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Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don’t Eat Enough

Its not just because people can't afford food, its also to do with the diet itself.

Don't quite understand the title though, when child mortality has gone and life expectancy has gone up from what it was decade or two ago. :undecided:
Pakistan spends more percentage of their GDP on defence than India..

So u should be first asking your govt why they buy expensive weapons and kill your own people by starving them..


But that is off topic on this thread. If you want to talk about Pakistan go to a thread about Pakistan. In any event what goes on elsewhere is no mitigation for India starving it's people
There seems to be no logic in this position. Why does India spend so much on weapons. I mean I know that they are scared of us but this is no reason to buy expensive weapons and kill your own people by starving them

we buy weapons because we need to replace old ones

we spend at most 2.5% of GDP on defense not 7 to 10% like some nations and not 10% plus of GDP like USSR

we also spend huge amount on poverty alleviation and thus have uplifted millions out of poverty
There seems to be no logic in this position. Why does India spend so much on weapons. I mean I know that they are scared of us but this is no reason to buy expensive weapons and kill your own people by starving them
first of all, as for the bolded part-

now coming on spending and imports, did you know that Pakistan spends 2.4% of it's GDP just on arms imports??By comparison, our whole defence budget is barely 2% of our GDP...............
We spend $80 billion every year ,through various schemes and funds for the upliftment of the poor...................but since this is a hard task, and corruption is entrenched into the blood of officials, it is not an easy task. Still we have managed to lift morethan 300 million people out of abject poverty by 2010, which is a commendable achievement.
There seems to be no logic in this position. Why does India spend so much on weapons. I mean I know that they are scared of us but this is no reason to buy expensive weapons and kill your own people by starving them

We are also scared of Antarctica :lol:

@ rest of ur post

Feeding the bomb, starving the nation | Pakistan Needs Change

Pakistanis are fast becoming a wasted nation. The alarmingly high level of malnutrition observed in Pakistan in the past few years is far worse than what has been observed in the sub-Saharan Africa. Millions of Pakistani children have been identified as stunted, under-weight, and wasting because of hunger, disease, and poverty.
While the future of millions of children is threatened by hunger, the civil and military elites in Pakistan continue to pour undisclosed billions into conventional and nuclear weapons.
The oft morbidly obese leaders of the right-wing religious and political parties are also in step with the military establishment as they continue to mobilise the starving masses to support developing Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.
In 2006, the United Nations estimated that no fewer than 35 million Pakistanis were malnourished. However, those who put the nation on the path to pursue nuclear weapons never suffered poverty, disease or hunger. For instance, Dr. Qadeer Khan’s daughters did not have to starve even when their father was pursuing prohibitively expensive Uranium enrichment for the weapons program. And whereas Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto promised to eat grass if he had to for pursuing nuclear weapons, he or his kin never did. Between their villas in Europe and hotels in Mali, those who pushed Pakistan into pursuing nuclear weapons did quite well for their personal fortunes.
The same could not be said for millions of starving Pakistanis whose welfare, experts believe, is worse than those in the war-torn Africa. Last week, Pakistan Humanitarian Forum, a consortium of 41 large international NGOs, revealed that 2.5 million people in the flood-stricken areas were still without food, water, shelter, sanitation, and healthcare. David Wright, country director of the NGO Save the Children, was explicit in his warnings about the dire conditions threatening the very survival of the flood-affected families in Sindh. “The floods have exposed and deepened a food crisis in Sindh that has resulted in malnutrition rates far worse than those in sub-Saharan Africa,” he warned.
Why these threads are not closed as they are banned topic....?Is it Pakistan Defence Forum or Indian Hunger Index Forum..........:smokin:
There seems to be no logic in this position. Why does India spend so much on weapons. I mean I know that they are scared of us but this is no reason to buy expensive weapons and kill your own people by starving them

our priorities are always right, India runs one of the biggest school meal program and we also protect our borders from terrorists so that we do not get into mess like our neighbor.We spend on weapons because prevention is always better than cure, the cancer that lies beyond our west border must be prevented at any cost...
But that is off topic on this thread. If you want to talk about Pakistan go to a thread about Pakistan. In any event what goes on elsewhere is no mitigation for India starving it's people
How is it offtopic? If pakistan keeps on spending more money , we have no choice but to increase our spending to bolster our defence...afterall we have fought 4 wars
I thought corruption drives India to purchase more and more weapons :

Corruption drives India’s spending on foreign arms

Like it is written in the article we must enhance our defenses to maintain our growth and courruption is everywhere in India we can not get rid of it completely ever but we have better chances of reducing it...our methods might be slow but they do work and they become envy of countries like yours :)
I thought corruption drives India to purchase more and more weapons :

Corruption drives India’s spending on foreign arms

I will be surprised if you think once right :D :D :D keep doing it.
Some advice, if you guies are so wise and efficient please help your country and leave India to its fate. and why you guies are interested in talking about beef ??? If you want that you should also open to talk about Pork ( Pork = Pig )meat too.
I don't have enough food, more like i don't have an appetite for it. And my weight is a bit low than average person of height 5'7". Or is it like i can afford a laptop of 80k but not enough food??

It depends on individual diet/appetite for majority of us. But yes, malnutrition does exists among the poorer segment of the society, but the data of malnutrition is highly inflated.
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