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East Pakistan loss was a Political not a Military failure, says COAS

lastly, Military was afraid that if Mujib comes to power, PM, he will bring Bengali bureaucracy and officers. Neither Bhutto nor Yaha wanted that.
..military and bhutto themselves released mujib.. had they been scared they would have kept him in jail.. they truly didn't know how popular he would become.
.you have to understand the fact that Pakistan gave away east wing .bhutto tore off the polish reasolution to let it go.. there was no other way ..it had to separate...it just separated through wrongway.. Bangladesh should have been a separate country since 47.
How do you guys think 1971 would've panned out had Pakistan had nukes? 🤔
When the Bengalis wanted a separate homeland and you had India in between, nukes wouldn’t have helped.

Nukes and the concept of MAD is deterrent in concept.
India after 2014. Largely peaceful, with the odd communal riot. But quickly controlled and subdued.
Present day India does not fit the formula (at least 30% Muslims). If the population of Muslims crosses at least 30% "Two nation theory" or its modern equivalent, Huntington's Theory of Civilizations will kick in and India will become an unstable State.

Population of Muslims is 14% in 2011. At the current growth rate, it will take a long time to reach 30%.
(Interestingly, in 1941, Indian population was 23% and still Two nation theory kicked in)
Present day India does not fit the formula (at least 30% Muslims). If the population of Muslims crosses at least 30% "Two nation theory" or its modern equivalent, Huntington's Theory of Civilizations will kick in and India will become an unstable State.

Population of Muslims is 14% in 2011. At the current growth rate, it will take a long time to reach 30%.
(Interestingly, in 1941, Indian population was 23% and still Two nation theory kicked in)

Huntington had British help.

But no Huntington predicted a 99% muslim Pakistan mitosis in 1971 either.

Any military failure is up to civilian leadership but any success is by military. 😡
Who were running the govt in 71 ? A democratically elected civilian political leadership or by a army general who took over power ?? Political leadership may have failed the reconciliation after election of 1970 , but to qual the violance military have failed. You have to take full responsibilities for 1971's debacle.
When he says all "maar dhaar" was done on bajwas "ishaara" how does he know that?
The extension was handed off by Imran khan does he make a mention of that?

Sorry to say moeeds analysis quality has gone down since he stopped pointing out pti mistakes.

Take a look at him how cleverly brings kashmir in the human rights issue in india point by bajwa.. bajwa wasn't particularly talking about kashmir.
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If he was pro military then and bias, then we all were. I haven't watched the video.

"If a man looks at the world when he is 50 the same way he looked at it when he was 20 and it hasn't changed, then be has wasted 30 years of his life"
The statement makes no difference when it was failure of Pakistan (Politics & military together). The failure was supposed to teach us many lessons but i sincerely doubt that power elite learned anything from it. If anything, they are becoming more Machivalians in their approach even for simple problems.
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