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Dutch to scrap blasphemy law - Almighty will have to defend his own name

there should be freedom of speech here also, i have many things to curse on other religions

you can make appropriate use of the blasphemy law in Pakistan. normally we get to read a lot of news of how people misuse it to settle personal scores or neighbors envy to certain extent.

forgive me, if i am wrong on this.
Those europeans are becoming disengaged from ideas such as defending God... God is powerful enough to do that himself. All these laws are such a complete waste.
God or the big guy upstairs must be banging his head somewhere, looking at the discussion, does god want us to jihad or crusade or whatever in his name for supposedly insulting him as has been insinuated by some members here, man that would make those folks exactly like all those folks living in the mountains of Wazaristan...let the logic prevail, it's not insulting but shows the maturity level of the Holland's parliament and as an extension the general population. We should celebrate such news that logic is prevailing and freedom of speech is being uphold..Extremely good news in my opinion
This act is full of contradiction because in contemporary Holland, an individual would face a sentence if he/she insulted the royal family. Clearly this law will be exploited by the right wing nationalists party, who advocate a harsh stance on Muslim, thus creating havoc and mischief within the spheres of society. This same party has also articulated the idea of retaining Flanders, which for obvious reasons cannot happen.
"Islam has no place in a democratic society and, therefore, Muslims are un-Dutch"
"Monarchy has no place in a democratic society and, therefore, the Queen is un-Dutch"

Monarchy can co exist in a democratic setup without creating discord. The same can not be said of Islam. Contrary to what you might say, even independent self reliant islamic countries are home to unnecessary religious strife. If not with hindus, christians then amongst themselves. Shia sunni and what not.
Dont compare these two.
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