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eastern NATO members vote for missile umbrella against russia

Interplanetary mission? lol. is that it ? Honestly ,Russian space industry is more commercial oriented . Spending money on interplanetary with virtually no ROI or EREROI is useless . Certainly very few nations will spend that much. But yes they are now planning lunar mining missions with the same nuclear engines they built for manned mars travel in 1980's. Makes sense for the massive helium-3 reserves and REE deposits on lunar surface .

Considering that launch rate is 90%+ successes ,you are talking gibberish....

lol talking with an indian about space is like talking with a camel about water ski.

For your information evry single mission to deep space failed them in the last 20 years. Russia is currently unable to even leave earths orbit. But who can blame them? They are a typical developing country.

As for their failures recently:

Crash and burn: why are so many Russian rockets failing? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

funny fact, we profit very much from their mistakes. We currently build them the same satellite for 3rd time now, since they fucked up two times to launch it.
Whats that? A failure. Russian space program is full of failures recently and to be honest nobody knows whats going on. Some suspect that the brain drain is responsible. Many experts left russia. Russia has not one interplanetary mission. Cruising in the higher ionosphere is rocket stoneage.

..United we stand..that's just some sorta butthurt after kicking azz and blowing up sh.it since 1949, thus the cold war. Enjoy freedom mein freund.

lol talking with an indian about space is like talking with a camel about water ski.
India's Mars orbiter to reach red planet in 33 days: Isro - The Times of India

For your information evry single mission to deep space failed them in the last 20 years. Russia is currently unable to even leave earths orbit. But who can blame them? They are a typical developing country.
As for their failures recently:
Crash and burn: why are so many Russian rockets failing? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
funny fact, we profit very much from their mistakes. We currently build them the same satellite for 3rd time now, since they fucked up two times to launch it.
for your information the only way to reach the ISS for now is the soyuz

for your information also Russian nukes are the only ones that the US mainland has no defence against

Russia reignites its rocket industry with new Angara booster | Fox News

they are a developing country, and developing quite well :cool:
..United we stand..that's just some sorta butthurt after kicking azz and blowing up sh.it since 1949, thus the cold war. Enjoy freedom mein freund.


exactly. We rule the world and do what we want. And we wont let some losers ruin our days. NATO are the countries who rule. The rest is some 3rd world hell holes, cleptocracies and banana republics. Of course they react butthurt.

India's Mars orbiter to reach red planet in 33 days: Isro - The Times of India

for your information the only way to reach the ISS for now is the soyuz

for your information also Russian nukes are the only ones that the US mainland has no defence against

Russia reignites its rocket industry with new Angara booster | Fox News

they are a developing country, and developing quite well :cool:

your mars orbiter is a cheap project that is build from ESA spare parts. I think its cool to help 3 rd world countries. Book it under aid.

As i said before. my respect for developing countries with low living standards is quite low. I cant help it. :D

Give me a reason why i should respect people who cant even dress properly? :D
lol talking with an indian about space is like talking with a camel about water ski.

For your information evry single mission to deep space failed them in the last 20 years. Russia is currently unable to even leave earths orbit. But who can blame them? They are a typical developing country.

As for their failures recently:

Crash and burn: why are so many Russian rockets failing? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

funny fact, we profit very much from their mistakes. We currently build them the same satellite for 3rd time now, since they fucked up two times to launch it.

Their missions to deep space only two-three in past 20 years ,as most of their missions currently are within van allen belt range because commercial satellite ops are profitable till Van allen belt . Second,their space industry is commercial .Third ,NASA uses Russian RD-180 engines for their rockets. Fourth ,a single al-jazeera article does not disprove the fact that Russian launches of over 90%+ success rate. Fourth ,Where is German/Italian rocket to space?Or german/Italian man in space?

funny fact, we profit very much from their mistakes.

Can see that.Thats why EU/Germany is having to bail out Spain,Greece and PIIGS debt-ridden nations.

Russia is currently unable to even leave earths orbit.

The reason is pure commercial . Most of Russian space industry today is commercial in nature.

exactly. We rule the world and do what we want. And we wont let some losers ruin our days. NATO are the countries who rule. The rest is some 3rd world hell holes, cleptocracies and banana republics. Of course they react butthurt.

your mars orbiter is a cheap project that is build from ESA spare parts. I think its cool to help 3 rd world countries. Book it under aid.

As i said before. my respect for developing countries with low living standards is quite low. I cant help it. :D

Give me a reason why i should respect people who cant even dress properly? :D

your mars orbiter is a cheap project that is build from ESA spare parts. I think its cool to help 3 rd world countries. Book it under aid.

From what I know its mainly DRDO with help from Russian Elvees automation 180 nm microchip which is very radiation hardened. But More indigenous components

As for banana republic ,kleptocracy ,Libor corruption scandal and bailout of Greece ,Spain to support CDS swaps of Goldman and Barclays ,Deutsche bank. Your nations are big kleptocracies themselves.
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Their missions to deep space only two-three in past 20 years ,as most of their missions currently are within van allen belt range because commercial satellite ops are profitable till Van allen belt . Second,their space industry is commercial .Third ,NASA uses Russian RD-180 engines for their rockets. Fourth ,a single al-jazeera article does not disprove the fact that Russian launches of over 90%+ success rate. Fourth ,Where is German/Italian rocket to space?Or german/Italian man in space?

Can see that.Thats why EU/Germany is having to bail out Spain,Greece and PIIGS debt-ridden nations.

The reason is pure commercial . Most of Russian space industry today is commercial in nature.

From what I know its mainly DRDO with help from Russian Elvees automation 180 nm microchip which is very radiation hardened. But More indigenous components

As for banana republic ,kleptocracy ,Libor corruption scandal and bailout of Greece ,Spain to support CDS swaps of Goldman and Barclays ,Deutsche bank. Your nations are big kleptocracies themselves.

Where our rocket is? Ariane V has a sucess rate of way over 98% and also a much higher payload.

Face reality, russia would not be able to build and operate something like Rosetta. Ariane V is able to put payload into the solar system, russia does not have the ability to put payload outside of earths orbit.

You are right that we need the russians at the moment to bring our astronauts to space. But that situation will end by 2015 / 2017. We have Dream Chaser, Space XV2 and so on ready then. Thats the problem of electing a kenyan into office. But evryone makes mistakes.
Where our rocket is? Ariane V has a sucess rate of way over 98% and also a much higher payload.

Face reality, russia would not be able to build and operate something like Rosetta. Ariane V is able to put payload into the solar system, russia does not have the ability to put payload outside of earths orbit.

You are right that we need the russians at the moment to bring our astronauts to space. But that situation will end by 2015 / 2017. We have Dream Chaser, Space XV2 and so on ready then. Thats the problem of electing a kenyan into office. But evryone makes mistakes.

Actually many of the interpanetary probes launched on Russian commercial rockets.E.g Venus Express of ESA launched on Soyuz rocket.

Dreamchaser ? lol not operational. Launched on Atlas V rocket which uses russian rd-180 engine lol. and is copy of mig-105 spiral

Space X? lol, blew up in its last test.

And second thing does interplanetary exploration churn out profit? Nyet.But Russian space agency Roskosmos churns out profit , a thing which neither ESA nor NASA have achieved.

And the launch rockets whether atlas ,ariane ,Angara deliver till van allen belts . Beyond that ,The ion or pulse plasma thrusters kick in ...
Actually many of the interpanetary probes launched on Russian commercial rockets.E.g Venus Express of ESA launched on Soyuz rocket.

Dreamchaser ? lol not operational. Launched on Atlas V rocket which uses russian rd-180 engine lol. and is copy of mig-105 spiral

Space X? lol, blew up in its last test.

And second thing does interplanetary exploration churn out profit? Nyet.But Russian space agency Roskosmos churns out profit , a thing which neither ESA nor NASA have achieved.

And the launch rockets whether atlas ,ariane ,Angara deliver till van allen belts . Beyond that ,The ion or pulse plasma thrusters kick in ...

Do you know what test blew up at Space X? Something that nobody else did yet. To return the entire rocket. Only an complete idiot would not see the how great this technology is.

Show me something from russia that is able to do this

And yes interplanetary missions generate profit. For science and open the doors for new business. As i said you are indian. Your hate for anything western is known. But that you would suck yourself on russia is a new low. I would feel pretty pathetic to support russia in anything. We have greater goals here. And well...we shower twice a day...
not so sure your US masters will be willing to cough up all that money for their NATO/EU minions, lackeys, henchmen and yesmen.

The ABM, you see, isn't as simple as shifting around a few patriot missile batteries and pointing it at Russia. That's a massive program, and with all their sequestration cuts etc, very unlikely to get the go ahead from US lawmakers. Even if they do go ahead with it, Russia will develop something that can beat it and which will render your super expensive ABM program obsolete.

add the fact the the US is geographically isolated from Russia and that there's no threat of a Russian invasion to them, they're quite ok.. but I can see why you guys are scared silly and pissing your pants :cool:

Well if the Russians have developed something that that can beat it, then they can stop complaining about it.

If security was important german govt would help underground civilian atomic bunkers like Russia,Sweden,Switzerland,Israel etc. ABM is useless without the passive civil defense component.

Actually its pretty much useless since there is nothing to provide the survivors to keep on living if everything is destroyed. Radiation in water and land prevents the growth of food. Probably only survived for few days based on what supplies they may store.
Do you know what test blew up at Space X? Something that nobody else did yet. To return the entire rocket. Only an complete idiot would not see the how great this technology is.

And yes interplanetary missions generate profit. For science and open the doors for new business. As i said you are indian. Your hate for anything western is known. But that you would suck yourself on russia is a new low. I would feel pretty pathetic to support russia in anything. We have greater goals here. And well...we shower twice a day...

Wrong.Interplanetary missions do not generate profit. If it was profitable ,there would have been space colonies by now. Look up the number of satellites below Van Allen Belts . thousands of them . Why ? Its pretty profitable. Who launches the majority? Roskosmos from Baikonur Cosmodrome.

SpaceX rocket explodes after lift off(lol):
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket explodes after liftoff | www.ajc.com

For science and open the doors for new business.
Actually it did nothing.The only place where business is below van allen belts . And Russia launches majority of them. Like your interplanetary probe Venus Express launched on a Reliable Soyuz Rocket instead of the ariane rocket lol. Speaks volumes.

Well if the Russians have developed something that that can beat it, then they can stop complaining about it.

Actually its pretty much useless since there is nothing to provide the survivors to keep on living if everything is destroyed. Radiation in water and land prevents the growth of food. Probably only survived for few days based on what supplies they may store.

The wild life and plant growth in Chernobyl ,Fukushima prove otherwise. Mutations,diseases yes. But still Food will grow.
The wild life and plant growth in Chernobyl ,Fukushima prove otherwise. Mutations,diseases yes. But still Food will grow.

If you want to be mutants and have slow death, fine by me.
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