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Earth quake in New Zealand


May 3, 2009
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breaking news earth quake has hit New Zealand hundreds dead

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

Strong earthquake rocks New Zealand's South Island

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Christchurch resident Marg McCone told the BBC the quake was quite severe and went on for a considerable amount of time
A 7.0-magnitude earthquake has struck off New Zealand's South Island, the US Geological Survey has said.

The epicentre was 55km (35 miles) north-west of Christchurch, at a depth of 12 km (7.5 miles), it added.

Police said there had been widespread damage to buildings and roads as well as power cuts. Two men were seriously injured by falling masonry and glass.

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In pictures: New Zealand earthquake
'Worst earthquake I have ever felt'
A state of emergency was later declared in Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city with a 386,000 population.

New Zealand lies at the southern end of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, and above an area of the Earth's crust where the Pacific Plate converges with the Indo-Australian Plate.

The country experiences more than 14,000 earthquakes a year, of which only around 20 have a magnitude in excess of 5.0.

The last fatal earthquake was in 1968, when a 7.1-magnitude tremor killed three people on the South Island's western coast.

Shops 'demolished'
The earthquake struck at 0435 on Saturday local time (1635 GMT on Friday), the USGS said, when most people would have been asleep.

The earthquake struck when most people were asleep (Photo: Graham Maclean)
Radio New Zealand reported that the quake was felt as a long, rolling motion lasting up to 40 seconds, and that the area was continuing to feel aftershocks. The USGS said one aftershock had a magnitude of 5.7.

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Philip Duncan, a journalist, was on the seventh floor of a hotel in Christchurch when the quake struck.

It hit with a bang. Being a New Zealander, it's not unusual to feel an earthquake, but it gradually built up and got bigger and bigger and scarier and scarier. For a short while I really thought the building I was in was about to come down.

It was a very surreal experience lying in bed and looking out across the city as this massive earthquake was rocking and all the buildings were shaking and moving. Big flashes of lights looked like lightning across the sky, which I'm assuming were power transformers exploding.

It went for about a minute and the building rocked for several minutes afterwards. It was quite a scary experience. But it wasn't until I left the building after we were evacuated and went around the corner that I saw street after street of buildings that had collapsed.

But the people were laid back, they were calm. It was a cold morning, here but people were outside with blankets wrapped round them. Some were making jokes, a bit of the Kiwi spirit, I suppose.

The local newspaper, The Press, said it was felt widely across the South Island, including Christchurch and the nearby port city of Timaru.

Police said damage and power outages had been reported as far afield as Dunedin, 360km (223miles) to the south-west.

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said the "sharp, vicious earthquake" had caused significant damage in parts of the city.

Chimneys and walls had fallen from older buildings, with roads blocked, traffic lights out and power, gas and water supplies disrupted, he added.

"There is considerable damage in the central city and we've also had reports of looting, just shop windows broken and easy picking of displays," police inspector Mike Coleman told Radio New Zealand. "It's very unsafe to be out and about."

Christchurch International Airport was closed after the earthquake as a precaution, as experts checked the runways and terminal buildings, a spokesman said.

Susan Birkbeck, who lives in the centre of Christchurch, told the BBC: "It was absolutely shocking, we're all terrified and scared of what's going to happen next."

"I was asleep when suddenly the house started shaking and there was this smashing sound, I thought a large truck had just driven through the front window."

"I'm now sitting on my bed surrounded by broken glass and I've no idea what to do. The walls and roof are just hanging, it's terrifying," she added.

Colleen Simpson told The Press that there was a "row of shops completely demolished right in front of me", adding that many people in the city were out in the street in their pyjamas looking scared and worried.

Barry in Ashburton, 86km (53 miles) west of Christchurch, told the BBC it was the strongest earthquake that he had ever experienced.

"Very strong aftershocks are still going here," he said. "In fact, the moving has not really stopped since it started nearly an hour ago."
Really !? I need to go see the news.

You sure this is not last years quake (where no one was killed)?

checking now.

edit: RIP to victims. New Zealand is a largely peaceful country and I'm sad an earthquake had to befall on her.
New Zealand's prime minister says at least 65 people have died after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch.

John Key said the toll was expected to rise further, adding: "We may be witnessing New Zealand's darkest day."

The tremor caused widespread damage as it occurred at a shallow depth of 5km (3.1 miles) during lunchtime when Christchurch was at its busiest.

The mayor of New Zealand's second-biggest city says 120 people have been rescued from the ruins.

The country's deadliest natural disaster in 80 years struck at 1251 (2351 GMT on Monday), 10km (6.2 miles) south-east of the city.
RIP the dead. i hope that people trapped in the debris are successfully rescued as soon as possible and the toll does not rise.

I hope our colleague Vassnti and his/her near and dear ones are safe and sound. Can't remember any other of our members right away but my wishes are for them as well.

On a personal note, i remember my visits to Christchurch, the port town of Lyttelton and the seaside village of Sumner. A beautiful part of the world, and now parts of it ravaged by a natural disaster.
This title fit,not a devastating earthquake.
Data from here is that the epicentre was less than 10k from Christchurch, worst thing was it was a shallow high energy shake, 6.3 but with a ground acceleration greater than the recent 7.1 which is why there is more damage.

It is a new quake no-name, and even though lower on the scale a lot worse than the last one.

For those with kind messages and well wishes thank you

For those who think the suffering of the hundreds killed and traped in colapsed buildings is an excuse for their nutjob conspiracies and anti US rants pissoff.
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