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Dutch to scrap blasphemy law - Almighty will have to defend his own name

Read the first two lines and then read the last line.

It allows you to insult religion but not police officers and queen beatrix.

And the article clarifies that this law is passed because some people want to criticize islam.

Man what the hell you are trying to prove to these atheists ... There is no GOD for them untill "The Judgenment day".
the religion is a choice,it's not like a color of the skin. you can choose the religion, and can follow the particular set of beliefs,but you cannot choose your race.
the point is. if you are criticizing a man for his car or style of dressing,or hair style or the kind of music he chooses to listen or the type of food he chooses to eat,then why not his set of belief's,when these set of belief's have done no good for others or hold no value in modern world.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
— Edward Gibbo
Islam is not a person

Well actually they want to insult Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

That's the reason for this law.

And insulting islam is insult to 1.8 billion muslims.

Man what the hell you are trying to prove to these atheists ... There is no GOD for them untill "The Judgenment day".

I guess you are right.
as the one of the greatest mind till now once said religion is the opium of masses
Karl marx may be wrong in all other things , but he was on spot with this scentence.
"Islam has no place in a democratic society and, therefore, Muslims are un-Dutch"
"Monarchy has no place in a democratic society and, therefore, the Queen is un-Dutch"
This is definitely a step forward, a praiseworthy step in fact. I wish we could have something like this in India. Not aimed at Islam or any other religion in isolation but applicable to and for all religions and their associated dogmas/sentiments. Its tiring to have people equate their beliefs with facts and hard knowledge reinforced by the appropriate contexts. The French, the Dutch and the Norwegians have made the best progress towards an enlightened society free of religion. It may not be possible in my country, probably won't be possible..but one can always appreciate the progress made by others towards a similar goal.
Now it gives freedom to criticise all religions. I don see the problems to one religion alone. Its a good measure.
God is too much powerfull to hear to the words of us. He created us for the purpose of diversity. Some are strict adhering, some are free, some are atheist . He created us and its our way to live.
And its more important to be good at heart and do good than religion.

This is definitely a step forward, a praiseworthy step in fact. I wish we could have something like this in India. Not aimed at Islam or any other religion in isolation but applicable to and for all religions and their associated dogmas/sentiments. Its tiring to have people equate their beliefs with facts and hard knowledge reinforced by the appropriate contexts. The French, the Dutch and the Norwegians have made the best progress towards an enlightened society free of religion. It may not be possible in my country, probably won't be possible..but one can always appreciate the progress made by others towards a similar goal.

In India politics wont allow for such sweeping changes. A sad reality.
there should be freedom of speech here also, i have many things to curse on other religions
Now it gives freedom to criticise all religions. I don see the problems to one religion alone. Its a good measure.
God is too much powerfull to hear to the words of us. He created us for the purpose of diversity. Some are strict adhering, some are free, some are atheist . He created us and its our way to live.
And its more important to be good at heart and do good than religion.

In India politics wont allow for such sweeping changes. A sad reality.

Oh I agree that the law in question is not discriminatory towards any one religion. I was simply emphasizing the fact that we need such a law, one which is also not discriminatory towards just one religion, in our country. You are correct, the present state of Indian politics..its dynamics and its drivers do not serve as a promising atmosphere for such a law. More over we have much more to accomplish in the field of social education and conventional education before we can seriously ponder upon the process of bringing such a law into effect in our country. It is a sad reality that in our country, a person cannot criticize the Church or the Prophet or even Ram without fearing for his life or in the least without becoming a target of severe vitriol. And we are the same nation which once saw the birth of the Samkhya philosophical school of thought that did not accept the existence of God and the Mimamsa school which also rejected the notion of God, MORE ASTONISHINGLY these two schools were an accepted and established part of the original six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy.
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