ,not a mongrel multi-national one that is 'jointly' developed.

Germany and Italy re not independend nations anymore. The EU is the upper body. How much rockets has Goa send into space recently? Thats what you don´t understand. So its senseless. You live in medival times. We live in the post nation state times.

Why should germany make an own rocket? Thats laughable. I live in the german state of Bavaria. Why does Bavaria not send an own rocket? Or maybe munich? I tell you why, because we have the EU so we can achieve the best.

If you want to be mutants and have slow death, fine by me.

Well they had Bhopal...xD
As i said, you hae no clue about science and human prospect. Interplanetary missions open new doors for humanity. With your way of thinking we would still live in slums...well...

We have different cultures. We explore and conquer and want push always forward. Thats the reason why you use english here and western inventions. Why we conquered india and so on various times.

Your comment about SpaceX shows that you have no clue about tests, development and so on. You argument like a women. You bring up one failure to dismiss a gigantic program. Thats lack of rationalism. We are the gods of this planet. You live in our shadow and thats ok. We open new doors and you follow...later. Thats also the reason why we have the LHC at CERN. And you? Well what do you guys actually have?

Our place is in space and not on earth. We must push forward since nothing on earth guarantees our long time survival as a species.

Germany and Italy re not independend nations anymore. The EU is the upper body. How much rockets has Goa send into space recently? Thats what you don´t understand. So its senseless. You live in medival times. We live in the post nation state times.

Why should germany make an own rocket? Thats laughable. I live in the german state of Bavaria. Why does Bavaria not send an own rocket? Or maybe munich? I tell you why, because we have the EU so we can achieve the best.

Well they had Bhopal...xD

Thanks for proving that Germany,Italy are vassal states to EU . Thing is neither Russia,China nor India are vassal states. Second all transportation and electricity in EU is Gas and oil based. Who was the first nation to Successfully extracted oil via oil wells mechanically on a sustained profitable basis( which was beginning of modern oil well), Russian empire in Baku in 1848. Like I said call me when Germany or Italy can indigenously produce a rocket. But then your nations are vassal states to EU.

Without oil, Europe would be on horses and bullock carts still lol.modern Oil production most important discovery of modern History and modern civilisation was Russian.

1848First modern oil well is drilled in Asia, on the Aspheron Peninsula north-east of Baku, by Russian engineer F.N. Semyenov.

History of the Oil Industry

Neither your interplanetary probes nor LHC generate profit.

Same oil that is the backbone of everything modern in the world,discovered by Russia lol.

And call me when SpaceX works instead of blowing up or Germany/Italy can build indigenous rocket or nuclear submarine or ICBM.
Thanks for proving that Germany,Italy are vassal states to EU . Thing is neither Russia,China nor India are vassal states. Second all transportation and electricity in EU is Gas and oil based. Who was the first nation to Successfully extracted oil via oil wells mechanically on a sustained profitable basis( which was beginning of modern oil well), Russian empire in Baku in 1848. Like I said call me when Germany or Italy can indigenously produce a rocket. But then your nations are vassal states to EU.

Without oil, Europe would be on horses and bullock carts still lol.modern Oil production most important discovery of modern History and modern civilisation was Russian.

1848First modern oil well is drilled in Asia, on the Aspheron Peninsula north-east of Baku, by Russian engineer F.N. Semyenov.

History of the Oil Industry

Neither your interplanetary probes nor LHC generate profit.

Same oil that is the backbone of everything modern in the world,discovered by Russia lol.

And call me when SpaceX works instead of blowing up or Germany/Italy can build indigenous rocket or nuclear submarine or ICBM.
I'm convinced @MarkusS is a troll, don't bother getting into a reasonable discussion with him, he's just here to talk shit to try and get a rise out of people :disagree:
Thanks for proving that Germany,Italy are vassal states to EU . Thing is neither Russia,China nor India are vassal states. Second all transportation and electricity in EU is Gas and oil based. Who was the first nation to Successfully extracted oil via oil wells mechanically on a sustained profitable basis( which was beginning of modern oil well), Russian empire in Baku in 1848. Like I said call me when Germany or Italy can indigenously produce a rocket. But then your nations are vassal states to EU.

Without oil, Europe would be on horses and bullock carts still lol.modern Oil production most important discovery of modern History and modern civilisation was Russian.

1848First modern oil well is drilled in Asia, on the Aspheron Peninsula north-east of Baku, by Russian engineer F.N. Semyenov.

History of the Oil Industry

Neither your interplanetary probes nor LHC generate profit.

Same oil that is the backbone of everything modern in the world,discovered by Russia lol.

And call me when SpaceX works instead of blowing up or Germany/Italy can build indigenous rocket or nuclear submarine or ICBM.

As i said you dont get it. So Bavaria is a vasall state of germany? Both italy and germany are federal states of the EU. The EU is a super state and i actually identify myself with the EU. Germany and Italy are nothing more than bavaria or saxony for me. Regions of a greater thing.

Germany as the leading technological nation of the world could build any rocket it wants. But why? We have ESA and it wozld be ridicolous. It would be same as Bavria would start its own space program. But we talk in different language. You come from a time that is long gone here. You think in a way that is laughable for me. So we can never agree.

I'm convinced @MarkusS is a troll, don't bother getting into a reasonable discussion with him, he's just here to talk shit to try and get a rise out of people :disagree:

The problem we have is that i think in 21st century ideology and you in medival times. So we can never agree simply because you cant see my point and i cant see yours. Its futile in that way. You have a totally different life than i have. A much harder life and a totally different socialisation. I´m in no way a troll. When i read all this bullshit here for example i can´t believe those people are serious.
The problem we have is that i think in 21st century ideology and you in medival times. So we can never agree simply because you cant see my point and i cant see yours. Its futile in that way. You have a totally different life than i have. A much harder life and a totally different socialisation. I´m in no way a troll. When i read all this bullshit here for example i can´t believe those people are serious.
Ph and btw Space X works. It flies regular cargo to the ISS.
As i said you dont get it. So Bavaria is a vasall state of germany? Both italy and germany are federal states of the EU. The EU is a super state and i actually identify myself with the EU. Germany and Italy are nothing more than bavaria or saxony for me. Regions of a greater thing.

Germany as the leading technological nation of the world could build any rocket it wants. But why? We have ESA and it wozld be ridicolous. It would be same as Bavria would start its own space program. But we talk in different language. You come from a time that is long gone here. You think in a way that is laughable for me. So we can never agree.

The problem we have is that i think in 21st century ideology and you in medival times. So we can never agree simply because you cant see my point and i cant see yours. Its futile in that way. You have a totally different life than i have. A much harder life and a totally different socialisation. I´m in no way a troll. When i read all this bullshit here for example i can´t believe those people are serious.

I think I find your sucking up to EU hilarious. Germany is one of the leading nations ,but then a vassal state to EU as per your admission. So,technically you are a slave to EU and love being one too.

Ph and btw Space X works. It flies regular cargo to the ISS.

4 failures,2 successes .lol. Its 'works' well at failing indeed.

Flight NoDate & Time (GMT)PayloadCustomerOutcomeRemarks
124 March 2006, 22:30
(25 March, 09:30 local)FalconSAT-2DARPAFailureEngine failure at T+33 seconds
Loss of vehicle[22]
221 March 2007, 01:10
(13:10 local)DemoSatDARPAFailureSuccessful first stage burn and transition to second stage, maximum altitude 289 km
Harmonic oscillation at T+5 minutes
Premature engine shutdown at T+7 min 30 s
Failed to reach orbit
Failed to recover first stage
Claimed to be a "Partial success" as it gathered enough data for operational flights[7]
33 August 2008, 03:34[23]
(15:34 local)TrailblazerORSFailureResidual stage 1 thrust led to collision between stage 1 and stage 2[14]
428 September 2008, 23:15[25][16]
(11:15 local/16:15 PDT)RatSatSpaceXSuccessful[25]Initially scheduled for 23–25 Sept, carried dummy payload – mass simulator, 165 kg (originally intended to be RazakSAT)
514 July 2009[26] 03:35

List of Falcon 1 launches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the 2014 one, lol .Fails again . Maybe USA should go back to begging Russia for RD-180 Rocket engines as their spaceX has 66% failure rate.

But then ESA venus express had to take a taxi ride on Soyuz lol. Utter humiliation of ESA and NASA.
I think I find your sucking up to EU hilarious. Germany is one of the leading nations ,but then a vassal state to EU as per your admission. So,technically you are a slave to EU and love being one too.

I´m not germany. I´m Markus. A citizen of the EU. My mother is italian, my father german. I was raised in Malcesine and Munich. So according to you i´m what? This small way of thinking...i can never understand this. We electe our EU parliament. We are a european democracy. And if i could decide i would erase all small regional parliaments. Thats why we never will agree and should leave it at that.

We are greater than the roman empire. You may be happy in your village. But i think bigger.
I´m not germany. I´m Markus. A citizen of the EU. My mother is italian, my father german. I was raised in Malcesine and Munich. So according to you i´m what? This small way of thinking...i can never understand this. We electe our EU parliament. We are a european democracy. And if i could decide i would erase all small regional parliaments. Thats why we never will agree and should leave it at that.

And those parliaments are being run by bankers ,hedge funds and oiligarchs. Nugh said. Slave . Now back to sucking up for EU task masters.
And those parliaments are being run by bankers ,hedge funds and oiligarchs. Nugh said. Slave . Now back to sucking up for EU task masters.

And you back makeing cheap t shirts for me. I already told you i see developing nations people far beyond me. I dont believe in equality. I believe in superiority and i´m honest with you. The way your country looks like...the low living standards and all that...it disgusts me. I´m christian and its said all people are the same. But i don´t feel that way.

As for Space X. It has a 100% sucess rate since evry single ISS mission was sucessful.

Dragon (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And you back makeing cheap t shirts for me. I already told you i see developing nations people far beyond me. I dont believe in equality. I believe in superiority and i´m honest with you. The way your country looks like...the low living standards and all that...it disgusts me. I´m christian and its said all people are the same. But i don´t feel that way.

As for Space X. It has a 100% sucess rate since evry single ISS mission was sucessful.

Dragon (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SpaceX failed for a tenth time to get the Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket off of the launch pad at SLC-40 on the evening of Saturday June 21. Nothing unusual about that, point of fact SpaceX has had little luck launching Orbcomm satellites accurately or on a regular basis for that matter. What was unusual (at least for some) was the lengths, inaccurate statements and sad historical record surrounding the media blackout imposed by the company during this most recent attempt.

Don’t allow TrollSpace to dissuade you (TrollSpace refers to those who attack the messenger rather than address the problem), not hosting a webcast, not having any company representatives on hand to speak to the media and abandoning the media altogether – is not “routine.” Yet that’s precisely what SpaceX did. The excuse offered by the company would be laughable if not for the fact it was so insulting and that the company has strongly asserted its desire to fly national defense payloads.

Media arrived as instructed outside Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to find that SpaceX had recalled the lone public relations practitioner that had been available (SpaceX has a hard time keeping PR representatives, no fewer than four of them have joined and then left the Hawthorne, California-based firm since 2010) to California. In essence SpaceX abandoned the media to the 45th Space Wing, a fact lamented by one USAF representative as: “A complete mess.”

The situation with how SpaceX views and treats the media has seen ups and downs over the years and suggests the company has a dim view of the press. Issues can be traced back to the first Falcon 9 flight from Cape Canaveral in 2010.

SpaceX issued no statement after the June 21 scrub, causing some to compare it to a prior F9 v1.1 launch where the media was forced to find out the next launch attempt through the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Thankfully in the case of this flight, the launch’s customer, Orbcomm, did not suffer from SpaceX’s failings and posted updates. Sadly, a helpful hand to fill in the void left by SpaceX has not always been available.

During the lead up to the COTS-1 mission, CBS correspondent Bill Harwood corrected the attempt by SpaceX’s Gwynne Shotwell to assert her company had done a good job with media relations, countering that it took “hours and hours and hours” after the mission to find out even basic things about what had taken place. Put simply, he told the company’s COO and President that her company had not done a good job with concern to the press and he was absolutely correct. This exchange took place in late 2010. More recently SpaceX issued a series of excuses as to why it was not allowing remote cameras to be set up for the launch of CASSIOPE. These assertions failed to pass the smell test and set the stage for what took place today.

Opinion: SpaceX ‘routinely’ fails to launch, imposes media blackout causing firestorm - SpaceFlight Insider

SpaceX Falcon 9 having problems.SpaceX falcon 1 total failure. Media blackout according to experts on space exploration. Lol .

I dont believe in equality. I believe in superiority and i´m honest with you

That is why India has nuclear weapons . Neither I am believer of equality. I am of the conclusion that nuclear war is inevitable and will happen within next 10 years.
SpaceX failed for a tenth time to get the Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket off of the launch pad at SLC-40 on the evening of Saturday June 21. Nothing unusual about that, point of fact SpaceX has had little luck launching Orbcomm satellites accurately or on a regular basis for that matter. What was unusual (at least for some) was the lengths, inaccurate statements and sad historical record surrounding the media blackout imposed by the company during this most recent attempt.

Don’t allow TrollSpace to dissuade you (TrollSpace refers to those who attack the messenger rather than address the problem), not hosting a webcast, not having any company representatives on hand to speak to the media and abandoning the media altogether – is not “routine.” Yet that’s precisely what SpaceX did. The excuse offered by the company would be laughable if not for the fact it was so insulting and that the company has strongly asserted its desire to fly national defense payloads.

Media arrived as instructed outside Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to find that SpaceX had recalled the lone public relations practitioner that had been available (SpaceX has a hard time keeping PR representatives, no fewer than four of them have joined and then left the Hawthorne, California-based firm since 2010) to California. In essence SpaceX abandoned the media to the 45th Space Wing, a fact lamented by one USAF representative as: “A complete mess.”

The situation with how SpaceX views and treats the media has seen ups and downs over the years and suggests the company has a dim view of the press. Issues can be traced back to the first Falcon 9 flight from Cape Canaveral in 2010.

SpaceX issued no statement after the June 21 scrub, causing some to compare it to a prior F9 v1.1 launch where the media was forced to find out the next launch attempt through the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Thankfully in the case of this flight, the launch’s customer, Orbcomm, did not suffer from SpaceX’s failings and posted updates. Sadly, a helpful hand to fill in the void left by SpaceX has not always been available.

During the lead up to the COTS-1 mission, CBS correspondent Bill Harwood corrected the attempt by SpaceX’s Gwynne Shotwell to assert her company had done a good job with media relations, countering that it took “hours and hours and hours” after the mission to find out even basic things about what had taken place. Put simply, he told the company’s COO and President that her company had not done a good job with concern to the press and he was absolutely correct. This exchange took place in late 2010. More recently SpaceX issued a series of excuses as to why it was not allowing remote cameras to be set up for the launch of CASSIOPE. These assertions failed to pass the smell test and set the stage for what took place today.

Opinion: SpaceX ‘routinely’ fails to launch, imposes media blackout causing firestorm - SpaceFlight Insider

SpaceX Falcon 9 having problems.SpaceX falcon 1 total failure. Media blackout according to experts on space exploration. Lol .

That is why India has nuclear weapons . Neither I am believer of equality. I am of the conclusion that nuclear war is inevitable and will happen within next 10 years.

Germany can have nuclear weapons in a matter of days. Its called nuclear latency. If you have our technological level you virtually can create anything you want. Its a nice way to go around the treaty. Nuclear weapons are primitive. After all its technology of the 40th. I think we have much better weapons at hand. Our GMO for example. I would like to see this technology work in war.

Take india for example. We can end your entire agriculture within weeks. Even more dramatic, we can use a technology called "genetic scissors" and use a recombination Virus (usually an Adeno Virus) to implement any DNA we want. We could target specific Haplo groups and make all indians infertile, or make them unable to produce specific amino acids.

GMO has so many possibilities and i think it should be used and tested. India was just an example for you. You can add any other enemy you want, since india is our ally and not our enemy. :)
Germany can have nuclear weapons in a matter of days. Its called nuclear latency. If you have our technological level you virtually can create anything you want. Its a nice way to go around the treaty. Nuclear weapons are primitive. After all its technology of the 40th. I think we have much better weapons at hand. Our GMO for example. I would like to see this technology work in war.

Take india for example. We can end your entire agriculture within weeks. Even more dramatic, we can use a technology called "genetic scissors" and use a recombination Virus (usually an Adeno Virus) to implement any DNA we want. We could target specific Haplo groups and make all indians infertile, or make them unable to produce specific amino acids.

GMO has so many possibilities and i think it should be used and tested. India was just an example for you. You can add any other enemy you want, since india is our ally and not our enemy. :)

GMO? That was Russian mastery too. Google Ebolapox ,the first Chimera weapon created in Biopreparat of USSR. A True GMO superweapon. India recieved some of the Biological scientists from Nukus bioweapons facility ,Uzbekistan ,former USSR who were involved in creating new strains of super anthrax,Veepox and stealth viral weaponry. So , no worries for us. If West tries something fancy ,we can create an extinction level event for Western civilisation.....

Germany can have nuclear weapons in a matter of days

Source: eastern NATO members vote for missile umbrella against russia | Page 3

Call me when Germany actually manufactures some nukes instead of sucking up to NSA and USA like a vassal state it is.lol.
GMO? That was Russian mastery too. Google Ebolapox ,the first Chimera weapon created in Biopreparat of USSR. A True GMO superweapon. India recieved some of the Biological scientists from Nukus bioweapons facility ,Uzbekistan ,former USSR who were involved in creating new strains of super anthrax,Veepox and stealth viral weaponry. So , no worries for us. If West tries something fancy ,we can create an extinction level event for Western civilisation.....

Call me when Germany actually manufactures some nukes instead of sucking up to NSA and USA like a vassal state it is.lol.

Why should we manufacture nuclear weapons? There is no need for this since the EU already is nuclear armed through various arsenals. We concentrae to get nuclear fusion running and do research on the Higgs Boson.

Also your Virus is not was i was talking about. It does not change its hosts DNA in any way. I´m talking about genetic scissors technology. We can form you in a way we wish. And thats a level noone else can.

And what do you mean with we? India is part of the western sphere. It doesn´t matter if you like it or not.

And why you bring up germany again and again? I dont even feel connected to germany. I´m european and already told you before. You ride a dead horse.

Beside that i find your level of barbarism and primitivity speaks volumes. Extinction event. Your hate must be pretty big. I wonder why? I guess minority complex. I dont wish extinction on your people. We never know what we could use you for in future. I´m actually happy if you progress and reach our living standards in future.
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